![]() Robert Edward Grant. Egypt 2023 AXΩ Expedition. Day 2, Sunday, February 26, 2023
Dedication to HeavenThe flared rim and round belly of an ancient Egyptian water pot curve out from the chest of the Sphinx. This vessel, called a "nu pot," was used by pharaohs to offer water and other sacred libations such as milk, beer and wine to the gods. It is part of a message. The pot has the phonetic value "nu" in the Egyptian hieroglyphic writing system. Below the water jar, is a semicircular hieroglyph called a "t loaf" which represents a loaf of bread. Together these form "Nut," the name of the goddess of heaven. After standing stood silently for millenia. This discovery sheds new light on its message. It speaks of heaven.
(Metalinguistics: The water pot is a "ewer" . This then writes "wer," the Egyptian word for great. The semi-circular bread loaf spells t. Together, this is weret, the Egyptian word for a feminine "great one," or queen. 2023-6-11
The Name of HeavenThe idea of heaven is doubly reinforced. The Sphinx gives this message in two ways, vertically and horizontally like a cross-word puzzle. Vertically, the hieroglyphs read Nut, goddess of heaven. Horizontally, hieroglyphs are read towards the face of the focal being. The rectangular Dream Stele, forms the shape of the letter P. Behind it is the t-loaf. This forms the Egyptian word pt, heaven. A third confirmation is that the message occurs between the paws (ped, feet. Pedestrian, podiatrist, path []) of the Sphinx. Since D and T are variations of the same sound, we have PD = PT, the word for heaven in Egyptian. []. Heartbeat (heart of lion), smite with death (Sekhmet) 2023-5-16 Plural meaning puzzle. PaTh of heaven, TIME, astrological eras of Virgo (queen), Leo (Sphinx), Cancer (scarab), Gemini (hidden twin sphinx) .... Aquarius (water jug).
The Sphinx may represent Sekhmet, the protector and destroyer. Heck is the word for ruler. Heket could indicate a female ruler or mistress. Heket is also beer. The mistress of beer is Sekhmet, who nearly destroyed humanity until she was placated with beer stained to look like blood. Pharaohs have been depicted holding a nu pot in each hand, offering beer to a god. When she awoke from her drunken rampage, she had become the nurturing Hathor. Perhaps the pot then woud contain honey. Sphinx connected with Shiva? Wrapped with serpents about the shoulder, serpent protruding from the brow. Destroyer. Shiva incarnated as bull to destroy demi-gods sired by Vishnu when he was deluded by Maya after the Churning of the Ocean of Milk. Continuation? Mesopotamian legend of Gilgamesh said that Enkidu killed the bull of Heaven and had to pay with his life. Mournful Gilgamesh then goes on a quest for the meaning of life and immortality.
EGYPTIAN QUEEN NEFERTARI offering nu pots to Isis, Queen of Heaven PTH HTP Peace Offering, Sekmet, beloved of Ptah Neith weaving, fate, terrifying one, sky support, judge. Mehet Weret, great flood (renews potential of the Cosmos, Nile Flood, Big Bang), North of her wall, Ptah south of his wall Enki one human language, gal great, big. Portugal
Cetus, whale with paws. Whale evolved from terrestrial animal. Bear with long tail, like sloth. Archaic animals in the stars. Eridanus river constellation also the wild path taken by the sun when the son of Helios tried to take the reins. Scorched Earth and Heaven, Zeus struck him dead with a thunderbolt and hurled him to Earth. Giant of Wyoming to Utah. Eridanus, close stars and SuperVoid.
(Holy bread is shining, white cake, Bread of Life. Lion-head Sekhmet / Tefnut? is one of the immortal gods receiving this offering.) article on offerings
The Essentials of LifeDrink and food are the essentials for life. The Sphinx symbols represent a multitude of things, beginning with that which is vital for existence. The symbols represent an opportunity for communion, sharing food and water, or bread and wine with the gods.
Primary Meanings
Expanded Meanings: What's in the pot?
pheonix ashes
HOTEP peace symbol, head on bier, horizon with dawn sun HOPE
Key HieroglyphsHAty (Egyptian hieroglyph) heart. LION-HEARTED. Heart land. Sun is the heart of the sky. Vessel of the heart. Vessel of spirit ? 𓄣 F34, heart. Egyptian: ib, h3ty / hAty.
𓊵 R4 loaf on mat, htp, peace. HTP hotep peace symbol is formed by the Sphinx heart looking from the top down. HTML code: 𓊵 𓊵𓇳𓊵 The Eternal Day with Peace on the rising and setting horizons.
Give me one moment in time, when I'm all that I thought I could be. Whitney Houston. Eternity in an Hour. Black hole with unchanging event horizon, a protected domain, a universe.
