2018.4.15, 2020-3-15, 2020-3-18 (Aleph Bet depicts Hathor, Dagon, and Ba'al). 2020-3-25
2020-4-26 353 depicts Hathor, Shamash, Dagon

- 2020.4, 2020.3, 2018.1

Undeciphered Proto-Sinaitic message: Wadi El Hol Inscription #1

Proclamations, Prayers, Love Letters, and *Curses:
Decoding Ancient Inscriptions in Proto-Sinaitic, the World's First Alphabet.

celeste.horner @ gmail.com

Proto-Sinaitic script is a tantalizing mystery.

  • It's important because it is thought to represent the world's first alphabetic writing.
  • It's engaging because each letter is a picture.
    Aleph illustrates the horned head of a cow, bull, or ox.
    Dagg depicts a fish. The Philistine god Dagon was half man, half fish.
    Lamed delineates the staff of law and leadership, the crook of the shepherd who cares for, and protects the flock.
    The crinkled letter Mem looks like waves and symbolizes water.
    Shin (Tann) is interpreted as an archer's bow, a saw-shaped pair of teeth (Hebrew shin), or a pair of breasts (Hebrew shad).

  • Proto-Sinaitic is a challenge because although the individual letters depict recognizable objects, the inscriptions written with the letters, discovered in 1902, remain largely undeciphered.

Proto-Sinaitic Abjad: Codex99
Evolution of the Alphabet
from ProtoSinaitic

These mysterious symbols are inscribed on ancient walls, and etched onto sacred devotional items such as the sphinx figurine from Serabit el Khadim. What are they saying to us?

The following article presents the hypothesis that the Proto-Sinaitic alphabet and inscriptions pay tribute to major deities of the Mediterranean region. Foremost was Hathor, the cow-headed goddess of love, joy, and music. She was the goddess worshipped by miners in the Sinai desert mountains where the Proto-Sinaitic inscriptions were first discovered. She was known as the Mistress of Turquoise. Dagon, the half-man, half-fish god and a consort of Hathor, is also addressed in a text.

A surprising and fascinating observation about Proto-Sinaitic inscriptions is that although they appear to be casually or crudely rendered, clever composition and multiple entendre is employed. They may multiplex several meanings in different languages at the same time! Proto-Sinaitic script emerged in the multi-lingual cross-roads where several civilizations such as Egyptian, Canaanite, and Mesopotamian, converged around 1800 B.C. in pursuit of mineral treasure.


Proposed Translations for Undeciphered Inscriptions

* The hypothesis that some of the Proto-Sinaitic inscriptions were curses has been superceded. I now think that in general, the inscriptions were devotionals addressed to the Hathor, the goddess of love. The word MT can be interpreted as Mother, or Death! The death interpretation seemed to fit the 1916 interpretation of Alan Gardiner, who was the first to begin to decode Proto-Sinaitic. He studied the inscription on sphinx figurine SINAI 346 and proposed that "l blt", meant "to the lady". I conjectured that mt l blt, might then mean the curse, death (mt) to the lady. An alternative now seems more likely: MOTHER GODDESS -- MT (mother), L (El, god), BaaL.t-(lady), or even M (in, Hieroglyphic), TL (tel, hill, mountain, Hebrew), Ba'al.t (Lady) - IN THE MOUNTAIN OF THE LADY.


Add map of Sinai with Serabit, 3D coffin with Hathor image, Balat sphinx

The Temple and Mines at Serabit el-Khadim In the Sinai by Jimmy Dunn. TourEgypt.net

Sinai 346: the sphinx of Serabit el Khadim

Sinai 346: Front panel of the sphinx.
The first Proto-Sinaitic inscription to be partially deciphered by Alan Gardiner in 1916. He proposed that it read "l blt, to the lady "



Source: Omniglot

British Museum EA41748

Red Sandstone Sphinx
from Serabit el-Khadim:
Beloved Hathor, [Mistress] of the House of Turquoise

