PR - Egyptian house PRoperty PRosperous Grand house up on the summit PR house O high S summit PR peak house OU high, towering, W wide S sides S summit PERENNIAL PR house EN inner AN heaven IA EA Eye opening AL god PER ANw AL House of the Heavens of God PIRATE PR house Attack e take PIR worst AT great RA evil RAIDer RUDE rider RD EM PIRE WORDS OF EXTREME ANTIQUITY BET HT DM HOME hole in the Mother Earth High Height Hyper H ladder PT heaven or river PTwmac mouth of river GUA GUARD LANGUAGE GUA GOYIM nation country kingdom EGYPT GUPTA GUA nation with PT heaven inside -- kingdom of heaven, prefix, suffix, insert AMOR eye of God, priMORdial sea MAR 1st duality D MAR o| DAWN reflection of DAWN Let there be light LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WORD DYNASTY DON DENMARK ODIN JORDAN SARDINIA iWhat is Man that thou art minfdul of him? MIN MIND A name moniker MINE for gems Minimum, core, essence monad Monkey reflection mimic MN waters _________M ground n graint seeds nM NAME MANY MONO MENTAL ideas nnn knowledge ODIN O eye D da given donated i idea n knowledge O one DN lord MN DN SN center self seed essence string HT house Egypt CHATEAU HT house c circled by EAU water IAR raise Jerusalem Jericho Jerimiah Jerry Springer spring up arise in Spring resurrection arrow hieroglyph chasseur Ssr arrow hieroglyph shows snare arrow throw stick? hound hunter

INHIBIT I one n inside H house BT Hebrew house h hands down B down B behind Back T tied together imprisoned nter interred deceased Egyptian gods

RE RA RADIANCE light RAY SPRAY WYDENING YAWNING great-grandson peš [THICK] wr. peš; peš5; peš4; peš6 "innards; to breathe; grandson; descendant; to give birth (to); (to be) pregnant; pregnancy; to gather; (to be) thick; (to be) wide" Akk. alādu; kabattu; līp līpi; mār māri; mērû; napāšu; šabāšu pešturzi [DESCENDANTS] wr. peš-tur-zi "descendants" Akk. liblibbu šabalbal [DESCENDENT] wr. šag4-bal-bal; šabalbal "descendent" Akk. liblibbi

