
DRAFT 2018.1

Undeciphered Proto-Sinaitic message: Wadi El Hol Inscription #1

Proclamations, Prayers, Love Letters, and Curses:
Decoding Ancient Inscriptions in Proto-Sinaitic, the World's First Alphabet.

celeste.horner @ gmail.com

Proto-Sinaitic script is a tantalizing mystery.

  • It's important because it is thought to represent the world's first alphabetic writing.
  • It's engaging because each letter is a picture.
    Aleph illustrates the horned head of an ox.
    Dagg depicts a fish. The Philistine god Dagon was half man, half fish.
    Lamed delineates the staff of law and leadership, the shepherd's crook.
    The crinkled letter Mem means water and looks like waves.
    Shin (Tann) doubles as an archer's bow or a pair of breasts.

  • Proto-Sinaitic is a challenge because although the individual letters depict recognizable objects, the inscriptions written with the letters are largely undeciphered.

Proto-Sinaitic Abjad: Codex99

Mysterious symbols are inscribed on ancient walls, and etched onto sacred items. What are they saying to us? This report presents some potential breakthroughs in the effort to solve these enigmas.

First, we will consider the pictographic symbolism of the Proto-Sinaitic letters. Next, terms in borrowed from Egyptian hieroglyphics will be identified. Then, the proposed new interpretations for the Proto-Sinaitic inscriptions will be presented. Surprising symbolic expressions emerge for abstract ideas such as love, blessing, protection, and national patriotism.

I LOVE YOU in Egyptian hieroglyphs
BELOVED, MRYY in Egyptian hieroglyphs, combines the phonetic symbols for a plow (MR) and feathers, or plurality (Y). The plow represents the commitment that a farmer has for the land, and the love a husband has for the wife. It represents the muscular toil of rooting up rocks and weeds, persisting past problems, and turning the soil to enhance fertility. It encompasses as well as the passionate act of depth-probing and seed sowing involved in sex and reproduction. The feathers represent the tender touch, and pleasure soaring to ecstatic heights on the wings of love. MR is the root of AMOR, MARRIAGE, ADMIRE, and romance. The ancient Egyptians knew alot about love. They were saying I dig you, I'm into you, from ancient times! I am looking (MR mirror, admire) at an angel! (Sandstone sphinx from Serabit el Khadim EA41748)


Symbolism of the Proto-Sinaitic Alphabet

The first letter in the Proto-Sinaitic alphabet, "Aleph", outlines the crescent-horned head of a bull, cow, or plough-towing ox. This shape rotated over time as it was transmitted between languages. The pair of horns evolved into the two legs of the modern letter A. The association between A and the ox may help answer the long-standing mystery of why A is the first letter of the alphabet. The ox and plough represented the dawn of a new era as stone-age hunter-gatherer nomads learned to plant seeds and domesticate animals. The ox represented leadership because of its strength. The ox is first because it leads the plow, which precedes planting, growth, and harvest.

Proto-Sinaitic Abjad: Codex99


Proto-Sinaitic entices the imagination with letters that transparently depict real-world objects.

  • "Aleph" outlines the horn-crowned head of an ox or bull, a symbol of plow pulling power and verility. According to the second century B.C. writings of the prophet Enoch, divine beings which descended like falling stars from heaven to teach and have sexual relations with beautiful human females took the form of a bull as one of their shape-shifting manifestations. According to legend, the Greek god Zeus, for example, took the form of a white bull when he seduced Europa. It can be inferred that the inventors of the alphabet also venerated the sacred white cow, as in of Greek myth, and the cow-headed love and fertility goddess Hathor of Egypt. One of Hathor's titles was "Lady of the House". A may represent Hathor, and B represents her house, the temple of love.
  • "Bet" traces the floor plan of a house which originated way back in the stone age. It has a welcoming open door, and wind-sheltered, yet ventilated alcove for the warm fire of the hearth. It might also represent the confining and confusing labyrinth of the Minotaur.
  • "Gamlu" is a shepherd's crook, or bird-hunting weapon of choice -- the throwing stick or boomerang. This L-shaped letter evolved into Γ the Greek letter gamma. "Digg" is a fish. Dag means fish in Hebrew. It is probably named after the Mesopotamian god Dagon, the L-shaped half-man half-fish deity. He wears a crown with bull horns. The Biblical scripture 1 Samuel 5:3 says that when the Philistines captured the Hebrew Ark of the Covenant, and brought the trophy to their temple, their statue of the Dagon cracked in two. The human half fell on his face before the Ark, leaving only a fillet of fish on the pedestal.

    Possible connection to Poseidon, who provided a sacred white bull to Minos, king of Crete. Zeus metamorphosed into a bull to seduce Europa

    Gimel also shaped like adze, important for digging and sowing, and hollowing out, or shaping logs for use in watercraft


Although the subject matter of the characters appears transparent, the messages created have yet to be deciphered.