British Museum EA41748: Sandstone sphinx from Serabit el-Khadim

Lady of the House of TURQUOISE
Lion -- Lady
This is a bilingual inscription. Egyptian hieroglyhphs are written on the shoulder. Proto-Sinaitic symbols are inscribed on the base.
Egyptian hieroglypoh for the goddess Hathor, aka House of Horus
HATHOR, the goddess of love, was the consort of the god Horus. Her name, Hwt-Hr, means House of Horus. The falcon is the symbols of Horus. The falcon has been replaced by an owl in this inscription!
Goddess Hathor Pillar. Ancient Origins
Egyptian hieroglyph for turquoise, with each hieroglyph labelled with a Latin alphabet equivalent
Celeste Horner 2020, adapted from Hieroglyphs.net

TURQUOISE. The Egyptian hieroglyph for turquoise starts with an owl, which represents the m-sound. Curiously, in the hieroglyph for Hathor above, the owl has migrated away from the rest of the word "mfkat" and relaced the expected Horus falcon inside the temple glyph!

The hieroglyph for Hathor usually reads House of Horus. This variant reads house of turquoise! This applies to Hathor's title of Mistress of Turquoise. Her other identities are House of Horus, Lady of the House, and goddess of love, joy, and music.

Hieroglyphs can face left or right. One is supposed to read into the faces of the glyphs.

Mfkat, turquoise is composed of an owl, signifying M. The horned viper is the symbol for F. It appears as a wavy line on Sphinx EA41748. The upraised arms are the ka spirit-soul symbol, which indicates a K sound. The semi-circle bread symbol is the hieroglyph for a D or T sound.

BELOVED (MeRII, MerY) means beloved in Egyptian hieroglyphs.

(If your name is Mary, or Murray, you are beloved in ancient Egyptian! Meryl, is beloved of El, an ancient name for god. An is heaven in Sumerian. Marianne, is beloved of heaven. Marianna could be interpreted as beloved first-born, or beloved heaven-born.)

Hieroglyphs represents sounds, words, and ideas. In this case, the meta-linguistic symbolism of the plough and feathers reflect profound insights into the nature of love. The plough, represents the desire and passion to dig deep into the soul of the beloved. It also symbolizes commitment of a farmer who loves the land, to work through weeds, rocks, storms, and problems. The farmer fertilizes the soil. this is a metaphor for the love between a husband and wife as they build a family. While the plough symbolizes depth of love, feathers represent the heights of love-- the way that love gives wings to the soul, and makes the heart light with a feeling of beauty everywhere.

Lion (ma) Beloved (Habib)
alhabib (Arabic), beloved
Ba'al.t: Lady
Ama: Mother
Ahab: Beloved
Al: god
Al.t: goddess
Alternate translations:
Beloved Mother Goddess
Great Lady
Lion Lady
Proposed translation by Celeste.Horner@gmail.com 2020.3.
Egyptian hieroglyphs reference:

Hathor, the goddess of love was sometimes depicted with the head of a cow.
Her alter-ego was Sekhmet, a lioness, and a fierce and deadly protectress.

This text is formatted in the boustrophodon style in a zig-zag alternately left to right, then right to left pattern, like a bull plowing a field. Hieroglyphs are normally read in a direction approaching the face of characters contained. This inscription is read approaching the Sphinx from front to back. The first glyph is the name of Hathor, which translates House or temple of Horus. The figure shows a square temple, with a small square which perhaps indicates the most sacred area, the Holy of Holies. Normally, the bird in the temple is a falcon representing the god Horus, but this appears to be an owl of the night, rather than a bird of the day. Perhaps this is a temple in the underworld. The world of the Turquoise miners.

Evolution of the Alphabet
from ProtoSinaitic


Evolution of A, by celeste .horner @ gmail.com 2018?

2020-3-25: Proto-Sinaitic alphabet first honors the deities of land, sea, and air. Hathor, the cow-headed goddess of love. Dagon, the half-man, half-fish god of the sea. Ba'al, the god of storms, armed with the thunderbolt.

The alphabet also illustrates the occupations of men and women. Herding, fishing, weaving (waw- the distaff, h- the yarn and weaving), farming (the tsade, the sprout, plant, qup, the recouperation, cutting, harvest), and harvest.

The first letter in the Proto-Sinaitic alphabet, "Aleph", outlines the crescent-horned head of a bull, cow, or plough-towing ox. This shape rotated over time as it was transmitted between languages. The pair of horns evolved into the two legs of the modern letter A.

