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#17: Thoth, Egyptian god of scribes
This alphabet is signed by Thoth σ g in the shrine portion of the [] temple house 2021-4-16 Name of Thoth also DJ HAW VAH JeHova Djeuti Dj Hw Ww Het ti L shape around top left side of alpha grid
Bereshiyt. Prophecies in first word
THE DISCOVERY OF PROTO-SINAITICAdd map of Sinai with Serabit, 3D coffin with Hathor image, Balat sphinx
The hieroglyph for Hathor usually reads House of Horus. This variant reads House of Turquoise! This variation expresses Hathor's title of Mistress of Turquoise.
Mfkat, turquoise is composed of an owl, signifying M. The horned viper is the symbol for F. It appears as a wavy line on Sphinx EA41748. The upraised arms are the ka spirit-soul symbol, which indicates a K sound. The semi-circle bread symbol is the hieroglyph for a D or T sound.
(If your name is Mary, or Murray, you are beloved in ancient Egyptian! Meryl, is beloved of El, an ancient name for god. An is heaven in Sumerian. Marianne, is beloved of heaven. Marianna could be interpreted as beloved first-born, or beloved heaven-born.)
Hieroglyphs represents sounds, words, and ideas. In this case, the meta-linguistic symbolism of the plough and feathers reflect profound insights into the nature of love. The plough, represents the desire and passion to dig deep into the soul of the beloved. It also symbolizes commitment of a farmer who loves the land, to work through weeds, rocks, storms, and problems. The farmer fertilizes the soil. this is a metaphor for the love between a husband and wife as they build a family. While the plough symbolizes depth of love, feathers represent the heights of love-- the way that love gives wings to the soul, and makes the heart light with a feeling of beauty everywhere.
Another: Beloved Mother, Look down on me. The Ayin is an eye, the last character may be a peh, face down. The goddess was also often called the Eye of Horus, and the Face of Ba'al or Dagon. This character could also be the hieroglyph for aah, the moon, that looks like an arc with a circle, possibly the moon as the boat or vessel of the sun?
2020-6-12. Hathor pen Dagon. Hathor face / presence of Dagon. Eye of Horus is fractional. Fractal quantum projected presence Bose Einstein Condensate in many states at once, necessary for interdimensional time travel, exploring different lines of potentiality simultaneously. Vision of Judgement Day Eye with fractal tendrils. Pen is a vital appendage. You complete me. Vital fully or semi-autonomous identity vessel appendage, avatar, representative, 10 Commandment tablets written with the finger of God, like nose, (Egypt life, kiss), wings plume pinions of a bird, penis of man, pen of author, ship of captain.
Hathor, the goddess of love was sometimes depicted with the head of a cow.
This text is formatted in the boustrophodon style in a zig-zag alternately left to right, then right to left pattern, like a bull plowing a field. Hieroglyphs are normally read in a direction approaching the face of characters contained. This
inscription is read approaching the Sphinx from front to back. The first glyph is the
name of Hathor, which translates House or temple of Horus. The figure shows a square temple, with a small square which perhaps indicates the most sacred area, the Holy of Holies. Normally, the bird in the temple is a falcon representing the god Horus, but this appears to be an owl of the night, rather than a bird of the day. Perhaps this is a temple in the underworld. The world of the Turquoise miners.
Conceptions of goddess. Maid, Mother, and Crone. Hathor, Isis, Nepthys. Maat. Mut. Ixchel. Faces of Divinity.
The Symbolism of the Proto-Sinaitic Alphabet continued...
Proposed Interpretation of the WADI EL HOL 1
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UNITY: S unity with self. L and M land and sea; tongue and mouth.
Peace: Calm water in the midst of stormy waves
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And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine: and he was the priest of the most high God. 19And he blessed him, and said, Blessed be Abram of the most high God, possessor of heaven and earth: 20And blessed be the most high God, which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand. And he gave him tithes of all. |
Genesis 14:18 |
There are many instances of a god or goddess holding emblems of power in both hands. This symmetrical
motif was a guide in the inital level of parsing this inscription
The Inca god Viracocha holding two staffs
ADD ASHERAH with bent elbows holding two flowers
#9: Fist pump. Cheer! Roaring like a crowd that sounds like rushing, mighty waters! Roar is indicated by water signs at #5 and #10. Function like sounds, quotation marks.