Video about Serabit El Khadim

Hathor pillar at Serabit el-Khadim
Institute of Archaeology, Tel Aviv U

Bovine goddess Ba on Narmer Palette

The Goddess Hathor

The Goddess Mut

Serabit el Khadim. (c) Bible Places


Sir William Flinders Petrie discovered the first Proto-Sinaitic inscriptions in the winter of 1904-5, at Serabit el-Khadim, a mountain and high plateau region in Egypt [pics] where there is a sacred cave for vision-quest dreaming, and ancient mines for copper and turquoise. More examples were found on devotional lion-lady sphinx figurines found in the on-site megalithic temple of the cow-headed, Egyptian goddess Hathor.

Hathor's illustrious titles included Queen of Heaven, and Mut, the Primordial Mother Goddess, and Protectress of Home and Childbirth, perhaps the most revered of all deities of ancient times. She was the muse of miners, the "Mistress of Turquoise". []. She was the erotic Goddess of Love, the equivalent of Aphrodite of the Greeks, Ninhursag of the Sumerians, and Venus of the Romans. Her retinue of garlanded dancers and minstrels playing sistrum, drum, and tambourines created a jubilant atmosphere. Perfumed priestesses of pleasure engaged worshippers in rites of drunken, ecstatic union. These practices were broadly popular, but condemned by Patriarchal traditions such as the Hebrew, which considered the orgiastic practices to be the abominable epitome of immorality.

Hathor had a dark side. Her ferocious alter-ego was Sekhmet, the lion-headed Goddess of Destruction. [] Legend says that one of her rampages, ordered by the high god Ra to quell rebellion, nearly wiped out the entire human race. Total annihilation was only averted by tricking her into guzzling beer stained to look like blood. When the lioness awoke from her drunken stupor, she had transformed into a docile and affectionate bovine form. This is how she came to paradoxically represent the passion of both love and violence.

Yale Egyptologist John C. Darnell and colleagues of the Theban Road Survey contributed significantly to the Proto-Sinaitic corpus with the 1994-95 discovery of inscriptions along the road from Luxor to Hou at Wadi el Hol, the Ravine of Terror.

Scholars are still puzzling about the meaning of the inscriptions. Petrie suspected that the writing was alphabetic, but did not arrive at an interpretationat the time of his 1905 discovery. In 1916, Sir Alan Gardiner became the first to crack the case, recognizing signs which spelled out lb'lt, meaning "to the Lady".

This present thesis suggests that the adoration of the goddess Hathor is a primary theme of the Proto-Sinaitic inscriptions. Cross-referencing terms repeated in more than one instance, such as "beloved lady", facilitated the deduction of meaning of other terms. proclamations, prayers, love letters ... and ancient curses.

Proto-Sinaitic is not Hebrew, noted Petrie. Writing direction is left to right

Examples of these engraved figures, have been found at the entrance Egyptian turquoise mine, on devotional sphinx figurines, and along the road from Luxor to Hou at Wadi el Hol. Some elements are recognizable from Hieroglyphics, but the ancient messages carved in stone have yet to be definitively deciphered.

This writing submits potential interpretations of these mysterious texts: proclamations, prayers, love letters ... and ancient curses.

The finding of this study is that Proto-Sinaitic is a fascinating language. Inscriptions masquerading as crude graffiti are actually sophisticated compositions with graphical metaphors, multiple-entendre, using the surface of the stone sculpture as part of the message.

Writing on the Wall in the Bible needed an interpreter

Ancient Israelites regarded the area [] to be the site of an "awful burial-ground", Kibroth-Hattaavah, the "Graves of Lust" in the "Wilderness of Sin".

Hathor's alter-ego was Sekhmet, the lion-headed goddess of destruction. Legend says that once she was deployed as a weapon by the high god Ra to quell the stirrings of rebellion among his human subjects. She almost wiped out the entire human race, but was ultimately stopped by tricking her into guzzling beer dyed to look like blood.

epistle of love or loathing

rites of sex and drunkenness

patriarchal interpretation

Irony writing for the illiterate, super-intelligent mastermind

magic spell, formula, incantation limited space sacred symbols not secular chit chat. Knowledge is currency Look for signs

Sir William Flinders Petrie discovered the first Proto-Sinaitic inscriptions at Serabit el-Khadim, an Egyptian mountain mined for turquoise, in the winter of 1904-5. [] He suspected that the writing was alphabetic, but did not arrive at an interpretation. it wasn't until Sir Alan Gardiner recognized BALAT, the term for 'lady', that

British Museum EA41748: Sandstone sphinx from Serabit el-Khadim

Ancient visual metaphors: Egyptian term for love combines the plow, a lusty metaphor for love-making, also the profound idea of toiling past rocks and weeds to achieve a harvest. Also incorporates feathers for the euphoria of love which makes you feel like you could fly. AMORII. Angels who taught the art of agriculture and writing with plumes!

Proposed Translations for Undeciphered Inscriptions

Ancient Writing Systems


Egyptian hieroglyphics has over 2000 characters. These are some which can indicate sounds.


Terms in Hieroglyphics


Note: Words related to love, death, and mother share the MT root




Proposed Interpretation of The Proto-Sinaitic Inscriptions


Wadi El Hol - Ravine of Terror, Valley of the Howling God. Inscription: Lord of Peace, Mighty and Terrible God, Ruler of the Two Lands, God of the Great Nation of Egypt. Compares with Hindu god Rudra, god of wind or storm, mightiest of the mighty, personification of terror, roarer, howling one, the red one, the brilliant one, synonymous with Shiva, the destroyer. Rukh dravayathi, itit rudraha: rukh (sorrow/misery); draavayathi (drive out/ elminate); iti (the one who); Rudra eliminates evil and ushers in peace. Compare with Greek god Pan, whose howl causes panic.

