eHTML> Words of Ancient Egyptian Origin

Digital image by Celeste Claire Horner. Giza pyramids bathed in the pink sunset glow during 2022-2-2 YoSoy event organized by Matias de Stefano *

HIDDEN SYMB⨁LS IN THE ALPHABET   ::   Meta-linguistics   |   [TABLE of CONTENTS]   |
  [ Eternity, Great, Meow ]

Interpreting the Egyptian alphabet

DRAFT UPDATED 2023-12-20, 2023-12-15

[DRAFT 2023-12-20: BACK TO PAGE 1 Ancient Word Origins]

Pyramid, Night, Agriculture, Immortal, and Amor are words of Egyptian origin

Words of Ancient Egyptian Origin

𓉐   House

YRAMIDS, OBELISKS, AND TOMBS stand as mysterious monuments to ancient Egyptian civilization. Few people today know how to read the language of Egyptian hieroglyphs, but the influence of the distant past may linger in some unrecognized ways. A suprising discovery by Celeste Claire Horner (2023) indicates that there may be some words from the ancient Egyptian language, such as 𓉐 "per," Hieroglyph 01, which means house, that survive in modern western language.

Words which have inherited the Egyptian pr root word for house include:

  • opera (house of song)
  • parents (one is born into the house of parents)
  • partitition (little houses within a house)
  • apartment (a mountain-like building of collected houses)
  • perimeter (measure around a house)
  • property (house is a primary possession)
  • parallel (orientation of house walls)
  • perpendicular (orientation of house walls)
  • paragraph (house of writing)
  • parenthesis (house enclosing a thesis or idea)
  • percent (house of 100 )
  • prison (sealed house)
  • porch (hall circling outside a house)
  • pergola (garden house)
  • perpetual (house of the 𓇯 pt heavens)
  • pyramid (triangular, mountain, or delta-shaped Δ house)
  • paradise (house of deities)


Ancient Egyptians imagined the sky to be the star-spangled body of the goddess Nut, arching over the land. The name of Nut, became Greek nyx, Latin nox and Noct, French nuit, German nacht, and English night.

The root "pr" is equivalent to "br," which is the root of other house-related terms such as bar, barn, hibernate, burial, neighborhood, barrio, auberge, bureau, and chamber. (Leads to Hebrew "bar," son, and English born).

Egyptian 𓉔 (Hieroglyph O4) H house was the likely origin of the ancient pictographic paleo-Hebrew letter "Bet" house symbol. (Reference: Ancient Hebrew Research Center, Jeff Benner)

House in Phoenician. (Source: Tompack and Harris)

"BET": the Semitic root word for house

The Semitic word for house is "bet." This is the probable root for alphabet which is composed of aleph, meaning ox, and bet, meaning house. These were two icons of Bronze Age, settled agricultural society, when writing developed.

Words which include the Semitic or Hebrew root bt meaning house include:

  • Booth
  • boutique
  • inhabit
  • habitat
  • abbot
  • bottle (house for liquid)
  • box
  • boîte (French) box
    House of Heaven.
    Juxtaposition of two terms for house: bet and haven
    Bet house.
    Haven house, dwelling.
    Heaven. H house (Egyptian).
    Aven angels.
    House of angels.

    Paleo Hebrew

(Genesis 12:15. Egyptian princes praised Sarah's beauty and she was taken into the house ("bêt") of pharaoh)


Also see Sayce, Archibald Henry (1845-1933). Elementary Grammar. Assyrian Language
in the Cuneiform type. Cambridge University Press. p33. Bitu: < < <, Assyrian for house.

BOQER (Hebrew) morning. Can see the sun rising in the pictograms: beyt (house), quf (sun on horizon), resh (head, or Egyptian R rising sun).

House in Phoenician. (Source cites Tompack and Harris)

DRAFT 2023-12-13, 2023-11-21

  • 𓉐 is the Egyptian hieroglyph meaning "house" (Gardiner hieroglyph O1).
  • It is a rectangular enclosure with an open door.
  • This ancient Egyptian word for house is transliterated pr (pronounced "pair").

    Many words derive from the Egyptian pr house root:
    • compartment
    • PARALLEL - walls of a house
    • parameter
    • PARENTHESIS - house of an idea
    • pariah
    • parish
    • percent - house of 100
    • PERIMETER - enclosure of a house
    • perpendicular
    • PHARAOH - Hebrew borrowed from Egyptian: 𓉐 pr house. 𓉻 aa great.
    • PRISON - sealed house
    • private
    • property
    • protection
    • purge - eject from a house
    • PYRAMID - delta-shaped Δ house

Pyramids are the icons of Egypt, but the word "pyramid" is attributed to Greek, like the words Egypt (ancient natives called their country Khemet), pharaoh (Egyptian word for king was nsw).

Shakespeare | Occurrence of "pyramid" in Greek. Herodotus | Herodotus via U Chicago Egyptian kings. Herodotus Histories Book 2B verses 124-127. Great pyramid built by gangs of 100,000 men. Ten years spent building road and underground burial chambers, twenty years for the pyramid, which was completed top down. The Great Pyramid was entered via a canal from the Nile. Verse 121 clever builder installed secret entrance to treasury, a stone that could be moved by one man, while leaving security seals intact. | Parallel English Greek History of Herodotus, Book II, dedicated to Muse Euterpe, regarding Egypt. Via | Word for pyramid in Egyptian was mr, in Latin mortuary, morgue, mort associated with death. PR AA MT Great house of the dead? Egyptian m(w)t death. G17 owl, D-shaped bread loaf X1, A14 axe head man. Also xpt: Aa1:Q3-X1:D54. Pyramid: PR house. AM people. MT dead. {R house. AA great. MT death. Shaped like an A apex, M mountain, &Delta triangle. Metalanguage term, works various ways. Compare to Sanskrit, Hindi puram: Etymology. From Sanskrit (also Tamil, Hindi), pur (village, fort, or dwelling); -pur or -puram is a common suffix for cities in India. . PYRAMID: Great house of the dead. PR house (Egyptian). AA great(Egyptian). MT dead (Egyptian) | Pyramid Texts online. Pere Father. MD = MT, M Mother. Dieus gods. Pyramidios (Greek). Pyra Fire. in the middle. OS sphere. NARMER. Noor Light. Mirror. MR pyramid. Leonardo da Vinci Codex records pyramid function was to glow, reflecting the sun before dawn. Reference to Venus, morning star? Kha rising, shining hieroglyph.

Words of Greek origin or influence: hieroglyph, sacred carving. Pyramid. Egypt. Pharaoh.

The word Pharaoh is derived from this hieroglyph. Ironically, although pharaoh is the iconic word for the Egyptian supreme leader, it is not a native Egyptian word. Egyptians called their king 𓀯 nsw. Hebrews developed this term, by combining 𓉐 pr meaning house, and the hieroglyph 𓉻 Aa ('3), a supporting column, meaning great. Descendents of this passed into Greek (φαραω farao ) and Latin ( pharao).


Egyptian hieroglyphs: 𓉐𓉻

Hebrew: פַּרְעֹ֛ה

Paleo Hebrew: 𐤐ַּ𐤓ְ𐤏ֹ֛𐤄

Greek φαραω farao

Latin pharao

Here, a new language theory is suggested: the Egyptian 𓉐 pr house led to the Greek Π as in "peri,", Περι, meaning around, and close, like the walls of a house. The Greek term peri led to the word perimeter, English house-related words like apartment, compartment, parish, prison, pergola, and portal. Parallel and perpendicular describe the right-angles of house walls. All of these should share the ancient Egyptian "pair" pr house root.

