I'm dazzled by this rock painting of a woman, dancing with boomerangs, feathers, tassels, and fans from the Kimberley of Australia where art can be as as much as 17,300 years old!
I saw the face of a woman and digitally clarified the hair. The red tint coils around her like a protective fire dragon. She has amazing little tiny feet, which the Instagram doesn't show. This is such dynamically posed, amazing art from long ago. The Bradshaw Foundation is an amazing collection of beautiful rock art from around the world.
The illusion of THREE FEET,
Three Above
Three Below
dancer's arms and spire of a crown make 3
like the Hebrew shin ש.
שׁ wich is central to making the words fire ASH אֵשׁ and woman אִשָׁה ASHaH. Compare with Mayan goddess Ixchel, god of the moon. She represented Time by appearing in three
woman EL god meta/Hebrew] image @ This painting shows an integrated unity in four different manifestations: Woman, dragon/serpent, lion, and shadow.
MAYAN goddess Ixchel
Ix = Ishshah (Hebrew) = tche (Egyptian) = woman = Hieroglyphic feminine suffix tch = th? Hebrew feminine suffix
I one who is X crossed, mate, child
El = god
appears as maiden, mother, and crone
representing time
Hindu goddess Kali Master over Time and Death. Grants MOKSHA, spiritual release.
Seated enlightened beings, having obtained Moksha, release; compared with the Kimberley figures ( Australia).
CYCLE OF LIFE, DEATH, and REBIRTH. Reflecting more on the image. Perhaps this reflects the cycle of life. We are animated by the breath of both the light of the Divine (Lion) and the fire of the Infernal (Dragon), dance our life here on this earth (Dancing woman), and then the last of our smoke, or maybe just unresolved issues, is consumed and recycled (the Jackal, out of frame. Compare to Egyptian Set, Anubis).
Or maybe all three beings, the golden lion, the red dragon, and dark shadow are breathing together to animate the woman. Or maybe she is the nucleus and they are her abstract influences, or parts of her personality.
GOOD and EVIL BATTLE in ancient rock painting from Kimberley, Australia (Bradshaw Foundation)? I've highlighted the battle-scarred lion weeping, missing an eye (perhaps for wisdom, like Odin) and shedding light onto the dancer, while a dragon wraps coils around her. She inhales tendrils of fire. The shadow jackal lurks off to the right. If this is a metaphor for our cosmic situation, we need to step up our game and work hard for good! She has power; she sparks a circle of light with her whirling boomerangs! Perhaps this symbolizes the spiritual and psychic influences we all contend with. (But again, the MYSTERY -- what is all this doing in an ancient rock art painting?)
IMAGE HAS SENSE OF MOTION. This ancient picture has given me so much to think about! I see a cinematic three-part scene in composite perspective! 1) Full frame, you see the dancer's feet so tiny, it looks like she is zooming up from the infernal realms with her feet far below. 2) If you zoom in, she has whirled around 180 degrees. The flaps and feather trains of her costume are flung through the air. Her knee appears to bends out of the painting toward the viewer. She is performing a high steppin' stomp dance, so furious it looks like she has three legs! 3) Finally, having kindled her whirling inferno of light, fire, and dust, she disappears in a stream of smoke, into the mouth of a shadow jackal lurking in the crack in the wall. Great dramatic exit! As I think about it, her relation to the dragon I see with its whiskers extending towards her seems to be supporting and bearing her up.
CONTRASTING EMOTION. At a distance, two slanted marks give the impression of frowning, heavy eyebrows, giving a fierce and ferocious or haughty look to the dancer. Up close, however, her expression might be described as impassive, blank, entranced, impassive, sad, disheartened, heartless, vulnerable, or peaceful.
PHYSIOGNOMY with elongate jaw may indicate proto-human lineage affiliation. Consistent with antiquity interpretation.
GOOD HUMORED CULTURE. If you look at the rest of the art in the Bradshaw Foundation Kimberley archive, it has wit, flair, and good humor. Tassels swing as these figures strike their poses. On the front page of the Bradshaw website there is a group doing a jaunty group dance move with a pelvic thrust and bent elbow lean back. Turbans sit on the head at a rakish angle. There is everything about positive attitude, fun, and joy about this culture.
Dancers run together, heads and arms flung back joining with joyous abandon (Bradshaw Foundation / Australia)
BATHED IN LIGHT, BREATHING FIRE, JUGGLING BOOMERANGS. A remarkable portrait of a spirit dancer is found among the rock paintings of the Kimberley in Australia, where the works can be as much as 17,000 years old. In this image (edited), one can discern her hair, the cast of her eyes, eyebrows, lips, and the shadow of her chin. As she dances furiously, creating the illusion of momentarily having three legs, her whirling boomerangs and fans create a ring of light. A red serpent of fire coils around her, supporting her as she floats on tiny feet (out of frame). She breathes in fire from the dragon, and smoke crown her tall crown is inhaled by a shadow creature with aspects of a bird, frog, dog, alligator, and jackal. This image conveys passion and fires of creation to my interpretation. She dances cheek to cheek with a lion. She is cradling the lion's chin with her right arm, while the lion, with a luminous mane and tears, is breathing a beam of light on her.