Wadi El Hol Incription 2

un-annotated inscription

Sinai 345


Sinai 346 - DEATH TO THE LADY,

Philistine God Dagon


This specimen was the first Proto-Sinaitic inscription to begin to be deciphered. Gardiner ( ) recognized the phrase: "l balat, to the lady." This is the root of the interpretation: "Death to the Lady."

The progress made here is to recognize the symmetry of the message on the shoulders of the sphinx. The mouth on the right shoulder, balances the divided sacrifice blood oath symbol on the left. The lamed leadership scepter, shepherd's crook, and consonant anchoring the word, "El", meaning god appears on both the right and left. The nun, meaning fish, and the Digg, meaning fish also balance each other.

The merman god Dagon is indicated by the side-by-side lines showing the upper part of his body is a humanoid god, and the lower part is a fish. The L shows the shape of his body, and the water indicates his watery domain in the Abzu.

The head of the sphinx may represent the transcendent god Anu. The right shoulder says: Word of the god of heaven: Death to the Lady. Foul toilet water and curses be poured upon her! Thus voweth, Dagon, the god of the Sea: Love and kisses to Mother Goddess.

Curses upon Sekhmet, warrior lion-goddess who almost exterminated mankind, and love to Hathor, goddess of erotic love and childbirth?

This sphinx statue and engraving may record a bitter feud and love triangle among the gods. According to Greek mythology, Uranos, god of heaven (El AN) was the original husband of Gaia, Mother Earth. Uranos imprisoned some of his offspring in the bowels of Mother Earth. She retaliated by urging her son Cronos to castrate his father with a sickle and by taking Pontus, a god of the sea as her next husband.

Sumerian mythology - Sky god Enlil killed the goddess Tiamat. He cut her in two. The upper half became heaven, and the lower part earth. The blood of her consort was mixed with clay to make the first humans.

The prone lamed and the bottle, the domestic, maternal woman, keeper of the house. The erect lamed and the vesica pisces, the erotic female. The two faces of woman.

Dagon represented by Dj = divided side by side lines. Lamed for leader, shepherd, the fish, the L-shape, and the waves of water. Hathor or Inanna represented by omega Ω a stylized womb, the kiss -- lips X crossed. and the Dagon, Lord of the Sea.

Ninhursag. Symbol is Omega. Healed Enki.

original sphinx

Ancient Hebrew Research Center: Death to the Lady

Alternative: Could this be an expression of love? Love to the Lady MRT? MRRT? Dagon Fish God Of Egypt


1 Samuel 5:4

Ashtoreth Ash woman Taur - bull THe - god. Ash - man Tor - bull eth - feminine

MNAMON: Ancient Writing Systems in the Mediterranean:
Sinai 346

Sinai 349: Queen of Heaven, Goddess Asherah

Line 1: QUEEN OF HEAVEN: Head-Rosh + Lady-ST = Queen; of-N; Heaven-An)

Line 7: GODDESS ASHERAH: El means god. The letter t is a termination which indicates female gender such as bachelor and bachelorette. El.t means God.female, thus goddess. Goddess Asherah is named: Aleph, the cow head, SH the breasts, and bow, and R the mouth. Baal Dagan. Consort Tanit


The Egyptian god Ptah
, spouse of Sekhmet, and father of Nefertum, who represented the sunrise.

SINAI 351: (HATHOR), LADY of the HOUSE. BIRTH (MOTHER) of KEHPRE, the rising sun, of perfect voice.

Metaphor for protection - a square, representing a stone, or fortified ramparts of a walled city. The archery bow, representing long-range defense, keeping danger away.
SINAI 351: Beloved Lion Goddess Sekhmet. Lady of the House, Hathor. Beloved of Ptah. Mother of the Virtuous. Protector of Birth.

Sinai 351: Left side: Mai (Lion) Habib (Beloved) Blt (lady). Right: Lady (St) of the House (Pr). (A title of Hathor). Name (Shen). BIRTH (MES) OF (N) Khepri/Keb (QPr/QB). Voice (Hrw), Perfect and Virtuous (Nfr)

Lion goddess Sekhmet. (Hathor), Lady of the House named. Mother of Khepri

PTAH - The Dead God, Beautiful of Face. Adonis and Osiris. Jesus, the Lamb that was slain.


Heaven bless this dig of the beloved king, great name of Hammurabi

Heaven - AN; God - AL; TS- insignificant, Tree seedling; Ts-seedling + SH-shad-breast = BLESS; PN - this; Dalet - Door; DQ - dig; Q - hill; D - Dagon - sacred; Q - cave; M - of; L - god, the; HABIB - beloved; MLK - king; SHM - name; AA- great; Ha - the; MRI - the beloved; RABI - Lord. The Amor Rabi, Hammurabi. Serabit El-Khadim - Heights of the Servant. Servant is another term for priest in Egyptian. HM. HM - Servant; UR - great; RABI - Lord. SAR - prince. RABI - Lord. T feminine. HAM was cursed by Noah to be the SERVANT of his brothers, shem and Japheth. Genesis 9:18-10:32; Deuteronomy 20:16-18

The L - shaped form of the message honors the L-shaped fish-man hybrid god Dagon. It has precedent as a format for signs. The vertical gives the advisory or message, and the horizontal bears the name of the undersigned sponsor.