Herodotus text regarding pyramids. [pyramid eroded by salt] | [] HERO HEROD HERODOTUS He The Dawn Horizon, D. Perpetual renewal, sustained existence, is the foundation of everything. The idea of Dawn is a prime Meta-language key. Kheper, the dung beetle represents recycling waste and evolving over an epic period of time, ever ascending towards perfected divinity, neter nfr. Ammon = Zeus according to Herodotus. Therefore Hera = Tanit? wife of Baal-Hammon. Goddess of Death? MR mort. Another MR, Hera is goddess of Marriage

The Egyptian word for house, pr, has a lot of PRogeny (family generations of household). A PERspective is a house of sight. A PARagraph is a house of writing. A PERson is a house of one's self. PARadise is a house, or domain of deities. PARenthesis is a house or container for enclosing thesis ideas. PARameters are boundaries or limits, which house, or exert mastery over an operation.

parenthesis. Meta: House enclosing an idea. pr (Egyptian) house. thesis idea. Standard etymology: thesis from Greek tithenai, to place (COED 1497). Meta: the θ thought, the grain. SyS spring up, yield from. Savoir wisdom. I idea. Spring, source. Antithesis, the opposite idea. Meta: ANTI is from AN (Heaven) Sumerian. Ti Terrain, earth, inward. Opposite directions.

A pyramid is a great house of the deceased Pharaoh (pr - house, aa - great, mt - dead). "Pr aa" (meaning both great house, and Pharaoh in Egyptian), that is coincidentally shaped like an apex pointed letter A, M like a mountain, and D in the form of a delta Δ triangle. The word pharaoh may signify pr A Ω, house of the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, or house of AOM.

Why should pr mean house? From the meta-linguistic perspective, both p and r refer to the lips. It is part of the inherent meaning of the letters because the lips are key to producing the sounds p and r. The letter P looks like the puffy protuberance of the upper lip. The lips are pursed to spew spit, or puckered to blow a kiss. The lips are retracted to growl rrrrr. Together, the lips are around...they are the rim, or perimeter of the mouth. There is a p in elipse because it is shaped like the lips. In Egyptian, the letter r is a mouth, as in orifice or door.

𓉐 Α Ω

[Robert Edward Grant report of an Alpha and Omega sign in the King's Chamber]

Robert Edward Grant: Musical architecture of the pyramids. Philosopher's stone triangle: 5-12-13. Perimeter = Area.

Gaia CodeX S1 Ep 1. Robert Edward Grant. Leonardo da Vinci. Vitruvian Man decoded. Arm angle matches pyramids. Squaring of circle solved. Moon Earth proportion nested in interlocking geometry.

Paleo Hebrew meta-perspective. 𐤐ַּ𐤓ְ𐤏ֹ֛𐤄 Pharaoh P (MOUTH | lip | shepherd's crook? foot? heel? ), R (HEAD | Egyptian neter / god sign / builder's hammer or miner's axe? rushes? papyrus? lotus flower? scribe brush?), O (EYE, light), H (WINDOW with light streaming in | guiding hand?). The Pharaoh is a light-giving guide, ideally)


Trip Advisor: Meröe pyramid *

Trip Advisor: Meröe pyramid *


from Greek: ΠΥΡΑΜΙΔ
PR (Egyptian) house
Π depicts the pylon portal, or gate.
A A-frame, angular monument
M mountains, 2 of 3 pyramids at Giza
I pillars
Δ Greek letter Delta depicts a pyramid, a Triangular monument.
Meta: Notice how the word depicts the object! M two mountain-shaped pyramids.
Δ Delta, a third pyramid. 

Meta: The pyramid could be a hieroglyphic message. HADES - gate to underworld. HADES half deity demigod. H gate. A shaped pyramid. Acute pyramid has shape of di, Egyptian for give or place. II A, god EA.

HADES: HA (Egyptian) the verb to go down. DES descend. Juxaposition.

mr has two forms, pyramid, and Egyptian hoe, which have the form of letter A and are transliterated mr. A + mr = amor, immortal. A without. mr death.
Mirror, wall mur (French), mural
Hammurabi- many parses. Ha the. muri beloved. abi, my father. The beloved of my father. The beloved Rabi of the black-headed people (Khem) (R rosh head, see Code of Hammurabi intro)
Khm (Egyptian) black. OR (Semitic) light. R rays, Re (Egyptian) sun. Like camera: Km black shadown. Ra light, radiance (Meta) Camouflage (khm dark shadow. w dark water. f leaves hide. A eye. G guard wall. e secret closed eye. (=) hieroglyph c, dark new moon, dark cave, throat, culvert, subterranean water flow, channel, ink), Cambodia, Cameroon. 𓐍. Hieroglyph AA1 placenta or seive. Hieroglyph I6. 𓆎, crocodile scales, used to write Kmt. (coal seam, Kohl? lengthening fingers of afternoon shadow?)

Hieroglyph D37, forearm with breadcone, rdj, dj
Meta: rdj (rdi radiate?), dj (di, disseminate, disperse, divulge, donate, deal, do)

Emir, Admiral

E (Sumerian) house. AD = A Δ pyramid shape. Mr hieroglyph is a pyramid. AL (Semitic) god
Mr mirror mirage admire
A eye looking down, management. D hand hieroglyph
Di give hieroglyph
5-12-13 philosopher's stone triangle. Area = perimeter.

Words that share the root PR 𓉐 ,
the Egyptian hieroglyph for house

PHARAOH. From Egyptian pr 'o: pr, house + 'o, great.
American Heritage Dictionary, p 1357

Words which may originate from the
Egyptian word for house (pr)

Hebrew PAROH (Pharaoh)

PR: Place the feet (pied / pedestrian) r return to. Pi Π place with walls, roof, and fire (R) circle. Perimeter path.
Gate of the sun Π ⊙ PERIMETER - a housing enclosure forms a perimeter PARALLEL - PR - house. LL parallel lines, legs, or walls. The letter E shows parallel lines. Letter Pi Π has parallel legs. The walls of a house are parallel PERPENDICULAR - walls of a house are perpendicular paradox - two houses paralegal paranormal parapsychology parable - around the mouth, speak around the issue, use metaphors, allegories PARADISE - a house of deities PURAM - (Sanskrit / Hindi) a village, fort, or dwelling * PR (Egyptian) house. AM (Samaritan) people SHIVA PURANA * PARSON - Holy house. PR house. SAN holy saint. PARISH - House of angels. PR house. ISH )i( angel. IX one of the cross. i light. SH shin W shining glowing. PERSON - House of the self. PR house. S self. SN (Egypan) their. O one. n one. O open eye. N knowledge. S consciousness. Sequence of experience. PARLIAMENT - PR house of L laws. Assemble meet together one PARAGRAPH - house of writing PURSE - house of $ E coins cash sea-like ebb flow, E stack of coin, cash PARENTHESIS - PR house. EN enclose. TH thoughts / thesis. SI side, or supplemental ideas, sister ideas, related. PERIGEE Greek perigeion, close around earth. PR house. PERICRARNIUM Greek peri around + kranion skull PERISTALLEIN Greek wrap around. Peristalsis peridontal perish pr house ash PERISTYLE row of columns surrounding a space. Greek peri around. stulos pillar. PERTH PARNASSUS PR house (Egyptian). N of (Egyptian). SUS ZEUS. CYRUS SIRIUS HELLENE Hall and Heaven Hail Lune Moon , PARTHENON PERIMETER Greek primetros, peri around + metron measure PARTNER PR house tener have tenant keep maintain. Housemates. Greek letter PI &PI from Egyptian PR house? PERIOD pr HOUSE of time. i instant OD sun day, arc of the sun. Dawn to Dark. APPROACH A towards. PR house. Reach. Rise. a acquire. c clasp close clutch. hand. APPROXIMATE A towards. PR. house. MA same matching. T spot point. PROXY APPROVED PERFECT PR house FAIT finished done, fait accomplis fact. Ofr perfet, Latin perfectus PRISON - a sealed in house. S is a locking bolt in Egyptian hieroglyphs --||-- PORCH - PR house. C curls around. H house, hallway, chamber PERGOLA - PR house. G garden. O round. L land. L sides lado (Spanish). A eye, beauty, a view. PROPERTY - a house that pertains, that one owns PRIVATE - a house that is isolated and divided, evades view PREMISES OPERA - house of song OOO. O open mouth, song, sound. PR house. A Audience eye. R () mouth. RAGA song orate O () D. PRESTIGE - PR house that is Tall T, S on the summit; I has pillars; G is guarded PRIEST - PR house / temple East? E - heaven S - son T = t - cross * EMPEROR - E elevated AM man PR house OR gold EMPIRE - e enclose m mano hand dominion I sceptre REI king reign PARLIAMENT - PR house. l laws. I individuals. A assemble. PERRY PIRI REIS map BR Beer Sheba. BR (Hebrew) well BURIAL Mn - mono one. Men. T together. parler (French) talk. PERI - close EXPERIENCE - Ex outside (Latin). PR house (Egyptian). PERI close (Greek). e eye see (Meta). N knowledge learn (Meta). C caph hand learn to do things, get hands-on experience (Semitic). S savoir wisdom. I Y go beYond the home, have adventures, see the world, get experience doing things. 2022-8-30 N serpent Paleo Hebrew, Proto-Sinaitic is consciousness. PROXIMITY APARTMENT PARADOX - PR house of D divided O eye, crossed eye X. Double D vision / eye O approach approximate APART PARTITION CHAMBER BR = PR BRACKETS = PARENTHESES PARSE (break a sentence or message apart into portions that can be processed) BRACKETS BR=PR house Egyptian. AKHET Egyptian horizon, Gardiner hieroglyph N27 container PORTION PURSE HARBOR, CHAMBER, BERTH, BURIAL, BAR, AUBERGE PURVIEW - domain, realm of concern COMPARTMENT - house within a house COMPRISE { C contain carry. O encircle. M in mother. M mano hand carry. PR house. i in. e enclose } PARTNER - shares the home PARENTS - raise a family in the home PRIDE - esteem for home, house, DEN, of a lion family PARTHENON - House of Athena, virgin goddess. PR house. TH θ theos god. NN nun woman, no nursing, nativity, nuptuals. PERTH - House of God. PR house. TH Theos gods.

