Wadi El Hol 1

Wadi El Hol 2

Sinai 351

Red Sphinx

Serabit Sphinx 346



Deciphering Proto-Sinaitic Inscriptions

The Wadi El Hol 1 inscription



Source: Omniglot | Interpretation | PALEO HEBREW

William Foxwell Albright (1969). The Proto-Sinaitic Inscriptions and their Decipherment.
Harvard Theological Studies XXII, Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

The origin and evolution of the alphabet from ProtoSinaitic

Source: Usefulcharts.com

(Egyptian hieroglyphs are the precursors of Proto-Sinaitic)

Deciphering Proto-Sinaitic Inscriptions

Prophecy, Prayers, Poems and *Puns
in the World's First Pictographic Alphabet.

Celeste Claire Horner 2022
celeste @ digitalthought.info

Proto-Sinaitic script is a tantalizing mystery.

  • It's important because it is thought to represent the world's first alphabetic writing.
  • It's engaging because each letter is a picture.
    Aleph illustrates the horned head of a cow, bull, or ox.
    Dagg depicts a fish. The Philistine god Dagon was half man, half fish. Meta: D fish head and gills. G also gills
    Lamed delineates the staff of law and leadership, the crook of the shepherd who cares for, and protects the flock.
    The crinkled letter Mem looks like waves and symbolizes water.
    Shin (Tann) is interpreted as an archer's bow, a saw-shaped pair of teeth (Hebrew shin), or a pair of breasts (Hebrew shad).

  • Proto-Sinaitic is a challenge. The glyphs are an ancient mystery, written in the era of 1800 B.C. They were discovered in 1902, during an expedition led by "Sir William Flinders Petrie which explored temple ruins at Serabit el-Khadim, where copper and turquoise were mined. Although the individual letters depict recognizable objects, the inscriptions written with the letters, remain largely undeciphered.

Proto-Sinaitic Abjad: Codex99
Evolution of the Alphabet
from ProtoSinaitic

Luwian hieroglyphs
Paleo Hebrew
Paleo-Hebrew & Samaritan
Ancient Hebrew Inscriptions. Jeff A. Benner
Phoenician alphabet - Omniglot
Phoenician lexicon (in Phoenician letters) ***
Phoenician Punic Dictionary (25MB) Krahmalkov (2000)
Learn Hieroglyphics
Hieroglyphic dictionary
E. A. Wallis Budge Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary
Mycenaean Greek

Father's alphabet
Otiot. Alan Horvath.

These mysterious symbols are inscribed on ancient walls, and etched onto sacred devotional items such as the sphinx figurine from Serabit el Khadim. Sphinxes are goddesses of mystery and riddles. What are they saying to us?

There seem to be two types of inscriptions. Those at Serabit El Khadim appear to venerate gods such as Hathor, Dagon, Ptah, and Dagon. Wadi El Hol 2 ends with a salutation to the god Ptah, "Pth Al." The word god is formed with a bull head aleph and shepherd's staff lamed, constructing a metaphor for a god as a shepherd or guide of souls. A flaring ankh symbol, suggesting a holy fiure with a billowing hood and tunic dominates the top left of Wadi El Hol 2. The diagonal message extols the goddess Neith or Tanit: Nttr (god) aa (great) nfr.t (perfect).

The Wadi El Hol 1 is glorious visual poetry in the style of Isaiah. It appears to exalt the "Prince of Peace", allude to various episodes in the Bible such as Samson, Moses, and Jacob's Ladder. It summarizes the entire drama of lif, death, and resurrection. Working with a secondary interpretation of Wadi El Hol 2, it illustrates the afterlife transfiguration of the soul into an immortal, perfected being of light, "perfect image of divine heaven." Two spiritual traditions transmit separate wisdom using a single message.

Wadi El Hol 1 | Wadi El Hol 2 |
Proto-Sinaitic Alphabet Interpretation []
| RED SPHINX bird pun and numeric cipher: 1/8 fraction code, and god Hu as zero
| 346 | 349 | Love Poem of Ptah - Sinai 351 | Ptah Sinai 351 | Lexicon of Hieroglyphic terms | Proto-Sinaitic |
SUMMARY / CONTENTS | LEXICON | References | Research |
HIDDEN SYMB⊕LS IN THE ALPHABET HOMEPAGE G gate grave hidden hieroglyph crouching man, walking on water, Pt heavens, Olam Eternal, Elyon

DRAFT RESEARCH JOURNAL UPDATED 2024-2-8 (thumbnail navigation), 2024-1-21

DRAFT RESEARCH JOURNAL UPDATED 2024-1-21 , 2023-12-16, 2023-8-13, 2023-2-5 , 2023-1-12 animated PS glyphs, 2023-1-4 (Sinai 351 hieroglyph for shining, Poem of Ptah), 2022-12-30, 2022-12-29 , 2022-12-25, 2022-10-5 CCH

Wadi El Hol 1

Wadi El Hol 2

Sinai 351

Red Sphinx

Serabit Sphinx



Discovery of the Proto-Sinaitic Inscriptions

Map of Wadi El Hol, Egypt, and Serabit el Khadim in Sinai, where Proto-Sinaitic inscriptions were discovered.

Wadi El Hol 1, an undeciphered rock wall inscription in Proto-Sinaitic (c. 1800 B.C.).
was discovered in 1994 by the John Darnell * Yale University team in Egypt (map). Serabit El-Khadim * * is an ancient turquoise mining locality in the Sinai penninsula of Egypt. A temple to the goddess Hathor, Mistress of Turquoise, and numerous Proto-Sinaitic inscriptions (Middle Bronze Age, 18th and 17th c B.C *) were found there and published by Sir Flinders Petrie (1906).

John Darnell Two early alphabetic inscriptions report.
AHRC Ancient Hebrew Research Center
West Semitic Research Project
How the alphabet was born from hieroglyphs

Wadi El Hol 2 rockface image
Image of the original Wadi El Hol 1 rockface via Codex99.com *

The Wadi El Hol 1 Inscription

Wadi El Hol inscription alphabetic analysis and interpretation. The central figure #7 grasps two sceptres, representing lordship of the two lands of upper and lower Egypt, symbolically both life and death. 2022-12-28

This is potentially the oldest and most remarkable alphabetic inscription ever found. Wadi El Hol 1 was discovered in 1999 in Egypt by a Yale University team led by John Darnell. These pictographic ciphers, resemble Proto-Sinaitic writings discovered by Petrie in 1905 in the turquoise mine and temple of patron goddess Hathor at Serabit al Khadim. The symbols tantalizingly suggest meaning, yet have defied translation. They remain an intriguing mystery. This article offers the interpretation that this inscription is a Biblical text; inspired writing which embraces the great scope of the divine plan. It performs the stupendous cryptographic feat of multiplexing several gospel narratives together in one massively polyvalent and prophetic utterance. It proclaims the Prince of Peace Messiah and illustrates the story of creation and of numerous Biblical figures such as Moses, Jacob, and Samson. It is like a picture story-book in stone.

Wadi El Hol 1 (image *) appears to be a Messianic proclamation. It is a roadside banner on the caravan trail between Thebes, Egypt and Hou (Divine Word, How-Di ). Situated amid declarations of other kings, the alphabetic text proclaims the Messiah in the grand style of Isaiah 9:6: "Hallelujah! Praise ye the Prince of Peace, Son of God, King, and God of Gods! Rejoice, Oh heavens, nations, brothers!" Sizzling zig-zag lightning strikes emphasize the power and glory.

AN AMAZING BIBLE IN A NUTSHELL, ten sermons in a single sentence , the various facets of the ingeniously versatile Wadi El Hol 1 inscription simultaneously depict:

    hotpot.ai   Prompt: The glory of cosmic beginning. The Creator holds two staffs and divides light from darkness

  • CREATION. The First Word: Let there be Light! And God divided the light from the darkness. Genesis 1:3-4. Figure #7 represents the God, the Creator, Ruler of Darkness and Light; "Lord of the Two Lands;" lord of life and death, good and evil, above and below, holder of the keys and end-points of the great cosmic quantum computation; standing in the cross-roads of Destiny. The Heh character independently means the god of eternity in Egyptian (see figure 1 below), and praise, jubiliation, and revelation in paleo Hebrew. The sceptres #6 and #8 are the twin complementary sides of duality, with the separation of an aura of radiant light (#1 RA) and darkness (#16 khem hieroglyph; darkness, shadow) According to the book of Genesis, evening and then morning is considered one divine day. A day which commences at dark of the prior day is inherently phase-advanced compared with a standard day which starts at dawn.

    The central creator figure #7, uses two staff to divide light and darkness, represented by the first and last glyphs of the ProtoSinaitic expression.

    𓇶 Glyph #1, Re, light rays. (Egyptian hieroglyph N8, ProtoSinaitic resh head). Hebrew, ohR, light.
    𓆎 Glyph #16. K/m. Darkness and shadow. (Egyptian hieroglyph I6)
  • JACOB. The inscription illustrates Jacob's ladder; Jacob #7 lies down at the foot of the stairs #5, #10 to heaven. When he realizes that he is on sacred ground, he converts his stone pillow into a pillar #9 to commemorate the revelation. This upright also represents the mystical stake which Jacob set up to influence his cattle #12 to have specific smoke #15 light (or dark) and shadow #16 dark color patterns to mark the brand of his herd. The Km #16 character also represents hair (Samson interpretation) which is also light and dark in the story of Jacob's herds. #1 shows that Jacob is head rosh of the future house bet of Israel #3 (iS) #4(L), the sun #1 still being on the dawning eastern horizon. 2022-12-29 CCH. 2023-2-5 CCH: Other things that can be light and dark besides hair and smoke: #14 water - white waves and dark deep ocean; #13 eyes light and dark, enlightened and blind; #13 as a mouth: light and apparent vs dark ad mysterious utterances.
    Jacobs Dream, a painting by Vladimir Bibikov
    Jacob's Dream, by Vladimir Bibikov

    Numbered diagram: How Wadi El Hol Proto-Sinaitic illustrates Jacob's Ladder: sleeping man, stairs, and pillar

  • SAMSON. Samson destroying the Philistine temple;

  • MOSES transforming his staff into a serpent, and parting the Red Sea;
  • HOUSE OF ISRAEL. As the sun Ra #1 moves westward to a point between #3 and #4, it creates the message: HOUSE bet #2 of iS #3, RA #1 EL #4. #5 could represent the river and mountains they had to cross to arrive in the Promised Land, the kingdom of David (figure #7 recreates the primordial division of light and dark at creation). CCH 2023-1-10

    The Great Comet of 1577. Curious: dog faces viewer. Is there a man and an open grave? Death and a falling star which is both loss and rebirth? R + C, reich, reichi

  • HOLY BIRTH, NOEL. The star of Bethlehem, shedding its rays downward is #1 𓇶 hieroglyph N8. The next characters read #2 house bet of the #2 son sa (Egyptian) of #3 god al (Hebrew). The birth of Jesus in a manger attended by three wise men. The walking sticks of these three magi are #3, #6, and #8. Beams of spiritual power and glory #5, #10 shine over the cradle #6, #8 of the Christ child #7. The ox #12 represents the animals in the stable where the birth took place.

    NATIVITY SCENE PROPHECY interpretation of Wadi El Hol 1. Infant Christ in a manger #7, kneeling person #9, and ox #12 and mouth #13 representing stable animals. Three walking sticks #4, #6, #8 of the three traveling kings and wise men #1, #2 (rb, lord), #3 scroll of wisdom, #4 walking stick. (Image public domain from pxhere.com) 2022-12-25

  • CRUCIFIXION. The central figure #7 has a cross at the center of the body. This Yeshua / Jesus (left arm Y, arms and neck shin, head alpha omega). He is in crucifixion position, arms spread, knees bent, palm open. Glyph #9 shows a bent elbow with the suggestion of a nail next to the wrist. There are three stakes #3, #6, #8 for the three nails for two hands and feet. He is flanked by the individual stakes representing the two men crucified with him. Zig-zag mem #5 and #10 represent the earthquake when Christ surrendered his spirit. 2022-12-29
  • LIFE AND DEATH. Shows both the tragedy and disaster (crucifiction and Samson temple collapse), #7 joyful moment that the child is born and the triumph of resurrection.
  • RESURRECTION. Figure #7 burst from the grave (burial shaft #9). In the accompanying Wadi El Hol 2 inscription, we see a life transformed into pure light and the image of heaven. The hood and sleeves of the figure billow with power and a sword and beam of light extend from the hand.
  • MESSIAH. Alphabetically, the text proclaims: Lord of Peace, Hallelu Ya! Rejoice O heavens and nations of brothers (All races and colors from #15 light like sacred smoke, and #16 dark like a shadow and fertile earth #16 khem)

The whole message is a dispensation such as the pouring out of a ritual drink. Glyph #16 shows the unstoppered bottle cork. Glyphs #15, #14 show ribbons of flowing liquid. A mouth is represented by #13. The bottle which contains the message is #1.

Proto-Sinaitic is an extraordinary Promethean language like no other. It communicates both alphabetically and pictographically. Uniquely, it incorporates some characters which are animated figures. The #1 glyph is the sun, or Star of Bethlehem. As it moves through the sky, it casts light which illuminates different meanings within the message. The letter Gimmel is a throwstick or boomerang. Whirling through an orbital trajectory which returns to the sender, it suggests different connotations such as praying knees, or a muscular arm as it turns to specific angles.

Isaiah 42:9 "Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them."


The Wadi El Hol 1 Proto-Sinaitic rock inscription, c 1850 B.C. Interpretation by Celeste Horner, 2022

Figure 1: Interpretation of the Wadi El Hol 1 inscription by Celeste Claire Horner. The language was developed by Semitic people influenced by Egyptian hieroglyphs. The message hails the Lord of Peace, and bids the very heavens and brotherhood of nations to rejoice in the coming messiah.

ABSTRACT: Wadi El Hol 1 may be an ancient precursor to the prophecy of Isaiah.

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
- Isaiah 9:6

Everlasting and eternal represented by #7 Egyptian heh, #8 and #9 Hebrew Olam (eternal). God of heaven (pt #8). Elyon #8-#10

Hallelujah chorus. Handel's Messiah performance
Isaiah timeline | Uzziah | *

Poly-valence: 𓆎 #16 khem I6 hieroglyph, means dark and black. It is used to represent the separation of light and dark at creation; the loss of Samson's dark hair; Jacob's light and dark cattle; inner light #1 and orbiting outer darkness #16; the holy night of the nativity; the shadow of death (in the story of life and the crucifixion); the race of dark-skinned people co-existing harmoniously in the proclamation of peace; and the fertile earth of the delta of the Nile river. Each of these interpretations supports the interpretation of this glyph. 2022-12-29 CCH

Paleo Hebrew New interpretation: O, ayin eye, idea. Pe mouth. Sade (the stylus of the scribe in the hand D creating zig-zag writing marks), Qop copy, the stylus and the ink cake of the scribe. Rosh, head of the reader. Shin, the shining of illumination that one gets from reading. Taw, mark signs. Writing. The transformation of mind that results from reading. 2022-12-29

is a central theme, figure #7 is someone with the joy of having conquered death: "O Death, where is thy sting? O Grave, where is thy victory?" Holding two sceptres shows that Christ, victorious soul, or spiritual initiate is, like the Egyptian Pharaoh claim of being lord of the two lands; conqueror of the challenges of both life and death.

This scintillating utterance, with a fluid star-like sparkle of many meanings, functions in multiple languages, both alphabetically and pictographically. It employs metaphors comparing life to the course of a meandering stream, and inner peace to calm in the eye of a storm. A grand panorama of life is portrayed. Death and the mystery of existence floating in the liminal space of the afterlife, The Great Beyond, is revealed in its symbolism. FORMER ABSTRACT: Long undeciphered Proto-Sinaitic inscriptions may be interpreted as prophecy, prayers, poems of love, and exalted praise of the divine. This article presents the theory of Celeste Claire Horner that the individual letters of the Proto-Sinaitic alphabet, and many of the undeciphered Proto-Sinaitic inscriptions from the turquoise mines of Serabit Al Khadim in the Sinai desert, pay homage, and offer prayer and praise, salted with witty puns, to various Fertile Crescent divinities; gods of the Canaanite, Mesopotamian, and Egyptian pantheons, such as Hathor, Dagon, Kheper, and Ptah.


The Wadi El Hol 1 Proto-Sinaitic rock inscription, c 1850 B.C. Interpretation by Celeste Horner, 2022

ABSTRACT: Wadi El Hol 1 may be an ancient precursor to the prophecy of Isaiah.

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
- Isaiah 9:6

Hallelujah chorus. Handel's Messiah performance
Isaiah timeline | Uzziah | *

NATIVITY SCENE PROPHECY interpretation of Wadi El Hol 1. Infant Christ in a manger #7, kneeling person #9, and ox #12 and mouth #13 representing stable animals. Three walking sticks #4, #6, #8 of the three traveling kings and wise men #1, #2 (rb, lord), #3 scroll of wisdom, #4 walking stick. (Image public domain from pxhere.com) 2022-12-25

The pouring bottle #1 represents the head of a nobleman in the word rb or lord. It serves to bear the offering of precious oil brought by the three magi to the Christ child. It also represents the outpouring from the womb of birth.

O Holy Night performed by Mariah Carey.

Fall on your knees (#9)
and hear the angel voices

Wadi El Hol 1 | Wadi El Hol 2 | Red sphinx puns 345 | 346 | 349 | Ptah Sinai 351 | Lexicon of Hieroglyphic terms | Proto-Sinaitic | SUMMARY / CONTENTS | LEXICON | References | Research | HIDDEN SYMB⊕LS DRAFT 2022 CCH

Wadi El Hol 1 | Wadi El Hol 2 | Red sphinx puns 345 | 346 | 349 | Ptah Sinai 351 | Lexicon of Hieroglyphic terms | Proto-Sinaitic | References | DRAFT 2022-12-25, 2022-8-24 CCH

The bonanza of pictographic metaphors includes the course of life being compared to the journey of a stream, born in a mountain spring and meandering to its ultimate merging with the waters of the sea. Inner peace is likened to calm waters in the eye of a raging storm. Wadi El Hol 1 in particular, merits consideration as a masterwork of pictographic literature masquerading as roughly scrawled graffiti. It unfurls a comprehensive panorama showing the entire arc of life, victories and disasters, birth, love, and death. With the companion inscription Wai El Hol 2, it reveals the mystery of life after death, as the victorious spirits ascends into the glory of pure light, becoming a new star in the heavens of God. The Wadi El Hol inscription may be the earliest discovered instance of "Hallelujah!", and thoroughly explores the basis for joy. The Proto-Sinaitic alphabet may bear symbolic fingerprints, clues to what cultures invented and influenced it. -->

(These gods may be aspects of a fundamental triad: 1) FATHER GOD (Ptah, Osiris, Dagon, Ea, Oannes, counselor, Thoth, Moon, Saturn, Nebo, Mercury, Pan, Hermes), 2) MOTHER GODDESS (Hathor, Isis, Sekhmet, Ba'alat, Evening star, Asherah, Venus morning star, Aphrodite), and 3) DIVINE CHILD (Kheper, Horus, Dawn sun, golden calf, Ba'al, Marduk, Mars, Khonsu, Lao Tse -old child, Hermes). Lord of the Sea Z mother and L Z em hak hem | em ha khem | em aa khem). Eye of Ra (), mt l blt figures make eye. Eye stars, heaven. At high, () x kisses given to the lady.