Proto-Sinaitic may be the missing language of the Amorites, linked to the legendary giants and the king Hammurabi. Anu and Bel called me, Hammurabi, the exalted prince, the worshipper of the gods, to cause justice to prevail

Sea Peoples, Philistines, Minoans. Samson destroys temple of Dagon.

older version

In Egypt, sometime around 2000 B.C., a band of semi-illiterate, turquoise and copper miners may have reinvented the process of writing. Perhaps inspired by an educated labor leader, spiritual visionary, or social reformer, they borrowed a few glyphs from the unweildly corpus of 2000+ Egyptian hieroglyphs, and added a few more graffiti-grade stick figures depicting common objects. They used these signs to represent ideas and the sounds of words in their Semitic languages. This intuitive and efficient new technique enabled many without extensive education required for literacy in hieroglyphs to record and share their ideas.

The first alphabetic writing is called Proto-Sinaitic, is the likely source from which Hebrew, Phoenician, Greek and Latin evolved. The British archaeologist William Flinders Petrie discovered the first inscriptions in the Egyptian desert at Serabit el-Khadem in 1905. In 1995, Yale Egyptologist John Coleman Darnell and the Theban Desert Road Survey team discovered two more significant inscriptions in Wadi el-Hol.

This post proposes interpretations for the inscriptions, which have yet to be definitively deciphered. Proclamations, prayers, love letters and curses are recorded for the ages in stone.


Ancient Visual Metaphors


MRYY Egyptian - love. MR, the plough, a lusty metaphor for sexual intercourse. In the 60s parlance, " I really dig you! " The feathers represent that love makes one feel elated, as light as a feather, like flying!


Protection - PR - the walled city, fortified wall, enclosed and protected by SH -= the bow and arrow equipped sharp-shooting archers who kill enemies at a distance.


Albright (1969) The Proto-Sinaitic Inscriptions and Their Decipherment. Sinai 115, Sinai 376, Sinai 349, Sinai 357, Sinai 360, Sinai 353, Sinai 361, Sinai 345, Sinai 375.

Darnell, John Coleman et al. (2005). Two Early Alphabetic Inscriptions from the Wadi el-Hol New Evidence for the Origin of the Alphabet from the Western Desert of Egypt. In Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research, volume 59. Online at www.academica.edu ANNUAL OF THE AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF ORIENTAL RESEARCHVOLUME 59

Grimmer () Althebraische Inschriften vom Sinai : Alphabet, Textliches, Sprachliches mit Folgerungen. Photographs of numerous Sinai inscriptions.

Petrie, William Flinders (1906). Researches in Sinai. Mistress of Turquoise and the Dream Cave. (accessed online via archive.org, 2-6-18)

Budge, E. A. Wallis. Legends of the Gods

Petrie, William Matthew Flinders, Sir (1906). Researches in Sinai. (Accessed online. Google scan at archive.org, 1-11-2018). pg 130.

Shepherd Kings - Sumeria

Ishtar's journey to the underworld

Petrovich, Douglas (2016) The World's Oldest Alphabet

The Sea Peoples and Their World: A Reassessment Oren, Eliezer D., ed.

Rollston, Christopher [2016] The Proto-Sinaitic Inscriptions 2.0: Canaanite Language and Canaanite Script, Not Hebrew.

Himelfarb, Elizabeth J (2000) First Alphabet Found in Egypt. Archaeology (Volume 53, No 1, January / February 2000). Online archive accessed Dec 26, 2017.

Mnamon.sns.it Proto-Sinaitic - 11th - 14th cent. B.C. Examples of writing: Serabit el-Khadim Statue (Sinai 346), Sinai 345, Sinai 357.

How the alphabet was born from hieroglyphs

Sinai inscription 351

Controversy over the theory that Hebrew was the first alphabet

God against Ptah and Hathor

Mahib means God, lion, terrible, awesome

Geb saved by lock of Ra's hair side-lock?

Hieroglyph reading exercise

Wilson-Wright Sinai 351.

Wilson-Wright, Aren MaxSinai 357: A Northwest Semitic Votive Inscriptionto Tessob. Journal of the American Oriental Society. Vol. 136, No. 2 (April–June 2016), pp. 247-263

Proto-Sinaitic Inscriptions and their Decipherment


Hathor flashes her father Ra after insult by Babi baboon, Thoth? Isis kite

Was Proto-Sinaitic the origin of the alphabet? Blog.