PARTITION COMPARTMENT PARSE (segment a sentence of message) PORTION PURSE (house for money) PARTAGER - (French) share PÈRE - (French) father, head of house PRIORY PURGE - PR house. G gut regurgitate. G = J jeter (French) throw out, eject. PARIAH - PR house. IAH = Y slingshot, throw out apart parish - house of shining ones; worshipper, priest, angels IX graves, one of cross PURSE - house of money. PR house. S = $. S currency flows in and out like the tides of the sea. Exchanges, flows, liquidity. Mn Kheperw Re - Manifold transformations of light? Matter is part of the dance of energy. X pr cross house transform mn (many, forms, manifestations) Kuiper Belt. X cross house, threshold of Solar System. Caier fallen house, broken house asteroid belt. Perelli PR house EL god ELLI gods
Sarah Berellis Sr prince (Egyptian). Sarah princess (Hebrew). Br son (Hebrew). Br born. Ellis gods. El god (Hebrew, as in Israel, Michael)
Perry Ellis.
Ross Perot. PR house. OT haute high (French). O over. T top. Same as RO sun, Rosh (Semitic) head, PEROH (Greek) pharaoh.
Ross = Rosh = head. R sun rays.
Larry Ellison. El god. son.

Scarab of the Lady of the House, Mereret. 1802 - 1640 B.C.
Middle Kingdom, Dynasty 13
Nb.t / Lady. | 𓎟 Nb | 𓏏 t | Pr / house 𓉐 | 𓌻 / mr / beloved | 𓂋 r |
𓄙 F25 repeating, ever-renewing? | 𓋹 / ankh / life
Metropolitan Museum Accession # 15.3.65

PARK - PR house  C, QUE, collection of houses, cluster around the green open space
PROGENY - PR house.  PR - Pere, father (French), parents.  GN - Gyn woman, generation.   
Y yield.  Father Mother Yield Progeny
PROGENY - PR house  GN woman  Y yield.  The womb house of a woman yields progeny
presque  French near   

PERSEUS - House of Zeus
PERSIAN - House of the Wisdom of Heaven. House of the son (scion).  S wisdom serpent. AN Heaven Sumerian.
PARTHIAN - House of the gods of heaven. Pr house Egyptian. THE theos Greek gods. AN Heaven Sumerian.
PERU - Houses, temples.  Pr house Egyptian. w plural Egypian. prw houses Egyptian.

PARENTHESIS - PR house of a thesis, thoughts, ideas.  SS - side by side, or inside. supplemental. 
PERENNIAL - PR house  EN heaven  EA (eye opener, teacher)  /
 IA (invisible infinite awareness)  / YAH (yielder Great Creator of all heaven - 
 Y hand a have h hand)  name    L god
PERMANENT - PR house that EN heaven  MN maintains upholds.   MN mono, the unified house
parenthesis - a house that encloses a thesis or ideas
prosperous - a house that values wisdom sapare. House on the summit that rises high and wide. 
pergola - a garden house   
perspective - house of vision
pyramid - PR (house) A mountain M mountain D delta Δ mountain. A mountain-shaped house.   
pyramid - PR -house, AA - great.  
PYRAMID - PR - house.  AA two triangular faces.  M two more triangular faces.  
  Delta shape.  D=T makes cross from above.
pyramid - Pyra (fire)  mid - middle;  emit;   
pyramid - PR- house.   MT- death.  Ma'at Cosmic justice.
PIRATE - house attacker
PARAMAHAMSA -  Great housof PR - house.  MAHA - mountain high, great.  AM - person.  MA HAM - great people.   
SA - savoir, sage, wisdom. 

PARLIAMENT - PR house of L laws.   A assemble MN one, established, permanent, T togther
A agreement   I one, unity, 1st    A above   A watch   AMAN  above hand, government
A ask  prayer hands, above, assemble, watch, eye, A pyramid top
laws ligaments agreements links l tongue  ll bars jail
PR house on the mountain MNT top, talk to the gods

PYRANEES - PR house AN heaven NE ne born nativity origin - born of the house of heaven
PERU - PR house  / temple   U setting sun

Ancient Words with origins in Egyptian hieroglyphics,
Paleo Hebrew, and Sumerian Cuneiform that we still use today


ALPHABET Should be traced to the Hebrew Aleph (ox) Beyt (house)! This is the most glaring deficit of attribution in standard dictionaries. The English comes from the Latin alphabetum, the Greek alpha Βeta, and then finally Proto-Semitic Aleph Bet. The Semitic origin of the alphabet is not widely or adequately recognized. *

Proto-Semitic alphabet
Akkadian bet, house. Word Akkadian starts with the Akh ox! Deity. An heaven. Agud = ox.


Ancient words of possible Egyptian origin

ACRE: OX DAY. A day's work for an ox. An ancient word for the area of land that an ox can plow in one day (22 x 220 sq yards). AKH = ox, RE = sun / day (Egyptian hieroglyphs)

AGRICULTURE: From Latin ager piece of land. A theory of Celeste Horner is that the word agriculture derives from acre and culture. The source of the word acre is Egyptian akh (ox) re (sun, a day). (The inverse of akh is kha, as in cattle and cow. Carry, cart. A plow and ox head, C cow horn crescent). An acre is the amount of land that an ox could cultivate in a day. Cul begins with C, a depiction of a cresent-shaped scythe for harvesting, or culling, the land or terrain. So the word agriculture contains pictograms for an ox seeding the land, and a scythe harvesting the grain.

Oxen are very strong; they can pull their own weight. A team can pull 12,000 lbs (Lancaster farming). They are intelligent enough to learn commands to turn right "gee" and "haw" left. They can manage a swimming movement to get them through mud and snow. They don't require special food. They can live 20 years. Stronger than horses, they are preferred animals for pulling heavy wagons.