#9: Functions as arm raised in worship towards deity #7. This posture is used often in hieroglyphs.
#9: Kneeling knees in worship. Arm raised in prayer. Fist pump of celebration. Bicep flex of strength. Arm raised in smiting posture, #10 becomes lightning bolt of the deity.
#9: If this is an arm, that is yud in Hebrew, stands for Y, YW YWD JUDA the divine name. Then expression #6 - #9 is aLeHLuYa Allelujah! Halleluia!
#9. If this is Y, can form El Heh, God of Eternity. El Khul, God of all. ElYon, God most high, god of the beyond. Akh spirit Maat of Truth and Justice. Akh maa akhemaa spirit of Great Egypt? Akh Mah Khm Spirit of the Dark Moon? Spirit of the Servant / Priest? Spirit of service? The Amen? unknown?
#5, #10. Mem function like quotes, or name markers? Amen means no name. Daimyo, great name in Japanese. NMR Russian imya. M for mouth is common. Nom French.
The mem character is an M in Semitic and an N in Egyptian. This provides some variations.
The Gimmel character, a boomerang, rotates to produce feet Pt (heaven), and arm Ydm (Yehudim), nations (GOYm)
LORD (Rb) of Peace (Slm) Eternal (Heh)
God (L) of (h) Gods (Elohim | LWM)
God (L) most high (Elyon | LYN)
God (L) of the Jews (Yehudim | YDM)
God (L) of nations (goyim)
God (L) of heaven (Egyptian, Pt)
God (L) hidden Γ (Egyptian hieroglyph A5 𓀄)
God (L) Almighty Γ, strong arm with lightning bolt mem, mirror flexed arm of #7. i
Lightning bolt hurling posture of god Ba'al.
YOM (day)
YAM (sea)
OHel Tabernacles. God of the Tent, LOL dwelling with man, delivered from Egypt? Feast of Tabernacles?
However, as the city of the god Amun-Ra, Thebes remained the religious capital of Egypt until the Greek period.[9] The main god of the city was Amun, who was worshipped together with his wife, the Goddess Mut, and their son Khonsu, the God of the moon. Wiki Luxor. God of Peace is AMUN from one? unknown one
WADI EL HOL 1: It looks like a rough doodle, but it's extremely profound.
2021 update
The ankh also means reflection.
2020 update:
Tut Ankh Amun Image of the Life of Amen The Nameless One
The resurrected life soul, transformed into the perfect image of heaven
The Ankh of Resurrection!
SACRED KEYHOLE SYMBOL. Ankh means life, this flared version means RESURRECTED LIFE. REBIRTH! Difference between virgin soul, and experienced and resurrected Mama! Flaming and glorious with power and light! Earned her wings. The Ω omega in Chinese lore, looks like a scarf, interpreted as wings. Has the power of the cross of loving self-sacrifice. Informed by Game of Senet square 15.Informed by Game of Senet square 15. 2020-12-14 This inscription is interpreted as a glorious praise of mother goddess and the divine feminine. Slight possibility of allusion to Holy Grail. R - christ, head. + cross. U cup. MMMM water, blood (DAM in Hebrew, Akkadian?) Transformation by the holy blood, or holy water, or spiritual progress and transformation into the perfected image of heaven. The divine plan. Man as chrysalis phase transforms into angel or spiritual being. Wadi El Hol Inscription 2: THE ANKH OF TANITH. MOTHER. EYE OF HORUS.Eye vocal chords and X interpreted as Looks that will take your breath away. Breathtakingly BEAUTIFUL HEAVENS OF GOD. OT, haute Omega Tau, complement of Alpha. Divine Feminine. Extolling goddess. NTR (god) AA (great) NEFR (beautiful, good, perfect) PTw (heavens) of AL (god). NUT (goddess of heavens) MWT (mother) RA (sun) Ayin (eye) Nfr.t (perfect) Ptw (heavens) AL (god) M (by, of) iSHTAR (Ishtar, goddes of Love), Ish (lady) Taura (cow-head, taurus, bovine) PNtw mate ofPenis Union/ooo/Heaven/Haven/tether/bowstring/ball and chain bonded/walk together/mate of AL (god) HYPOSTASIS that which settles at bottom of gluid, persons of Trinity, that which underlies reality PTw pit feet presence substance paths pits bowels? Mouth Lips Tongue theta earth Pattern imprint pied trail. ATHENA A away from, eye. THE theos god Na born, come out. She was born from the head of Zeus. from thought born. god born. theory. mind born. mathematics mother god many god. Mithra. Ptw Mesopotamia pt is river Ptomac heaven to earth come egypt mizraim Lamda - LOVE, LIGHT, LIFE, LAW, LEARNING, ELEMENTS, LAND, LANGUAGE, LEGS, elevation, LALA there there location, LINES, LADO sides OHel Tabernacles. God of the Tent, LOL dwelling with man, delivered from Egypt? Feast of Tabernacles?