Wadi El Hol 1: Samson destroys the Philistine temple


Wadi El Hol 1 Interpretation: Samson destroys the Philistine temple. Since WEH1 is dated 1800 B.C., and Samson is c 1100 B.C., this would be a prophecy. Perhaps WEH date is after the Samson incident, and it would be news

Proto-Sinaitic inscriptions generally involve tributes to the goddess Hathor and the god Dagon, the chief god of the Philistines. The Bible relates that that Samson destroyed the temple of the Philistines, and that the statue of Dagon broke in two when the Ark of the Covenant was placed in front of it. The human top of the idol fell to the floor, leaving only the fish lower part of the god on the pedestal slab. Wadi El Hol 1 appears to commemorate the Samson incident. The name Delilah appears in reverse surrounded by shouting noise zig-zag quotes (#10, #5), (#9 D, #8 L, #7 e, #6 La) c 1250 B.C. Glyph #9 can represent a column in the temple of the Philistines. It also represents the bulging bicep, the strong arm of Samson. Budge 129 ar-t jaw (JHWH!?) bone hieroglyph. Reaping, Cronos, Cain symbol. Hermes jaw-bones (tells long sleepy story) to many-eyed Argus, guardian of IO, to death by boredom. Releases Zeus wife, IO transformed into a cow to hide from angry wife Hera. She becomes goddess Hathor of Egypt.

Bible Stories in Wadi El Hol 1 - Jacob's Ladder

Jacobs Dream, a painting by Vladimir Bibikov
Jacob's Dream, by Vladimir Bibikov

Numbered diagram: How Wadi El Hol Proto-Sinaitic illustrates Jacob's Ladder: sleeping man, stairs, and pillar

Jacob #7 decides to rest on what he thinks is ordinary ground, but it is revealed to be the glorious gateway to heaven! Zig-zag glyphs #5 and #10 of Wadi El Hol 1 are the stairway to heaven, with angels ascending and descending. The ordinary stone (sigma σ scroll, bedroll) #3 that he used as a headrest (#1 head, #2 bed) becomes a historical monument and house #2 of God #1 (divine head, #1). Jacob erects a pillar #9 (Genesis 28:18) to mark the extraordinarily holy place. A stone that the builders reject could become the head of an arch (Psalm 118:22-23). It exemplifies the inspiring idea that "every valley will be exalted," and that the humble can be revealed to be great.

Jacob named the place, "the house of house of God, Beth El" (Hebrew: beth house, El god), and declared that it was the gate of heaven. Glyph #1 is an r which in hieroglyphs can mean door. Glyph #2 is a house. Together there is a sense that it is the door of the house of the lord, the gateway of peace, slm (#3 S #4 L #5 M ) salem, Hebrew peace. The letter R also represents an orb of light or portal with rays of light shining below.

Common-looking ground has been revealed to be the Gateway to Heaven.

The correspondence to the story of Jacob continues to the end of the inscription. Genesis 30:27-43 relates that God multiplied Jacob's wealth in cattle. His herd is represented by the ox head #12. Jacob set up rods such as pillar #9 to influence the cattle to reproduce and birth (#10, #14 birth contractions; #13 birth opening, #12 cow and womb, #11 child embryo with umbilical cord) with a black #15 Egyptian khem hieroglyph, or white #15 billowing smoke pattern. 2022-12-28

Proto-Sinaitic interpretation by Celeste Horner 2021

I declare the end from the beginning, and ancient times from what is still to come. Isaiah 46:10

Scripture says that the whole diverse world was created by a single divine word.

The Wadi El Hol inscription illustrates how one massively poly-significant word or message can encode a multiplicity of interacting destinies and scenarios.

computational implication: self-interacting recursion could enable single logos to have widely diverse effects

COMPARABLE WORLD LEGENDS. ladder to heaven fireworks display. Chinese legends of eight pillars ladder to heaven. Northwest pillar damaged by Gongong, a water god with a copper human head, red hair, iron forehead, and body of a serpent. Jianmu was a sacred tree which served as a ladder connecting heaven and earth. Many emperors such as Fu Xi and Yellow Emperor went between heaven and earth through this sacred ladder. * Norse legends hold that the great tree Yggdrasil was a tree that connected heaven and earth. Mount Meru is the axis mundi connecting the physical and metaphysical worlds in Hindu and Buddhist cosmology.


Deciphering Proto-Sinaitic Inscriptions

Map of Wadi El Hol, Egypt, and Serabit el Khadim in Sinai, where Proto-Sinaitic inscriptions were discovered.

Wadi El Hol 1, an undeciphered rock wall inscription in Proto-Sinaitic (c. 1800 B.C.).
was discovered in 1994 by the John Darnell * Yale University team in Egypt (map). Serabit El-Khadim * * is an ancient turquoise mining locality in the Sinai penninsula of Egypt. A temple to the goddess Hathor, Mistress of Turquoise, and numerous Proto-Sinaitic inscriptions (Middle Bronze Age, 18th and 17th c B.C *) were found there and published by Sir Flinders Petrie (1906).

Ancient Hebrew Research Jeff Brenner database image

DigitalThought.info :: Celeste.Horner@gmail.com



Source: Omniglot | Interpretation

Gods worshipped in Proto-Sinaitic inscriptions
at the Temple of Hathor and Serabit Al Khadim turquoise mines

The first 4 letters of the Proto-Sinaitic alphabet reflect the shape of the bull-horned Man-Fish god Dagon,
or the Apkallu Oannes * *, the Mesopotamian god of wisdom.

  • Hathor, the heavenly cow goddess
    and Mistress of Turquoise (Red sphinx, Sinai 345). Patron goddess of turquoise mines.
  • Dagon, the L-shaped Philistine Man-Fish god (Sinai 346) *. Lover of Hathor.
  • Asherah; the love goddess Asherah (Sinai 349) *;
  • Ba'alat, the Lady (Sinai 346)
  • Sekhmet, the protective lioness (Red sphinx, Sinai 351)
  • Kheper, the scarab-headed god, who represented the miracle of ever-renewed existence emerging from nothing, and the daily dawning of sun. Sun of Hathor as the goddess of heaven. (Sinai 351)
  • Ptah, the Egyptian god who created the universe solely with the power of Sacred Word (Sinai 351).

  • Jesus, Zeus, Baal, and Dagon connection in Wadi El Hol 1, which portrays Jesus and crucifixion yet uses thunder hurling and smiting arm posture, lightning strikes, Dagon character. Jesus said, ye are sons of Thunder. Angel appeared like lightning in Matthew. Walks on water, calms storm. Jesus and Baal both return fromthe underworld of the dead. Christianity is associated with the fish. Dagon is half fish. Possible Pisces, Aquarius reference. Lamb of God and Ram in Bush is Aries. Does Jesus mean Hail Zeus and Abel mean Hail Baal? counter-argument In Biblical incarnation Jesus comes as a babe and suffering servant, but these lightning hurling symbols indicate that he is the king of glory and will return in power.

Evolution of the Alphabet
from ProtoSinaitic

The origin of the letter B is the Proto-Sinaitic bet, which is based on a Middle Kingdom Egyptian soul house. Graphic by Celeste Horner, Hidden Symbols in the Alphabet, 2022-10-13

The aleph represents the father, symbolized by the strength of the seed-planting ox. The second letter of the alphabet, represents the mother with a house, bet, in Semitic languages. The word aleph bet, or alphabet, encompasses the mother and father, the foundation of life. This form of the letter bet or b leads to words like bottle, barn, harbor, chamber, burial, and birth. 2022-10-13

DRAFT: link to why A is the first letter of the alphabet. Discuss Gimmel / Gamma, including burial shaft, wings, feet, camel, strong arm, gates, labyrinths, Dagon, boomerang cyclic time etc.

seed planting fertility, strength of the ox. Antecedent. First.

3. Γ AXE
Tool, mining, metallurgy, war. Mason's square, 90 degree angle guide. Symbol of justice and truth. Symbol of geometry. G gates of walled city. Fishing rod. Flail, whip of pharaoh, power, force, kinetics, spurs the horse to go faster. Stairs downward of tomb. Boomerang, returning time cycles. L-shaped body of Dagon or Fish-man spirit guide. L grave shaft. Gimmel, camel, long distance travel, trade, experience and wisdom. Right angle, geometry. God.

House, care of the home. Womb. Breasts. Bottle. Ship, vessel. Birth, chamber, Burg, barn. BR barrow, burrough, house related to Egyptian pr house, leading to apartment, compartment, perimenter. Beginning.
Vessel, vesica pisces, joining of two spheres; D bread, Egyptian t-loaf. D mound, ground. Δ mountain. Di means give in Egyptian. D hieroglyph is a giving, helping hand.

life, heir, heredity chain, hand-holding, ladder, house, raising. House, chambers, cell walls, chain of Life.

DRAFT 2022-10-16. Summary of the symbolism of the alphabet. Dichotomies and complements: Mother and Father. Hammer and Nail. Fence and Ladder. Head and Tail. Sprout, and grain. Needle and thread. DNA open ladder and coiled. Weaving: warp and twisted yard. H breath flowing and chambered separation, modes of life. Cell chambers and respiration. Fence, net. Arm, hand. Shepherd, flock. Tongue, name. Water and fish (N). Dawn and Starlight. Division and Completeness.


The Wadi El Hol 1 Proto-Sinaitic rock inscription, c 1850 B.C. Interpretation by Celeste Horner, 2022

Wadi El Hol 1 may be an ancient precursor to the prophecy of Isaiah.

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
- Isaiah 9:6

Hallelujah chorus. Handel's Messiah performance
Isaiah timeline | Uzziah | *


Deciphering Proto-Sinaitic Inscriptions

Wadi El Hol inscription interpretation

ABSTRACT: Long undeciphered Proto-Sinaitic inscriptions are interpreted as prayers, professions of love, and exalted praise of the divine. This article presents the theory of Celeste Claire Horner that individual letters of the Proto-Sinaitic alphabet and many of the undeciphered Proto-Sinaitic inscriptions pay homage, and offer prayer and praise, to various Fertile Crescent divinities, gods of the Canaanite, Mesopotamian, and Egyptian pantheons such as Hathor, Mistress of Turquoise (Red sphinx, Sinai 345), the L-shaped Philistine Man-Fish god Dagon ((Sinai 346)); Asherah (Sinai 349) *; Ba'alat, the Lady (Sinai 346); Sekhmet and Ptah (Sinai 351). In Wadi El Hol 1, the Prince of Peace and God of gods (Wadi El Hol 1), is exalted with emphatic zig-zag thunder rumbles and lightning strikes, vivid symbolism and profound metaphors.

The bonanza of pictographic metaphors includes the course of life being compared to the journey of a stream, born in a mountain spring and meandering to its ultimate merging with the waters of the sea. Inner peace is likened to calm waters in the eye of a raging storm. Wadi El Hol 1 in particular, merits consideration as a masterwork of pictographic literature masquerading as roughly scrawled graffiti. It unfurls a comprehensive panorama showing the entire arc of life, victories and disasters, birth, love, and death. With the companion inscription Wai El Hol 2, it reveals the mystery of life after death, as the victorious spirits ascends into the glory of pure light, becoming a new star in the heavens of God. The Wadi El Hol inscription may be the earliest discovered instance of "Hallelujah!", and thoroughly explores the basis for joy. The Proto-Sinaitic alphabet may bear symbolic fingerprints, clues to what cultures invented and influenced it.

DigitalThought.info :: Celeste.Horner@gmail.com


Deciphering Proto-Sinaitic Inscriptions

Sinai 351 - Love Poem of Ptah

Hathor -
Lady of the
House of Heaven
Sky of shining stars
Named Birth of Dawn
Beautiful face
Beloved mother
Lady, Lion

(Left: Sinai 351 interpretation by C. Horner. Right: Ptah image by Jeff Dahl, 2007.)

Pteranodon. Similarity of form between pteranodon (ptero wing Greek, PT heaven Egyptian, anu heavens Sumerian, dn lord Semitic) and was sceptre. Sp Terre. Sp inception, spring, conception, Zep Tepe Flood, ocean waters covering head implying relation between Ptah and Poseidon, EA. His face is (reptilian / Egyptian fertility life) green, his head is blue. God of a former age under wraps, in the underworld, his sun has set for the time being. Former kings lists allude to jurisdictions of god-kings extending for millenia, and impossibly long periods by current standards. Curved shape of sceptre might also represent the moon and light rays of night hieroglyph. WAS sceptre of was/wizardry. Commander, judge, Atlas pillar of the underworld.

The sky is a stream of stars, whereupon float the boats of the gods

The sky is the ceiling of the world: the stars dangle from its rafters

Meta-linguistic interpretation of = as the sky CCH 2022

Interpretation of Sinai 351, updated 2023-1-4

Note the seam of white mineral, crack, or reflection which draws a beam from the heart of Ptah to the opposite side of the inscription. It passes between two house glyphs, which could also write bab, or gate. Lion gate is a possible reading. 2023-1-4

Ptah notes edited

Faulkner. Dictionary of Middle Egyptian.


Hieroglyphic terms

The wisdom of Solomon was greater than Abraham, Moses, and even Adam. Eight hundred proverbs are attributed to him, but scripture counts them equal to three thousand because each "admits a double and triple interpretation." (Ginsberb, Rabi Lewis. King Solomon. Legends of the Jews) (Precedents for multiple-entendre in ancient times)

The road leads upward ever, with frequent resting places. Kybalion.

Gods featured in Proto-Sinaitic inscriptions

  • Symbolic pun: Egyptian goddess Hathor, aka Hwt Hr House of Horus, with a falcon becomes House of Turquoise by subsituting owl for falcon. The owl forms the letter m in mfkt, turquoise. Hathor is Mistress of Turquoise. ( Red Sphinx, Sinai 345),
  • Dagon *, (Sinai 346) * *
  • DAGON, DAG (Hebrew) fish + OaNne Oannes, Apkallu, wisdom god letters 3, 4 of the Proto-Sinaitic alphabet
  • Anat (An.t, goddess, Egyptian hieroglyphs)
    (AN.T = ANTH / ATHN / Athena / Minerva) *
  • Tanith / Egyptian goddess Neith (Wadi El Hol 2)
  • ,
  • Asherah (Sinai 349), 357
  • Ba'al
  • Ba'alat (Sinai 346), the lady goddess of love and war, may be the equivalent of Sumerian Inana, Egyptian Hathor, and the Nordic Freya.
  • Egyptian god Ptah (Sinai 351).
  • JEHOVAH / DJHWH (Proto-Sinaitic alphabet letters 5-8) /
  • Hammurabi, King of the Four Corners, man considered a god by many. o| mk sacred geometry
    J Huh Eternal emergent / Goings forth from Everlasting, Melchizedek *

Wadi El Hol 1: Samson destroys the Philistine temple


Wadi El Hol 1 Interpretation: Samson destroys the Philistine temple. Since WEH1 is dated 1800 B.C., and Samson is c 1100 B.C., this would be a prophecy. Perhaps WEH date is after the Samson incident, and it would be news

Proto-Sinaitic inscriptions generally involve tributes to the goddess Hathor and the god Dagon, the chief god of the Philistines. The Bible relates that that Samson destroyed the temple of the Philistines, and that the statue of Dagon broke in two when the Ark of the Covenant was placed in front of it. The human top of the idol fell to the floor, leaving only the fish lower part of the god on the pedestal slab. Wadi El Hol 1 appears to commemorate the Samson incident. The name Delilah appears in reverse surrounded by shouting noise zig-zag quotes (#10, #5), (#9 D, #8 L, #7 e, #6 La) c 1250 B.C

Water cleaving Abtu Fish, Budge = Moses?

Ingeniously, the same inscription can be read alphabetically or pictographically, simultaneously alluding to several Bible narratives. An ancient teacher, oral history story teller, or news crier could deliver several different sermons using the graphics of a single inscription. It was a Powerpoint presentation in stone.

SAMSON: Samson was an Israelite hero with super strength (#9 flexed bicep). He killed 1000 Philistine enemies #11 with the right-angled jaw #9 of a donkey (12). (The right angle symbolizes the mason's square, and righteousness. The jaw, teaching and prophecy. The lowly donkey compounded the insult.) He killed a lion (mane, #16) with his bare hands and ate honey (#13, mouth) out of its carcass, violating his purity vows. He fell in love with a harlot (#11, #12) and went to bed (#2 pillow, blanket) with her. She learned his secret: his hair was the secret of his strength. Enemies cut Samson's hair off, scattering it all over the inscription (3#, #14, #15, #16), and put out his eyes (#13). Samson dies as he destroys the Philistine temple by pushing out against the pillars #5, #10, #11). (This invokes legend of Egyptian god Shu who separates Heaven and Earth, and Greek Atlas). Zig-zag lines (#5, #10) suggest the trembling and cracking sound effects, and the thunder of the building collapse.

Chronology of the Judges of Israel. Samson Judge c 1100 B.C.

The she-ass that was created on the 6th day of creation, could see angels, walk on water?, and speak. Legends of the Jews. Rabi Lewis Ginsberg. Balak and Balaam. https://youtu.be/qLsiOcCDLA8?t=1616

WADI EL HOL 1: BIBLE IN A NUTSHELL. It could depict Moses parting the waters (#5, 10) of the Red Sea. It can also represent the story of Jacob's Ladder, where the stairway (#5, 10) to heaven is revealed where Jacob (#7) lies down on a mat (#6, 8) to sleep.

NAME OF GOD AS PROPHECY. Scripture states that everything in existence was created by the Word of God, which was equivalent to God. Proto-Sinaitic inscriptions illustrate how once you expand a name or utterance to all its possible meanings, it creates a world of ideas. A self-interacting poly-semantic cipher is like a computer program which over many iterations builds up a complex result. Wadi El Hol 1 has embedded many titles of god such as Prince of Peace, God of Gods, Eternal God, Mighty God, Son of God, God of Tabernacles, newborn baby, manger born, and possibly lion, or beast of burden like a donkey. Light, shadow, life, death, disaster and victory are all woven into the fabric of th identity. Labyrinth with unique possibilities for each. Multi-verse.

NAME as PROGRAM. Name activates. Reparse, Reverse, Skip cycle, new result. CIPHER.

HOLOGRAPHIC UNIVERSE. Prophecy as Projection of implicate order. The face of the Deep. (Contemplated in Genesis). All internal information resides on the event horizon of a black hole. World Seed.

NAME AS DESTINY. Biblical characters often have names which embody their life story. Jacob, meaning heel grabber, was born clutching his brother's heel. In Hebrew, Jacob is written with a yod Y, a reaching arm; caph, a clutching claw makes the q sound, and the letter B in Egyptian hieroglyphics is a foot. Moses (Mem, water + ss || separate, scissor, fission) parted the sea. Moshe (Mo, water. she, gather up), he was gathered from water, saving his life when he was a baby. M (mouth) and || sh, shake reflects that Moses had a stutter. The double SeS, indicates that Moses had a signature miracle of transforming a staff into a snake. ADAM means dawn of man. (D and o| a are dawn, AM is Hebrew word for people. A eye, aware. m capable hand, manus, and mind)

(Ref: Otiot Hebrew letters, Alan Horvath. flash cards, video)

Zohar, Otiot, Sacred signs


PROBE. Metalinguistics: P pointing poking finger. r arrow. R light shining, revelation. r () Egyptian mouth, opening. O big eye investigating. b the foot (as in the word Jacob, the heel grabber, below), the depth of the inquiry, getting to the bottom of the matter. e secret, closed eye. There will be a probe into the handling of classified documents. 2023-1-12

Wadi El Hol 1 may be an early form of the Biblical passage Isaiah 9:6 which proclaims: "For unto us a child is born..." (#7, 11) and his name shall be called, Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace." In a Semitic language related to Hebrew, it appears to proclaim the advent of the "Prince of Peace" (rb slm, #1-7), "god of the gods" (el ha elohim, #6-10) and "mighty god." (mighty smiting arm #9 and lightning bolt #10. God, El, #8).