T: tail, termination, stop, exit. Transfer, transformation. Total, together, gather. Star, top. Center. Important because it is the last letter of Hebrew and Proto-Sinaitic. A alpha, fish. a Dawn, sun rising above the horizon o|. L elevated, leadership, shepherd's crook, law, learning, leg of traveller. l question-mark, mystery. LOL LHL worshipper at gates of mystery. Two erect serpents.


Letters 3, 4, and 5 of the Proto-Sinaitic alphabet are Gaml, Digg, and Dj.
They may pay tribute the L-shaped half-man, half-fish god known is various cultures as Dagon, Oannes, and EA. l

Maximillien de Lafayette

The god Ba'al / Adad brandishes a mace and thunderbolt. These divine weapons may be represented by the letters waw, and Dj. The letter haw may illustrate the god Ba'al / Adad, the god of storms, lightning, wind, and rain. []

Let Ba'al be Enthroned

Kneeling worshipper HEY (fence Het) House. God spirit, Ha lelujah HA vertical ladder to heaven. Baal Hadad the mace. God of magical powers, healing, divination, oracles. Adad bel birim, Lord of Divination. Maximillien de Lafeyette. Sumerian-English. Resh 0 head, St seat. Tail anus.

The association between A and the ox may help answer the long-standing mystery of why A is the first letter of the alphabet. The ox and plough represented the dawn of a new era as stone-age hunter-gatherer nomads learned to plant seeds and domesticate animals. The ox represented leadership because of its strength. The ox is first because it leads the plow, which precedes planting, growth, and harvest.

(Proto-Sinaitic was an outgrowth of underground spirituality. Related to beliefs about the underworld that miners entered everday and faced mortal peril. They would want the blessing of the deity of that realm to ensure their success and safety. Also caves related to libraries, oracles, vision quests, and inspiration of the cranium, which is like a cave. Perhaps a wise hermit, or chthonic entity gifted knowledge and the art of writing. Meditation, undergound sanctuary. God's like Zeus conducted relationships and birth in caves to hide from heaven. Prometheus steals fire for cave dwellers? Enki supports mankind vs Enlil, who wants to destroy )

Caves, crypts of the ancestors. Hiding places, labyrinthine hiding places, circuitous, dark.

Proto-Sinaitic Abjad: Codex99


The ABCs started as ABG

Agriculture, Houses, and Mining

The invention of the alphabet was a writing revolution that reflected a human revolution. It commemorates a shift from the lifestyle of the stone-age hunter-gatherer, to settled, house dwelling, city-building, crop-raising bronze-age lifestyle.

The letter Aleph started as a pictogram of an ox head. It symbolizes the ploughing fields, and the domestication of cattle, rather than reliance on hunting. Bet depicts the man-made houses that represented progress from dwelling in caves. The Gimmel was a digging stick, for the practice of agriculture, rather than gathering from the wild plants of the landscape. This tool was also used for mining and represents the innovations of metallurgy.

Neolithic writing in China

Proto-Sinaitic entices the imagination with letters that transparently depict real-world objects.

  • "Aleph" outlines the horn-crowned head of an ox or bull, a symbol of plow pulling power and verility. According to the second century B.C. writings of the prophet Enoch, divine beings which descended like falling stars from heaven to teach and have sexual relations with beautiful human females took the form of a bull as one of their shape-shifting manifestations. According to legend, the Greek god Zeus, for example, took the form of a white bull when he seduced Europa. It can be inferred that the inventors of the alphabet also venerated the sacred white cow, as in of Greek myth, and the cow-headed love and fertility goddess Hathor of Egypt. One of Hathor's titles was "Lady of the House". A may represent Hathor, and B represents her house, the temple of love.
  • "Bet" traces the floor plan of a house which originated way back in the stone age. It has a welcoming open door, and wind-sheltered, yet ventilated alcove for the warm fire of the hearth. It might also represent the confining and confusing labyrinth of the Minotaur.
  • "Gamlu" is a shepherd's crook, or bird-hunting weapon of choice -- the throwing stick or boomerang. This L-shaped letter evolved into Γ the Greek letter gamma. "Digg" is a fish. Dag means fish in Hebrew. It is probably named after the Mesopotamian god Dagon, the L-shaped half-man half-fish deity. He wears a crown with bull horns. The Biblical scripture 1 Samuel 5:3 says that when the Philistines captured the Hebrew Ark of the Covenant, and brought the trophy to their temple, their statue of the Dagon cracked in two. The human half fell on his face before the Ark, leaving only a fillet of fish on the pedestal.