Hathor shows Ra her genitals. Ra becomes angry when he is insulted by the baboon god Babi, and lies down on his back. This implies that the creator sun god was sinking back into the inert state that would mean the end of the world. Hathor, Lady of the Southern Sycamore, visits her father and shows him her genitals. He immediately laughs, gets up, and goes back to administering justice. Hathor has aroused the sun god and driven away his evil mood. (138) Breakthrough 2020-3-17. Proto-Sinaitic alphabet A represents Hathor Aleph Bet (House). She is the lady of the house. Next gimmel and Dag represent Dagon, the L-shaped, god with a fish tail. Pisces to Aquarius? Tannin evil sea monster of chaos female genital clevage - water - blood, life water - headwaters meet join HA - twisted weave - like horizon, braided low-land river meets black earth KhEM of the fertile delta. HEADWATERS MEET BRAID TOGETHER THE BLACK EARTH aleph male fertility, man exhibiting giant erection aleph, and ox that pulls the plough AMR murmur
Ask Aladdin about Egyptian gods
Strongs 1984 HALAL - to shine
Former 2017 Interpretation of Wadi El Hol #2 by celeste. horner@gmail.com Update: Mother / cat (MW) Taurus Cow (TR) Light (RA) Great (AA) Beautiful (Nfr.t) Heavens (Pt.w) God (El). This is extolling Hathor, the cow goddess whose belly holds the stars of heaven. (Hmmm multi-chambered stomach.....)
DIVINE MOTHER COW/TAUR (TR) TERRE EARTH Cat Cow Mother of Ra Mother of Light. Eyge of Horus, Head TP Face of Heavens, Face of God. m preposition
Egypt headwaters vulva stream and black lands. Water and earth.
SINAI 346: The sphinx of Serabit El Khadim![]() ![]() Proposed translation of SINAI 346 2020-4: Mother Goddess, Lady, Head of Heaven Isis, Iset. The setting, The primordial black sea before light was. the gravitational seat of the (i) night's twinkling points of light, the stars. Cow goddess Hathor with the star-spangled belly, who nursed the pharaohs. Her womb is the cosmos. Her mate is Possibility. Ps, Poseidon, Quantum Wave Functions. This is a monument to Both. Left: Word, Logos, Logic, Intelligence of God. ( mouth () glyph ) of God (L). God of Storms (Dj D cloud, thunder; j lightning projected, breath, language jj (see Mayan paintings ) wind. Judge. Judah, Djeuty) (Storms of creativity). God of the Sea (of Possibility). She is the manifested universe, matter, the primordial sea. She is the Muse, the Mirror, and the Medium. She is Memory and Mind. He is the Origin and the Emergent One, the stable land where new light is born. 2020-10-15
The Seven Hathors, goddesses of Fate Ashtoreth Ash woman Taur - bull THe - god. Ash - man Tor - bull eth - feminine
Link to NIN HUR SAG? Lady of the Mountain of Babylon?
Sinai 349: Queen of Heaven, Goddess Asherah
2021-1-4: AN.t goddess. sSH scribe secret PN pen? face vessel PT mine D Deity Dogon Kuph mem KHEM Egypt ML melekh king sweet ABIB beloved MLK King
The first alphabetic writing is called Proto-Sinaitic, is the likely source from which Hebrew, Phoenician, Greek and Latin evolved. The British archaeologist William Flinders Petrie discovered the first inscriptions in the Egyptian desert at Serabit el-Khadem in 1905. In 1995, Yale Egyptologist John Coleman Darnell and the Theban Desert Road Survey team discovered two more significant inscriptions in Wadi el-Hol. This post proposes interpretations for the inscriptions, which have yet to be definitively deciphered. Proclamations, prayers, love letters and curses are recorded for the ages in stone. celeste.horner@gmail.com