Dendera speculations

D: ground (Meta)
N: serpent (Semitic, Proto-Sinaitic). Current, signal, sinusoid (Meta)
|_| ka, carrier
TTTTT: transmission, transformer, step-up

Does Dendera mean lightbulb, and Heaven on Earth?
(Home of possible lightbulb
Multi-tiered pillar implies voltage transformer
People sitting on block imply ground
Serpent is bulb filament (Serpent is F)
Outside of bulb is grounded
Person with knife receiving wireless energy, knife, mooring post hieroglyph

(DYN power DA give RA light)
Erect on tail point serpent light / boson
Horizontal serpent electricity
Wriggle serpent magnetism *
D hand give N undulations waves D hand give Ra light
D hand give en energy
Dendera is home to a zodiac and intriguing image that might show wireless energy transmission and a lightbulb
D dawn, a light giver APOLLO PP PL pN PT pD
Serpent horizontal is electrical current.
Serpent erect is light
D T emitter transmitted. Y receiver
ADAM Male letter A. M mate Female pelvis V, receiver e, Eve female e YVe
I, J electrical current Z is zap e electron i ion
H X J magnetic and electrical phenomena
D land EN heaven Tera earth
Dyn (Lord, dynasty, power) Terra (earth). Lord of the World? Lord of Earth?
Dendera =? Ta nTera = Ta land; NTerw gods;
DENDERA = D ANT ERA = Lord of anterior ancient era. D END. ERA
Dendera =? T AN TERA T land. An heaven Tera earth. Land of Heaven and Earth combined.
DENDERA. D hand N serpent (Hebrew nahash? Proto-Sinaitic NHS)
D hand give Ra light. Name possibly describes the lightbulb apparatus. 2022-1-31
DR D give R light rays
Knife shaped mooring post hieroglyph possible terminals, antennae
Possible depiction of high low voltage levels
electrical isolation or contact
Male transmitted, female receiver