    Possible connection to Poseidon, who provided a sacred white bull to Minos, king of Crete. Zeus metamorphosed into a bull to seduce Europa

    Gimel also shaped like adze, important for digging and sowing, and hollowing out, or shaping logs for use in watercraft


El is an ancient word for a god. The god Dagon was certainly L-shaped!

Although the subject matter of the characters appears transparent, the messages created have yet to be deciphered.

Video about Serabit El Khadim

Hathor pillar at Serabit el-Khadim
Institute of Archaeology, Tel Aviv U

Bovine goddess Hathor - Ba on the Narmer Palette

The Goddess Hathor

The Goddess Mut

Serabit el Khadim. (c) Bible Places


Sir William Flinders Petrie discovered the first Proto-Sinaitic inscriptions in the winter of 1904-5, at Serabit el-Khadim, a mountain and high plateau region in Egypt [pics] where there is a sacred cave for vision-quest dreaming, and ancient mines for copper and turquoise. More examples were found on devotional lion-lady sphinx figurines found in the on-site megalithic temple of the cow-headed, Egyptian goddess Hathor.

Map of Serabit El Khadim. The map of Canaanite lands, Road of Horus, looks like the tall stalk of the red crown of lower Egypt?

Hathor's illustrious titles included Queen of Heaven, and Mut, the Primordial Mother Goddess, and Protectress of Home and Childbirth, perhaps the most revered of all deities of ancient times. She was the muse of miners, the "Mistress of Turquoise". []. She was the erotic Goddess of Love, the equivalent of Aphrodite of the Greeks, Ninhursag of the Sumerians, and Venus of the Romans. Her retinue of garlanded dancers and minstrels playing sistrum, drum, and tambourines created a jubilant atmosphere. Perfumed priestesses of pleasure engaged worshippers in rites of drunken, ecstatic union. These practices were broadly popular, but condemned by Patriarchal traditions such as the Hebrew, which considered the orgiastic practices to be the abominable epitome of immorality.

Hathor had a dark side. Her ferocious alter-ego was Sekhmet, the lion-headed Goddess of Destruction. [] Legend says that one of her rampages, ordered by the high god Ra to quell rebellion, nearly wiped out the entire human race. Total annihilation was only averted by tricking her into guzzling beer stained to look like blood. When the lioness awoke from her drunken stupor, she had transformed into a docile and affectionate bovine form. This is how she came to paradoxically represent the passion of both love and violence.

Yale Egyptologist John C. Darnell and colleagues of the Theban Road Survey contributed significantly to the Proto-Sinaitic corpus with the 1994-95 discovery of inscriptions along the road from Luxor to Hou at Wadi el Hol, the Ravine of Terror.

Scholars are still puzzling about the meaning of the inscriptions. Petrie suspected that the writing was alphabetic, but did not arrive at an interpretationat the time of his 1905 discovery. In 1916, Sir Alan Gardiner became the first to crack the case, recognizing signs which spelled out lb'lt, meaning "to the Lady".

This present thesis suggests that the adoration of the goddess Hathor is a primary theme of the Proto-Sinaitic inscriptions. Cross-referencing terms repeated in more than one instance, such as "beloved lady", facilitated the deduction of meaning of other terms.

Examples of these engraved figures, have been found at the entrance Egyptian turquoise mine, on devotional sphinx figurines, and along the road from Luxor to Hou at Wadi el Hol. Some elements are recognizable from Hieroglyphics, but the ancient messages carved in stone have yet to be definitively deciphered.

This writing submits potential interpretations of these mysterious texts: proclamations, prayers, love letters ... and ancient curses.

The finding of this study is that Proto-Sinaitic is a fascinating language. Inscriptions masquerading as crude graffiti are actually sophisticated compositions with graphical metaphors, multiple-entendre, using the surface of the stone sculpture as part of the message.

