Proposed Interpretations of Wade El Hol Inscription 2


MWT (Deaths) to the RA (Evil) Ayin (Eye, Watcher) HRW (Voice, messenger) DW (star, duat) (and heads) TPW AL (God)

The Angel of God stands behind a triangular door (DALETH) to the underworld sector of a hexagonal cycle of time. The angel carries the cross staff of righteousness, the crook of a Shepherd, with a snake trapping notch at the bottom, a beam of light. Left hand makes a thumbs up or gun gesture towards a magically levitating, flaming, floating sword aimed at a 3rd type of cross, the X of sin, the mark of shame, destined for elimination. Above this X of sin, are the TH tethers, hand-cuffs, or shackles of a convict. The Mem above is perhaps signifying the joined hands that are being bound.

NAMES OF GODS - Mother Godess, Ra, Horus-Mercury, Ptah, God

MWT (Mother Godess) RA (Sun) Ayin Hrw Dw (Horus? Mercury, the Watcher & Voice Messenger Star, Good Shepherd) PTH (Ptah) AL (God)