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René Descartes, Discourse on Method       User: Anonymous       Subject: Parthenon   INDEX       @   HOME

CLIENT INPUT: Where is the Parthenon?

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Q: How old is the Parthenon?
A: The Parthenon is 2456 years old.
Age calculated from /data/Parthenon/construction_date (447 BC to 432 BC) and current date

Q: Where is the Parthenon?
A: The location of the Parthenon is Athens, Greece.
Read data/Parthenon/location (or subject's address, coordinates, or constellation, etc)

Q: What was the function of the Parthenon?
A: The function of the Parthenon was to serve as a temple of the Greek goddess Athena, and a treasury.
Retrieved data/Parthenon/function   Image:

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