The two inscriptions, Wadi El Hol 1 and 2 function together to provide a complete panorama of life. Wadi El Hol 1 shows birth, the glorious and disastrous adventures of life, and the journey across the threshold of death. The inscription Wadi El Hol 2 shows the glorious transfiguration of the soul after death. Having overcome and abolished death, it is transformed into the pure light of the Divine Image. It becomes the beautiful nfr, ankh living reflection (ankh is the word for both life and reflection) of the holgraphic heavens pt.w of god El, in which each part reflects the whole. * DRAFT 8-2022


A number of Bible stories may be referenced, such as the account of Samson, the legendary man of strength. He destroyed the Philistine temple with his bare hands by pushing the roof support pillars. He would have been an infamous foe among the Canaanites, the progenitors of the first alphabet, Proto-Sinaitic. A man pushing pillars is the centerpiece of the Wadi El Hol inscription. These same central glyphs could also represent Jacob's Ladder a story which reveals that an apparently common place was actually the threshold, doorway, and ladder to heaven. Wadi El Hol 1 and 2 function together to give a complete view of both life, and the journey and glorification of a soul after death!

PRINCE OF PEACE. This inscription may be a version of the Book of Isaiah 9:6 which inspired the great Hallelujah chorus of Handel's Messiah. "For unto us a child is born, a son is given...His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace." The text reads Prince (RB) of Peace (SLM). Heh, glyph 7, means eternal, or everlasting. The YM can be interpreted mighty arm. A birth of a child is depicted in glyphs 11 (the embryo) to 15 (the expansions and contractions of breathing).

PEACE / SLM #3-5 is achieved in both the HEAD #1 and the HEART #2 / ib (hieroglyph). The heart is like a house with an open door. The LORD RB is one who is balanced in both mind and heart.

Proto-Sinaitic literature communicates with many* rich metaphors:

  • UNITY is represented by the head and body; the head and heart; the head of household and a home; key-hole and open door; Lord of Two lands; sea of strong-armed individuals gathered to create a nation; union * of male and female; child and nurturing mother; eye and tears; mouth, sound, and breath; smoke and fire; end and beginning.
  • PEACE is illustrated with the metaphor of a stormy sea. Despite heading into the storms of life, one maintains inner composure, with crashing waves of anxiety are calmed to a single ripple, and then a smooth flow that gently washes the shore. A peacemaker #7, is the one who reaches out to join opposite points of view.
  • LIFE is like water born at the spring, which meanders through the lands of life adventure, before merging with the great ocean.
  • LIFE is like a virgin pod of cotton #13, from which a fiber is drawn #14, and spun into yarn #15, and woven into a fabric #16, which lasts for a while, and then frays.


Crashing surf of emotion,
is smoothed to a calm flow
despite mountainous waves looming
in the stormy sea of life

ONE MESSAGE, MANY MEANINGS. Proto-Sinaitic can be interpreted both alphabetically and pictographically. There is a remarkable potential for one set of images to tell multiple stories at the same time. The central figure can show both the tragic disaster of Samson dying as he pushes apart and collapsing the pillars of the Philistine temple, or the sublime revelation of Jacob's Ladder [2] where the stairway to heaven is discovered at the place where he is sleeping. Yet another interpretation is a scene of joy and peace beyond death in which a soul ascends to heaven.

Procession of the Aamu, or Hyksos, from Canaan who may have developed the early alphabet

Budge, Hieroglyphic Dictionary 120
Am (Hebrew) people. Strongs 5971

Deciphering Proto-Sinaitic Inscriptions

Proclamations, Prayers, Love Letters, and *Curses
in the World's First Alphabet.

celeste.horner @ gmail.com 2020



Proposed Translations for Undeciphered Inscriptions

Torah in Paleo Hebrew font by Jeff Benner

Otiot. An introduction to ancient Hebrew letters by Alan Horvath.

Wadi Hammamat VERY IMPORTANT comparison and reference! An ancient trade and mining route with a library of ancient inscriptions carved into rock wall. On the Silk Road. Red Sea to Mediterranean route.

This seems to be a very important wisdom zone hot spot, Silk Road route from Red Sea to Mediterranean, Luxor, Valley of the Kings, Dendera lightbulb, Wadi Hammamat, and the Dead Sea Scrolls found nearby. The Nile bends in a hook like a question-mark, or Egyptian was sceptre, an emblem of priesthood, sorcery, the afterlife, and wisdom. Tjauty = Djeudi = Thoth, god of Wisdom = Judah? Djeuti = Bebi? baboon form of Thoth, Rhesus DNA.

Egyptian Dynasty Label Dynasty 0, and forward. Valuable glyph reference.
Map of Wadi Hammamat, location route of many inscriptions [wiki]

Credit: John Darnell (2002). Early Alphabetic Inscriptions from the Wadi el-Ho´l: New Evidence for the Origin of the Alphabet from the Western Desert of Egypt.

Wadi El Hol is in a special place which symbolizes language in its geography. It is located on a "tongue of desert" (Darnell 2002 above) half-way between Luxor and Hou, named for the Divine Word of The Creator.

Glosbe English-Phoenician translation


Deciphering Proto-Sinaitic Inscriptions

Proclamations, Prayers, Love Letters, and *Curses
in the World's First Alphabet.

celeste.horner @ gmail.com 2020

Proto-Sinaitic script is a tantalizing mystery.

  • It's important because it is thought to represent the world's first alphabetic writing.
  • It's engaging because each letter is a picture.
    Aleph illustrates the horned head of a cow, bull, or ox.
    Dagg depicts a fish. The Philistine god Dagon was half man, half fish. Meta: D fish head and gills. G also gills
    Lamed delineates the staff of law and leadership, the crook of the shepherd who cares for, and protects the flock.
    The crinkled letter Mem looks like waves and symbolizes water.
    Shin (Tann) is interpreted as an archer's bow, a saw-shaped pair of teeth (Hebrew shin), or a pair of breasts (Hebrew shad).

  • Proto-Sinaitic is a challenge. The glyphs are an ancient mystery, written in the era of 1800 B.C. They were discovered in 1902, during an expedition led by "Sir William Flinders Petrie which explored temple ruins at Serabit el-Khadim, where copper and turquoise were mined. Although the individual letters depict recognizable objects, the inscriptions written with the letters, remain largely undeciphered.

Proto-Sinaitic Abjad: Codex99
Evolution of the Alphabet
from ProtoSinaitic

Luwian hieroglyphs
Paleo Hebrew
Paleo-Hebrew & Samaritan
Ancient Hebrew Inscriptions
Phoenician alphabet - Omniglot
Phoenician lexicon (in Phoenician letters)
Phoenician Punic Dictionary (25MB) Krahmalkov (2000)
Learn Hieroglyphics
Hieroglyphic dictionary
E. A. Wallis Budge.
Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary

These mysterious symbols are inscribed on ancient walls, and etched onto sacred devotional items such as the sphinx figurine from Serabit el Khadim. Sphinxes are goddesses of mystery and riddles. What are they saying to us? Here are some proposals:

  • Gods in the alphabet. The letters of the Proto-Sinaitic alphabet originated in the nation of Canaan. This article presents the hypothesis that the Proto-Sinaitic / Proto-Canaanite letters and many of the inscriptions pay homage to the principal deities of the Canaanite pantheon and the Mediterranean region.
    1. HATHOR. Cow-headed goddess, with a star-spangled belly. Lady of the House. The first two letters, a bovine head and house reference the goddess Hathor, the cow-headed goddess known as Lady of the House. The taurus-shaped letter 'alp represents Hathor's head. The letter bet symbolizes Hathor's temple, or womb, the house of heaven. Our universe may have been imagined to be one of the stomachs of a giant divine cow.
    2. DAGON - Dagon was a merman god, the consort of Hathor. He had a two=part, L-shaped body. His horizontal lower half was a fish, the upper vertical part was a man. Thus the L-shaped letter gaml represents the body of Dagon. The upright fish is also his symbol. Dagon was the chief deity of the Philistines. When they captured the Israelite ark of the Covenant, they brought their prize to the temple of Dagon. The next day their idol had fallen on its face.
    3. BA'AL. The god Ba'al was the son of Hathor and Dagon. He was the god of the lightning bolts which fix` nitrogen and fertilize the land. He was the god of storms. He accomplished the supreme feat of being resurrected from the dead. The Dj character represents the thunder clouds and the projected lightning. Perhaps the mace-shaped letter represents the huge drumstick which was used to create thunder.
    4. JEHOVAH. This name may originate in letters 5, 6, and 7.
    5. WADJET Weret Hekau. Ur.t Heck.w Aegean double snake goddess
    6. EL. The senior deity El, is represented by the lamed, This letter forms the generic word for god, el.
    7. SHAMASH. The sun god is likely the patron of the letter shin. The Moon god was SIN. The Hebrew letter shin ש would be first in both names.
    8. ZODIAC. The first eight signs correspond with Taurus, the house of the Spring Equinox, Pisces, and Aquarius, House of Water, and the Sumerian creator god EA.
    The next two letters, the L-shaped letter gaml and the fish-shaped letter dag represent the half-man, half-fish deity Dagon, chief deity of the Philistines. He was the consort of Hathor. The next letters depict Ba'al, the son of Hathor and Dagon. Ba'al was the god of land fertilizing lightning bolts and storms, and was notable for being resurrected from the dead. The next letters Dj, haw, waw, and het may link to JHWH. Both are associated with Asherah, though the Biblical god was opposed to Asherim and worship of Ba'al.

    Bat, Dagon, Ba'al, Shamash, Sin, and El. In particular, the L-shaped letter gaml and the fish-shaped letter dag represent the half-man, half-fish deity Dagon. He was the chief god of the Philistines, who were Sea Peoples, possibly from Crete, who settled in the land of Canaan.

  • A bonanza of visual metaphor. Examples include:
    1. PEACE - Calm in the eye of a storm. Contrasts still water with a single ripple to mountain-high waves of an ocean storm. Peace in Proto-Sinaitic is not the absence of conflict, but composure despite chaos.
    2. PEACE - The sword, scroll, leader's staff, and water. A formula for peace is an inspiring caring leader like a shepherd with power to defend (the sword), wisdom (the scroll), and enough liquid resources (water) to meet the needs of the multitudes (water)
    3. PROTECTION - represented by the safety of the walls of a house, and by the bow of the archer who repels invaders at a distance
    4. BLESSING - a tender seedling, and a nursing breast
    5. UNITY - a single thread, two twisted strands, a fabric
    6. LEADERSHIP - the sword, the scroll, the shepherd's staff and the multitudes
    7. LOVE - Beloved. The Egyptian hieroglyph of the plough and feathers. The plough represents the love of the farmer for his land. He works hard, removing rocks and weeds, laboring against the challenge of all kinds of weather. The plough represents the strength passion, and depths of love, how love reaches deep into the heart. Feathers illustrate gentleness, sensitivity, and the way the joy of love makes the spirit soar.
      (Grammatical technicality: MR, the plough means love. II, the feathers indicate the object of the action)
    8. LIFE, AGING, and DEATH. A fiber, twisted strand, a woven tapestry that starts to fray. Life cycle of a river. Born at cleft in rock, trickle becomes a stream, then braided river, then empties into the sea, merges into the sea at the black earth delta #16.
    9. NATION - foot and waters representing many standing together, innumerable like the waves of the ocean, or thundering like mighty waters. A strong arm, bicep flexed emphasizing strength of the multitudes.
    10. * a

  • A number cipher. Sphinx EA41748 exhibits a witty substitution of an owl instead of a falcon. This simultaneously forms variation of the name of the goddess Hathor, from House of Horus to House of Turquoise, and creates a potential 3-2-1-0 number cipher: three dots, two dots, a tether which joins two into one, and the flat ground, indicating level zero. The horizontal squiggle could also be the serpent, once an exalted dragon, damned to slither in the dust. A symbol of being reduced to nothing. Egyptian hieroglyphs use ∩ for number 10. This uses union symbol cup ∪ for number 1. (and also zero, for empty cup). Proto-Sinaitic inscriptions are often multi-lingual, humorous, and playfully clever.

    Sibylline Oracle number ciphers show linguistic cleverness in ancient times 2022-12-30

  • The first Hallelujah. Wadi El Hol 1 may contain the first alphabetic inscription of the Hebrew word of rejoicing and praise, Hallelujah. The letters of the word illustrate several joyous occasions: healing, resurrection, release into freedom, relaxing by a river, and the birth of a child. A decipherment of Wadi El Hol 1 is proposed: Lord of Peace, Hallelujah!

  • A Pictographic Epic. Wadi El Hol 1 has an extravaganza of expressive potential.
    1. HEADLINE: "Lord of Peace, Hallelujah!" Rejoice, brothers (Hebrew, achim) of Egypt (Khem)! This multi-layer message is a forwards and backwards play on Hebrew and Egyptian words KHM which interprets to brothers AKHIM, spirits AKH, life anKH, life chai, magic Hka, pharaoh's shepherd staff HKa, and Egypt KHM.
    2. THEME: The theme is peace and unity
    3. PEACE: Illustrated as calm water in the midst of a stormy sea. The idea that nations, and even heaven and earth are joined like brothers. The formula for peace is a leader with a sword of power, a scroll of wisdom, as the shepherd of the multitudes.
    4. PEACE - The sword, scroll, leader's staff, and water. A formula for peace is an inspiring caring leader like a shepherd with power to defend (the sword), wisdom (the scroll), and enough liquid resources (water) to meet the needs of the multitudes (water).
    5. DEATH: #1 head without a face. Anonymous dead. Universal - all face (facebook @covidfaces). #2 grave, burrow, buried. SLM then is solemnity of grief. #16 is death: frayed garment, end of a river in delta, merged with ocean.
    6. UNITY: complemented by 21 instances of unity, such as a keyhole and open door; head and heart; the head and body, the ruler and a scroll; water and land; mouth, voice, and breath; male and female; fibre, cord, and fabric; head and hair; mother and child, and the combined strength of the people of a nation. (nationembryo and womb, mouth and speech, word, song; smoke and fire. Origin)
    7. JOY: The word Hallelujah, is written with pictographs that illustrate 7 scenarios of joy, such as healing, release from bondage, divine epiphany, the birth of a child, and resurrection in triumph over death.
    8. TITLES OF GOD: Lord of Peace, Son of God, God of Heavens, God of Gods, Hidden God, God of Tabernacles, Mighty God, and Eternal God.

      Q ecclesia church = Z, Ya. 2021-3-15 ch. Resurrected Jesus said, All Hail. Like Halleluia. Chairo. O Joy. Hosanna.

      HAMMURABI - Ha The. AM people. UR great. RABI. Ruler. HA. The. MRI Beloved. AB. Father. RABI. Ruler. TO DO: Does code of Hammurabi stele depict sacred geometry? God pointing to elbow indicates palm, cubit, and finger measurements. 2022-12 They seem to be whispering some secret.

    9. SAMSON, MOSES, JESUS AND MARY! Samson is strongly depicted. He killed a thousand Philistines with a jawbone of a donkey, had his magic hair shaved, and his eyes put out. He pushed pillars to knock the Philistine temple down. The elements of his story, a jawbone, a bald head, hair, a weeping eye, a man pushing pillars, thunderous vibrations, and a flat tent are depicted. It is even possible to read the name of Delilah, the lover who betrayed Samson, in the space with a double instead of Hallelujah. It creates a scene where he roars her name as he destroys the temple and crushes his nations enemies and himself. Samson would have been a legendary contemporary figure in the time of the inscription, well known to Hebrews and Philistines. Perhaps the Philistines invented the alphabet! This scene of hellish suffering and destruction is the counterpoint to images of joy, healing, resurrection, and heavenly ascension. The hero is "a man of sorrows, well-aquainted with grief" Isaiah 53:3.
    10. MOSES: The centerpiece of the inscription #7. Staff changes to serpent #5 and back again #4, Moses strikes rock #9. with staff #8, and water #10 comes out. Moes parts the sea #5 - #10. Procession of people feet #9 behind him. #6.
    11. JESUS: The central figure #7 could represent a child in mother's bosom #6, #8. Three heqa staffs #7, #8, #4 represent three visiting kings. #9 angle may represent kneeling of someone paying homage to the Christ child. #9 may be a yud arm, the strong arm representing father, #8, #6 bosom of mother, and #7 infant in the bosom of the mother. Feet next to water may allude to Jesus' ability to walk on water. #1 Ra can play the role of the Star of Bethlehem. It is first because it was the harbinger of the holy birth.
    12. GREATNESS: There are 3 forms of greatness. One is a man knocked on his back, who nevertheless still raises his fist in determination. Another is the small seed that when watered grows into a great tree. It speaks of life and death, spirit and the mundane.
    13. HAPPY UNION: Finally, a happy ending is achieved by linking the end to the beginning. There is a reunion of father, mother, and child to illustrate the overall theme of unity, joy and peace.

      Wadi El Hol 1 appears to contain a grand biblical survey and prophecy in the spirit of Isaiah 9:6 and Handel's Messiah: Unto us a child is born, a son is given. His name shall be called Wonderful! Counselor! The Mighty God! The Everlasting Father! The Prince of Peace! It blends Hebrew, Philistine, and Egyptian culture. One can contemplate it at length and find further insight.

      Wadi El Hol 1 is a remarkable example of how an inscription can have a main message as well as other harmonics. It is an example of how a world could be created as the corollaries o a single word.



There are many reasons why the alphabet should begin with the figure of an ox called Aleph or Alef. The horns of its head create the shape of the letter A. It pulls the plow, shaped like the letter A. It creates an A-shaped opening or furrow in the land - l. It creates B - BEDs for plant growth. It prepares the ground for the sowing of e - seeds. It promotes fertility of the terrain - t, and the growth of the leaf - f, of plants - p and t. The cow, ox, and buffalo are sacred in many cultures including Caanan, China, Africa, India, and America. They are symbols of nurturing milk, fertility, hard work, and wealth. The aleph (ox) bet ( house), The house of Taurus the bull is the astrological sign which represents spring, and the beginning of the growing seson. The bull form in Greek mythology, was a favorite disguise of the god Zeus. In Egypt, the skies of heaven were symbolized by a great heavenly cow. Aurochs inspired cave art over ten thousand years ago.

In Chinese mythology, the Jade Emperor promised a place in heaven for the first animals to win a heavenly race. The ox would have been first, but the rat cheated, rode on his back, and then jumped from his head ahead of him. Twelve animals became the signs of the Chinese zodiac according to who crossed the heavenly river.

To honor the ox, this presentation of an ancient alphabet is presented in bostrophodon order, the S-shaped path that an ox would take when plowing a field.

Interpretation of the Proto-Sinaitic alphabet

Proto-Sinaitic alphabet, interpreted and arranged in bostrophodon format  by Celeste Horner, December 31, 2020.

This Proto-Sinaitic alphabet concept cloud by Celeste Horner 2020 was adapted from a version by Omniglot

Khirbet Qeiyafa, Israel (5 lines in bostrophodon format, the longest known Proto-Canaanite inscription, circa 10th century B.C.)