Carter: Car coeur heart. Terre earth. Ka ox cattle. r reap. agriculture. Cart. A heart ox pumping working. B bottle house home container. Father and Mother. Alphabet. Numerous channels of interpretation: sailing ship. A ship hull. l mast. f feng wind sail ffff. Va go. bet house boat, living quarters. Alphabet creates image of a sailing ship. A father. B mother. C cradle child. A ox plow. B seed basket. C reap crop. T tree of life, reaching above and below. Zeus Vajra. As above, so below. That is why T deserves to be anchor letter of Semitic alphabet. 2023-12-16

Oxford English Dictionary, "Acre" Entry 2a.: ACRE. A measure of land area that a yoke of oxen could plough in one day.

"A measure of land area, originally as much as a yoke of oxen could plough in a day, later defined by English statute as an area 220 yards (40 poles) long by 22 yards (4 poles) broad (equal to 4,840 square yards, 4 roods, or approx. 4,047 square metres), or its equivalent of any shape."

Acre, Israel. One of the oldest settlements on Earth

The meta-linguistics of r is a recurved claw or finger: rake, engrave, scratch, groove. Letter R is also associated with rows, order, rank. R is the rump, the rear end of an horse, ox, dog, or other animal. 2022-10-15

AGRICULTURE: Meta {OX (Egyptian) akh. RE (Egyptian) sun, day. R rows ordered, rays, rods. E parallel lines. e seed. CUL: CULTIVATE. Hard k sound is 7 an axe or cultivating hoe. U groove, gully, or irrigatio channel in the earth. L: lines of cultivation. l: layers of earth. CUL: collect, cull. Ç ç scythe, harvest. TERRE (French) terrain, land. TA (Egyptian) land}

AROUND. Orbit around the sun. RE. 𓇳

READ. A planted field is a metaphor for words on a page, seeded with ideas. R rows (of text). e eye. e seed. e mouth and lips. A eye looking down. D word. D is a mouth, as in Devour, Diet, Dictate, Decree, Discuss.

A: an ox head. B: the ox yoke. G: Γ the plow. D. bed, or mound of dirt, land, ground. e: seed. F: leaf.

DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT 2023-3-23, 2022-6-15

AN, the Sumerian word for heaven is the basis of ANTE and ANTI, the heaven and earth, Ti face each other; they existed before human civilization, they were antecedants.

AN (Sumerian) heaven {A above. n born. n pinnacle, zenith. n finger and nail pointing up} ANNE heaven born ANDREW Dawn {AN heaven. D dawn. R sun rays. W glow} ANDROS man {AN heaven. D dawn. R sun rays. O sun. S sun rise and set. A eye. D mind, head. R () mouth Egyptian. O eye awareness. S sentience, wisdom. Duro hard.} ANGEL An heaven. G messenger G glowing G wing G guide Gate Guard. EL god ANCIENT ANTERIOR ANTIQUE {AN heaven. T star. i star. Q source, come from. Q clock, epoch} ANTEDATE AN one ALAN God of Heaven canopy C arc. C cover. AN heaven. O around, like a sphere or ball. P Pi Π looks like a canopy. Y sky above. ANSHAR (Sumerian) Foremost of Heaven (An)
AN - (Chinese) peace
TIAN - (Chinese) heaven, sky. t + stars, terrains. i dots in sky, stars. AN (Sumerian) heavn.
PALENQUE - rocket, standin stone from heaven. POLE, phallus. AN heaven. Q come from. Rocket Man. Von Daniken. PAKAL. PA father. QUL all collective.
NIAN - (Chinese) year. N né birth. I spin around an axis. i time. AN sky, heaven (Sumerian)
AN (Sumerian) Heaven
ANAN of heaven. N (Egyptian) of AN (Sumerian) heaven.
KOFI ANNAN. Kofi (Ghanian) born on Friday. Annan (Fante) fourth-born. Meta { His soul is of heaven: Ka (Egyptian) soul, spirit double. f (Egyptian) his. N (Egyptian) of AN (Sumerian) heaven. | night sky, dark face of heaven: K black. (=) dark | placenta (Egyptian). coffee, dark. F surface, race. i point of light, star. n (Egyptian) of. AN (Sumerian) heaven. | Hands of heaven, given of heaven: Kaf (Paleo Hebrew) hand and palm. i, Y fingers, hand (Meta). ii (Egyptian) dual. }
AND - (English), together { AN (Sumerian). D (Meta) Deity, Dawn }
ANTI - Opposite. AN - heaven. T - terrestrial. Shiva Purana {PR house AN heaven} Illinois {EL god ANw heavens. Inowok Illini Inw Lords k kin 2017 2024 eclipse Cahokia} * anakin skywalker {an heaven anw heavens kin child, kin, descendent } annunaki {an heaven n. n ne, born. k kin, come from. grandchild / son of the son of god Anu}
ANSWER - AN heaven. AN peace. S wisdom. WER (Egyptian) great.
ANGEL - Heavenly messenger of God. AN (Sumerian) heaven. G messenger. EL (Semitic) go.

ASH man Ashah woman. She shall be called woman Genesis 2 23? Ixchel Ish El woman of God Mayan moon goddess. Ashur Great Man Mesopotamian. Hebrew: ash unused root. A eye pool of water Hiero AN observer and waters

Ashurbanipal. HERO, SON OF ANGELS. ASH (man, angel, flame). UR. great. Ba born of. NIPAL Nephilim, giant human - angel hybrids per Book of Enoch, Genesis. PL Apollo, Apollyon. Philadelphia, Phylos, Philomath, Philistine. Phil = lover, Greek. PL pillar, phallus. Foot P pied, L ankle. NIPPUR, R=L, NPL. Epaule shoulders, water springs, EA, Aquarius. NEBUCHADNEZZAR. Nebo. God of Wisdom. Thoth. Hermes. Mercury. NEB. Lord. Egyptian neb lord depicted by Ashurbanipal carrying basket. Original Anunaki who had to work until Ea created mankind? Ashurbanipal wrestled lions. Egyptian nesw is king. nesu is lion in Assyrian? Rosette motif Sumerian. Serekh architecture link? Enoch: sinned with beasts. animal head hybrid depicted Egypt, Mesopotamia, India. Or astral avatar shaman symbol? Horus put cow head on Isis. Elephant head on Ganesh. Echad first. ne born. Sar king prince royal. CYRUS. Osiris. Synthesis symbol of Time: Ox spring. Lion Summer, Eagle (Scorpion, serpent) Autumn, Fish (Pisces and Aquarius), Man Winter Solstice, Aquarius. Flood of new potential and life and insight. Goat, pharaoh beard, Capricorn. 2023-12-16 Time seems to be a spiral, not waterfall development cycle.


BR = house
BRACKETS [] = PR (house), A assembly, C collection, t together, PARENTHESES ( ) 
P hieroglyph []
BEAR burden
BEAR child
BARN - animal house
BARRACKS - military house

BERTH - ship house
HARBOR - house of ships away from sea
BARGE IN - to invade someone's house
TABERNACLE - collective place of worship. Meta { T together,
Ta earth. BR barn, house.  n (Egyptian) of. 
n (Meta) noble. n (Meta) shrine.  n (Meta) one. cle (French) key.
cle (Meta) key, nucleus, collection }
NUMBER - house of finger count: n 1, M many, O none, union

NUMBER  house of n one m many. n one finger. m hand many fingers.
REMEMBER return to the house BR of mind mmmm mental moods sea marine waters of consciousness

BIRTH womb. See bottle shaped Proto-Sinaitic bet
BURIAL - eternal home
BORE HOLE well BAR/ bath SHEBA mine
barque barge  house boats    boats and oars   water arms  rudder steer turn arc rotate

BORGHESE Pope.  G gated village. H house
VILLAGE  vi live. ll wall. G gate.  e ensemble, enclosed 2023-12-28
BAR SHEEBA - Well of Oath

boat and beyt house

j s l sleigh sledge slide || sides sever seam

BURJ (Arabic) tower.  Burj Khalifa
BARAH castle, fortress (Hebrew)