The Serabit El-Khadim Sphinx

How the Alphabet Was Born from Hieroglyphs - Orly Goldwasser

Ba'al God of fertility, lightning, war, sailors


Horned serpent tie snake with deadly breath and magic scales, healing horns like a stag. Lives in water. pic

Venus (Roman goddess) Lucrezia Borgia

Geomatic figures

Tengu red face, long Pinocchio nose, crow associate

The Red One Copper, red mercury


Voodoo, rainbow, fish tail. Zabotek bat gld Zibalba Ba'al Lillith, Kali, Tiamat, Sekhmet Iblis his abode is the bath, his drink intoxicants, instrument the pipe, kur-an poetry, character marks of geomancy. Judgment day. Paracas skulls geomantic figures The arch is a fountain, rainbow, joy, growth, lift. Tardigrade, cryptobiosis

Dhanvantari avatar of Lord Vishnu, god of medicine

Indra's Net holographic jewel network. Indra was jealous of realized man. Drunk and debauched.

Patala Bala, son of Maya realm of sex, Atala. Vitala gold form by divine sex. Sutali, home of pious demon king Bali, richer than Indra, god of Heaven. Defeated by dwarf avatar of Vishnu, Vamana.

Kinnara celestial lover, musician, eternal pleasure, no offspring.

Patala below the feet, underworld

Loki turned into salmon. Imprisoned with venomous snake, chained with entrails of son, other turned to wolf, wife catches venom in bowl. Appeared as giantess Thok Fathered the eight legged horse Sleipner Mythica pattern in ashes. myth vs. Marvel

Dead gods: Ymir (The Scream, a hermaphroditi giant, first creature of creation, who was killed by Odin brothers. His body made into the c, Baldr, Osiris, Adonis, Tammuz

Sumerian Lugal is great man, En is priest, lord. Ensi is city ruler.

Ninhursag Sumerian Mother Goddess. Mother of Gods and Men. Husband a god of the underworld. Three children includinf Lil. Wife of Enki, god of wisdom. Ninhursag means Lady of the Mountain from poem Lugale. Ninurta, god of war and hunting, defeats the demon Asag and his stone army and builds a mountain of their corpses. Ninurta gives the glory of his victory to his mother Ninmah ('Magnificent Queen') and renames her Ninhursag. She is also known as Nintud/Nintur ('Queen of the Birthing Hut') and, to the Akkadians, as Belet-ili ('Queen of the Gods'). Her other names include Makh, Ninmakh, Mamma, Mama, and Aruru. In iconography she is represented by a sign resembling the Greek symbol Omega often accompanied by a knife; this is thought to represent the uterus and the blade used to cut the umbilical cord thus symbolizing Ninhursag's role as mother goddess. Another of her early names, Ki or Kishar, identifies her as 'mother earth.' She was often invoked by mothers as she was thought to form and care for the child in the womb.

Ishtar is virgin, bride. Shti is one who is hidden, in his coffin, dead Budge 756

Lucia Micarelli

Ba.alat Gebal, Lady of Byblos. Astarte, Aphrodite. Perhaps Asherah, maybe Titan goddess Dione. Sister and wife of El, who gave the city of Byblos to her.

Amarna letters Found in Egypt, but written in Akkadian cuneiform.

Sumerian Grammar Lesson GU=my, ZU=your, ANI=his/her, BI=its, ME=our, ZU.NE.NE=your-plural, A.NE.NE=their.

Dendera light bulb

Ahy or Ihy was the god of music and musicians. The sistrum is associated with Hathor. The Book of the Dead calls him the Lord of Bread, which was fermented to make beer, a symbol of Sekhmet, the lion alter-ego of Hathor. Depicted as young boy with sidelock of youth and finger held to mouth. He held a sistrum in his right hand.

Hathor In her form as Hesat she is shown as a pure white cow carrying a tray of food on her head as her udders flow with milk. She is closely associated with the primeval divine cow Mehet-Weret, a sky goddess whose name means "Great Flood" The sistrum is her instrument which she used to drive evil from the land and inspire goodness. She is the patron goddess of joy, celebration, and love and was associated with Aphrodite by the Greeks and with Venus by the Romans Beer goddess Tenenet.

Tenenet Egyptian goddess of childbirth and beer. Montu means nomad

Angels glow bacteria

Menes the legendary first king of Egypt who is thought to have united Upper and Lower Egypt

Minoan Civilization

Deedalus great inventor, built labyrinth, wings, Talos robot. Killed nephew who invented potter's wheel, thus exiled to Crete. Created fake cow to lure bull father of Minotaur.

Daidalos legends

Cretan Hieroglyphs Minoan Writing | Minoan language blog with Asherah poles? Wailing for Adonis?

Viruses are predators of bacteria. New type found without tails in the ocean. 3-1-18

Ancient Egyptian Religion

Serket goddess of venom and the canopic jar of the intesting Qebehsenuef Seven Shining Ones. Are not the foundations laid by the Seven Sages? Sekhemti Shm.ti The Two Powerful Ones. Sekhmet??? Strike Warrior ladies?

Queen of Heaven

El. Northwest Semetic word meaning god. Amorite and Olk Akkadian: ila. May be Poseidon or Ea.

No written script used for Amorite has been discovered.

Azag, monstrous demon. Presence makes fish boil alive in rivers. Accompanied by arm of rock demon offspring, born of union with mountains. Vanquished by Akkadian deity Ninurta using Sharur, the enchanted, talking mace to which he was guided by his father, the god Enlil.

Sharur talking, teleporting magic mace

Ninurta wields mace, returns Tablets of Destiny


Ezekiel condemns Tammuz

Plow my genitals, man of my heart.....bull

Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

Who will plow my wet ground?