2022-9-25. 17 sprouted germ. 18 roots, potted, pit 19 sprout. 20 grain harvest. R harvest, rake. SH thresh. sun bake. T eat, finished, complete. Plant again.

2022-8 Q monkey tail is sperm Oo conception Oq sperm and egg QPR becoming the womb Q Yoni R lingam A keeper QonceP conception

16 eye, 17 GAZE Giza Gaza watcher regard guard garden

20 Earth moon relative proportion diagram, Da Vinci, Alan Green, Robert Edward Grant, et al. 20 Earth Moon. 21 Ra Sun Egyptian. Moon face. Shamash Sun 23. Star etoile + 24 hour alphabet. There is a letter for every hour of the day in the Proto-Sinaitic alphabet.

20 COPARENT COOPERATION. Parent: PR house. en ensemble together embrace care love. n one united. t tied together unit. QP CooPeration cooperation co-parent Earth and Moon. Moon stirs up tides, regulates time, gravitational pull energy. Earth core influence. Moon cycle. Deep ocean doesn't see light, but moon gravitational tides still operate.

20 scroll 24 markes. 20 guide eye guard. foundation root, spro. Earth Moon Sun, Moon Sun Stars.

20 Equipment, large and small gear, machine QR

1 Alephm the ox reminds of the the hard work, sacrifice, and commitment of ancestors (divide ox half blood oath ritual - smoking torch God and Abraham - Bible) and anteceents who came before. A antecedent. B buried foundation stone = 1.

MOON, Sun Shamash, Star + or earth (+) to link to taur taurus aleph. End alphabet. Has 24 hours of letters.

HAMMURABI HA the A MR deathless, immortal AMOR beloved RABI lord AB father AMORites AMOR OT high love, high / great deathless ones

HA the AM people UR great / original / first. Name wrapped in last, first letters of WEH1, Sinai

Rabi of the black headed people KHEM black R head RABI lord KHEM RABI KHEM black RA light BI combined one both. CAMERA KHEM & RA

2022-5-18 Beta should add the Egyptian labyrinth form used in Wadi El Hol 1. Square helix. Add Proto-Hebrew sailboat shape b. B = beyt = boat, Phoenician boat people pun. Last letters spell Christ on cross. Two last also shamash, sun, and + equilateral cross, star, Quintessentia alchemical element, which balances fire, air, water, and earth. Transcendence to the stars. Give birth to a new cycle of life, a new heavens. T

Vertical fish glyph appears in proto-Chinese, and perhaps Rongo Rongo

First row: AB DJHEUTY, Father THOTH, The God of Time, Wisdom, and Writing
Last row: GA Egg, PT - heaven, pit, vagina, Female pelvis, conception Q oo, pouring jug / vessel of the womb, nursing breasts.
#22 Moon, #23 Shamash sun, + #24 stars to connect with ∀ the bovine head of #1 Hathor, whose body is heaven

ANIMAL SPIRIT GUIDES tell you what level of the COSMIC PARKING GARAGE you are on. Dog, scorpion, serpent - sub-ground. Lion, bull, ground floor. Birds, roof.

APKALLU = APOLLO? aΠ have pail of seeds to cultivate humanity. They are denizens of the Abzu, the sea below the ocean. They are natural agents to restore life after a flood cataclysm. Could represent lost phallus of Osiris and Uranus. P poisson fish French. A water Sumerian. K angel wings. K position of hand holding CONE / Cain and seed basket / pail. LL legs. LLw walk on water. Poseidon connected. PS. The waters of potential are eternal, so perhaps the fish beings are immortal as well.

Native American symbols

A ABOVE. B BELOW. G Γ throwstick, boomerang which returns to the hand, rotates out and returns to the origin. Great cycle. Gyre. Time.

Q cry micro access Qul = all, Aquarius water bestow, aquiduct, pouring crucible, reflection in mirror, magnifying glass
Hetch Q white hieroglyph [] []

Ptah Pit \|/ three horn Tanit maid, mother, crone Qeper.

Q Ein Sof
Bereshiyt. Prophecies in first word

The Seven Sages of India

Where does language come from?
Parallel legends are evidence of
cross-cultural transmission of ideas and civilization-seeding by traveling and sailing scholars
Hand-bag of the gods appears in Mayan glyphs and Gobekli Tepe.

Fish Avatar of Vishnu saves Manu during the Great Deluge
Matsya protecting Vaivasvata Manu and the
seven sages at the time of Deluge/Great Flood
Wiki: Manu (Hinduism)

Seven Sages of Sumeria

8 Immortals of China

Eight immortals of China

The she-ass that was created on the 6th day of creation, could see angels, walk on water?, and speak. Legends of the Jews. Rabi Lewis Ginsberg. Balak and Balaam. video

Genevieve von Petzinger: 32 symbols used in cave paintings since antiquity

Anthropomorph from El Castillo, Spain?
Ancient Civilizations. Season 3, Ep 1. Gaia

The El Castillo Anthropomorph and Missing Link figures show that the #7 glyph in Wadi El Hol 1 ProtoSinaitic inscription represents a deity that has been venerated since Paleolithic times. Dual sceptre / Twin staff god such as Viracocha 2023-1-5. Richard Cassaro: this is the God-self icon of an ancient Perennial Philosophy. It represents why we are here. This figure is LORD OF DUALITY. One who having mastered the dance of life, and having dynamically reconciled and harmonized dueling opposites, has achieved ETERNAL PEACE.

I'm a masterpiece, and yet half-diseased. Whatever it takes ... Imagine Dragons

Chinese Zi character simlar to Proto-Sinaitic Haw and Egyptian ankh. Sun symbol also shared, circled dot.

Jesus rides on a donkey. Balaam and talking donkey. Lao and donkey ride across water. Dionysis, satyrs, and asses. Egyptian Heron of wisdom god Thoth. Water Wisdom Dragon Quetzelcoatl. Does donkey vocalation HEE HAW give key to letter and something more...

Female donkey was created on the 6th day of creation, could see angels, walk on water?, and speak. Legends of the Jews. Rabi Lewis Ginsberg. Balak and Balaam. audio-book video

This bostrophodon, zig-zag ox plow arrangement was Inspired by the Egyptian game of Senet. Pawns travel this type of path on their journey across a game board which represents the spiritual challenges of the quest for immortality in the afterlife. In a way, life is like the labor of the ox. Writing the alphabet in this order allows the H characters which represent life and weaving to be adjacent in column 8. HA is the breath and the helix is DNA. This also groups concepts related to perception and the eye: en eye, G guarding, regarding, Water is positioned under the fish. Holy, god, leader are in a column. Fertilizing fish, water, and grain are vertically aligned. The motions of the sun: set, dawn, and vertial horizontal motion are in column 7. The roles of Hathor, sky goddess, roving eye, and guard are column 1. Top row concerns heaven, middle is earthly, and bottom is the underworld with mining, genitals, and moon, sun, and land in the underworld position.

Add WINTER SOLSTICE as another interpretation for PS#24 Taw, as in Tet in Hindu astrology.

Asherah (Louvre) from Ugarit. Britannica.com
Asherah - another possible interpretation of the lamed heh lamed shape
Ophiuchus - serpent wrestler, W galactic center
Ras Shamra
Hebrew shamir worm ancient sea life
Israel - Jacob wrestles with the angel
"We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but powers in high places"
Ophiuchus constellation

Symbolizes victory in overcoming challenges, reconciling opposing forces
Triumph of Order over Chaos, Good over Evil, Higher nature mastering lower impulses, pains, dysfunctions, tragedy, resiliene
Perhaps dance, collaboration, complementarity, alchemy


    The letters of the Proto-Sinaitic alphabet originated in the nation of Canaan. This article presents the 2020 theory of Celeste Horner that the letters of the Proto-Sinaitic, or Proto-Canaanite alphabet and many of the undeciphered Proto-Sinaitic inscriptions pay tribute to the principal deities of the Canaanite pantheon such as Hathor, Bat, Dagon, Ba'al, Shamash, Sin, Tanin, and El. Atargatis | Hadad

    Egyptian gods may also be represented.

    1. Wadjet, the projected cobra destroyer protector eye of Ra may be an allusion of Dj, waw, and het. She was the personification of Lower Egypt. She was revered for offering protection to women during childbirth. She was the eye projected from the creator god Atum to search for his lost children, Shu and Tefnut, who got lost in the waters of Nun. When they returned, the tears of joy that he wept became mankind. [Vision - end of days, eye of judgement, firey, fractal tendrils, there, not there, superimposition, we winged eye. EYE OF GOD. deity projected dj ] It looks scary, but it is just a messenger sent to bring lost children back to the Creator who loves and misses them. Dj is distributed, projected. Also prodigal. Judge. DJ = J= Y = sky. YHW. Dig, doggon, dogon, Dj. Sons of Thunder. Magical Mace. Sharur. Visnu. Zeus. D cloud. j lightning jab project. || s bolt closure hieroglyph. z. = egalitarian law. = layers of clouds, waters. Time: Taurus (Hathor - Ha Taur heavenly cow. Pisces, Poseidon. Mother earth married sea second after Uranus. Man fish god Dagon. Also Visnu, man emerging from fish. Aquarius emerges from Pisces. Q is caraffe of water poured by Aquarius. Yamatai. Y sky surrounds M mar sea marine. surrounds T terrain earth. A I approach I one. amor. Sun has two partners, morning and evening star - mother and mate venus.
    2. Het could be Hauhet, one of the primordial 8 goddesses (feminine counterpart of Heh) or elements of Egyptian cosmogany. Plurality is indicated by w. Two Ha would be Haw or Hau (Two twisted flax means eternity) + Het = Hauhet. These two characters show the two modes of DNA helix one open for transcription, activated, and coiled. Ha is the sound of breath, the sound of life. H shows channel of the throat.
    3. Ha could be Heh, the Egyptian god of Eternity. The twisted flax glyph appears twice in the hieroglyphic term for everlasting or infinite. Heka Magic: He = Ka when read backwards?
    4. Pit might reference Ptah (who appears in Sinai 351)
    5. Qup, Kheper (Qeper, also in Sinai 351) the scarab headed god of Creation who procreated by union with his shadow (circle budding indicates self-copying. He created mankind from his tears. Interpreted as monkey which also is associated with imitation, monkey see, monkey do)
    6. Ras could be Ra, the sun god. Kheper Ra, the dawn sun.
    7. sims, Shamash, also the sun
    8. Tann could be Tannin or Tanit (Sinai 347, a widely worshipped goddess.
    9. Letters spell Ra's tanist? S/sh. Robert Graves The Greek Myths. Tanist is sacrificed.

    Draft CH 2020-10-25, 10-26

    Perhaps Canaanites and Philistines (whose name is ironically synonymous with uncultured boorishness) invented the alphabet. Paleo-Hebrew could have developed shortly after, and moved away from the golden calf icon for the letter Aleph. The modern Aleph evokes the grand acts of Genesis, the diagonal slash representing the separation of the waters of Heaven and Earth. The booth-like Beyt representing the temporary shelters used during the Exodus.

    Hathor, the goddess of the sky, love, joy, and music, was widely beloved and worshipped in Egypt and around the Mediterranean. She is depicted as a woman with a cow's head or ears, or as a celestial cow with the stars of heaven spangled across her belly. Pharaohs liked to depict themselves as divine children, nursing at her udders. The goddess of sexuality and intoxication, Hathor's temples functioned as sacred brothels with perfumed priestesses of pleasure, dancers, and sistrum playing musical courtesans. In the episode of the wizard Balam and the talking donkey, the Bible relates that rival nations of Israel, unable to win militarily, used the charms of these ladies to distract the men of Israel from their spiritual dedication. This angered their god and caused them misfortune. The Bible passage of Exodus 32:19 related that Moses smashed the tablets of the Ten Commandments in fury after some Israelites succombed to temptation and reverted to the worship of Hathor, by engaging in revelry and worshipping the golden calf. This lustrous idol represented the dawning sun, believed to be the son of the cow goddess Hathor, born fresh each morning from her embodiment as the sky. The two faced bovine goddess Bat, was another version of the celestial cow whose ancient origins were rooted in the Paleolithic. The two faces of Bat form the crown of the Narmer palette. Her curled horns form a letter in their own right in several inscriptions. An underworld aspect of Hathor was worshipped by miners in the Sinai desert mountains where the Proto-Sinaitic inscriptions were first discovered. In this setting, she was honored as the Mistress of Turquoise. Hathor also had a fierce, bloodthirsty lion form called Sekhmet that was a devastating agent of destruction, and protectress. Legend says that in this form, unleashed by the god Ra upon the world as punishment for rebellion, she nearly caused the extinction of humanity. Her rampage was stopped after she was tricked into drinking alcohol, disguised as blood. When she awoke, she had changed to a docile bovine form, and was thereafter a benign protectress. Another aspect of Hathor was widely worshipped as a guardian of Birth. Whether a rampaging, blood smeared lion nemesis, erotic divine lover, nurturing, mother bovine, or stalwart, loyal warrior guardian sister, Hathor had many faces. Maid, mother, and crone, she was the Triple Goddess and more. Seven Hathors were believed to determine or represent a person's fate. They are depicted on a beautiful necklace from ancient Egypt.

    5500 year old goddess more important than historians thought

    Philistine God Dagon

    Dagon, the half-man, half-fish god was the consort of Hathor. His L-shape and fish symbols appear on a number of inscriptions. Dagon is mentioned by name in the Bible in 1 Samuel 5:4. When the Philistines captured the Hebrew Ark of the Covenant, they triumphantly paraded their war-trophy to the temple of their god, Dagon. But overnight, the idol of the mer-man god reportedly broke in two, keeled over, and fell prostrate before the Ark, leaving only his fillet of fish bottom half on the pedestal! Despite this iconoclastic embarassment, Dagon, who may represent the foundational god who first emerged from the waters of chaos has a profound symbology that may link to other aquatic deities. (Could Dagon, also god of grain, be connected to other aquatic deities such as the Sumerian Ea, Greek Poseidon, Aquarius, water-walking Jesus, Water-parting horned, Moses, Water-sleeping Visnu, Water-spewing Quetelcoatl, African Dogon deity, and Japanese Dogu?)

    * * *

    Egyptian hieroglyph

    for the goddess
    Hathor, House of Horus
    Primordial Ox / Cow in Avesta

    The god Ba'al


    The first two letters of the Canaanite alphabet appear to be dedicated to Hathor, the goddess of love and joy. She is depicted a a heavenly cow. The stars of heaven were spangled across her belly. She was one of the most highly revered goddesses in the ancient world. Aleph, the first letter of the alphabet, has the form of her bovine head and horns. Hathor's titles included Lady of the House, and House of Horus. The square second letter of the Canaanite alphabet, Beth, represents the house of heaven, of which she was the queen.

    Gimmel and Daleth, the third and fourth letters depict the L-shaped body of the half man, half fish god Dagon, the consort of Hathor.

    The god Ba'al was known as the son of Dagon. His signature weapon is a mace, which matches the letter waw. He was called the god of storms, the rider of clouds. Perhaps this is represented by the cloud layer lines of the letter zayin, which could also be his lightning bolt weapon. His castle was on high. His rain was credited for the fertility of the land of Canaan. Drought was thought to be caused when he was temporarily killed by Mot, the god of Death. [MetMuseum]



    C. Horner, 2019, 2020

    ...modern scholars consider it a sure bet that aleph was the first letter of the original alphabet of about 2000 B.C. How and why aleph was chosen for first place, we will never know...

    David Sacks (2003). Letter Perfect. The marvelous history of our alphabet from A to Z. (Broadway Books). pg 51. (an informative and entertaining book that I enjoyed very much)

    Why is A the first letter of the alphabet? It is a mystery. Some suggestions. (Draft CCH 2020-10-20, 2020-10-25)

    1. A represents the first act of agriculture. The original letter aleph was a sketch of an ox. The ox, leads the plough, which precedes the planting of seeds, prior to the actual growth of crops.. These were the life priorities of the Bronze age people who created the alphabet. The ox represents the act of ploughing, the first act of agriculture.
    2. A is written in the stars -- it traces the angular horns of the constellation of Taurus, the house of the Spring Equinox from 4000 B.C. to 2000 B.C when writing was developed. The Spring symbolizes the beginning of the agricultural year.
    3. The letter A started as alef, which depicted the horned head of an ox, bull, or cow. This represents the Age of Taurus (4000 B.C. - 2000 B.C), birth period of alphabetic writing. Taurus and a labyrinthine house may reference the Minotaur of Crete, possible origin of the Sea Peoples who innovated and spread techniques of writing. The Minotaur was a creation of the Greek god Poseidon after whom the Phoenician city of Sidon was named. Legend says that Zeus fancied the daughter of the Phoenician king. He transformed into a bull, and carried her off to become the first queen of Crete.
    4. The letter A represents the antecedents of luck and duty. A, depicts the horns of a bovine. An ox was sacrificed and cut in two to cement the oath between two parties. Thus an ox represents prior commitment. Ox bones were thrown like dice for fortune-telling divinations and gambling games. So the ox also represents a foundation of fortune. Oxen were sacrificial animals, and divided in half to execute an oath. Aleph, the ox represents antecedents, the hard work, (atrocities which need to be atoned) and commitments which precede an event. A is the sacrifice, journey away from source. B is the labyrinth that the soul traverses on its way back to heart iB/H.
    5. Hathor, whose icon is a cow, a.k.a. Lady of the House, goddess of creation, the beginning of existence. A, 'alp, aleph is Hathor. Bt is the cow goddess Bat, depicted on Narmer palette. Primordial cow Gavaevodata of the Avesta.


Add map of Sinai with Serabit, 3D coffin with Hathor image, Balat sphinx

The Temple and Mines at Serabit el-Khadim In the Sinai by Jimmy Dunn. TourEgypt.net

Sinai 346: the sphinx of Serabit el Khadim

Sinai 346: Front panel of the sphinx.
This is the first Proto-Sinaitic inscription to be partially deciphered. In 1916, Alan Gardiner proposed that it read "l blt, to the lady "

Christopher Rollston translation: Gift for Ba'alat. rollstonepigraph.com

Celeste Horner (2022-8-22) GIVEN TO THE LADY. mt (remitted, given, made), l (to), ba'alat (the lady, queen, underworld beneath / heart goddess). The same offering formula apparently appears in Ugaritic. (Cross et al. Epigrapher's Notebook)

Celeste Horner interpretation 2021-9-18: GOD DAGON AND MOTHER GODDESS, LADY OF HEAVEN.

(Origin of expression Dog-gone? Connected to Sirius? Dog Star aquatic beings like Japanese Dogu and Dogon fish / amphibean gods of Africa?)

SINAI 346 message pays tribute to Mother goddess, Hathor, patron of mines on the front face of the sphinx. Top face dedicated to god Dagon, Man and fish, Poseidon aspect, God of the Primordial Waters of Nun. MOTHER GODDESS, LADY OF THE HOUSE, BOTH DEATH and REBIRTH. (MT = mort, death; and mother Mut) (mort death, mate marriage, MT mother rebirth). The goddess represents the process of crossing the threshold between being and potentiality. As Mother, she causes things to emerge. As mate, she represents merging. As death, she is dissolution into the elements of potential possibility PS Ψ Poseidon again.