𓆣 L1, scarab HTML code: 𓆣 𓆃 H5, wing HTML code: 𓆃 𓇳 N5, Ra or Re, the sun. (Every pharaoh's {PR house AΩ} prenomen included this). HTML code: U+131F4 𓏝 Y2 Old Kingdom hieroglyph mdj3t, papyrus scroll, book, writing, or abstract concept. Metaphors: heart of a lion, heart of stone E Y. E house SUmerian. E rafter roofline, Egyptian temple. Y Papyrus or lotus pillar. EAVES 𓊯 R1 high table with offerings 𓍛 U36 fuller's club. Servant, slave. Priest? Hammer? Thunder when combined with heaven hieroglyph? 𓎷 W8, Granite bowl, family tie? 𓈌 N27 sun over mountain, akht. Ideogram for horizon, as in Akhenaten's place, Akhetaten (Akhet Aten). According to Leonardo da Vinci account, in ancient times, reflective white limestone-covered Great Pyramid glowed before dawn, catching first rays of the sun. [Grant, RE] 𓏇 W19 milk jug 𓏉 W21 jrp, wine 𓏊 W22 beer jug. hnqt beer, jnw tribute 𓏋 W23 beer jug, qrht containers and contents 𓏌 W24 water pot, nu pot, nw, jn 𓏞 Y3 scribe's equipment, zh3, n'' Ta land, flattened circular horizon and rising / setting sun Budge v1 pg cx. Hieroglyph 41, lion gods of last evening and this morning. Budge v1 pg cxii. Hieroglyph 17, lion gods of last evening and this morning. Khemenu, Ogdoad. Lion mai, water nu. Combined one. Erect cobras represent goddesses Meta: Sphinx is male and female Shiva with serpent coiled around neck, cobra emerging from the Brow. Sekhmet & Shiva: destroying power. Hathor = Sacred cow of India. * ISHWARA - Lord, man with the BIG HAND, dominion. Division + Moon = week? Knife = edge = threshold = crossing = immanence @ transformation. Shiva V sacral bone, kundalini rising. Fish = priest = Brahmin = north crown. Hapi sema tawi samudra manthan pulling /\. Knife - liminal. Knife Judge Divider Lord sword. Swan divides elixir from water. Discern truth good. Sculptor, Shiva as Destroyer, transformer, former, rhythm maker. Liminial edge, DAWN OF ENLIGHTENMENT, moon births the sun, neither day nor night, zero-point energy. HOREMAHET (Meta: hr: face. em: mother. n: of. akhet: female spirit. Sphinx: image of the goddess. Great lion. Great Cow. FF if + if balanced potential=0. Narsimha: neither man nor beast, neither night nor day, neither in nor out: on the threshold. Threshold of dawn *) /\*.
AKHENATEN as SPHINX offering jar to the sun disk Aten 2023-5-2 Shows that the jar is an offering utensil Sphinxes should be in pairs flanking a grand entrance. Like Foo dogs with golden ball in Chinese palace. Great Pyramid was called: Tensegrity table Woman in profile, south view. Standard male interpretation, Khufu. Diagonal stairs. Sphinx may bear the message of Peace. Possible connection to Hetepheres (Hetep peace. Hr face. s her, Peaceful is her face?) Wife of Sneferu builder of Tower, Bent and Red Pyramids. Mother of Khufu. Suspect that if Khufu remodeled or made Sphinx / Sekhmet, he would model it after his greatest protector, his mother. 2023-4-4 Aerial view of Sphinx. Notch hieroglyph HOTEP, PEACE. Palindrome PTH HTP Ptah Hotep, high heaven, great heavenly peace. Or possibly owl, falcon or winged scarab [] [symmetrical reflection CCH2023 of the Map of Giza pyramid comples, MesserWoland]
[ INSERT IMAGES OF EGYPTIAN ASTROLOGICAL FIGURES from Dendera or Esna ] What's in the pot? Budge 596 refers to pots for storing grain. Grain to bread symbl Language of the gods must be contemplated. See Chinese symbol for Truth, bird nest egg 2023-4-16 Cup, chalice, vessel, grail in the bosom of the Sphinx Hotep, bread, platform: hub and wheel, sun and orbit Ptah potters wheel and lump of clay CCH 2023-4-23 Cosmic bow tie, Green Lantern / field generator / -8- Scarab becoming / manifestations of HTP Peace The you inside of you that is emerging, your purpose and potential - Trent / Matthew McConaughey, Art of Livin session 2023-4 Genie bottle Water bottle plus mound of earth ink pigments Water pail of the holy person Omega Ω S state sequence, stream of consciousness Eucharist - sacrament of the Last Supper in which bread and wie are consecrated and consumed. Eu Greek good. cr core cardiac heart IST Isis Egyptian. 