BARREL of wine
BARREL of gun
BAR well (Hebrew)
BURROW - underground house
HIBERNATE - winter house


BR tree
B turn on its side
BAR backbone r branches
B bird resting on nest
BIRD stretching wings
hovering, over sea
B stack of verteBRae

BEYT (Hebrew) house
BEETHOVEN. Bet house.  Haven home.  Bet Aven house of angels. House of Heaven.
BETHLEHEM (Hebrew) house of bread
ELIZABETH Eli (gods, my god) Z (life, power, sleep, underground, zenith)  BETH  beyt (house)   H house
BOITE (French) box
BATEAU (French) boat.  BT (Semitic, Hebrew, Phoenician) house  EAU (French) water.  
A boat is a water house.
(French) building. BT, beyt (Semitic, Hebrew, Phoenicien) house. 
MNT (meta) mount, put together. M mano hand.  n finger, one.  t together.
T tall, top, toît (French) roof. Ment resonates with mount. 
Houses of gods in ancient times were believed to be at the top of mountains. 
BUTLER  Beyt house. L individual, footman.  R door.
FORBIDDEN   For foreign, outside.  Beyt house.   DEN Lord.   Outside of parameters of good.

None shall hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain, saith the LORD. Mount Olympus, Mount Kailash. ASH KUR. Mount Sinai * BOUTIQUE BOUDOIR

BEYT (Hebrew) house
B - (Hebrew) shows house floor plan.  T is roof
B - barracks, half pipe shaped house
BATEAU (French)  BT house   EAU  water
BT beyt house   boutique booth inhabit habitat   bateau  house of water
INHABIT -  H house   BT beyt house
INHIBIT - The housing BT holds IN  or restrains
ABBOT -  AB Father (Hebrew).  BT  beyt house (Hebrew)

ABT (Egyptian) family.  A assemble in a beyt, house. Family is about / near you. 
AB = parents, abdomen, loins.  T tied, together.  T toit (French) roof. Family lives under a roof
Meta:  A away, origin, first.  BT (Semitic) house.  ABT: the family is one's origin, and first house.
This word shows blending of Hamitic and Semitic words

BUDDHA  BD=BT=house D give, Ha Life,  Aa great  =?  
PR  Pharaoh, enlightened one, Great Father (pere, French)
BATTERY - BT house  Ter ground terrain  Y emitter   R current rotation    e electrons
BOOT - trunk (Britich)
EXHIBIT - e eye   X expose  focus   H house  BT house.  
   Housing for something exposed to many eyes.  A house that is the focus of eyes
BUTCHER - BT house  CHER meat.  CARNE meat.  CORACON heart.  SHAR flesh layers \\\   
Charcuterie (French) meat market.  Char BBQ? CH # chop butcher.  Cleaver. Hatchet. R red.
BETWEEN - one is located between the walls of the house
BETHLEHEM  - BT house of bread
BETHEL - house (BT)  of god (EL)
BOTSWANA - house (BT)  son / seed σ (S hieroglyph)  crowned (W Meta) 
  AN (heaven, Sumerian)  A (above Meta).  
SW=EA? Wing Rainbow Sea Serp Dragn  SaVY Save life vi savior
SW crowned son of ANw /  AH  Ah great, high
SW sea  water  surf swim  &Summa; W  M  3

BAK (Egyptian) servant. BECKON, beck and call.
ABD (Semitic) obey, obediant

Barcelona,  Berkeley,  Berkshire

Sarah Barellis  Brave, Chasing Sun

BA'AL  LORD  (god of Canaan)
ARBOUR Torus  tree and trunk  Bird over water   
BOW Arrow  | B
B (turn 90 ccw) clouds,  L  lightning
CAIN and ABEL  HABAL Ha=the / of the,  BAL=Lord.  (Hebrew)
Ishbaal, the son of King Saul  (Ish man   Baal Lord.  Man of the Lord?)
Jabal (first shepherd)  Jubal (first minstrel)  Tubal-Cain (Bible names)
BLOW Baal (god of storms?)  O water.  O open mouth.  O fog smoke cloud.  W water. 
BELOW - The ultimate Lord is below, the foundation of everything
BALMORAL   BAL Lord  MOR Marine sea      AL  god
BALTIMORE - Lord of Land (T) and sea (Mer)
BOLIVIA - Bal (Lord) Y sky   VIA way, lives
BULGARIA - Bul Lord.  GR guerre.   G - world Gaia.    GUARD.
BOLTON   BOL  LOrd.   T earth.   ON outer night.
BELLIGERANT, antebellum
LOBOS   wolf
BALI -  Lords.   BAL Lord.  I = Y = sky.
Lord Bali and the dwarf, three steps of land - India
HARIBOL (India) 
(Shukr, guru of Asuras)
BOWLING PIN looks like crown of Egypt, Lord of Egypt
NOBLE  - n throne. BL - lord.    n - native.  O sun.  O over.  O crown. 
VOCABULARY - VOCA voice   BL Lord   ARY - A idea, R () mouth, Y yield forth
ARY - Above, R raise, Y sky
BULGARIA - Lord of War Guerre.  Or Baal Lord.   God Guide Guard Angel.  EA.
name GARTH = ?   TH=god
BEELZEBUB - Baal Lord.  Zebub  flies.   Lord of the Flies
BL - ruler of the heart.   B ib heart Egyptian hieroglyph. 
   l love link.  l law.   l light.   lithos stone.
   B - ib heart Egyptian hieroglyph.  BLOOD.  B heart. l flow.  l lines.  
    oo tube. oo fluid.   D hand hieroglyph give.  D drum.
    LB is heart  LEB heart   AN heaven    
    ON ? outer night / space  Moon?  Light O glow of night?  
Anonymous?  unknown? zero knowledge information N.  Moon O glow full $/ n invisible. 
Both O and n annulus are rings like heaven AN.
There are Egyptian priests of ON
ON = AN = Heaven?


CATTLE, COW from Egyptian ka, ox, bull?
ka, ox, bull? (Collier and Manley, p 160)


(French) Chef. (Spanish) Jefe
Pharaoh Khufu
Pharaoh Khafre. He rises like the sun
K daybreak, dawn, crown, rising
chief like the sun
crown of fire like the sun
rises like the sun
Lord of light, Lord of water
Lord of Fire
W crown
R crown, rod, royal, reign,
roi (French) king =~ Ra (Egyptian) sun
ka (Egyptian) soul, reflection, spirit double. Ka.f, His soul
if f is spirit, f horned viper, Dendera filament is serpent,
shines the radiance of the bulb, ba, soul container.

𓐍 𓆎 Covered, Covert, Darkness, Shade and Shadow, Mystery, Secret
Conventional hieroglyph labels are placenta and crocodile scales
𓐍 New Moon, invisiblity Unclassified / placenta hieroglyph and sign for crocodile scales KHEM (black) The Black Land, the ancient name of Egypt Cameroon Cambodia CAMERA - CAM black e and RA light CAMOUFLAGE - Km Black w water FlAje leaf, foliage. Black water and foliage hide and conceal COVER CONCEAL BLACK ECLIPSED OCCULT C Crescent moon hidden

Lechem (Hebrew) bread. Bethlehem Bet lechem house of bread, Messiah birth place,
I called my son out of Egypt (breadbasket of Middle East, Fertile Crescent), bread of heaven, manna
bread baking, chemistry, alchemy, yeast, fermentation, unlevened bread 2023-12-29
chomp c tooth row. HHHH teeth H throat hall. Mouth



KA soul 𓂓 | PT heaven 𓇯

A pillar of Heaven. Column OL round O, l pillar. K crowned with heaven. ColonY founded around one of the fingers,

stairway to heaven YYY pillars of the skY roof. Cap is the sky. T top. ceph head.
Atlas, holding up sky. I beam acts as attractor for civilization

𓍶 𓏸 𓊗   ☽ 𓂂 𓃭 OCEAN O - ring. O water. C = Ki = (Sumerian) earth. e earth, night and days sides. e crashing wave. A wave peak. Aquatic. N ocean currents and tides. Greek Okeanus, river that encompassed the disk of the earth, like a great outer sea. It was seen as a god, the son of Uranus and Gaia. It was the husband of Tethys, and father of the river gods and nymphs. Okeanus O water ke earth anus ring An heaven / ring. us = OOOO spiral, circling around RECON RECONNAISANCE hieroglyph to know R () placenta (=) light dark

SON from Egyptian SA, son?