(MMMM water waves M. l shepherd's crook L. + cross T. () A or P. X = T. House or bottle shape, burial, mine, womb is B. There are two positions of b womb bottle house: receiving with opening up, and releasing with opening down (right side flowing over the edte). MT Mother. L El goddess. B beyt house, burial, mine. BAL.t Lady. Lady of the House, goddess. Also note interesting magic cycle of rebirth lower right corner. () is boat, vulva, eye. Horizontal line divides world from underworld. PT ()X heaven on top side. ()X PT heaven or () AT high. The X of death becomes T when it crosses the ground of burial, or the mirror. It gets rectified. Then going clockwise L lifted, () birth cross to upper realm and is reborn. Also ()LT is AL.t goddess. () Could also be the SUN BOAT in the underworld at night and in heaven PT during the day. )

Esoteric resurrection formula? MT mort. LT lith stone, light. From house of stone and bone to house of light. BL Ba'al Lord. TM time. Xm transformation matter. Front face is one polarization of light / matter, perpendicular faces / polarities not seen, must turn the corner. Fall like water from heaven (top face which can see the sphinx head), rise like the cloud. TR earth. enter. inter. bury. rebirth. Message reads front, back, cycle. MR mortality. Amor marriage love. same root MR. Flip sides. Free-Mason zodiac cycle Priest, Death, King, Birth. Aquarius, Scorpio, Leo, Taurus.



Source: Omniglot


Source: Jeff A. Benner

Source: Jerusalem Post

Bible.ca table shows Proto-Sinaitic glyphs and indexes where they occur
Source: Bible.ca

Paleo Hebrew symbolism chart
by Hebrew4Christians.com Names of God Elah

Ancient Hebrew Lexicon of the Bible by Jeff Benner []

The Otiot. An introduction to ancient Hebrew letters by Alan Horvath.

Oracle Bone script includes vertical fish like Daleth, Dagg

Harappan seals of India have the vertical fish glyph

Vertical fish, third eye, Oannes, Dogu, Christian fish. Teacher's guild? Siva. Pan. Lord of Animals. Cernunnos. Similar to the Sa salvation Egyptian hieroglyph.

12 century B.C.E. abecedary from Izbet Sartah, Israel
Source: Demsky, Aaron . (1977) A Proto - Canaanite Abecedary Dating from the Period of the Judges and its Implications for the History of the Alphabet, Tel Aviv, 4:1-2, 14-27, DOI: 10.1179/033443577788497786.

British Museum EA41748

Red Sandstone Sphinx
from Serabit el-Khadim:
Beloved Hathor, [Mistress] of the House of Turquoise

Interpretation by celeste. horner@gmail.com 2020

British Museum EA41748: Sandstone sphinx from Serabit el-Khadim

Lady of the House of TURQUOISE
Lion -- Lady
AMA AHAB AL Mother, Beloved of God
Darling Lion Goddess Mai lion ahab beloved alt goddess
H lady h of the B()T house. See Chinese lady character.
This is a bilingual inscription. Egyptian hieroglyhphs are written on the shoulder. Proto-Sinaitic symbols are inscribed on the base.
Egyptian hieroglypoh for the goddess Hathor, aka House of Horus
HATHOR, the goddess of love, was the consort of the god Horus. Her name, Hwt-Hr, means House of Horus. The falcon is the symbol of Horus. The falcon has been replaced by an owl in this inscription!
Goddess Hathor Pillar. Ancient Origins
Egyptian hieroglyph for turquoise, with each hieroglyph labelled with a Latin alphabet equivalent
Celeste Horner 2020, adapted from Hieroglyphs.net

lion in Egyptian hieroglyphs

TURQUOISE. The Egyptian word for turquoise is mfkt. An owl represents the initial letter m of mfkt. Curiously, in the hieroglyph for Hathor above, the owl has flown away from its usual roosting spot and relaced the expected Horus falcon as the centerpiece of the temple glyph! The bird of mystery, wisdom, and night has replaced the raptor of day.

The hieroglyph for Hathor usually reads House of Horus. This variant reads House of Turquoise! This variation expresses Hathor's title of Mistress of Turquoise.

Hieroglyphs can face left or right. One is supposed to read into the faces of the glyphs.

Mfkat, turquoise is composed of an owl, signifying M. The horned viper is the symbol for F. It appears as a wavy line on Sphinx EA41748. The upraised arms are the ka spirit-soul symbol, which indicates a K sound. The semi-circle bread symbol is the hieroglyph for a D or T sound.

PUN #2: Turquoise is written upside down to show that it is coming up out of the ground. M owl in Hathor house. Separate: Horned viper F represents ground level. Ka raised arms are above. Two dots, ti, before that. Three grains (here turquoise stones) which usually come last. Reading direction is towards the face of the owl, right to left, but to create mfkat, turquoise, reading starts from ground level and steps back up. Inscription is bostrophodon, the pedestal layer is left to right. PUN #1: Number cipher 3 dots, 2 dots, 1 tether unifying two, then serpent, cursed and reduced to nothing, slithering on belly. Zero and below, negative numbers. Thus 3 represents plural and multiplicity, and series reduces to zero and below. All number space covered. PUN#3: Switch owl for Horus falcon. (Wadi El Hol 3 lightning bolts, 3 scepters, 3 heads.)

Possible 3-2-1-0 number cipher on the sphinx of Serabit al Khadim. Interpreted by Celeste Horner 2022-11-27
There is a possible number code involving the MRY beloved and MFKT turquoise:

3: Three dots (Hieroglyphics from Story of Sinuhe with numbers 3 and 30)
2: two dots or strokes, comparable to dual hieroglyph \\
1: a tethering cord, representing Unity and one. (∩ 10 hieroglyph)
0: horizontal line for none. It may also be the eyebrow hieroglyph indicating a 1/8 fraction. [*]

3..2..1...0. There are a number of metaphors for subtraction. The plough heiroglyph represents going underground, a negative direction. Feathers help a bird fly away.

The ciphers and word play demonstrate the cleverness of Proto-Sinaitic authors. *

Two threes: Triple dots (grain/stone hieroglyph)and two feathers, plus A (one).
Two twos: two dots and a tethering cord binding two into one
Two ones: unity cord, and a single horizontal line
Two zeros: empty cup and a flat line
The owl represents mirroring, means like or as in Egyptian. (2020-6-9, and before...)

The god Hu (second from left) with gods Khepri, Thoth, and Isis in a boat to the Duat netherworld. Heshi, 2022
The flat line that appears on the sphinx could be the tongue hieroglyph that represents the god Hu or Shu, the god of air and emptiness, and therefore zero.

J HW tongue and huh way YHWH Eternal Word. In the Beginning was the Word. Djhwty Tai is great

Hu (ḥw), in ancient Egypt, was the deification of the first word, the word of creationuttered by Atum

Horus child with two serpents

BELOVED (MeRII, MerY) means beloved in Egyptian hieroglyphs.

(If your name is Mary, or Murray, you are beloved in ancient Egyptian! Meryl, is beloved of El, an ancient name for god. An is heaven in Sumerian. Marianne, is beloved of heaven. Marianna could be interpreted as beloved first-born, or beloved heaven-born.)

Hieroglyphs represents sounds, words, and ideas. In this case, the meta-linguistic symbolism of the plough and feathers reflect profound insights into the nature of love. The plough, represents the desire and passion to dig deep into the soul of the beloved. It also symbolizes commitment of a farmer who loves the land, to work through weeds, rocks, storms, and problems. The farmer fertilizes the soil. this is a metaphor for the love between a husband and wife as they build a family. While the plough symbolizes depth of love, feathers represent the heights of love-- the way that love gives wings to the soul, and makes the heart light with a feeling of beauty everywhere.

Lion (ma) Beloved (Habib)
MA (mother), mai (lion)
AHAB (beloved) IB (heart, Egyptian). Beloved of heart.
AHAB AL, Beloved of God

alhabib (Arabic), beloved
Might also read: MA (MOTHER / LION) HB (AHAB = beloved, Hebrew) AL (AL= god, Hebrew)

Ahab: Beloved
Al: god
Al.t: goddess
Ba'al.t: Lady
Um, Uma, Ama, ma: Mother
iB (hieroglyph): heart
M: of, in (hieroglyphs)
tel: mountain, tel
Alternate translations: MAHB(a/i)BL(T?)
Beloved Mother Goddess
Great Lady
Lion Lady
Mae Lion Ib heart AL God. Lion of heart of god

Another: Beloved Mother, Look down on me. The Ayin is an eye, the last character may be a peh, face down. The goddess was also often called the Eye of Horus, and the Face of Ba'al or Dagon. This character could also be the hieroglyph for aah, the moon, that looks like an arc with a circle, possibly the moon as the boat or vessel of the sun?

2020-6-12. Hathor pen Dagon. Hathor face / presence of Dagon. Eye of Horus is fractional. Fractal quantum projected presence Bose Einstein Condensate in many states at once, necessary for interdimensional time travel, exploring different lines of potentiality simultaneously. Vision of Judgement Day Eye with fractal tendrils. Pen is a vital appendage. You complete me. Vital fully or semi-autonomous identity vessel appendage, avatar, representative, 10 Commandment tablets written with the finger of God, like nose, (Egypt life, kiss), wings plume pinions of a bird, penis of man, pen of author, ship of captain.

Proposed translation by Celeste.Horner@gmail.com 2020.3.
Egyptian hieroglyphs reference: hieroglyphs.net

Hathor, the goddess of love was sometimes depicted with the head of a cow.
Her alter-ego was Sekhmet, a lioness, and a fierce and deadly protectress.

Conceptions of goddess. Maid, Mother, and Crone. Hathor, Isis, Nepthys. Maat. Mut. Ixchel. Faces of Divinity.

MINOTAUR MAI Lion n born TAUR bull Spring born of prime summer HATHOR HA half TAUR Head Taurus Maid Mate Mother Crone 2022-3-13

This text is formatted in the boustrophodon style in a zig-zag alternately left to right, then right to left pattern, like a bull plowing a field. Hieroglyphs are normally read in a direction approaching the face of characters contained. This inscription is read approaching the Sphinx from front to back. The first glyph is the name of Hathor, which translates House or temple of Horus. The figure shows a square temple, with a small square which perhaps indicates the most sacred area, the Holy of Holies. Normally, the bird in the temple is a falcon representing the god Horus, but this appears to be an owl of the night, rather than a bird of the day. Perhaps this is a temple in the underworld. The world of the Turquoise miners.

Evolution of the Alphabet
from ProtoSinaitic


Evolution of A, by celeste .horner @ gmail.com 2018?

2020-3-25: Proto-Sinaitic alphabet first honors the deities of land, sea, and air. Hathor, the cow-headed goddess of love. Dagon, the half-man, half-fish god of the sea. Ba'al, the god of storms, armed with the thunderbolt.

Bible passages: Philistines capture Ark of the Covenant, put in their temple. Their idol of the god Dagon falls over and cracks in half leaving the fish bottom part and the pedestal. Courtesans seduce Israel. Talking donkey. Whore of Babylon. Samson and Delilah. Baal El, child sacrifice. El names.

Hathor suckling

Hathor and Ninhursag share fertility and the Omega symbol. Equals the tether t, th hieroglyph.
They also share the warrior lion symbology! This goddess is a link between Egypt, Canaan, and Sumer!
Her consort is an underworld deity and Enki, creator god!

The alphabet also illustrates the occupations of men and women. Herding, fishing, weaving (waw- the distaff, h- the yarn and weaving), farming (the tsade, the sprout, plant, qup, the recouperation, cutting, harvest), and harvest.

The first letter in the Proto-Sinaitic alphabet, "Aleph", outlines the crescent-horned head of a bull, cow, or plough-towing ox. This shape rotated over time as it was transmitted between languages. The pair of horns evolved into the two legs of the modern letter A.

T: tail, termination, stop, exit. Transfer, transformation. Total, together, gather. Star, top. Center. Important because it is the last letter of Hebrew and Proto-Sinaitic. A alpha, fish. a Dawn, sun rising above the horizon o|. L elevated, leadership, shepherd's crook, law, learning, leg of traveller. l question-mark, mystery. LOL LHL worshipper at gates of mystery. Two erect serpents.


Letters 3, 4, and 5 of the Proto-Sinaitic alphabet are Gaml, Digg, and Dj.
They may pay tribute the L-shaped half-man, half-fish god known is various cultures as Dagon, Oannes, and EA. l

Maximillien de Lafayette

Ba'al has Omega-shaped, or teth hieroglyph, Hathor-style hair ringlets. Hathor and Ba'al are partners, both "faces", vessels, or aspects of the Hidden, Unknown God?


The god Ba'al / Adad brandishes a mace and thunderbolt. These divine weapons may be represented by the letters waw, and Dj. The letter haw may illustrate the god Ba'al / Adad, the god of storms, lightning, wind, and rain. []

The Symbolism of the Proto-Sinaitic Alphabet continued...


Sir William Flinders Petrie discovered the first Proto-Sinaitic inscriptions in the winter of 1904-5, at Serabit el-Khadim, a mountain and high plateau region in Egypt [pics] where there is a sacred cave for vision-quest dreaming, and ancient mines for copper and turquoise. More examples were found on devotional lion-lady sphinx figurines found in the on-site megalithic temple of the cow-headed, Egyptian goddess Hathor.

Speculation about the crown of Lower Egypt based on King Tut funerary figure. What is that tall stalk? Is it a map of Canaan culminating at Baalbek? Does the spiral lead to underwater seamount south of Cyprus? This would predict something important at Cyprus (it was a crucial source of copper in the Bronze Age), culminating with the knob at the top of the crown of Upper Egypt Map of Serabit El Khadim. The map of Canaanite lands, Road of Horus, looks like the tall stalk of the red crown of lower Egypt? (Stalk may also represent drain and bowl from washing body after death. Recyling, resurrection.) Reminded of how black holes can spiral siphon matter away from companion star. Birthplace of Aphrodite and Adonis, born of Myrrh tree. Adonis from Canaanite Lord. Dan Don Sudan Sardania Sweden, Danube? Resurrecting god. Killed by wild boar. Balt. BaSt.

Hathor's illustrious titles included Queen of Heaven, and Mut, the Primordial Mother Goddess, and Protectress of Home and Childbirth, perhaps the most revered of all deities of ancient times. She was the muse of miners, the "Mistress of Turquoise". []. She was the erotic Goddess of Love, the equivalent of Aphrodite of the Greeks, Ninhursag of the Sumerians, and Venus of the Romans. Her retinue of garlanded dancers and minstrels playing sistrum, drum, and tambourines created a jubilant atmosphere. Perfumed priestesses of pleasure engaged worshippers in rites of drunken, ecstatic union. These practices were broadly popular, but condemned by Patriarchal traditions such as the Hebrew, which considered the orgiastic practices to be the abominable epitome of immorality.

Hathor had a dark side. Her ferocious alter-ego was Sekhmet, the lion-headed Goddess of Destruction. [] Legend says that one of her rampages, ordered by the high god Ra to quell rebellion, nearly wiped out the entire human race. Total annihilation was only averted by tricking her into guzzling beer stained to look like blood. When the lioness awoke from her drunken stupor, she had transformed into a docile and affectionate bovine form. This is how she came to paradoxically represent the passion of both love and violence.

Yale Egyptologist John C. Darnell and colleagues of the Theban Road Survey contributed significantly to the Proto-Sinaitic corpus with the 1994-95 discovery of inscriptions along the road from Luxor to Hou at Wadi el Hol, the Ravine of Terror.

Scholars are still puzzling about the meaning of the inscriptions. Petrie suspected that the writing was alphabetic, but did not arrive at an interpretationat the time of his 1905 discovery. In 1916, Sir Alan Gardiner became the first to crack the case, recognizing signs which spelled out lb'lt, meaning "to the Lady".

This present thesis suggests that the adoration of the goddess Hathor is a primary theme of the Proto-Sinaitic inscriptions. Cross-referencing terms repeated in more than one instance, such as "beloved lady", facilitated the deduction of meaning of other terms.

Examples of these engraved figures, have been found at the entrance Egyptian turquoise mine, on devotional sphinx figurines, and along the road from Luxor to Hou at Wadi el Hol. Some elements are recognizable from Hieroglyphics, but the ancient messages carved in stone have yet to be definitively deciphered.

This writing submits potential interpretations of these mysterious texts: proclamations, prayers, love letters ... and ancient curses.

The finding of this study is that Proto-Sinaitic is a fascinating language. Inscriptions masquerading as crude graffiti are actually sophisticated compositions with graphical metaphors, multiple-entendre, using the surface of the stone sculpture as part of the message.

Writing on the Wall in the Bible needed an interpreter

Ancient Israelites regarded the area [] to be the site of an "awful burial-ground", Kibroth-Hattaavah, the "Graves of Lust" in the "Wilderness of Sin".

Is Sin the Moon God, Thoth, god of wisdom, writing, and magic? Therefore the primary on all writing/ Sin - Wandering, Wilderness of Sin, where Israel wandered, another instance in where names are prophetic. Cain also a wanderer, first to be marked?

Hathor's alter-ego was Sekhmet, the lion-headed goddess of destruction. Legend says that once she was deployed as a weapon by the high god Ra to quell the stirrings of rebellion among his human subjects. She almost wiped out the entire human race, but was ultimately stopped by tricking her into guzzling beer dyed to look like blood.

epistle of love or loathing

rites of sex and drunkenness

patriarchal interpretation

Irony writing for the illiterate, super-intelligent mastermind

magic spell, formula, incantation limited space sacred symbols not secular chit chat. Knowledge is currency Look for signs

Sir William Flinders Petrie discovered the first Proto-Sinaitic inscriptions at Serabit el-Khadim, an Egyptian mountain mined for turquoise, in the winter of 1904-5. [] He suspected that the writing was alphabetic, but did not arrive at an interpretation. it wasn't until Sir Alan Gardiner recognized BALAT, the term for 'lady', that

British Museum EA41748: Sandstone sphinx from Serabit el-Khadim


Ancient Writing Systems


Egyptian hieroglyphics has over 2000 characters. These are some which can indicate letters of the alphabet


Wiki List of hieroglyphs
3-D Scan Egyptian Coffins - UC Berkeley Iwefaa
Mr - Hoe hieroglyph
Lexicon of hieroglyphs, Assyrian words

Terms in Hieroglyphics


hotep means Peace in Hieroglyphics

Note: Words related to love, death, and mother share the MT root. NABT Lady Nabatean? Ladies

Note: Olmec share serpent wrapped person, Eternity? share hair grabbing victor, like Narmer. share lotus motif, things protruding from third eye, and most importantly, the MAN BAG of the gods, seen also at Gobekli Tepe. Portuguese article. https://ancientamerindia.wordpress.com/tag/religiao/ Hero twins with pharaoh headdresses face jaguar shaped like Thoth monkey.


Ma'a = true, right, truth, integrity. Budge cxxxiii



Proposed Interpretation of the WADI EL HOL 1
Proto-Sinaitic Inscription



Prince of Peace, Lord of Lords, God Everlasting

Handel's Messiah

mouth of Hermes, Trismegistos

The Many Metaphors of Peace and Unity in Wadi El Hol 1

This amazing composition includes comprehensive array of metaphors for PEACE and UNITY. (and JOY). References to characters are numbered right to left, 1 - 16, from #1 Rosh, Heh #7, to the final #16 Km.


  1. RABI. [#1 - #2] (Heart & Mind) The word rabi, which means lord, or teacher. It includes both rosh, meaning head; and ib, the word for heart in Egyptian. Peace and wisdom arises from a balanced application of both the intelligent rationality of the head, and the compassion of the heart. It is a bald head. Egyptian (and Sumerian?) priests were bald. This glyph participates in the allusion to Samson who lost super strength when Philistines shaved off his hair. The bulb shape also depicts the shape of the chef hat worn by Jewish high priests.
  2. UNITY: RAB (priest hat #1 and #2 beyt, house .. of god, temple) The temple and the priest are a matched pair. The keyhole #1 and the open door to the house #2 are another complementary set.