Beautiful Adonis beloved by Aphrodite and Persephone

Oxford Lingiustics


Hyksos The Hyksos were a Semitic people who gained a foothold in Egypt c. 1782 BCE at the city of Avaris in Lower Egypt, thus initiating the era known in Egyptian history as the Second Intermediate Period (c. 1782 - c. 1570 BCE). Their name, Heqau-khasut, translates as 'Rulers of Foreign Lands' (given by the Greeks as Hyksos), suggesting to some scholars that they were kings or nobility driven from their homes by invasion who found refuge in the port city of Avaris and managed to establish a strong power base during the decline of the 13th Dynasty of the Middle Kingdom (2040-1782 BCE).

Bes and Bast, both household protectors. B house St sound and shape of archery bow.

Samos island shaped like a bull! Home of Pythagoras and astronomer Aristarchus, who proposed earth revolved around the sun. Home of Aesop, philosopher Epicurus. Phoenician word sama means high. Under tyrant Plycrates, engineer Eupalinos dug a tunnel through Mount Kastro to build an aqueduct to supply the ancient capital of Samos with fresh water, second earliest tunnel known. 1km subterranean aqueduct.

Orion birthed from urine of Zeus, Poseidon, and Hermes Nowa Noah undulation O water Aquatic hydro WAter Isaac Jacob Moshe Jesus Have prophetic names.

CoilHouse Alternative Culture Ezine


Toyotama-himeLady Bountiful Soul - Luxuriant Jewel Princess. Luck of the Sea, Luck of the Mountain. Daughter of Sea-Deity WataTSUmi

Undersea Palace of Ryujin, the dragon kami of the sea. Built fro red and white coral, or crystal. Each side inhabits different season. One day equal to century outside.

Tide jewels act like Moses parting Red Sea. Empress Jingu used to strand, then drown Korean fleet, says legends. Poseidon-related? Eat monkey liver - like Prometheus legend. Hoori like Orion? Dogon related to grain and Sea.

Sea slime can trigger mega tsunamis

Phoenician Vocabulary

Dictionary of North West Semetic Inscriptions

NOW. Meta-language symbolism word analysis from Words-in-bloom.com

40,000 yr old lion man statue

Shadu Lammasu

ATTI^ attic Above Toit I pillar peaK. Hochtempel high temple Heaven Over chi sun power

Canaanite-Phoenician video

Jesus said: I and my Father are One. Gods are immortal, but shape-shift and change names, give birth to themselves.

Saraswati Serabit el Khadim


Brahma Parvati mother of the universe

Reconstructing the Stone Cone Building of Uruk


Ninhursag NIN - Mother Goddess of the Mountains. Hathor also depicted on a mountain. E temple. Sag-head. Ila lofty. Deity of Sumer. Fertility goddess. TRUE and GREAT LADY OF HEAVEN. HAIR worn in OMEGA shape. Sylized womb. Horned head-dress and tiered skirt (like Minoan) Bow cases on shoulder. Carries MACE. Kur-gal Great mountain. Ocean O ki-earth An ring heaven. Fixed Enki when he got pregnant by granddaughter!

NIN HAR.SAG Lady mountain sacred. E-Kur House of Mountain deeps at Eridu. NINMAY Great Queen. NINTU Lady of Birth (tuddah!) Mamma Mother. Belet-Ili Lady of the gods.

Inanna Ishtar. Gilgamesh refused. Journeyed to Kur underworld to challenge sister Ereshkigal, Queen of the Underworld. Killed resurrected by Enki who sent two sexless beings.

Song of the Hoe. As powerful as a hunting net Looks like the MR egyptian love character, plough. The hoe and the basket are the tools for building cities. Extends good agricultural land.

1966 Helel Shining One Hebrew Lucifer, son of the dawn

Dumuzid the Shepherd aka Tammuz. Mesopotamian god of shepherds, consort of Inanna. Sister was Geshtinanna, goddess of vegetation. ANTEDILUVIAN KING of Bad-tibira, earthluy king of Uruk. Type of dying and rising god.

Dumuzi, the Shepherd, the Fisherman. Hammurabi??? Death and Resurrection.

Gallu demons of underworld could be appeased by sacrifice of a lamb at their altars. Galilee? Sharur - enchanted talking mace. Smasher of thousands. Can fly vast distances, communicates with the weilder, emissary of Enlil. Slay Kur, primeval serpent god venerated in Babylon. Kur mountains and primordial elements. Takes form of winged lion

Bast is B bow ST written like B A arrow or | bowstring

Phaistos Disk

Bibliotecapleyades.net Tablet 6

Marduk AMAR.UTU Calf of the sun

Babylonian Creation Imhullu wind weapon

Enuma Elish

Astrological Cycle

Exodus 1450 B.C.?

Ixion Tried to seduce Zeus' wife, bound to wheel. Father of centaurs. First kin-murder

daemon Zeus appointed golden agers to be guardian tutors of men

Samothrace Cyclopean masonry. Mt Mengary Mt Moon 1611 m

Age of Tautus 4400 to 2200 B.C.