Pharaoh Den smiting an enemy

𓂧 D D46 hand hieroglyph
𓈖 N N35 Water ripple hieroglyph


EDEN - E house, Sumerian. DEN - Lord. House of the Lord

MADONNA - MA my. MA mother. DONNAH - female lord, noble, lady, mistress.
A watch DM hand run manage maintain ADAM EDEN EDOM House of the Lord domicile E house Sumerian
(like Sar - prince, king. Saru, king, Assyrian; Sayce 33. Sare Son of the Sun, Eyptian. Sar (Sumerian).
Sarah - princess. ISH - man Hebrew. Ishah - woman). DON - Lord. Na - born of

DEN - Early Pharaoh of Egypt

DAN - Tribe of Israel
ADONI - Lord (Hebrew)


MANDAN - MAN human. DN Lord. MAN hand, manual. DN Lord. Man of god / hand of God.


DENDERA DN Lord D give RA light . DN power.

MANDÉ, sent, French?

LONDON - Lune, moon. Don, Lord. Dawn. Moon Lord = Thoth, god of Wisdom, Time, and Writing. Londres, Moon and Dawn sun

DON - Spanish lord

DAN (Hebrew) judge

DENDRITIC tree DURO hard like wood. DULCE soft Divide tree branches

"Who made me a judge and divider over you?"

DINOSAUR - Terrible, powerful lizard

DAWN - The original DEN (Egypt) name of early dynasty king EDEN E house (Sumerian) DN Lord DON Spanish Lord ODIN * O, all, haute, high. DN Lord. DYNASTY DYNAMIC DYNAMO DAWN DAN (Chinese) Dawn D (Meta) Dawn n (Meta) moon, canopy of heaven, night sky goddess Nut (Egyptian) n Nut (Egyptian) goddess whose spar-spangled body forms the canopy of the sky D (Egyptian) hand D (Meta) dominion, lordship, determination, division, dispensation, hand over the sky n (Meta) in, like dentary in mouth D (Greek) &Delta. pyramid, triangle shape n point, knob, knoll, angle, inversion


M R  Hieroglyph  owl R-mouth

e sleeping eye. A alert, awake, aware eye
e eye closed in death. A alive eye
E Elevate A Above
E allele A crossing, merging into one


MOON in Hieroglyphics, Mayan, Chinese?
EA = ENKI = EN Lord KI Earth
EA = TLTL Sumerian
ENKI teaches skills of agriculture
ENKI teaches hydro engineering
(See Enki and the World Order, Sumerian literature)
Possible links to EA, Osiris, Quetalcoatl, Rainbow serpent
Vertical fish sign: Chinese, Proto-Sinaitic, Rongo Rongo



Words that share the root HWT 𓉗 , the Egyptian
hieroglyph for temple house

HWT  Egyptian house, temple

Tall and imposing temple of God.
Hwt (Egyptian) house, temple. El (Semitic) god.
Haute (French) high. El elevated.

HAUS HALL HOUSE HOSPICE House of Peace HOSPITAL (French) hôpital. Hwt (Egyptian) house, temple. Pt (Egyptian) heaven. AL (Semitic) god HOSPITALITY CHATEAU French Castle CHAPEL PORCH HAVEN HERMITAGE HECK, magic staff Hieroglyph HOCUS POCUS HE?, HEK, HEQ hieroglyph for ruler Pharaoh' crook ? question-mark, mystery Hex Hexe (German) witch Hocus pocus HOKKIEN kin of the ruler. Chinese language. HECETA HEAD lighthouse Lord of Earth. H The head HOKKIDO Ham: servant of servants you will be proves use of Egyptian HM = servant, priest? TODO: Behemot ABCD world supported by angel Behemot Cow neb bowl Naches commoner hieroglyph Natches Perce PR house S wisdom NDS AN heaven D deity S sa wisdom India In Lord D deity ia EA YAH


Genesis 11:1 One speech
ISH (Hebrew) man, the name of Adam
ISHah (Hebrew) woman
IXCHEL (Mayan goddess)  meta { IX person, angel.   EL (Sumerian, Hebrew) god  }
ISHANGO - D R Congo, Virunga Africa. 
Evidence of counting from era of 20,0000 B.C.
18,000 year old baboon (symbol of Thoth, god of wisdom) incised with prime number counts total 60


Etymology Latin, iterare, repeat.
Meta: iteration. i rain. terre, earth. Ra raise. Meta: water cycle, river of water; rain , river flow, evaporation. Y sky, terre earth, rotation, cycle. Cycle of the sun, which sails on the river of the sky in Egyptian cosmology. Day and night. ⊙ Sky ground rotation, Iteration, over and over. Repeat. Egyptian Re sun, pt Egyptian heaven. 2023-12-1 tion = shen, ring, cycle, vortex C|D

ITY - sovereign. AUTHORITY. Overseer of Earth. Watcher. O eye. Tr earth terrain. TH thought (-) theta brain. r ~ writing. R rosh head.


𓃾 KA, K3 (the ox head hieroglyph) COW CALF CATTLE



MIN? Hieroglyph R11, Djd reed column, established monument mansion remain permanent Miserable Les Misérables Missouri sorry souris smile MzH (Egyptian) crocodile ri river. Misery to feel like you are in a river full of crocodiles m (Meta) mouth, lips, Cupid bow of upper lip M. Serrated, knife-like. Crocodile has knife-like teeth in mouth. Latin Miserabilis miser. Closed hand. m (Meta) hand. ser serrado closed. Mesopotamia in the midst of rivers. Ptw river. water path (Meta) The path of water ... transformation. Adopts the form of its container.

𓏇 Hieroglyph Gardiner W19 MIRROR MIRAGE ADMIRE ADMIRAL MIRA, look at this, Spanish? Portuguese? from Mi, Egyptian for alike hieroglyph looks like a round mirror with a handle Hieroglyph shows rays of reflection in the mirror MIMIC SAME MISMO (Spanish) same SYMMETRICAL D (Greek) &Delta. pyramid, triangle shape
TIAN - (Chinese) heaven, sky
NIAN - (Chinese) year. N né birth, AN sky, heaven (Sumerian)
AN (Sumerian) Heaven
AND - (English), together { AN (Sumerian). D (Meta) Deity, Dawn } n point, knob, knoll, angle, inversion M mano (Spanish) hands are mirror images Amubis on mountain / in his tent / embalming HeqaNakt Nubia Black MORTAL MORTALITY IMMORTAL MORGUE MURDER MARTYR MOURN


Egyptian hieroglyph F31: ms, born.

Ahmose - moon born
Kamose - spirit born
Rameses - born of Ra, born of the sun, born of light? Day born, dawn?
Thutmoses - born of Thoth
Gilgamesh (Sumerian)
Messiah born of Yah
Sumerian literature mentions mysterious "mes", connected to the mysteries of life, genesis, seeds, birth
Ptolemys - born of Pt heaven. Greek named derived from Egyptian.
Olmec = Olmys? c=s. Mongol. Gaul. Ol.
Ol possess ring and rod, primordial geometers. Pi. Hammurabi Shamash
Ol moon, sun, luna, earth land, light. Axis. Origin.
Ol column. Pillar of heaven. Primordial god. Atlas. Shu
Isis = self begotten. I one, self. issue. Manetho
Mesh - see ProtoSinaitic


Egyptian word for cat is MIAW!