  3. SALEM. [#3, #4, #5] The emotions of water are used to illustrate the idea of peace. First, there are two images of restless water and one of peaceful flow. Character #3, a samekh, with its sigmoid curl, mimics the cresting and crashing wave turbulent surf. Character #5, a mem, represents the monstrous mountain-high waves of a storm in the open ocean. Sandwiched between these two storm images is lamed, which represents law, calm, stillness. It has the form of a ripple flattening into laminar flow. Or perhaps water pouring smoothly out of a tea cup. The lamed represents the peace, and stillness in the eye of the hurricane. Peace! Be still! Jesus calms the waters. Moses parts the waters. Crook, the shepherd's staff. Crosier carried by Catholic priests. The Lord is my shepherd.

    UNITY: S unity with self. L and M land and sea; tongue and mouth.


    Peace: Calm water in the midst of stormy waves
    One of many metaphors in ancient Proto-Sinaitic.

    S, σ crashing waves of surf (turbulent water, is contrast)
    llamed, flat, still, calm, laminar flow of water (inner peace, the calm eye of a storm)
    M mem, mountainous waves of a raging ocean storm

  4. SALEM. [#3, #4, #5] (Leadership: sword, scroll, and multitudes) This consists of a sigma, which could be a sword, or scroll. Next is a lambda, the shepherd's crook. Like a king's sceptre it symbolizes leadership. The mem represents waters, or multitudes of cattle or people which thunder like great waters. Peace is obtained when leaders have both the strength of the sword, and the wisdom of the scroll.
  5. SELF - Peace is in the mind, the inner self. S represents the spine, the seat of sensation.
  6. SALEM - S- sense, wisdom, consciousness. L - El, god. M - multiple. PEACE - The state of consciousness of the gods.
    And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine: and he was the priest of the most high God. 19And he blessed him, and said, Blessed be Abram of the most high God, possessor of heaven and earth: 20And blessed be the most high God, which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand. And he gave him tithes of all.
    Genesis 14:18

  7. WISDOM. [#3, #4, #5] (Questions and answers) Curiousity, questions are satisfied by the scroll of wisdom. Is mem, the owl hieroglyph for memory, mental processes, imagination? Mind, learning (#4) lamed, questions (#4), and scrolls are a unity.
  8. ETERNAL GOD. [#6, #7, #8] (Time: past, present, future) Al is God. HeH is Eternal. The Eternal god unites past, present, and future.
  9. CHILD. [#7] (mother & father) the HE character represents a child, who unites the family lines and leadership mother and father. [#11] might also be a baby with hand raised to suck thumb, a gesture of childhood in hieroglyphs, often called the character of silence. [#11] could also be a child in the womb with the umbilical cord extended. This would be a union of child and mother. 2020-5-29. Womb #1. Open house, birth #2. S son #3. Bar son Hebrew #2, #1. #4 El god. #5 M, mn, men, man, name. Son of god and men. Birth of a child. Occasion for joy. Unto us a child is born. Three kings in attendance. Mary Mag alluion. #11 child with umbilical cord with an ox standing by. The manger scene! encrypted Mary | Mary did you know? (Pentatonix)
  10. PRINCE OF PEACE [#1 - #8] (combines faith, power, and humility) [#7] Heals the schism [#5 mem] between two leaders, [#4, #6 lamed] with both power, arm in smiting position, arms raised in worship, and humility, knee bent. In three kings, or four kings, one is a child (The god of God). Prophecy is in the end, "a little child will lead them" Melech, king in Hebrew possibly spelled by [#5 mem, #6 lamed, #7 EkH] The baby allusion of [#7] changes Rabi Lord [#1, #2] to the more junior prince to yield Prince of Peace rather than Lord of Peace.

    HALLELU! Rejoice! Praise ye!


  12. FIRST HALLELUJAH. Defines and illustrates joy with turbulent life stories.
  13. This is origin of our HAIL! and HELLO! and HOLY
  14. Heil and Hell, Hole. walled prison, Samson bringing down the temple. Grave of resurrection.
  15. Salam alaik Hello! Peace be upon you!
  16. HALLEL, HALLELU! HAIL! ALL HAIL! [#6, #7, #8] (Divine Trinity. Tri-unity. Joins Heaven and Earth) Holy spirit, Trinity, joining two Leaderships, Heaven and Earth, Life, and Death. All dichotomies and dualities. L is lead
  18. This shows a gate. The other characters are constrained to 2D. This one faces the reader, See into the throne of God. The figure can emerge, the reader can enter. Symbolizes release from the cycle of death. Join three sceptres into two, then two into one
  19. HALLELUJAH. The world's first Hallelujah in an alphabetic script? With the addition of the gimmel, interpreted as a J, as in mountain, gebel, messenger. Jaw of the word, jaw of Samson, with which he slew the Philistines. Jaw is digging tool? Agricultural hoe. Revolutionary (J messenger) implement of agriculture and language.

  20. INVOLVES YOU, the reader. Message comes off the page. HA #7, lel #6, #8. U YOU!

    Minoan snake goddess
    There are many instances of a god or goddess holding emblems of power in both hands. This symmetrical motif was a guide in the inital level of parsing this inscription
    The Inca god Viracocha holding two staffs
    ADD ASHERAH with bent elbows holding two flowers
    PN EYE AL pineal Kronos glands = Aphrodite. Eye of Ra extended. Awareness

    Wadi El Hol 1 - The Black, neon effect page

  21. IAW - Read forwards, then returning backwards to the beginning is the Sacred Name: IAW WAI is YHWH. The Mason's square angle, or gimmel also forms shape of elbows bent in gesture of worship and praise. Kneeling, and smiting arm raised up in power. The following mem could then function as a lightning bolt. Hieroglyph reference: pg 6. Collier, Mark. Hieroglyphs. This hieroglyph also means ancient, perhaps as in Ancient of Days? AAH is the Moon. Yue is Moon in Chinese.

    #9: Fist pump. Cheer! Roaring like a crowd that sounds like rushing, mighty waters! Roar is indicated by water signs at #5 and #10. Function like sounds, quotation marks.

    #9: Functions as arm raised in worship towards deity #7. This posture is used often in hieroglyphs.

    #9: Kneeling knees in worship. Arm raised in prayer. Fist pump of celebration. Bicep flex of strength. Arm raised in smiting posture, #10 becomes lightning bolt of the deity.

    #9: If this is an arm, that is yud in Hebrew, stands for Y, YW YWD JUDA the divine name. Then expression #6 - #9 is aLeHLuYa Allelujah! Halleluia!

    #9. If this is Y, can form El Heh, God of Eternity. El Khul, God of all. ElYon, God most high, god of the beyond. Akh spirit Maat of Truth and Justice. Akh maa akhemaa spirit of Great Egypt? Akh Mah Khm Spirit of the Dark Moon? Spirit of the Servant / Priest? Spirit of service? The Amen? unknown?

    #5, #10. Mem function like quotes, or name markers? Amen means no name. Daimyo, great name in Japanese. NMR Russian imya. M for mouth is common. Nom French.

    GOYIM - Nations

  22. GOYIM. (Nation: unified strength, arm, and foot soldiers) Nations made of the strength (shows strong arm) of multitudes (mem, water). Feet - many, ranks of foot soldiers in the army.
  23. GAM. Geminii - twins? Two arms worshipping posture. Or one arm in smiting position? [#9]
  24. Your feet are a pair! Your praying hands are mates!

    ACHIM - Brothers

  25. aM AA KM h Km - Prince of Peace! Hallelu! Rejoice, O great (AA) people (aM Hebrew Strongs 5972) of Egypt (Km h Km).
  26. Akhu: beings of light. Budge. Snake goddesses: Isis and Nepthys. p 77.
  27. Ahi Budge 76. Child, the sun on New Year's Day.
  28. Ahi hair Budge 76. Samson shaved, lost strength.
  29. AAA hieroglyph. Thrice Greatest Hermes. Thoth, the Egyptian god of Wisdom. Emerald Tablets of Thoth.
    READ Backwards: He(rm) AAA (Trismegistos) MG magi ..... God of ML SBR sweet / melekh king wisdom
  30. Three great: baby in utero with umbilical cord (wrap around to put in lap of mother #7) grows up to be great. The ox is great strength, hard work, and sacrifice. Symbol of oath (divided in two), and commitment. Destroying third eye of RA, wadjet, great destroyer, protector. Eye closed in sleep, dream, death to be reborn.
  31. AA. [#10, 11,12,13,14](Sexual union of male and female) Great. The male reclining, reaches out with his arm to embrace his sweetheart. His phallus is erect. A cow representing the nurturing and receptive female, the sacred courtesan Hathor, glances at him alluringly. Her eye is composed of a miniature reflection of a phallus. Her eyelashes are made of the Egyptian loop "shen" hieroglyphic meaning to encircle, and embrace. A bull represented the strength and virility of a male. Feminine desire is represented by The (|) MMM is mouth watering. Accordion mem (water) lines can be interpreted as sighs and moans. These acoustics are inferred from MMMMM uttered by patients undergoing a circumcision procedure, as represented on a papyrus and temple relief of Saqqara?). The zig-zag mems may indicate vibrations, with Canaanite humor, and that the lovers enjoyed an earth-shaking encounter.
  32. M AA K M [#10-14] (agricultural unity) M water irrigating fields, man with cattle whip A, ox A, and seed or bean (K), and another irrigation row (mem)
  33. M AA K M He [#10-14] (embryonic unity) wall of mother's uterus, baby with umbilical cord emerging from tummy (A), A taurus cow representing the keyhole uterus and vagina, (K) female genitals, pelvis of mother, (mem) breaking waters during birth, (he) breathing, expansion and contraction of lungs as baby takes first breath. Similar glyphs in Sumerican spinal cord and heart AB RA on other side. RAB Lord. heart and knowledge. Also He twisted this one open like a hair pin looks like it represents many wombs back 5 generations.

    However, as the city of the god Amun-Ra, Thebes remained the religious capital of Egypt until the Greek period.[9] The main god of the city was Amun, who was worshipped together with his wife, the Goddess Mut, and their son Khonsu, the God of the moon. Wiki Luxor. God of Peace is AMUN from one? unknown one

  34. AA. [#11] Psychological wholeness. A man, knocked out his back, raises his arm, shakes his fist. He is knocked down, but he is not defeated. He still has the spirit to get back up again. This is recognized among the forms of greatness.
  35. AA [#11] is a woman, riding side-saddle on the ox, or beast of burden. She is accompanied by the seeds and water. Tomb of Ani, husband guides plow animal, woman follows with the seed basket. So here is another unity, there is a man, king #7 with two sceptres of life and death, and the bride. Like Isis and Osiris, he is in the land of the dead, to be resurrected. She is in the land of the living. Link this to mystery woman on a donkey in origin of the alphabet. Zeus transformed into a bull and carried off Europa, who became queen of Crete.
  36. AA [#11] kings often depicted being suckled by the goddess Hathor as the cow of heaven. Could be child with umbilical cord, or child with thumb to mouth as in Egyptian depictions. Egypt = Gupta?
  37. KM. (Black burnt earth. Fire: fuel, water, air) Symbols of the united nation of upper and lower Egypt. (|) Kaph, the female genitals representing birth, next to mem, for the waters of birth.
  38. HE - [#13-15] (unity of waters) Stream (m), braided rivers (He), Delta, merging many waters (Km)
  39. HE - (life unity, air and blood, breathing) life, braided streams of water next to mem, the water. Expanding and contracting envelope of breathing lungs.
  40. HE - (fibre, twist to thread, weave to garment) first there is a strand of thread (mem), then a twist combining two strands (He), and then the fabric, or lock of hair (KM)
  41. #13 - 16: The eyesight and hair that were taken from Samson when he lost his strength

    KHEM - Egypt

    the end meets the beginning
  42. KHEM, (Black soil and Nile water) Meaning black, the land of Egypt. The Nile unites with the black soil. Khem, the shadow of death unites with the symbols of life. Egyptian traditions combine the living with the dead in the afterlife and resurrection. Land of Egypt combines the realms of the living and the dead, upper and lower Egypt merged to form the nation. (Root of camouflage? hidden. MasK. Coma Berinices is hair, which could be added to bald head of priest #1. Story of Samson Shamash son)
  44. EL CAMINO - the great path of life. The course of the Nile which begins in the highlands and makes its way via the delta Mizraim amid the rivers, to the sea.
  45. Km R (sacred and military leadership, warrior and priest, beginning and end). The Rosh (chr #1) that begins the passage may be the hat of the priest, architect (senet game), or scholar, whereas the Km (chr #16) which represents th shadow of death may be the war helmet of a Philistine soldier with a crest of feathers. Ra is fire, sun. Km is fire, chemistry, kindle.
  46. Km Black (character #16) Hedj 88888 white (character #15) abbreviates white in hieroglyphics, hedj.
  47. Km [#16] death then the beginning, the architect planning the next phase of emergence from the underworld. Km means to end. Budge.
  48. Km ]#16] A fabric, whereas [#15] is the twisted thread. The fabric of fate, woven by acts moment to moment.
  49. Km Combination. Egypt is a union of heaven, earth, and the underworld, land of the west. Temple, meeting place. Resurrection. X translate matter.
  50. Km thread, fabric, black hair, coma Berenices? Which goes on the bald head of the priest #1, restore power of Samson? The whole procession circles around so that the bride meets the groom, wayward worshipper faces god. God of unity. God of XM combination.
  51. The black hair (as in Coma Berenices) #16 meets the bald head #1 of Samson #7 who lost his super-strength when his hair was cut. The Bible story says he collapsed the Philistine temple. Glyph #7 shows him pushing against the pillars.
  52. Elements: K fire. Mn water. H breath air. KHM black earth.
  53. The end is death: a frayed tapestry. Samson #7 knocked the temple down. Upside down tent. #9. God of Tents. EL OHEL. But the temple will be rebuilt.
  54. HAPPY ENDING: Take message, form a loop. Procession restores hair and eye to head of hero Samson. Family reunified. Marriage of father #1, and mother #7. Place Baby #11 on the lap of mother #7. Chinese character An, Peace. Head and shoulders of father, with beloved wife in bosom, holding child. Heaven. Peace. The gate of heaven is open. Triumphed over death, hell, and suffering of the Samson scene. Transcend. Exit the inscription.

Budge. Dictionary of Hieroglyphs, volume 2, pg 787. km means both black, and kam means end, or complete. Kam = complete. kamm or kam-t = black. The black shadow #16 of the grave #9, the L-shaped burial shaft and chamber. Figure #7 is resurrecting from the dark pit of the grave, with a roll of thunder and lightning #6, #8. The complete glyph #16 is the complement to the Rosh (head, beginning) glyph #1. The Km or Kmt black glyph #16 is the complement to Ra, which means sun and light in Egyptian. DRAFT 2022-10-28. Divine statement: I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. Figure #7, the divine one makes an even split of the incription: #1 - #8 (number of completeness) is the spiritual side, and #9 to #16 shows mortal affairs, birth and death.



WADI EL HOL 1: It looks like a rough doodle, but it's extremely profound.

Continuing the grand life, death, and resurrection saga of Wadi El Hol 1, Wadi El Hol 2 shows the transfiguration of the resurrected soul into a luminous being (akhet), a new star in the heavens of god, the Duat.

It is said when an angel gets its wings, a new star appears in heaven, like the new star of Bethlehem at the birth of Christ. The new star becomes a guide to pilgrims on the path of life, having graduated with honor from the school of life.

The pyramid texts of Unas indicate that the ultimate aim is to become and "imperishable star" Proposed translation of Proto-Sinaitic inscription 2 from Wadi El Hol. Ankh of Tanit, Goddess of Heaven, Mother of Ra, Eye of Horus. by Celeste Horner, 2020

LEGEND: 2022-3-12
0 𓋹 Life Ankh, symbol of life. Wide base ankh symbol was often an emblem of the goddess Tanith. Sandle strap hieroglyph. Ankh means both light, and mirror
1 𓈖 M water ripple. M in Proto-Sinaitic, N in Egyptian hieroglyphs. Ntr is god in Egyptian
2 𓍿 T Tether or cow hobble. Transliterated hiroglyph: T, TH, Tj, Ty, Tyu, W
3 𓏴 T Mark. Cross or T. Sign of death and destruction. MWT is death in Egyptian.
4 𓇶 R Proto-Sinaitic R, head. Face 𓁷 radiance of the sun. Light. Womb giving birth to Dawn.
5 𓀁 A Hebrew Aleph. Perhaps derived from seated man hieroglyph. Interpreted as I AM, or speaking. New-born baby with umbilical cord still attached. Suckling baby. New Dawn.
6 𓁹 A Eye. Hebrew ayin. Appearance? Eye and breath / song unified.
7 𓄤 N Nfr hieroglyph meaning beautiful, excellent, and perfect. Heart and windpipe hieroglyph
8 + 𓏏 T T. X or cross, equivalent to T loaf hieroglyph. Can indicate feminine in Egyptian. An.t is beautiful woman or goddess in Egyptian.
9 𓊋 Pt Proto-Sinaitic Pt. Possible arm Y. PTAH, Egyptian god. Grave shaft pit. Gate of justice. Hiding place 𓀄.
10 𓍿 Tw Tether or cow hobble. Transliterated hiroglyph: T, TH, Tj, Ty, Tyu, W, CH
11 𓃾 A A. Ox head hieroglyph
12 𓋾 L L in Proto-Sinaitic. Shepherd's staff. AL, god, likened to shepherd of the flocks of Man


MTH (Egyptian) Behold! #1, #2
Ankh { LIFE! }. MWT { MOTHER } RA { LIGHT } #6, 7 { BEAUTIFUL } #9, 10 { HEAVENS Ptw } #11, 12 { GOD, Al }

#0 { LIVING IMAGE }. #1-4 { NTTR = NTR = goddess}} #5, 6 { AA = great } #7 { BEAUTIFUL} #9, 10 { HEAVENS } #11, 12 { GOD }
Great and beautiful goddess of heaven

Transfiguration into a akhet soul, being of light
new star in heaven

  • MTH (Egyptian) Behold! #1, #2
  • LIGHT BORN {R rising sun and embryo with umbilical}
  • EYE {If your eye is single, your mind is full of light}
  • STAR {+}
  • in the HEAVENS {PTw}
  • of GOD {EL}
Having overcome and abolished death, the soul is reborn as a living, pure light reflection of the Divine Image; a beautiful new star singing in the of the heavens of God.


The trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible. We shall be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye.

The victorious soul has blossomed from an innocent, virgin ankh to a full blown power, her hood is billowing, and skirts and sleeves flaring with an outpouring of new energy. E = mc2

{Living Image / Ankh} {Changed / mutated / mwt} into the {nfr / beautiful } {Light / Ra} of the {Heavens / Ptw} of {God / Al}.
Message: raised {RA} from the dead {MWT}, a beautiful {NFR} living image {ANKH} of the heavens {PTw} of God {AL}

Labyrinth utterance, multiple paths through with unique experiences. Like diamond poem of

The two inscriptions, Wadi El Hol 1 and 2 function together to provide a complete panorama of life. Wadi El Hol 1 shows birth, the glorious and disastrous adventures of life, and the journey across the threshold of death. The inscription Wadi El Hol 2 shows the glorious transfiguration of the soul after death. Having overcome and abolished death, it is transformed into the pure light of the Divine Image. It becomes the beautiful nfr, ankh living reflection (ankh is the word for both life and reflection) of the holgraphic heavens pt.w of god El, in which each part reflects the whole.