Saffron breathed out by Zeus when seducing Europa. Triploid genetics. Brother Cadmus introduced alphabet to Greece

Goddess Tanith

Age of Taurus



Story of Jonah and the whale - fish dag

Scales - Mermaids are Real

Moloch Drums beat to mask cries of sacrificed children

Ox Generally, cattle that are female over the age of two are known as "cows," adult males (not castrated) are called "bulls," young cattle are called "calves," and castrated males are called "steer." However, if a castrated adult male is kept for draft purposes it is known as an ox. As a result of castration, these tend to be docile and more muscular.

http://psd.museum.upenn.edu/epsd/nepsd-frame.html igi[eye] + la[hang] Fallen watcher!

In Sumerian religion, Ninḫursaĝ[1] (𒀭𒊩𒌆𒉺𒂅 DNIN-ḪUR.SAG)[2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] was a mother goddess of the mountains, and one of the seven great deities of Sumer. She is principally a fertility goddess. Temple hymn sources identify her as the "true and great lady of heaven" (possibly in relation to her standing on the mountain) and kings of Sumer were "nourished by Ninhursag's milk". Sometimes her hair is depicted in an omega shape and at times she wears a horned head-dress and tiered skirt, often with bow cases at her shoulders. Frequently she carries a mace or baton Ninhursag Nin-hursag means "lady of the sacred mountain" (from Sumerian NIN "lady" and ḪAR.SAG "sacred mountain, foothill",[10] possibly a reference to the site of her temple, the E-Kur (House of mountain deeps) at Eridu. She had many names including Ninmah ("Great Queen");[10] Nintu ("Lady of Birth");[10] Mamma or Mami (mother);[10] Aruru,[10] Belet-Ili (lady of the gods, Akkadian)[10]


Minoan horns of consecration. Minoan Snake goddess

Sag head, king. Good, sweet, beautiful, precious. Like Egyptian nefer? University of Pennsylvania Sumerian dictionary.

MARTU Sumerians contemptuous of barbarian shepherd nomads. I will marry Martu!

Ninhursag. Symbol is Omega. Healed Enki.

Amorite. They worshipped their own pantheon of gods with a chief deity named Amurru (also known as Belu Sadi - 'Lord of the Mountains’ whose wife, Belit-Seri was 'Lady of the Desert’),

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hu,_Egypt Ba was worshipped!


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baetylus living stone

Hathor is an ancient Egyptian goddess associated, later, with Isis and, earlier, with Sekhmet but eventually was considered the primeval goddess from whom all others were derived. She is usually depicted as a woman with the head of a cow, ears of a cow, or simply in cow form. In her form as Hesat she is shown as a pure white cow carrying a tray of food on her head as her udders flow with milk. She is closely associated with the primeval divine cow Mehet-Weret, a sky goddess whose name means "Great Flood" and who was thought to bring the inundation of the Nile River which fertilized the land. Ancient History Encyclopedia

Slim Shady Bel Shade

Beloved - Arabic: Mahbub

Belet-Seri (also spelled Beletseri, Belit-Sheri, Belit-Tseri) in Babylonian and Akkadian mythology is an underworld goddess. The recorder of the dead entering the underworld, she is known as the "Scribe of the Earth". It is Belet-seri who keeps the records of human activities so she can advise the queen of the dead, Erishkigal, on their final judgement. Married to Amurru, the God of Nomads, she's known as 'Queen of the Desert.'[1]

African-origin Hammurabi?

Dogon people of Mali Dogon or Nommo twins. Fish that could walk upright on land, also appeared like rainbow serpent, changing colors like a chamleon. Hermaphrodites. N root for sun, mother, and cow.

Amorites were nomads, ate raw meat, associated with giant Og, and Hammurabi The MARTU who know no grain.... The MARTU who know no house nor town, the boors of the mountains.... The MARTU who digs up truffles... who does not bend his knees [to cultivate the land], who eats raw meat, who has no house during his lifetime, who is not buried after death...” (Chiera 1934, 58, 112).

mono-atomic gold theory Moses and golden calf, powdered and drunk

Francois du Plessis - Serabit El Khadim video

Serabit el Khadem Stella of Hathor?

Astrological Eras

Taurus 4400--2200 B.C.; Leo 10,715 - 8572; 26,000 precession.

Persian immortals


Bull cult

Rick Steves Persia Xerxes Perseppolis

Deer stones of Mongolia. Also stone head

Igig rebelled against dictyatorship of Enlil, set fire to tools, surrounded his house. Anunnaki decide to make man as laborer Igi means eye, and gi is sexual penetration in Sumerian and Akkadian.


God Dagon

Dagon Fish God Of Egypt

Mesopotamian Gods Omega was the symbol of Ninhursag

Song of Hathor

Tomb of Christ under Lust idol

Forster, Charles Sinai Photographed Or Contemporary Records of Israel in the Wilderness: Ancient Rare Bibles

A Notice About Manna And Uprooted Oppression at Serabit el-Khadim (Improved)

Apkallu fish-man, bird-man, winged-man, Lu-anan two-thirds Luwian? Nephilim. Man bag, book of wisdom, shared by Mayan/ Aztec? Easter Island, Gobekli Tepe pillars. Hand down seed bag, hand up reaping pine cone, transmitter?

