Sinai 376 - House of the Lord

Sinai 376 was discovered by Flinders Petrie at Wadi Nasb, Egypt in 1905. The inscription was found above Bir Nasb.

Petrovich TWOA 65

aerial photo, zoomable map

Diagram of the glyphs in Sinai 376 by C. Horner, 2022, adapted from D. Petrovich, 2016

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: The research of Douglas Petrovich, which makes Biblical archaeology, clear diagrams, scholarship, and analysis of the Proto-Sinaitic glyphs accessible has been very helpful and appreciated. CCH 2022-8

The Proto-Sinaitic Alphabet



[#1] HOUSE. This is the Egyptian p hieroglyph. In Proto-Sinaitic, it would be interpreted as a letter beyt, B.

[#1, #2, #3, #4, #5]. SACRED HOUSE, Beth-Haram. (Strongs 2763), Micah 4:13. H-R-M root. Sanctuary. (Mentioned in Egyptian execration texts. It was a place of springs and groves) [1,2] BT, beyt house. [3,4,5] HARIM, sacred, consecrated. Shows head [4] of the annointed one, messiah [3,4,5], emerging from the waters mem [5] and receiving the crown [4], "Crown him with many crowns, the lamb upon his throne" ([3,4,5 CRN]) of PT [1,2] (Egyptian, pt, heaven) [1, 2], the path or house [1] of stars [2]. The square is p in Egyptian and b in Semitic languages.

[#1, #2] HOUSE, (Hebrew) beyt

[#1, #2] HEAVEN (Egyptian) pt
[#3, #4, #5] MESSIAH (#3 hand|crown) (#4 head) (#5 oil|baptismal waters)
ADONI (my lord) (A: aleph, ox head #6) (D: Dgg, Divine fish #7) (N: #8 fish|serpent) : 3 kaf hand. 4 annointed head. 5 fluid, oil, hand motion. 3 crown. 4 royal head. M im plural, mighty. Power over water, walking on water. HARIM [3,4,5], consecrated. *

Bull and vesica pisces and seed. Y and N. Yah and serpent approach the house. 1. Corner stone. ( Y = YAH = ' + Q (waw). DBR (words) = R () mouth + 88888. Lord = Door. House of stars +: Taurus, Pisces, Aquarius: bucket / hand, human head, water sign. PT TR. tt tut image. AB Father. T|B = good. PR = house. PR = father. BR = son. i
Puzzle / multi-lingual pun / cipher writing detected. R (Egyptian) mouth, door, to. D door.
Door, house [], keyhole R, key Q, turn j. Password!?! )

Tent peg, house, door hinge and pin. Key, lock, turn, door. Mot cl&eacut;

BAR (Hebrew) well.

MAQOR (Hebrew) fountain, spring

Also divine marriage.

beyt ul haram means holy sanctuary, the Ka'aba.

Harim means consecrated to the afterlife.

10 DEBARIM, commandments. Moses neither ate nor drank. GOOD WORDS/ 10 COMMANDMENTS. + 10. p graven. finger. zero w. with / is. 10th character. vav

prophetess and judge DEBORAH. (bee), also DBR word AH great? high, heavenly?
Deuteronomy 5:22
Strongs 1697.
Adonay | Lord, Strongs 136
Commandments | debarim Exodus 34:28.

META: D mouth, DIET, DISCOUSE, DISCUSS, DEVOUR. B mouth: BOCA (Spanish), BLAB, IMBIBE, BANTER, BARK, BAISER (French, kiss), BOUCHE ("boosh", French, mouth). M MOUTH (the upper lip, cupid's bow). COMMAND MENTION MUMBLE COMMENT.

2. BATH HOUSE. SAFE, PURE, HOLY DRINKING WATER! [6] COW = HATHOR, goddess of heaven, source of heavenly Milky Way which nurses kings and pharaohs. [7] FISH = DAGON, god of pure waters of life and immortality in the Abzu underworld. Divine couple blesses the water source. The Sinai 376 inscription was found on a stone wall at Wadi Nasb where Serabit turquoise miners got water. Shows swimming [4,5], fish [7], cattle drinking [6,7 top], mermaid [7 flowing hair, fish tail], mouth gulping [16,17], bucket splashing, spring of fresh water [15], bathing [3,4,5].

HEAVEN [#1, #2] GIVEN [#3] HEAD [#4] WATERS [#5]

3. ASTROLOGICAL ERAS. TAURUS the bull [6], PISCES the fish [7], AQUARIUS [3,4,5], [14] qaraff pouring, mouth swallowing [16,17] the prophesied water of life, which grants immortality.

The Proto-Sinaitic Alphabet


Petrovich. Was Hebrew the first alphabet?

Is Hebrew the world's oldest alphabet, and why should laypeople care?

(cella similar qla. Debarim words () 8888. Harim set apart, consecrated. crown = (||) crown. R rosh head, crown. n throne noble. M mountain majestic mighty TOV good BeBer drink! Good WORD DBR. Torah DBR. DBR Hebrew words matches mouth and helix twisted flax, multi bubbles showing words spoken. BBR drink matches Q qol eat, l langue tongue, mouth () Egyptian, and helix / twisted flax showing multiple swallows, drinking. Aquela THAT. Debeer well mine diamonds, inner chamber. Well of souls. HARIM = consecrated, same word as NET. Fish dead, also vesica pisces, marriage, intersection. a = bull = baal = bol = don = lord. CCH 8-2022))

Douglas Petrovich, Bible.ca

Petrovich identifies this as the engraving adorning the inner room of a vineyard house.


Proposed interpretation by Celeste Claire Horner 2022

dedication of sacred room in house. Inner-most sanctum

BT - house, chamber, chapel, temple
HRM - forbidden, sacred, core, heart, sacred

ADN - Lord. ADONI, my lord.
A: Ox head, father.
D: Dagg, Proto-Sinaitic Dagon upright fish.
N - serpent, fish.

DBR -innermost chamber of temple. Tomback 70
Dbir, Petrovich. Hebrew temple terms
DBR - word

BEYT HARAM - Sacred house / temple
ADON - of the lord
DEVARIM? (Deuteronomy)
DBR - word
Q - ach - spirit
L - EL - god
AH - great, high
Y - praying, praise hand
(a prayer, sanctuary dedication)

Crowned with the [#4]
stars [#2, #9] of heaven [#1, #2, pt]
and Ruler of the sea [#5]
Heavenly Cow of the Milky Way [#6]
Gods [#10], (Egyptian) ntr
creatures of the sea [#7, #8]
Goddess of heaven [
Above (Egyptian) tp [#9, #10]
Taw (Taurus) tau
Tav / Tob (Hebrew) good
Door [11] to the Underworld [well, bore-hole, down below, Hebrew br]
Source [#14, quelle, aquifer, quan] of light
Spring [#15, #17] of life-giving water
Worship [#18]

The upright fish, symbol of Oannes, fish-man, Sumerian sage, Apkallu appears in China, India, Proto-Sinaitic, and perhaps Rapanui. Japan and Africa Dogon, Dogu, Dagon.

The FISH is also a Christian symbol.

vesica pisces

Aquella (Portuguese) from Ach (Spirit) EL (god)? I AM THAT. That = aquelle / aquella

DRAFT CCH 2022-8-27 13:20PT