Sekhmet the lioness-formed goddess and punisher of Ra, was changed into docile bovine form Hathor.

As the personification of the Heavens, she is the Lady of the House, and Mother of the Sun, who is born at dawn each day.

At night, she becomes the lover-goddess, the deity of the underworld. That is why Hathor is worshipped by miners. She swallows the sun and gestates the newborn sun until morning dawns again.

She was said to swallow him each night, and give birth to him each morning. Mother of the sun is Hathor, cow goddess. Mother of the golden calf, temporarily worshipped by Israelites.

Another reason for A as the first letter of the alphabet. Lady of the House. Aleph Beyt. This goddess is both the grave of death, the loving mother, and the sky. Perhaps the metaphor of the star-spangled belly of the Divine Bovine is telling us about the multi-chambered structure of the Multi-verse. Ruminants have a multi-chambered stomach.

This passage agrees with SINAI 351 that links the creator god Ptah with Hathor, who gives birth to the sun.

DOES MWT RA Mother of Light, Mother of the Son equal, or constitute another aspect / perspective of MITHRA, a god born of stone? M mother Terra, Mother Earth. Mithra was born of Earth, bearing a TORCH (light motif), killed the COSMIC BULL, whose life-giving blood fertilized the Earth. TANIT associated with sacrifice. Horus cut off head of Isis, replaed with cow. 2022-3-13

REGULATE all right angle letters r Γ L E T REGLE French. Mason's square, 90 degree angle is a symbol of God and righteousness.

Bible scriptures in English and Aramaic

Aramaic: the Bible's third language. Dr Steven Anderson

SACRED KEYHOLE SYMBOL. Ankh means life, this flared version means RESURRECTED LIFE. REBIRTH! Difference between virgin soul, and experienced and resurrected Mama! Flaming and glorious with power and light! Earned her wings. The Ω omega in Chinese lore, looks like a scarf, interpreted as wings. Has the power of the cross of loving self-sacrifice. Informed by Game of Senet square 15.Informed by Game of Senet square 15. 2020-12-14

2021 update

2020 update:

The Ankh of Resurrection!

This inscription is interpreted as a glorious praise of mother goddess and the divine feminine.

Slight possibility of allusion to Holy Grail. R - christ, head. + cross. U cup. MMMM water, blood (DAM in Hebrew, Akkadian?) Transformation by the holy blood, or holy water, or spiritual progress and transformation into the perfected image of heaven. The divine plan. Man as chrysalis phase transforms into angel or spiritual being.

Wadi El Hol Inscription 2: THE ANKH OF TANITH. MOTHER. EYE OF HORUS.Eye vocal chords and X interpreted as Looks that will take your breath away.

Breathtakingly BEAUTIFUL HEAVENS OF GOD. OT, haute Omega Tau, complement of Alpha. Divine Feminine. Extolling goddess.

NTR (god) AA (great) NEFR (beautiful, good, perfect) PTw (heavens) of AL (god).

NUT (goddess of heavens) MWT (mother) RA (sun) Ayin (eye) Nfr.t (perfect) Ptw (heavens) AL (god)

M (by, of) iSHTAR (Ishtar, goddes of Love), Ish (lady) Taura (cow-head, taurus, bovine) PNtw mate ofPenis Union/ooo/Heaven/Haven/tether/bowstring/ball and chain bonded/walk together/mate of AL (god)

HYPOSTASIS that which settles at bottom of gluid, persons of Trinity, that which underlies reality

PTw pit feet presence substance paths pits bowels? Mouth Lips Tongue theta earth Pattern imprint pied trail. ATHENA A away from, eye. THE theos god Na born, come out. She was born from the head of Zeus. from thought born. god born. theory. mind born. mathematics mother god many god. Mithra. Ptw Mesopotamia pt is river Ptomac heaven to earth come egypt mizraim

Lamda - LOVE, LIGHT, LIFE, LAW, LEARNING, ELEMENTS, LAND, LANGUAGE, LEGS, elevation, LALA there there location, LINES, LADO sides

OHel Tabernacles. God of the Tent, LOL dwelling with man, delivered from Egypt? Feast of Tabernacles?

MOTHER MWT death HR horizon raised sun. PATER, Pit raised. Resurrection. We pass through the belly of the beast and emerge on the other side. Battered, still flaming, but beautiful and triumphant. re: A. Gorman.

Ankh means life
ankh also means mirror
Tut Ankh Amun
All Life One
The Cosmic Self which unites All Life
Supreme Being

Image of the Life of Amen (The Nameless One)
A (without) Men mention - Unspeakable
Meta: A without MN mind, mental, ruminate, unthinkable, even crazy. Impossible to Measure M or number n
ruminate R () mouth Egyptian. M mouth. U tongue. n dental, tongue, inside.
ruminate R rosh head. M mind, imagination. i idea. n knowledge, information, numbers. T thought, tete, top.
AMN The one and only. A is one. MN, mono is one.
Meta: A eye M primordial waters n one born, light Genesis 1:3
The name that can be spoken is not the Eternal Dao
As day comes we ask ourselves, where will we find light in this never-ending shade? Amanda Gorman
Light before dawn day is rooster, Day Star, Venus, moon, torch fire
Meta: A atop, above M mountain (epithet of Set)
Why do you ask my name, seeing that it is Wonderful
The resurrected life soul, transformed into the perfect image of heaven
A (eye) MeN, watches man, a man, without man
A (eye). MEN established (Egyptian), monuments. Eternal Eye, the cosmic self
A (eye). MEN Senet game board (Egyptian hieroglyph). Watches the eternal Game of Passing
A (one). MN mandate, one who is sent mandare
A (eye) M mouth n nose / breath / life
A (without) MN moon. New Moon, invisible, mysterious
AMEN, the final word, conclusion of a prayer. (Press Send button)
A (eye) MN (mono, eye). If thine eye be single, thy body is full of light
A (without, 0) MN (mono, 1), MANY

Wadi El Hol Inscription 2

Dea Caelestis, Balat, Pene Baal

Vision of Resurrection. Chains fly up, their ends a broken open. We see the liberated soul. Her crown chakra is flowering. Third eye or lemon yellow wisdom color on one side. Pomegranate red color on the other. Pomegranate was the fruit that grows in the underworld. Once you eat the food of the underworld, you must stay. This soul is resurrecting, being released.

The Salem eclipse fleur de lis. Totality was a velvet infinite black, the color of deep awe. A sudden chill filled the air. Then appeared the luminous diamond engagement ring, the color of lightning. I saw a tri-color flare at the termination of an eclipse. A butter-cup flower yellow (with ruby depths), the color of happiness. A green (and sapphire) flash, as rarely seen at some sunsets. An a royal blue, the color of earnestness and truth. It was an enormous green arch. It was my first impression in this accidental vision. An eclipse has a green flash! I wonder if anyone else has ever oberved this? Three colored fleur de lis plus magical? negative frequency? invisible colors, antigrav? The unobserved spectrum that adds to black rather than white. Moon source. speculation.

This symbol combines the pomegranate, the fruit of the land of the dead, with perhaps a grain from the land of the living. (Hopefully not lemon of bitterness. Golden apples of immortality legend. But colors are referenced. Pomegranate is red, green not represented, but yellow is lemon. RGB). The flower of life as the sun emerges from totality. The soul is resurrected from the grave. Pyramid resurrection machine, uses gravitational mass of megaliths to focus cosmic energy onto the well of souls to revitalize and transform to incorruptible form.? Are those QQQQQ verticals the chains of the prison of death being ruptured as the resurrected soul breaks free? All philosophy about alchemy, resurrection, the battle to exist, sustainably in love, joy and peace for ever.

Qeper - creation by union with own shadow. Possible with sun and eclipse. Colors seem tuned and special. Sculpted frequencies have special character and meaning.
Story of the Alphabet 𓀆
NEITH, Beneath, Ba'al, enter, inter, beneath n in the earth thebes below earth Ta Neith Tanit The Underworld, the land beneath, goddess of love and death, irresistable
color Tanit [2]
British Museum
Sardinia Tanit = Dan serpent strikes rider? female judge = Dan. Tener Ten serpent tenacious coils. Egyptian serpent goddesses

2020-2-7: TANIT. Mw=water; TR-land; aa=great; nfr.t=perfect pn th=theos, divine. AL. Heavenly waters? Heavenly mother. Mother of the Great Land, perfect divine face of god. M'tha= phallus and testicles. Mithra.

? H ? worshipper in column of light, on knees experiencing powerful revelation and presence of deity. Like marathon runner who collapses to knees at the finish line, The boundaries of the known world, question marks lie beyond, explorer who reaches. On knees in awe, hand in the air with joy and reaching out to the divine with love, receiving and yielding blessing. In veil, beyond time, the lamed staff has hook then straight. Time stands still. H=halal, praise. halalu, praise ye. + LL = Y. Hallelujah. Double l is a celebratory tongue trill.

Two staff united egypt world of living and underworld
Ptah spoke the world into existence. Husband of Sekhmet. {S wisdom khm black}
goddess of light, form of Hathor
Tanit Sardinia with scorpion. She Snake

Eye of Horus Wadjet or Ujat, The Whole One


Tanith, Goddess of Heaven

ancient.eu Hathor

Naked Archaeologist, Philistines, temple prostitutes. Son of Beor, seer, failed to curse ISRAEL Evidence found at Deir Allah. Breasted god.

Dagon consort was Belatu = Hathor

three-breasted goddess

Hadad Ba'al Hadad, Zeus. With Shala. {Ish Ala}

Eye of Horus represents fractions. Most restored after Set gouged it out. Offered to father to restore life. Right eye of Horus is Ra, the sun. Left is moon, Thoth. Wedjet - eye of Horus. R

Ba'al with club, and curled hair like Hathor. Rival was Yamm. Ba'al Berith, Lord of the Covenant. Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies. Ba'ali, my Lord.

Huh, god of eternity, Heck, god of magic. Babi, baboon god of fertility. Aker, god of the horizon. Kuk darkness. Throat, new moon, Thoth: god of magic, scribes;}

Anat Queen of Heaven

Hathor - wooden image at the Met

Hathor and Bes only Egyptian gods depicted with full face, frontal view

Naked Archaeologist - Philistines, Samson and Delilah

Hathor suckling

Hathor shows Ra her genitals. Ra becomes angry when he is insulted by the baboon god Babi, and lies down on his back. This implies that the creator sun god was sinking back into the inert state that would mean the end of the world. Hathor, Lady of the Southern Sycamore, visits her father and shows him her genitals. He immediately laughs, gets up, and goes back to administering justice. Hathor has aroused the sun god and driven away his evil mood. (138)

Breakthrough 2020-3-17. Proto-Sinaitic alphabet A represents Hathor Aleph Bet (House). She is the lady of the house. Next gimmel and Dag represent Dagon, the L-shaped, god with a fish tail. Pisces to Aquarius?

Tannin evil sea monster of chaos

female genital clevage - water - blood, life water - headwaters meet join HA - twisted weave - like horizon, braided low-land river meets black earth KhEM of the fertile delta. HEADWATERS MEET BRAID TOGETHER THE BLACK EARTH

aleph male fertility, man exhibiting giant erection aleph, and ox that pulls the plough AMR murmur
Wavy lines either M or N. If M we have mother M-TH.t. If Wavy lines are N, it is N-TH-Ta. TaNith or Neith. AA = great. Windpipe, nfr.t is perfect. Last word is AL = god. Angle symbols may be P. U-shaped tether is TH or tu. PTw = heavens. Also M can be of. Tether TH.T Thoth? R = light, sun. AA = great. Petunia Ptw=heavens n=of IA=YAH=god

Ask Aladdin about Egyptian gods
Neith is paired with Ptah-Nun. The angle foot - P, tether TH could be PTH, PtaH. Neith
Orkney islands circles viking
A aleph, the ox. Strength and virility, the father. Antecedent, plow before plant. Leads the plough. Ox is sacrificial animal, reminds us of the sacrifices of those who went before. Uranos, god of heavens. Divine paths. Ox castrated, light, leader, elevated.
AMON - A flame. M bonfire warm immolation. O glow, light, flame in zero gravity. n ignite, nothing, incinerate, element, one, none. A aquatic. M mer, sea. O water drop. n current of stream.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sais,_Egypt Saw, Sais, Atlantis, Osiris burial place

Strongs 1984 HALAL - to shine
Strongs 1986 HALAM - hammer, smite
Strongs - Hillel - He has praised
HL - god of tabernacles, tents Hebrew Olam OHol EL OHEL. God of Tents / Tabernacles.

Former 2017 Interpretation of Wadi El Hol #2 by celeste. horner@gmail.com

Update: Mother / cat (MW) Taurus Cow (TR) Light (RA) Great (AA) Beautiful (Nfr.t) Heavens (Pt.w) God (El). This is extolling Hathor, the cow goddess whose belly holds the stars of heaven. (Hmmm multi-chambered stomach.....)

un-annotated inscription
tether glyph = T, Hieroglyphics. Could be sides of nu vase. part of noose = ou, w. spiral is w, oo. like tether, noose, keeps things with, one = w. w = and, Arabic, Hebrew? noose o loop s=e wrap around, helix.
If angel figure is goddess Tanit symbol, then message may start out as MWT = mother? nefert = perfect. aa = great. If M is n ^^^^^ water hieroglyph, then message may start with Netr = god. Mother TR = terre, earth. AA = great. windpipe = nefer = Perfect. PTH - Ptah, TP = head. PT = HEAVEN AL = GOD. 𓇵
MTT= mother; R=reina=queen, head, rosh, rab.t. AA=great; nfr.t = windpipe=nefer=perfect; PT= heaven. AL=God.
Collision of cultures produces double entendre. Water is Nu in Egyptian, mem in Semitic Hebrew.
Pit foot pitth heaven theos Ponnim
TANIT: NEITH TA HEAD (t=female). TANIT = Land (Ta) of Neith / Nit. ^^^^^ = N. U = TH/T. Land Beneath? UnderWorld? Ra = Door / head. 2020-1-11
Tanit also known as Face (Pene) of God. Baal + Neith = Beneath, gods of Death and the Underworld. Phoenician Astarte = Asha = woman. Tarte = Tartarus, the Underworld?

ISHTAR, seduces angel and learns from him the divine name which grants access to heaven. She promptly used it and ascended to heaven without having relations with the angel. She became a star in the Pleiades. (Legends of the Jews. Rabbi Lewis Ginsberg. Legends of Noah). Similar to ISIS who gained the divine name from RA. ISHAH lady TAR taurus cow. HATHOR Ha half Taurus. HADES half gods, land of demi-gods. Moses died on Mount Nebo, Sumerian? god of wisdom. 2022-9-24. Eve also gains wisdom and suffers. Moses and Noah both had shining aces.

DIVINE MOTHER COW/TAUR (TR) TERRE EARTH Cat Cow Mother of Ra Mother of Light. Eyge of Horus, Head TP Face of Heavens, Face of God. m preposition

ISH TAR (Taurus) =? HATHOR, Ha half Taur, half cow, head of cow, body of woman = Isis = Sekhmet. Lady of the Tree, Eve? suffered for wisdom. Odin tried female identity, suffered and sacrificed for wisdom. INANNA, Aphrodite, Venus
Tanith, Goddess of Heaven
Muth to die, Hebrew. Mother, Moot, Muth, MWT, mouth. Goddess of Love and Birth and Death intertwined. MA'AT justice. Mathematics. AMOR MURDER MARRIAGE ROMANCE MARRY MR MRS MRY MR = Egypt. SUMER. MARGIN EMERGE.

Egypt headwaters vulva stream and black lands. Water and earth.
Tanit Stele, Louvre
Unicode Hieroglyphs HTML codes

Sinai 345


SINAI 346: The sphinx of Serabit El Khadim

Proposed translation of SINAI 346 2020-4: Mother Goddess, Lady, Head of Heaven

HATHOR / ISIS. Isis, Iset. The setting, The primordial black sea before light was. the gravitational seat of the (i) night's twinkling points of light, the stars. Cow goddess Hathor with the star-spangled belly, who nursed the pharaohs. Her womb is the cosmos. Her mate is Possibility. Ps, Poseidon, Quantum Wave Functions. This is a monument to Both. Left: Word, Logos, Logic, Intelligence of God. ( mouth () glyph ) of God (L). God of Storms (Dj D cloud, thunder; j lightning projected, breath, language jj (see Mayan paintings ) wind. Judge. Judah, Djeuty) (Storms of creativity). God of the Sea (of Possibility). She is the manifested universe, matter, the primordial sea. She is the Muse, the Mirror, and the Medium. She is Memory and Mind. He is the Origin and the Emergent One, the stable land where new light is born. 2020-10-15

2022-3-13 Interesting that the 3-dimensionality of this figure shows two different kinds of light. There is a vertical spiritual eye and a horizontal mundane eye. There are waters of heaven on the top face, and perpendicularly oriented waters on the front face of the statue. These waters vibrate in different planes! Perhaps this explains dark matter. Its light is polarized in a perpendicular orientation.

2024-1-19. M mountains = kur = underworld (Hebrew, Assyrian). MT Death. l lit (French), bed, laid out in grave. B, L below. Baal, bowels of the earth. Underworld house. B beyt, house. Beer, well (Hebrew). House with chimney, bottle-shape. AL.t goddess. This is a votive to the goddess of the underworld. Reflection, the overturned house. House of heaven. Plays with horizontal and vertical orientations of l lamed, () ayin. M water, () mouth.X and + forms of T. This is tricky, crypto-writing.

MT and KaPUT both mean death!

If the Rosh or Beyt glyph on the right top corner is a Q/K, then Kpt would mean death. Corner of the front panel. MT and PT. MT vs (R/B/Q/K)PT
Mut and Kaput! Lamed staffs rotate. House and Rosh mirror, Eye and tear, or eye and mouth. Two positions of tau. MT death balances possible QPT = Kpt (hieroglyph) = death
Mut (mother) or Maat, Mother of Divine Justice balances R rosh, head of PT heaven.
Whoever invented Proto-Sinaitic was someone very clever who was pretending to be rustic
HATHOR is equivalent to NINHURSAG, both share OMEGA symbol, are fertility goddesses

LB (Hebrew) heart. AL.t goddess Heart of goddess.

These tri-lingual writings illustrate the multi-valent, and paradoxical nature of divinity. One word can mean several things. The message can be parsed different ways and read backwards and forwards! 2020-5-3 Baal statue found in India has tall crown and mudra postures like gods of India. Quadralingual? Maha - Great.

Interesting symmetries: balances two symbols for fish, eye, tau, and bet. The letter bet, when refected forms rosh, the head. Together, these form Rabi, lord. The Rosh letter may also be an Omega Ω symbol, which symbolises Hathor, and perhaps the womb. ()X may be mouth crossing, which would be a kiss. The mouth and lamed may represent intercourse, related to Hathor, and the concubines or courtesans of the temple of the goddess of love.

insert Bible stories of Dagon and the stolen Arc of the Covenant, and Balaam and the attempt to curse Israel with seduction. Naked Archaeologist - Balaam and talking donkey episode.

Lamed is Phoenician P. Heaven Pt and Mountain tp are reflections. Continued from top surface. God of water, or God (AL) of (n) Heaven (aL). God of water and Balat. Dagon and Hathor / Balat. Also goddess of Byblos = Astarte, Asherah, Aphrodite, Hera?