Epic of Gilgamesh A new translation. Gerald J. Davis (2014) Insignia Publishing

Egyptian etymology

Ashteroth Karnaim Astarte of the Horns. Fertility goddess in ancient Canaanite religion

Amorites northern Canaan

Married to Amurru, the God of Nomads, she's known as 'Queen of the Desert.'[1

AmurruBêl Šadê might be the same as the Biblical ’Ēl Šaddāi who is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the "Priestly source" of narrative, according to the documentary hypothesis. Bêl Šadê could have been the fertility-god 'Ba'al', possibly adopted by the Canaanites, a rival and enemy of the Hebrew God YHWH, and famously combatted by the Hebrew prophet Elijah. Amurru also has storm-god features. Like Adad, Amurru bears the epithet ramān 'thunderer', and he is even called bāriqu 'hurler of the thunderbolt' and Adad ša a-bu-be 'Adad of the deluge'. Yet his iconography is distinct from that of Adad, and he sometimes appears alongside Adad with a baton of power or throwstick, while Adad bears a conventional thunderbolt.

Amaru flood. Survivers are the boat people?

Sumerian Literature Hover over word, get translation!

Egypt in Canaan


Ancient Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses

Mesopotamian gods

The bed of the giant Og, king of the Amorites

Og 1770 engraving of Og's bed, bulls eye circles. Norse also had giant myths, have those petroglyphs, barrows. Native American, Greek Titans etc. Talmud: Og uprooted mountain to throw at Israel, God caused ants to erode it and crush him. Gustav Dore, Pantagruel. Gentle giant leaning over mid-giants on biers.

Balaam and the talking donkey. Moabite high places.

Nabu Mesopotamian god of literacy. Hands clasped in gesture of priesthood.

Rephaite giants, dead kings, healers, doctors Rophe'im vs Repha'im dead ancestors

Bible.ca: Sinai inscriptions translated

Asherah PoleExodus 34:13 states: "Break down their altars, smash their sacred stones and cut down their Asherim [Asherah poles]. Karnak, France. Standing stones, religion of the giants? Megalithic buildings were their construction?

Amorites Amos 2:9 Amorites had the height of cedars and the strength of oaks, could uproot mountains and throw them!

ElSons were Yamm, Sea; Mot, Death. Mount Lel fountains of the two rivers of the two deeps. Children Dawn, Dusk, gracious gods, cleavers of the sea, children of the sea.

Serabit el-Khadem Sonia and Marco Nadler Institude of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University

Serabit el-Khadim Egyptsites.wordpress.com [2009]

Is the fish character Digg, a representation of the Canannite deity Dagon?

Sekhmet AncientEgyptonline.co.uk: Sekhmet was known as the Lady of Terror, and Lady of Life. Lady of Pestilence, Red L:ady. As Eye of Ra, she destroyed mankind until she became drunk on beer colored to look like blood. When she awoke, she became the goddess of love and mated with the creator Ptah. Their child was Nefertum.

History of Writing (www.funsci.com) Proto-Sinaitic, Cuneiform, etc.

The Temple and Mines at Serabit el-Khadim In the Sinai by Jimmy Dunn

Names of God net.lib.byu.edu

Discovery of the Proto-Sinaitic Inscriptions

Seeker of Truth (2015) Hebrew transcription of Sinai 351. Ancient-Hebrew.proboards.com. (May 18, 2015 at 11:39pm). Accessed 2018-1-6

Bedawi.com: Forest of Pillars

Egypt Pharaohs Early History of the Alphabet

the Hebrew word for corn is dagan]. "Dagon, after he had discovered corn and the plough, was called Zeus of the plough"

Irkalla, the Queen of the Underworld had the head of a lioness and the body of a woman; in her arms she carried her pet, a deadly serpent. She summoned Belisari, the lady of the desert who was her scribe, and who came carrying the clay tablets on which all of Irkalla’s decrees would be written down. Behind these two the dead gathered. There was no light in their eyes; they were dressed not in cloth but feathers, and instead of arms and hands they had the wings of birds. They lived in darkness. Fairy Tales of the World

Ishtar's Decent to the Underworld. Sacred-Texts.com

The New York Obelisk, Cleopatra's Needle, With a Preliminary Sketch of the History, Erection, Uses, and Signification of Obelisks Charles Edward Moldenke

Wilson-Wright (2017) Sinai 357: A Northwest Semitic Votive Inscription to Tešš. Journal of the American Oriental Society. Vol. 136, No. 2 (April–June 2016), pp. 247-263.

The Babylonians worshipped Enlil under the name "Elil Ekur mountain house. Elil

Dagon was the Chief God of the Philistines. Thoughtco.com.

Allah contraction of Al ilah

Corn in ancient Egypt?

Gutenberg.org: Mesopotamian mythology

Sea Peoples. Archaeology of Ancient Egypt. What-when-how.com.

Drunkeness in ancient Egypt

Rabbi Michael S. Bar Ron A Notice About Manna and Uprooted Oppression at Serabit El-Khadim.

Reinoud M. de Jonge Burial site of Lord Nefer-Ti-Ru; Son of King Khufu. c.2637-2614 BC, Fourth Dynasty of Egypt (Gosford, NSW, Australia)