2023-6-9 artIST, exIST, anarchIST, monIST, dentIST, one who IS, in the STate of code components separated then need to be recombined to yield message Emergence of Primordial Mound from the Primordial Waters of Nun Emergence of Sekmet from the Sun Emergence of Aphrodite from the seafoam of Uranus / Chronos / Time Emergence of Athena from Zeus Analog hybrid cockatrice with possible time dimensions. Rooster head dawn, bat-wing night, dragon tail, end of day, sunset. The Sphinx reveals different aspects as the light changes. This shift allows her to represent the whole chain of transformations and emergences which leads toward Tomorrow The changing face of heaven. The Spirit of Dawn. Eager puppy sitting up in eager anticipation, waiting for the door to open, will happily lick the face of the New Day Water transforms, adopts the shape of its container. Like spirit, life. Time, zeitgeist womb, waters of birth Earth and Sky alternate genders, like pole shift and reversal of sun and planets, form of immortality. Male Earth Geb. Male sky Uranus. Female sky Nut. Hermetic principle of gender and polarity. Being absorbed, and dissolving Self composed of layers like an onion or an Egyptian mummy. TRUE SELF, spiritual life, inner child, love life, intellectual life, social identities. The heart chalice of the Sphinx shifts its shape in varying light; a metaphor for the various perspectives of reality and the multiple aspects of the soul. In this light, the vessel assumes the form of an ancient Egyptian beer jug, which corresponds to the legend of Sekhmet. The sun god Ra was growing old. Mankind started to lose respect for him and neglect his worship. To punish mankind, Ra unleashed his daughter as a destroyer in the form of the lion goddess Sekhmet. She wrought such a devastating retribution, that there were almost no survivors. (This legend possibly refers to the effects of a solar storm or mass ejection which can sterilize a land and cause extinction and famine.) Sekhmet nearly annihilated mankind. The crisis was only averted by when Sekhmet was lured into drinking large quantities of beer colored as blood.(This is why it makes sense that the Sphinx was painted red in ancient times. Worshippers might have continued to bring beer to the temple to ensure that Sekhmet remained tranquil). When she awoke from her intoxication, Sekhmet had exhausted her rage and transformed into sweet Hathor, the benign cow-headed goddess of love, pleasure, and merry-making. 2023-4-11
SPHINX = S + Pheonix, rebirth after flames. S solar rise set. Solar spanking, flame lashing. Crisis and resilience, scarab, eternal transformation. MAN LION in Hindu theology. Narasimha, 4th avatar of god Vishnu. Incarnates in the form of part-lion, part-man to restore dharma on the earth. V splits pillar and emerges to show omnipresence. V Pisces. Narasimha creatively assumed a hybrid form to overcome the boon of an evil-doer that he could not be slain by man or beast. Threshold, of house, at junction between day and night. Known as Great Protector. Note shape of crown matches Sphinx chalice. CCH 2023-4-22 NARA (Sanskrit) man. SIMHA / SINGH (Sanskrit) lion. Man-lion avatar of Vishnu. Causes terror by roaring. Arabs call Sphinx Abu el Hol, Father of Terror. Pan caused terror by roaring. With waters foam you tore off, Indra....subduing all contending hosts Hermes, god of thresholds? Narasimha. Neither palm nor fist, neither day nor night (eclipse?) Hybrids, boundaries, horizons, loopholes, foam neither wet nor dry. Narasimha described with three eyes like Shiva, performs the destruction with fire coming from the third eye at the time of Pralaya. Labeled Kala. Sphinx hole at top of head. EVOLUTION OF ROLES: Destroyer, Love Goddess, Guardian of Wisdom. Triple aspect like Mayan: maid, mother, crone. Athena, war and wisdom + Aphrodite, love. Love ankh, wisdom was, power djed. LEO, GOLDEN AGE - ending with sun storm. CANCER - reboot in caves, transformation. GEMINI - Hero Twins. TAURUS - reboot civilisation. Crete jump bull. India sacred cow. Egypt Hathor. China - ox 2nd in zodiac, rightly first. WHAT'S IN THE POT? Each person can have their own perspective. THE SPHINX IS TIME, personification, metaphor, face of time, experience of myriad possibilities of the ONE, lion face of starry heaven and the passage of Ages. Looking forward expectantly to the Dawn of the New Day of Peace. MUMMY wrapped in sheets like the crysalis of a butterfly, in preparation for a glorious rebirth and transformation. In shell like an egg for birth. P peace HTP, shadow is P head stocks, bondage. Must work through the shadows to climb the mountain to dawn. Metabolize, transform, alchemize. Excavate the overburdern of the treasure. Deal with the demons and incorporate the shadows into the great work of Art. Language is a self-decoding code; a fractured scramble of a meta-linguistic whole. To solve the puzzle, must combine insights from all languages. Synthesize coalesce, focus the glittering hologram all around. Egyptian, Sumerian, Semitic / Hebrew, Proto-Sinaitic, Phoenician, Greek, Latin, Sanskrit, Chinese, Persian, Turkish, Coptic, Oceanic, Native