Philistine God Dagon


This specimen was the first Proto-Sinaitic inscription to begin to be deciphered. [] Gardiner ( ) recognized the phrase: "l balat, to the lady." This is the root of the interpretation: "Death to the Lady."

The progress made here is to recognize the symmetry of the message on the shoulders of the sphinx. The mouth on the right shoulder, balances the divided sacrifice blood oath symbol on the left. The lamed leadership scepter, shepherd's crook, and consonant anchoring the word, "El", meaning god appears on both the right and left. The nun, meaning fish, and the Digg, meaning fish also balance each other.

The merman god Dagon is indicated by the side-by-side lines showing the upper part of his body is a humanoid god, and the lower part is a fish. The L shows the shape of his body, and the water indicates his watery domain in the Abzu.

The head of the sphinx may represent the transcendent god Anu. The right shoulder says: Word of the god of heaven: Death to the Lady. Foul toilet water and curses be poured upon her! Thus voweth, Dagon, the god of the Sea: Love and kisses to Mother Goddess.

Curses upon Sekhmet, warrior lion-goddess who almost exterminated mankind, and love to Hathor, goddess of erotic love and childbirth?

This sphinx statue and engraving may record a bitter feud and love triangle among the gods. According to Greek mythology, Uranos, god of heaven (El AN) was the original husband of Gaia, Mother Earth. Uranos imprisoned some of his offspring in the bowels of Mother Earth. She retaliated by urging her son Cronos to castrate his father with a sickle and by taking Pontus, a god of the sea as her next husband.

Sumerian mythology - Sky god Enlil killed the goddess Tiamat. He cut her in two. The upper half became heaven, and the lower part earth. The blood of her consort was mixed with clay to make the first humans.

The prone lamed and the bottle, the domestic, maternal woman, keeper of the house. The erect lamed and the vesica pisces, the erotic female. The two faces of woman.

Dagon represented by Dj = divided side by side lines. Lamed for leader, shepherd, the fish, the L-shape, and the waves of water. Hathor or Inanna represented by omega Ω a stylized womb, the kiss -- lips X crossed. and the Dagon, Lord of the Sea.

MRT has M body RT rot, as components of MRT, death. R release to the Earth, Terre. MR Mourn. MR sea, salty tears. The glyph (=) h hidden R revealed hiero glyph. The inscription shows a rotation in the bottom right, eye, or boat horizontal and vertical. Cross is diagonal and upside down / vertical / erect./

Clever composition: balance of N serpentine nun character which means fish, as well as the dag character fish on the opposite side. Balance of lambda L characters which signify leadership of a shepherd, and El, which means god. Opposition of two beth house characters, one straddling a corner, linking the upper plane of the sphinx, with the vertical plane. There is a rotation of () which can be ayin, meaning eye, or peh mouth.

Ninhursag. Symbol is Omega. Healed Enki.

2020 update: SINAI 346: God (AL) of Heaven (AN). Man (s) God (L) Fish (Dagg) L (shape of Ea / Oannes merman body). Water (mem). Mother (MT) Goddess (L) Lady (BAL.t) of Heaven (PT).


original sphinx

Ancient Hebrew Research Center: Death to the Lady

Alternative: Could this be an expression of love? Love to the Lady MRT? MRRT?
Is () X a kiss or a smack-mouth? Or a curse?

MRMX Merman cross, AMOR love waters poured out, a kiss on the mouth () X? Then whole thing is love note between God of Sea and Lady Baalat.

Dagon Fish God Of Egypt

The Seven Hathors, goddesses of Fate


1 Samuel 5:4

Ashtoreth Ash woman Taur - bull THe - god. Ash - man Tor - bull eth - feminine

MNAMON: Ancient Writing Systems in the Mediterranean:
Sinai 346

Link to NIN HUR SAG? Lady of the Mountain of Babylon?

Sinai 349: Heavenly Goddess Asherah, Guardian of Conception and Birth.

Line 1: (update 2021-10-27) An.t goddess || heaven (A)SH R(A) Heavenly goddess Asherah (reading right to left)

(update 2021-10-31. Heavenly (AN=heaven) goddess (AN.t) Asherah (aSH Ra). Guardian (shin, Bow of the archer, protector, striking down danger at a distance) of (N) conception (B Beyt house. Belly. Q conception, cause, aquiduct pouring out)) and of (N) B Beyt house Belly of birth (R release, radiation). (Ant = radiant? goddess)

Budge, Sir E. A. W. (1920). Hieroglyphic Dictionary, Volume 1, pg 123

Goddess Asherah standing on a lion, holding lotus flowers toward Min / Minas? Menes? Amun? and two serpents? towards an immortal god (Anu? Set?) with an antelope headdress. Possible identity of #7 glyph in Wadi El Hol 1. British Museum


Reading right to left: An.t (GODDESS) == (OF HEAVEN) 3 nursing breasts are shad in Hebrew, SH. () mouth is R in Hieroglyphics. SH + R = aSHeRa (ASHERA)
Reading left to right: Head-Rosh + Lady-ST = (QUEEN); n, of in Egyptian (OF). Head of cow goddess Hathor, whose body holds the stars of heaven (HEAVEN)
(QUEEN OF HEAVEN) 2022-3-13. SHAR in Mesopotamia is a king, ruler, or prince. ASHERA could mean queen.

Line 2: GODDESS rb = lord. {n} OF CONCEPTION, {house []} THE WOMB {Q} AND BIRTH {mesh}

Line 2: NAME shem. [] pr HOUSE. of the Q queen 00 eggs. House of the Rod of the Lord. Place of conception, mating, birth chamber.

Line 4: HEAVENS == {8 ha} of the the GODS {l}

Line 7: GODDESS ASHERAH: El means god. The letter t is a termination which indicates female gender such as bachelor and bachelorette. El.t means God.female, thus goddess. Goddess Asherah is named: Aleph, the cow head, SH the breasts, and bow, and R the mouth.
Reading right to left: 3 breasts. MMMMM water, milk. NURSE. Shem is name.

ISHTAR, seduces angel and learns from him the divine name which grants access to heaven. She promptly used it and ascended to heaven without having relations with the angel. She became a star in the Pleiades. (Legends of the Jews. Rabbi Lewis Ginsberg. Legends of Noah). Similar to ISIS who gained the divine name from RA. ISHAH lady TAR taurus cow. HATHOR Ha half Taurus. HADES half gods, land of demi-gods. Moses died on Mount Nebo, Sumerian? god of wisdom. 2022-9-24. Eve also gains wisdom and suffers. Moses and Noah both had shining aces.

W symbol could be ST bow, bull=A W=st ()=R ASTAR te?
Saul of Tarsheesh, Tarsus, underworld, sunken Atlantis. Tar = terre. Sus = under. Death / Mating/ Digestion / Night.

Letterform archive

ISH TAR (Taurus) =? HATHOR, Ha half Taur, half cow, head of cow, body of woman = Isis = Sekhmet. Lady of the Tree, Eve? suffered for wisdom. Odin tried female identity, suffered and sacrificed for wisdom. INANNA, Aphrodite, Venus

AN.t (Egyptian) goddess. SESH scribe. SESHAT? UR great. RA light, word, mouth. SARah princess. SHAR king. BQ servant priest. n of. NB Lord. Baal Dagon. Consort Tanit


The Egyptian god Ptah
, spouse of Sekhmet, and father of Nefertum, who represented the sunrise.

Beloved mother lion goddess
Lady of the house (Hathor)
House (Womb) of Earth and Sky
named Mother (birth) of Dawn (Qpr)
Beautiful face
of radiant heaven (Ptah)


(MA - mother / lion; HABIB - beloved; AL.t - goddess)

SINAI 351: (HATHOR), LADY of the HOUSE. BIRTH (MOTHER) of KEHPRE, the rising sun, of perfect voice.

Ptah - beautiful face, beautiful voice. Is his sceptre a TTT voice broadcasting, amplifier? Bottom is tuning fork. Was sceptre. THE VOICE. (Without opening mouth, is underwater) Djed pillar has 4 layers, may symbolize that he simultaneously holds all 4 pillars of heaven. 2022-3-13

BIRTH OF THE DAWN (QPR) of THE BEAUTIFUL (NFR) DAY (HRW). The Eternal striving to emerge from existence into the transcendent perfection. Born again.

MA (lion, mother) AHAB (beloved, Hebrew) BALaT (Lady). S.T (Lady) BaST (bastion, protector) / PST (shining) N (of) MSH (birth) N (of) QP (Kheper, god of dawn) HR (face) NFR (beautiful).

MAHA (great) HABIB (beloved) AL.T (goddess)

MAHA (great) HABIB (beloved) BILAT (lady)

The symbols are like waters that float many boats of interpretation.

Metaphor for protection - a square, representing a stone, or fortified ramparts of a walled city. The archery bow, representing long-range defense, keeping danger away. Goddess Bast, the cat, who protected birth. Origin of bastion, a protective building?

Beloved Lion Goddess Sekhmet. Lady of the House, Hathor. Beloved of Ptah. Mother of the Virtuous. Protector of Birth.

Sinai 351: Left side: MA (Mother) Habib (Beloved) Al.t (Goddess) or Mai (Lion) Habib (Beloved) Blt (lady). Right: Lady (St) of the House (Pr). (A title of Hathor). Name (Shen) or SHAD breast nurse-mother of the Dawn, BIRTH (MES) OF (N) Khepri/Keb (QPr/QB). Voice (Hrw), Perfect and Virtuous (Nfr)

Hr Nefer - Face and beauty both use a mirror shaped symbol, but the beauty and perfaction has a T for perfection to a T, embedded. T is right, straight, perfect, True image. NeferTiti. Hr for face is windpipe upside down. Q Pr - copy in stone, temple image, also Khepr the appearance, dawn of the sun.

Lion goddess Sekhmet. (Hathor), Lady of the House named. Mother of Khepri

PTAH - The Dead God, Beautiful of Face. Adonis, Tammuz, and Osiris. Jesus, the Lamb that was slain.

UPDATE 2020-5-5: This inscription probably refers to the Canaanite goddess Anat, or uses Egyptian hieroglyph for beautiful lady, or goddess An.t (Budge, Dictionary of Hieroglyphs pg #)

ANAT (goddess, companion of god El). Ashera. PN (consort, wings, uraeus) of Dagon. Ml sweet. Hbb habib beloved. Mlk king. shm name. aa great. Ha the mry beloved rab lord.

goddess Asha woman, breast
bow of protection
Face, Third Eye Deity, Dogon, god Khem - Egypt


UPDATE: An.t Goddess Hathor Face (Pn) of Dagon, Beloved god and king. 2020-5-31

2020 update: SINAI 357: GODDESS HATHOR, LOVER OF DAGON. Goddess Hathor (AN=heaven, AN.t=goddess. SH=Bovine horns of Hathor, and breasts ST=breast) SeSH? (scribe?, wise one. SA=wisdom, knowledge, thinking. SH=gathering up, and sharing. researcher. ) PN (face, lover? twin? avatar? representative? companion? appendage; hiding place, sanctuary, vessel, compare to HR Hieroglph. Shakti of Shiva) of Dagon (half-man, half-fish, god) of Egypt (KM, Khem, the black land). Lord (L=lord, leader, shepherd, god) HABIBi (beloved, dearest, darling, cherished, heart throb) KING (melik).

HOUSE OF THE GODDESS? AN.t = Anath = Goddess. An (Sumerian) = Heaven. t = female, hieroglyph. Beth ANATH. Bible: Judges 1:33 Beth Shamash, House of the Sun.

Heaven bless this dig of the beloved king, great name of Hammurabi

Heaven - AN; God - AL; TS- insignificant, Tree seedling; Ts-seedling + SH-shad-breast = BLESS; PN - this; Dalet - Door; DQ - dig; Q - hill; D - Dagon - sacred; Q - cave; M - of; L - god, the; HABIB - beloved; MLK - king; SHM - name; AA- great; Ha - the; MRI - the beloved; RABI - Lord. The Amor Rabi, Hammurabi. Serabit El-Khadim - Heights of the Servant. Servant is another term for priest in Egyptian. HM. HM - Servant; UR - great; RABI - Lord. SAR - prince. RABI - Lord. T feminine. HAM was cursed by Noah to be the SERVANT of his brothers, shem and Japheth. Genesis 9:18-10:32; Deuteronomy 20:16-18

There is a crown-shaped glyph that appears in Ugaritic. https://www.academia.edu/37348177/Visual_Poetry_in_the_Ugaritic_Tablet_KTU_1.4

The L - shaped form of the message honors the L-shaped fish-man hybrid god Dagon. It has precedent as a format for signs. The vertical gives the advisory or message, and the horizontal bears the name of the undersigned sponsor.

L-shape may reflect transition at end of the Bronze Age. Vertical registers used for sacred communication, talking to gods. Horizontal registers used for human affairs.

Pagels? Tour of Egypt. 3rd dynasty pyramids built with vertical, inward sloping columns. 4th dynasty had stone core with horizontal rows. Middle kingdom pyramids made with mud bricks with casing stones.

Cross, Frank Moore. Leaves from an Epigrapher's Notebook: Collected Papers in Hebrew and West Semitic Palaeography and Epigraphy offering formula starts with mt. Ugaritic

Proto-Sinaitic may be the missing language of the Amorites, linked to the legendary giants and the king Hammurabi. Anu and Bel called me, Hammurabi, the exalted prince, the worshipper of the gods, to cause justice to prevail

Sea Peoples, Philistines, Minoans. Samson destroys temple of Dagon.
"Activation holes - natural bubbles in basalt, however... "

2021-1-4: AN.t goddess. sSH scribe secret PN pen? face vessel PT mine D Deity Dogon Kuph mem KHEM Egypt ML melekh king sweet ABIB beloved MLK King

2024-2-12. Reading into the character faces, right to left, the horizontal line may be Abraham rather than Hammurabi (left to right). AB (father) RA R (head/race) AM (people, multitude). AA great Egyptian. MSH born. 2024-1-19. AN.t goddess. SHEP august, as in HatShepSwt. N of. Dagon (fish). Dead and gone? Fish = corpse? Fish is travelling Apkallu, guide of wisdom. Quetalcoatl also god of the dead, as is Osiris. Osiris and Uranus both missing phallus which was swallowed by fish. QM Khem, black land, Egypt, grave? Ellah, El.t goddess. Habib beloved. BAB gate. HAMMURABI law-giver, an avatar of Osiris, Quetalcoatl? HA the MR mort dead. ABI father. RABI. lord. MR marine ocean. Out of water. H AMOR love. A MOR deathless love. Ptah, a god given up all powers and bound. Peter. PTAH poet.PT heaven. AA great. Uranus. Original sky god, who loved Earth, Gaia. EGYPT. E house Sumerian. GY Gaia earth. Our gate and garden. PT heaven (Egyptian).
older version

Instead of Hammurabi, Abraham or something else if follow the convention of reading into faces? 2024-2-8

An.t Goddess Ashera Pen (companion, consort, face, vessel, avatar) Dagon. MMMM waters L leader K kaph hand. King, God (L) of the Waters. Alphabet line 2 Right to Left Heaven An; two fish (samekh, n) MLK king 2021-9-4 B moon. Shamash sun. Taw etw dwat etoile stars. TW piont glow

W breast, Ts sprout, fountain. Ts plant sprout, baby plant. Fountain of life, fertility, male (pn) and female.

Also consistent with a temple, place of an image (pn) placement, presence of Hathor and Dagon.

In Egypt, sometime around 2000 B.C., a band of semi-illiterate, turquoise and copper miners may have reinvented the process of writing. Perhaps inspired by an educated labor leader, spiritual visionary, or social reformer, they borrowed a few glyphs from the unweildly corpus of 2000+ Egyptian hieroglyphs, and added a few more graffiti-grade stick figures depicting common objects. They used these signs to represent ideas and the sounds of words in their Semitic languages. This intuitive and efficient new technique enabled many without extensive education required for literacy in hieroglyphs to record and share their ideas.

The first alphabetic writing is called Proto-Sinaitic, is the likely source from which Hebrew, Phoenician, Greek and Latin evolved. The British archaeologist William Flinders Petrie discovered the first inscriptions in the Egyptian desert at Serabit el-Khadem in 1905. In 1995, Yale Egyptologist John Coleman Darnell and the Theban Desert Road Survey team discovered two more significant inscriptions in Wadi el-Hol.

This post proposes interpretations for the inscriptions, which have yet to be definitively deciphered. Proclamations, prayers, love letters and curses are recorded for the ages in stone.


Ancient Visual Metaphors

Wadi El Hol (|) Mouth MMMM words, water of life, milk. 8 heh, life, lungs expanding and contracting, the breath of life. (|) could also be eye and tears. (|) if P, sides of ship with sail in the middle. MMMM marine waters. 8 winds, breath.


MRYY Egyptian - love. MR, the plough, a lusty metaphor for sexual intercourse. In the 60s parlance, " I really dig you! " The feathers represent that love makes one feel elated, as light as a feather, like flying! BLESS

TS, the tender plant seedling plus SHIN, the breasts of the nursing mother who cares for the young


Protection - PR - the walled city, fortified wall, enclosed and protected by SH -= the bow and arrow equipped sharp-shooting archers who kill enemies at a distance. The square walls and bow, a metaphor for protection. House Beyt B, and Bow is ST. Together make the root of bastion, a fortified place of safety. Walls and weapons.

SALEM: PEACE and UNITY (Wadi El Hol Lord of Peace)
Wadi El Hol 1 is an ingenious composition exhibiting many metaphors for unity and peace
Head and the Body RABI
Peace forged by trading SWORDS for SCROLLs of wisdom. Effective leadership unites sword force and scroll knowledge force
Lamed - the Shepherd's crook represents the peaceful, pastoral life of the Shepherd.
Osiris was the Good Shepherd
Flat water. Still, calm the the stormy sea.
Eternity - joins past, present, and future. Erect serpent, a moment in time, slithering is flowing time
L length and leg and foot. Trail. T terrain. r rio. L plains, platter, flat, layer, laminar, flow, rolled, low, elevated. Elevated, leader, lord, angel
figure 8.
Lewd male figure with erection, and seductive cow love goddess of fertility
NATIONAL UNITY - strength, the upraised fist, the flexed bicep, and the water glyph symbolizing multitudes, many, the voice of a crowd like the roar of the ocean
UNITED EGYPT, The Two Lands.
The Nile: Upper mother waters, braided mixture with the black lands of lower Egypt. Heaven and Underworld, Life and Shadow of Death.


Strength of the multitude, team, the feet of multitudes, of an army marching like the waters of a river

* The hypothesis that some of the Proto-Sinaitic inscriptions were curses has been superceded. I now think that in general, the inscriptions were devotionals addressed to the Hathor, the goddess of love. The word MT can be interpreted as Mother, or Death! The death interpretation seemed to fit the 1916 interpretation of Alan Gardiner, who was the first to begin to decode Proto-Sinaitic. He studied the inscription on sphinx figurine SINAI 346 and proposed that "l blt", meant "to the lady". I conjectured that mt l blt, might then mean the curse, death (mt) to the lady. An alternative now seems more likely: MOTHER GODDESS -- MT (mother), L (El, god), BaaL.t-(lady), or even M (in, Hieroglyphic), TL (tel, hill, mountain, Hebrew), Ba'al.t (Lady) - IN THE MOUNTAIN OF THE LADY.

2020-5-5: In view of the turbulent battles between Ba'al and Mot, the god of death in Canaanite mythology, need to revisit the curse, interpretations.