Adapted from
M - milk jug. {mirror, owl / cat head, cat ears}
E O / E A - I / A. reed leaf {feather}
reed leaf = yod IAD YAH Deity
W - quail chick
Feather / reed leaf plus quail chick is code for EA / YHWH / verb to be, present tense, verb auxillary often starts sentences



The name of God, YW forms the auxillary meaning TO BE
IW = YW = YHWH is associated with EXISTENCE

MANIFEST, unmanifest
Source: 𓏠

MANITOU MON 1, and TWO, counting. (New theory 2020 CCHorner: Senet game board could have been used as abacus or counting device). The mn hieroglyph could also represent weaving and a loom, a process which is highly methodical, counting oriented, and mathematical. Information can be encoded in patterns and colors, knots, and textures.
Enumerate, mono, twain, two, Y add together


𓎟 NEB = LORD. (Egyptian hieroglyph V30)
NOBLE Meta { NOBLE = NEB (Egyptian) Lord + BAAL (Mesopotamian)

Lord i + EL (Hebrew, Mesopotamian) God }
Egyptian hieroglyph V30, Neb, Lord, gold, all ABU SIMBEL SM saam beginning origin. BAAL Lord. AB Father NEBUCHADNEZZAR * NEBO - Mesopotamian god of wisdom, prophecy, and writing He is referred to as Nebo in the Bible, where he is mentioned with Marduk (called "Bel") in Isaiah 46:1-2. Mount Nebo, the site from which Moses looked down upon the promised land and where, according to legend, he is buried, takes its name from Nabu. Among the many gods of Mesopotamia, Nabu became the most prominent, outlasting even the great Marduk in the memory of the people.
Nabu - World History Encylopedia NEB = LORD Meta { The One whose throne n is in the heart. n one. n in. n ne born. B heart. b below. } Meta: using Semitic and hieroglyphic terms Neb Lord. CHA Life. DN Judge SR prince / King. Neb Lord echad first. Ne born. SR prince Generally translated May god protect the king? DANUBE DAN power, lord. NB lord. NUBIAN NB lord; I one, the; AN leaven. The Lord of Heaven NB gold (Egyptian) NEBRASKA NUBIA NEVADA NB gold DA give. Gold mine source. Ashurbanipal - Librarian and King of the World depicted holding up Neb = Lord Egyptian hieroglyph shaped basket NEB + BAL below compare with Lord Bali, king of the world, India legend. Tricked by Visnu dwarf, give me 3 steps of land, turned giant. ASHURBANIPAL Meta { ASURA (Underworld god / demon / demigod} BA son NIPAL Nephelim {demigod / fallen / giant / angel-human hybrd} } AHSERAH Canaan / Mesopotamia ASURA India ASHERAH pole ASURA PHALlus LINGAM Living water source, spring Inka In Lord EnKi Lord of the Earth (Ki) A above K also crown (||) n throne, stone of destiny n center, one n noble Baal=lord n horn, moon n Nanna, moon (Sumerian, Babylonian) Nun primeval waters of chaos i individual

𓊹 NTR (god)

(hieroglyph R8 ntr, god logogram) NATURE enter entreat inter neuter CENTRAL


pr (house) apartment, compartment, department, parse, pyramid (see article above)

Words with the root pt, Egyptian for heaven



rapture - raised, caught up into heaven

erupt - fly into heaven

capital, capitol. {cp head, cephalic. pt (Egyptian) heaven.

al (Semitic) god). ol column, law, geometer,
Hammurabi, Astarte hold line and circle. }

pterosaur, pteranodon

nuptual - marriage for love is heaven

optimum - best is heaven

planet - orbit in eliptical lanes of heaven

orbit o circles in pt heaven bt house

Proto-Sinaitic Qp
(Greek) κεφαλή kephale, head

Caelum (Latin) sky
El god (Semitic)
CAPUT (Latin) head
PT (Egyptian) heaven
AN (Sumerian) heaven
Captain is a juxtaposition of Latin, Egyptian, and Sumerian **
other ancient roots can be identified in multi-lingual compounds

Wiki Khufu: Hetepheres bore only the title Sat-netjer-khetef (verbatim: "daughter of his divine body
Meta: khet.f = cadav cadaver 2023-11-25 Horus born of Osiris after he died - Animal belly heiroglyph


Standard etymology: Origin Middle English, from Old French poete, via Latin from Greek poEtEs
Meta: Resonant with the name of the Egyptian god Ptah, who created the universe with the power of sacred word.
Meta: POET. P lip. O open mouth. e mouth. e dreaming eye. T tongue.
Meta: PTAH. Pt (Egyptian) heaven. AA (Egyptian) great. AA watching eye. Star Gazer. Ah sigh of delight. Uranus, lover of Gaia?
Greek diacritics Wiki Greek diacritics Unicode blocks special characters


Compare with French reconnaissance, recognition recognize

Etymology: from Latin narrare, relate (COED 951).
Meta: speech sound pictograph.
𓈖 n sound ripple 13216 𓈖 .
𓂋 r () mouth mouth. 1308b 𓂋



MN Hieroglyphs established MONUMENT MENHIR REMAIN PERMANENT PR house MN established EN AN heaven PERFECT PR house F fraction 2/3 E entire 3/3 C complete caph creator hand. T top complete together


 𓀙 𓋴
folded cloth hieroglyph

(Look up Akkadian / Sumerian)  means king / prince
Hebrew, SAR, prince

sr (noun), official (Collier and Manley, p 159)

Meta; SIR, SR. SIRE, MONSIEUR (French), SENIOR, SRI (India, honorific), SERGEANT

Sa Re, sun of the sun. Egyptian hieroglyphs.
Sa Re is an element of the title of Eyptian pharaohs
(other Pharaoh titles include Horus Name, Two Ladies Name)

SR prince / king Assyrian Akkadian Hebrew Babylon. ESH man Hebrew. Fire. WR Egyptian great. SERVANT SIRE (Your magesty) AESIR (Norse gods) SARAH queen, princess. Hebrew, Hieroglyph sr official
(like Sar - prince, king.
Saru, king, Assyrian; Sayce 33.
Sare Son of the Sun, Eyptian. Sar (Sumerian).
Sarah - princess. ISH - man Hebrew. Ishah - woman). DON - Lord. Na - born of

SER (verb TO BE) Beings SER HUMANO (Spanish) Human beings SERICULTURE SILK STRING STRAND story SONG Caravanserai History of Silk Road. French Whisperer Chinese silk found in ancient Egypt and Germany. Roman glass found in China Egyptian folded cloth S Egyptians wore transparent clothes, Roman Senate denounces silk decadence and gold trade imbalance SUPER surreal supreme SENIOR SR. SIR OSIRIS SRI (India) SRI Lanka Sri Krisna CAESAR CZAR KAISAR NEBUCHADNEZZAR Meta{ Lord, First-born prince. Neb Egyptian lord. Neb Egyptian gold. U universal eCHAD echad Hebrew first. U universal. U W glow, water. NE French born. ZAR czar prince } NAZAREA N serpent SR serpent EA Mesopotamian god and serpent? NAZAREA NA nativity birth. ZAR CZAR prince, ruler. EA IAH YHWH NA n only, unique, first born

SERAPHIM S is ser exist self. R fire F fire M flame Heart Hearth i individual. SR Prince / Lord of Flame ff

SURESHWAR Sureshwar is baby boy name mainly popular in Hindu religion and its main origin is Hindi. Sureshwar name meanings is Lord of gods. Saracen. Holy Queen. USURP USR power Egyptian Used in Bible during Babylon, foreign country contacts VIZIER ANSHAR (Foremost / Prince of Heaven / An) KISHAR Sumerian (Foremost / Prince of Earth / Ki) SHERIFF (SR officer. FF feather cap. Firearm r, rifle, Force finger fire) WINDSOR Wind Soar SERAPEUM SENSOR SENSEI SENSE SENTIENT 𓀙 𓀙 ጙ, sr, civil servant, Hieroglyph A20
SMR S supervisor. S f super. mr mirror mirage admire. Arabic Samir. spirit spiral suspiro breath Spanish respiration serpent