These have the same stylistic confidence as the Coso Petroglyphs. The sistrum or rattle is similar. The wing or boomerang shape is present in both. Both have similar painting style. Both include rock cracks as elements of the composition. Both are 10,000 years old.
The artists are skillful at capturing glowing beams of light. Indicates benign spirituality
Bradshaw Foundation: Coso Petroglyphs
VERTICAL SERPENTS can symbolize kundalini spiritual energy which traverses the chakras along the spine, like the temples along the Nile. Interesting that Coso culminates the spring in a giant eye. Jesus said, If thine eye is single, thy body is full of light. Serpent emits from top of head (dragons / serpents on top of heads seen in Mayan and Celtic) indicating the person has trans physical projection, astral travel capabilities. Dendera: Horizontal serpent electricity. Vertical Light. Head down, anti-grav. (Serpent around god on boat) Mass veiling enables transport of heavy stone. Or perhaps water lock system. Sledge, sleigh J system from Hyperborea NORTH cousins.
CROSS-HATCH: Ogham writing? Crack portal to otherworld? Tally of days in journey? Age of woman ~ 20? Language? Veil?
BOOMERANG connects to the Gimmel, the third letter of the Hebrew and Meta Alphabet. G = C = 3. A is Above. B is Below. C is a cycle of time. Gimmel, the throwstick flies in a great gyre, and returns to the start point. In physics, this is a closed time-like loop. The Alpha equals the Omega. The Beginning is The End.
BALANGGARA - Meta resonant BAL Lord B heart AL god AN Heaven NGR black Guard Garage Gut Guerre ANG angel ANG heart RA lighta G Egypt underneath undergound GAIA GrAVE
MOMENT OF DEATH - Noble, battle-scarred, one-eyed lion bites the dust. (Dust food of the underworld according to legend, expressions slang from old legend) Last breath, last tear, final light shed. Sumerian Inana goes to underworld, the land of no return) Succumbs to injury and disease. Bequeaths light and breath to the dancer. Passes the torch before being broken like bread. Secet of alchemy - You keeep what you give away. self split into rays like a prism. Can reunite in some other improbable frame, or evolve into another. Not all is dissolved. The self cold-blooded animal, can exist in death. cold grave. Serpent wisdom memory still there. Hidden Dragon. Head barely visible, in the shadow, invisible, but the body supports the dancer. The points of her stocking drape over the coils of the serpent and alllow her to levitate. Ride the DRAGON. Seemly by magic but she is riding on the snake. Light vertical serpent standing on point singularity. Electrical flow is snake on belly. Dendera lightbulb is slightly inclined snake, meaning mostly electricity, but the vertical component of the snake is light. ALCHEMIST (achieves victory of death, sustainable EXISTENCE. Lord of Being BE. BEN BON GOOD TOB TOV) AUTHOR BOOK (SRIBE) ARCHITECT A sr ceremony pt reptile Egypt PTAH R PTAH L = reptile Ingenious vision shows past present and future in one frame. Fabric of destiny. Meaningful Potent Beautiful Art Poetry Music SAM = SMITH SM unified synthesis mated most I one TH god
THE FRUIT OF THE TREE is meant to fall to the ground. Peri Oseh Peri
DEATH OF GLORY - Diseased, battle-scarred, noble lion in the throes of death, sheds his light and breathes his last. Worth of the sacrifice.
HEARTBREAK HORROR - Father lion, shedding tears as his life shredded by own daughter who has been mezmerized. The anguish of parent / creator who sees their child going down the wrong path. This vision is a hard message, of things that might need to be recognized and corrected.
AT THE LAST moment, find the white-hot fervent heat within the soul and enter. You will be born again. The boomerang symbolizes that all is a cycle, like breathing, day and night, and the seasons.
HIS FAN IS IN HIS HAND, and he will thoroughly PURGE his (THRESHING) floor (Bible) Infernal is digestion and vigorous immune system
OR MAYBE THIS VISION IS THE ETERNAL BALANCED STATE - Lion is the benign over-arching deity. The vision captures the hard work and effort of ongoing Creation. That looks down with love and compassion and sheds tears and light. Has given eye for wisdom. Or eye is gone, distributed everywhere to each heart. Lion is Soul. Serpent is the spirit, the linear link between states, sequence of selected states, set of principles applied in different domains. Spine, axis of life. S rise and set of sun. Inhale exhale cycles. Occupies nose of Lion, is integral part of the life. Dancing maiden is the BODY, incarnation. The heart is the dancing maiden. The hand. The creation. The action. The experience. Death collects the remainders of problems that will be addressed in the future. Light Shadow Matter Energy together.
ONE LIFE. Different aspects.
WARP DRIVE. CREATE STATE SHEAR. S || shear create warp. counter-rotate dense weights U forms bubble cause too much trouble! Pearl forms around the irritation. Shields the anomaly. Gives pocket dimension to house the information explosion. Exxon Gravity Hawking.