American, African, Australian, Arabic, Spanish, French, Sign language, English! SPHINX - S Son, self, spirit PAN universal X cross. Sphinx combines all. SP PN X all wisdom spr. Sr ser being. Pn all. X. Sr PN T Being of all Time. Eternal One. SPHINX Spirit, Spring, Source of ALL TIME S PN X Back and haunches of the Sphinx form keyhole. Also form oven rake, womb hieroglyph. Back of head is male. Haunches also male seed fertility. Male and female combination encoded. Sumerian gods depicted cupping and holding vase. The many manifestations and incarnations of water. The womb and water of birth. JERICHO EA Re king co plae. YA re YHWH re king light. Awakener sleep eye, open eye A. UR ANw OR gold, above and around DIADEM DIAMOND thru the earth. D hand Yields more D hands many sparkles with light CAIRO CHRONOS Cheir O hand CHOIR O Coeur O The Green Lantern, Thoth What is in the heart vessel of the Sphinx? The symbolism can represent various phases and aspects: essence (water), maternal (milk), protector (beer), lover (honey), guide (light, word)
Possible west-facing sphinx hidden in Khafre pyramid if Giza plateau is a symmetrical representation of the god Ptah COBRA / SERPENT: symbol of eternal spirit and consciousness because it never closes its eyes and sheds its skin, representing rebirth and renewal. spherical coordinates. Face: Viewed from side North, black. Top East, red. Front East Golden. Race, gender continuum.
"The Eye of Ra or Eye of Re is a being in ancient Egyptian mythology that functions as a feminine counterpart to the sun god Ra and a violent force that subdues his enemies. The eye is an extension of Ra's power, equated with the disk of the sun, but it often behaves as an independent goddess. This goddess can be equated with several particular deities, including Hathor, Sekhmet, Bastet, Raet-Tawy, and Mut. The eye goddess acts as mother, sibling, consort, and daughter of the sun god. She is his partner in the creative cycle in which he begets the renewed form of himself that is born at dawn. The eye's violent aspect defends Ra against the agents of disorder that threaten his rule. This dangerous aspect of the eye goddess is often represented by a lioness or by the uraeus, or cobra, a symbol of protection and royal authority." []
COBRA HOOD bears the Teth or Omega symbol. Hathor. Bondage. Loyalty, togetherness, shared adventures, as in dog and master SPHINX: Spirit of All Time. Male, female. The rotating pole stars and astrological ages: Virgo (queen / woman); Leo (Lion. golden age); Cancern (scarab, heart of Sphinx, changing manifestation, transformations). Possible: Geminii (twin sphinx). Scorpio (cobra, uraeus). Capricorn (royal beard, like goat beard. Horn-peaked nemes headdress (Capricorn). Aquarius ( water pot). Chimera: ever-evolving and changing. Synthesis. Riddle. Nature: benign and ravaging disaster, catatastrophe, extinction and return to Pheonix, blue sky, rainbow. Life renews. Imagine Dragons: half diseased, and yet a masterpiece SPHINX symbol of the whole spiritual journey, and the rising sun of the New Golden Dawn of self-realization / enlightenment / salvation / eternity. Rises against the backdrop, the horizon of the pyramids of Khufu and Khafre. Horizontal Sphinx layers and three lines with Eye of Shiva
The Dawn of PeaceView from above 𓊵𓇳𓊵 The Eternal Day with Peace on the rising and setting horizons. Give me one moment in time, when I'm all that I thought I could be. Whitney Houston. Eternity in an Hour. Black hole with unchanging event horizon, a protected domain, a universe.
The Sphinx: the Spirit of TimeQUOTE: All fear Time, but Time fears the Sphinx. SPHINX sits in the posture of a dog in alert anticipation, ears pricked, eager to go outside. POSTURE = eager anticipation of the future. Even though she has seen it all, she still wants to go outside and pay ball. Egyptians loved nature and were very fond of their curly-tailed Besingi hunting dogs. They also revered cats and lions. Students of nature. Falconry? SPHINX: Wise and knowing, sitting upright and expectant with a hint of a smile, looking forward to the future.
REFERENCES - Britannica Sphinx
Dream stele at the Great Sphinx of Giza (Giza3D, Harvard U). Contrasting offerings are made to the sphinxes. Beer of happiness and cheer is offered by the pharaoh on the left wearing nemes headdress. The pharaoh on the right wearing the more cerebral tall blue crown, the color of eternity, offers incense and oil. The wings embrace both aspects. Detailed hieroglyphs translation, read in English (video) Sphinx as Hor em akhet, god of the horizon
celeste @ DRAFT LAST UPDATED 2024-8-7, 2023-11-18 |