* 𓇳 Sun, Re, Hieroglyph N5 Ra / Re, the sun radiance rays of light reveal RE Sun in Chinese Ri "RU" R\i Meta {Re rising sun on horizon. RA sun at noon. RU setting sun greets the U crescent moon. Was Up. Goes Under. Ri / Rx invisible sun at night }



Egyptian Hieroglyph N16 for "Ta"  Land with grains

Meta: time with past, present and future. Land with seeds. text with words. TA TERRAIN TERRITORY TOMB TUMULUS EARTH PLOT Chinese TU soil Egyptian TA land French TERRE MORTUARY - MR dead. TU earth. ARY rows of stones, like teeth. Y heaven. Y pray. THOU

Faulkner, Middle Egyptian, pg 374
(Other pronouns match French: ton, son)

from Tep, Egyptian for head

Tz Thunder zap electricity

𓁃  A58  Man applying hoe to the ground
A= AB = father,  Alpha  = strength, work, fertility,
beginning of life, growing season


PT (Egyptian hieroglyph) HEAVEN

Hieroglyph N1 Heaven.   N: Sky, Earth, Water
CAPTAIN - ceiling Above PT Egyptian heaven   AN Sumerian heaven
REPEAT (seasons)
APT (Phoencian, bird)
APT (Egyptian apd, bird)
CAPUT (Head)
DEPUTY  D hand give,  PT potency, power.   Y hand  
PT PATH of the stars
KAPUT dead
CAPUT head  K crowned with PT heaven
DEPTHS of Deep Space
CARPET of stars
PT river
Mesopotamia between the rivers
EGYPT E Heaven  gy gaia earth pt river - The Nile

PT - heaven as a river in which the God boats float
HIPPOPOTAMUS - Hypo under  pt river  A hazard dwelling under water
BAPTISM - below the Jordan river, take a dip to be born again
Hypnotic - below gnosis
Potable - drinkable water
PT - heaven, the P pied footprint, pathway of T stars, étoile (French)
P () lips parenthesis ship. p paddle, oar.   t travel transit through. 

NUT Goddess NUIT Night French NIGHT n canopy i point light stars G Great Galaxy H horizon T stars, planets U up under. U turn U cover all over NEPTUNE PTOLOMY Greek astronmer PTOLEMY rulers of Egypt MASCOT term borrowed from French Meta: totem animal mask over head {MASK disguise + Over Top / head Budge Hieroglyphics cxiii bulls skin in which the deceased placed Meskhet = Great Bear constellation bulls and bears stock market mascots} MERI (Egyptian) beloved MR AMOR MÈRE MOTHER (French) MARRIAGE ROMANCE MERGER MARINE EMERGENCY - seawaters inject, impinge, margin, project, plunged in water J emerge FLOOD IMMERSE M marine waves R river currents like Gulfstream that thread through the sea MAROON - left alone OO zero one ringed by OO ocean MAROON - color counterpoint to turquoise waves MAROON - color oo see not, dark ocean MOOR - to station a boat in water MERMAID MARSH MOISTURE MERRY - tossing waves to the sky, Rearing like wild horses waves

cement. Meta{ Fixed and immovable, established and still like a mountain. (Egyptian) mn established. (Hieroglyphics) sment establishing, Budge, Book of Dead, 108. Compare to immovable mountain. (Meta) c | s, sit still, seat. (Meta) spot, coordinate. OED: Old French ciment, Latin caedimentum rough unhewn stone, caedere to cut.} MT MOther Mut MT Death mortal MR Death MORTAL MORTUARY MORGUE MARTYR MOURN amargo (bitter, mar sea water) Mourir (French) MORT dead Jesus born of MARy, foreshadows rebirth from death MR mouth, R (Egyptian) mouth (), Y yield: the WORD MWT (Egyptian) death MR (Egyptian) love MWT (Egyptian) mother


2022-3-30, 2022-1-31, 2022-1-27, 2022-1-3, 2021-11-13
TODO: Hieroglyphs like hand and egg a, potential. Bow, army msha mission, man hand ||| many arrows

Adobe < Coptic


𓌀 Egyptian was sceptre of the underworld, the west, where the sun and the deceased disappear underground.

West, wizard, wise, was

WEST - of unknown origin, according to the Oxford English Dictionary. Meta: Compare to French Oueste, and Egyptian was, the sceptre of the Westerners, a euphemism for the dead. Osiris was a beneficient leader, who taught mankind the arts of civilization. After his death caused by a jealous brother, he became the judge of the dead, "Foremost of the Westerners". His equivalent in the new world is Quetzalcoatl, who was a benign leader until an underworld messenger "showed him his (hideous) flesh," whereupon he returned to the underworld, to return at a later date.

POWER - PO (Latin potis, powerful) potent + WER (Egyptian) / UR (Sumerian) great.

WORTH - great god. WER (Egyptian) great. THY theos (Greek) god theology.

AWARD - Standard etymology: Anglo-Norman French, awarder (COED 90) Meta: WER (Egyptian) great. D deity. Di (Egyptian) give. Aa (Egyptian) great.

WORTHY - Standard etymology: Worth is from Germanic weorth (COED 1664). Meta: WER (Egyptian) great, (Faulkner Middle Egyptian, pg 94 of 500) []. TH Greek theos gods.

WORD - WR (Egyptian) great. D deity. D word, tongue. Power of the word of God. W glow. OR light (Hebrew). O Sun. R sun rays, rising sun. D dawn.

VIRILE - male strength and fertility. From vir (Latin) man. Meta: From WER (Egyptian) great. Pictogram: W glow of R sun rays, power, light of the rising sun.

ANSWER - AN heaven. AN peace. S wisdom. WER (Egyptian) great.


EXIT - from Latin. OED: classical Latin exitus, action of going out, departure, way out, outlet, final part or point, conclusion, close, end. 2022-10-12


Meta {EXIT compounds both access ENTRANCE AND X exit, like WATER compounds WA water and earth TERRE. E elevate. e, g, b 6 show that exit of the labyrinth is in the center. X cross over. i vanish point. T termination. AQ (Egyptian) entrance, entering, Budge, Book of the Dead transliteration 108. Z (Egyptian) -||- sealed, locked, confined, door bolt. T (Hebrew) last letter of the Hebrew alphabet, termination. (Meta) T transformation into an eternal "imperishable star," of Unas pyramid texts. }


YW (Egyptian hieroglyphs) present tense, to be
IAH Moon, Prais, praise, ancient


Z electric shock, sealing, annealing. Flash. Intercourse, huzband. Zeus thunderbolt. Zap. Discharge.
Ts = TZ = lightning thrower, Zeus, Baal, Storm god, Tsunami
TZ = DZ = cloud lightning, storm, Chaos, X
S stir, sway

DOOR BOLT Door bolt hieroglyph O34

Zap. Lightning bolt.

TZ - hybrid last letter in Semitic (Tav) and Latin (Z) alphabets

Alpha Omega Α Ω
Budge v2, 7 of 766, pg 596
Zep Tepi. Zipped potetial, seed, released. Closed mouth e, lips p, open. Tepi (head) is top. Zenith is also top. Z is the end.
Door bolt hieroglyph O34, s / z sound. 𓊃
Z --||-- Egyptian hieroglyph for seal
closet, prison, seed, frozen,
finished, zipped up and sealed. That is why it is the final letter of an alphabet

[Back to CONTENTS: Hidden Symbols in the Alphabet]
DRAFT UPDATED 2023-11-21, 2023-9-29, 2023-6-29 pyramid; 2023-3-22, 2023-3-18, 2022-8-30, rev 2022-10-8