PESH MESH Sumerian origin UR WER URALS URI ON my light is ON world encircling serpent of light O river circle river greatly ul [GREATLY] wr. ul4 "greatly" Akk. magal . MOTHER MAATu DIE TA terra egypt great exalted 0x iowa aua 32:w i aah break ground 28:w aar ascend 29 aai 28 aaru celestial city reeds 21 aab marked for sacrifice 19 aabb love wish for 19 Budge aab decree message 19 akhakh stars *** flowers of heaven 7(=)7(=) stars. night darkness **** proves (=) kh arar high exalted p 7 am understand know p 6 apt duck goose 7pD p 5 abtu mythological fish p 5 check family Abt?? bt house au her broad face long face far sighted? p 3 aut ab pleasure joy, swelling of heart p 3 aaa grave tomb p 1 sleep slumber aat tail? back shows spine -|-|-|- *** aut R rays of light p 3 Moon AL god F fraction a whole or absent H half ol whole all vs Hf half fraction hybrid Aaanu Ape god Thoth p 2 = AnW??? Letters are houses for ideas Letters are sail-boats that carry the cargo of ideas across the currents of conversation aaa foreigner p 2 Ai stalled ox pg 2 ah het pit shaft of tomb p 8 aht field land acre ploughed or cultivated land p 8 aqers-t tomb p 11 aqa steps height high place p 11 Aq-t-er-pet Celestial ladder p 10 access terre to heaven path aqa filth vomit p 11 A jaws Q from mouth akit chamber abode p 11 Aker Earth god two headed lion p 11 asher lion lion layla? p 10 evening ash offering made by fire p 10 atf tree p 13 at rebel prisoner ath nurse nourish p 13 ath-t bed couch stool chair canopy asekh reap sickle p 10 aseh drum pg 10 ati-t vulva uterus p 13 Amer to love p 54 ********************************** amer animal for sacrifice p 54 Antiu hill-men of the Eastern Desert, Troglodytes, Eastern desert tribes in general, their chief god was Menu p 59 an rope cord p 58 an stone p 58 an eyebrows p 58 an hair, color of hair or face, complexion An-tt Keke Valley of the Shadow, dark valley p 58 an pillar column p 58 an mast for a sail? p 58 An tomb graves cemetary p 58 An-haa formof moon god p 59 feather leaf knife f fern feather shape ahab joy dancing p 74 Ah Moon god p 75 ahuti ploughman 75 ah spread net, snare, surround with wall, enclose p 75 ah fishing net p 75 ah ox *** oxen letter A? f8 p74 ********************************************** ah white metal, silver p 75 ah tesher red bull p 75 ahi child, sun on New Year's Day p 76 ahtit neck throat windpipe lung. Hall throat to tete head? akhakh flowers in sky, stars p 77 ******************************************** akhakh darkness night p 77 ************************************************** akh interrogative particle Why What How? feather idea and darkness (=) ast heh eternal home, tomb p 80 ast tomb chaep p 81 as-t granary silo p 81 as-t frontier stones, stelae, memorial tablets p 81 as reed papyrus herb shrub myrtle. reed leaf p 82 as air wind breath p 82 per house palace p 237 *************************************** neb-t per mistress of the house 237 ************************************* Neb-t het goddess Nephthys, daughter Geb and Nut, sister of Isis Osiris Set. neb er tcher lord to the uttermost limit, lord of the universe. soul lives in the hand of neb er tcher p 362 neb tha lord of the phallus, title of Osiris p 365 nefer good pleasant beautiful excellent happy p 370 *************** nefer most beautiful, best, very good p 371 Nefer hat. God of learning, one of seven divine sages, suns of Mehurit p 371 nefer-t guitar ******************************************************************** p 373 ntt weave bind tie p 399 khem he whose name is unknown, i.e.God p 546 kheft her before in front of face, before, countenance p 545 khepesh sword scimitar, weapon C 544 ********************************************* khefti enemy, opponent, female enemy 545 khen embrace, kiss, marry p 548 **************************************** khemt trident p 548 khen cry out for joy 548 *********************** khen speech, good report p 549 Khenn stab wound p 549 ****************** Khen most private part of a building p 549 ************************* Khen tempest, storm p 549 ****************** khen-t singing woman p 548 khenu the crier, baby, child p 548 khena be shut up, captive, seclude, buried in oblivion p 550 ***** Kheniu four pillars of heaven p 550 **** khenup private parts p 550 ************ Khenb to prostrate oneself p 550 khenfi burn up frizzle fry p 550 khenfi fish p 550 Khnem-ti hippopotamus goddess p 551 khess bolt fastening angle corner p 563 khetem-t sealed document, secret contract a p 568 (=) khet per domestic servant p 568 Khet steps or stairs to judgement seat of Osiris p 567 kherit dead, damned, creatures slain for sacrifice p 560 Kheru-qera Voice of Qera, thunder p 560 Kher to thunder p 560 Kheru voice word p 560 ******************* p 560 Kher by, with, from , towards, before, unermajesty p 560 Karel Higher El Hir El with and is ??? Khenti head, chief, leader p 554 Khensu Moon god traveler p 553 Khem be hot, dry, burn p 547 Khem shrine, holy of holies, sanctuary pg 546 Kheper Cancer, Spring Equinox, Spring, rising sun p 543 Kheper to be, exist, create, make, transform p 542 khebsti igger, ploughman 7 hoe? Kheben-t girdle belt p 540 Kheb hippopotamus p 539 Kharu native of Palestine or Syria p 532 Khar servant youth p 532 Khau fall into ecstasy, prophesy during frenzy Kheb lotus p 539 khekh neck throat ********************************************************************************************************* p 563 khekh neck throat p 563 **************************************** ALPHABET Multi iuvenes in America habitant INHABITANT HABIT Languge of the Gods like a well contemplate at length to pull out many realizations M e DYT AT DY TAT state D divide Y union Dead resurrect D ground Y sky PR porcupine house of spines pin ur chin ur kin spike pin pk PARANA IGUACU MANIPURA ABODE OF GEMS OM MANI PADME HUM PR EGYPT HOUSE A Great EA = PR AA = PHARAOH = PR OH = heavenly father / great father = E house A water = AQUARIUS PT HELICOPTER RAPTURE OPTIMUM EMPTY PIT CAPUT Head CA = Q head; P up pigtail profile head; T top terminal tree top thunderhead; DT cloud thunder rain. German KAPU K fallen watater over knee of waterfall. KAPUT crashed X PT heaven has fallen. in the pit. XPT dead and buried. K angels in the PITT destroyed. English colloquialism His fan is in hishand threshing floor a=H Y=U upsilon U=W U=V U=VWY OO You Double Yoo U=OO EGYPT - Union of Earth and Heaven. E heaven G Gaia earth Y sky Y union PT heaven GYPTA GUPTA GYPSY Gaia and Poseidon Earth Sky Sea Matter and Possibility Gulp Pulse heart action GUPTA heartbeat of earth PTOLMY PETUNIA petw petals Un open under Lotus goes under water at night Y flower LOTYS Y eye up A eye down S waters sub surface super SN serpentine undulation naga serpent sinuous polarization crystal forms dendrite plate column spire needle node naught none null evelope invisible because light bends around the zero g grab gather gulp g cyclone s sigma also clockwise d delta counter clockwise sd null set META SUPER LANGUAGE too much, distributed among many languages cryptic communication capability built-in NEO-PRIMORDIAL English Dictionary TIME TRAVEL fundamental phase modulate your envelope invisibility, levitation, time travel, healing? The Universe wants you to succeed port r () door P () lips ship o water t (|) sail Hieroglyph to French to English derivation like ||^ manteaux bateaux oiseaux o w ette for female Dieu DJEW DEAU lieu etoile