Esoterically, the alphabet may represent abstract virtues or qualities to be achieved by the interactions of the universe, which is modeled as an immense, multi-tier pillar of quantum entanglement * 𓊽

Quantum computer and Sumerian Lamassu deities which may represent Time.
Bull-spring Taurus, Lion-summer Leo (prime and perfection) , Eagle-Autumn Scorpio, Man-Winter Aquarius
Developmental phases: Generation / expression. Experimentation. Integration. Transcendence.

Adapted from Quantum Computers, Explained With Quantum Physics. Quanta Magazine. [9:57]. Acc 2022-1-6
Sumerian Tree of Life. Fine Art America
Nisroch and Sacred Tree
Tree of life bahir Hebrew Tree of Life 2009 large

Tree of Life by Alan James Garner, CC GY-SA 3.0
Tree of Life. Alan James Garner

Tree of Life. FraterPonderator