Writing on the Wall in the Bible needed an interpreter

Ancient Israelites regarded the area [] to be the site of an "awful burial-ground", Kibroth-Hattaavah, the "Graves of Lust" in the "Wilderness of Sin".

Hathor's alter-ego was Sekhmet, the lion-headed goddess of destruction. Legend says that once she was deployed as a weapon by the high god Ra to quell the stirrings of rebellion among his human subjects. She almost wiped out the entire human race, but was ultimately stopped by tricking her into guzzling beer dyed to look like blood.

epistle of love or loathing

rites of sex and drunkenness

patriarchal interpretation

Irony writing for the illiterate, super-intelligent mastermind

magic spell, formula, incantation limited space sacred symbols not secular chit chat. Knowledge is currency Look for signs

Sir William Flinders Petrie discovered the first Proto-Sinaitic inscriptions at Serabit el-Khadim, an Egyptian mountain mined for turquoise, in the winter of 1904-5. [] He suspected that the writing was alphabetic, but did not arrive at an interpretation. it wasn't until Sir Alan Gardiner recognized BALAT, the term for 'lady', that

British Museum EA41748: Sandstone sphinx from Serabit el-Khadim

Ancient visual metaphors: Egyptian term for love combines the plow, a lusty metaphor for love-making, also the profound idea of toiling past rocks and weeds to achieve a harvest. Also incorporates feathers for the euphoria of love which makes you feel like you could fly. AMORII. Angels who taught the art of agriculture and writing with plumes!

Ancient Writing Systems


Egyptian hieroglyphics has over 2000 characters. These are some which can indicate sounds.


Terms in Hieroglyphics


Wiki List of hieroglyphs
3-D Scan Egyptian Coffins - UC Berkeley Iwefaa
Mr - Hoe hieroglyph

Note: Words related to love, death, and mother share the MT root

Note: Olmec share serpent wrapped person, Eternity? share hair grabbing victor, like Narmer. share lotus motif, things protruding from third eye, and most importantly, the MAN BAG of the gods, seen also at Gobekli Tepe. Portuguese article. https://ancientamerindia.wordpress.com/tag/religiao/ Hero twins with pharaoh headdresses face jaguar shaped like Thoth monkey.




Proposed Interpretation of The Proto-Sinaitic Inscriptions



This inscription proclaims the glory of God. It extols the Lord of Peace, Rabi (al)Salam. The word rabi, meaning lord is composed of rosh, a head, and bet, a house. The lord is the head of the house.

The word peace is composed of three symbols: the sword, the shepherd's crook, and water. The sigma can depict a sabre or an unrolled scroll representing learning. Enlightened power provides security and peace. The second symbols is lambda is the shepherd's crook, an emblem of benign leadership carried by pharaohs. It represents gentle leadership in which the sovereign cares for the people like a flock of sheep. Mem represents waters of a fertile land, which provide abundance for all. So the ingredients for peace are strength, enlightenment and a flowing abundance of natural resources like water.

(SLM - peace. S: sigma σ breaking wave of stormy sea. L flat calm water. M mem water. SLM is a still pool of water, reflective like a mirror. Peace. Moses. Staff that transforms from serpent to a pole staff. Tree of Knowledge and Serpent are one. Serpent roves, sees, learns. DNA serpent. S scroll of wisdom. Lines of learning. Law, leadership. M mind? Sigma sight, an eye and lid. Vision. Lambda leadership. M multitudes of people) Heh - Eternal god. Holy god. Whole god Holistic. Hallelujah. Khem darksness and light. Life and death. Water and land. braided and twisted and woven together. Trinity Father Lord Son Lord and Holy Ghost. POP LOL Prince of Peace and Lord of Lords. Hor is Now hieroglyph. LOL is past present future, Eternal God. Strength G of multitudes M goyim a nation of united people am Hebrew. Terrible melt with fear, terror. LOL eye O between two lids... LOL O open throat, word between two lips. R rosh head of Bet house. Booth, Boutique. Y quest shop cornucopia Q quelle source German Chinese. Back and top. boundary and top. border. Hey paleo hebrew. Posture of worship. On the knees with awe, arms raised with joy and reaching up to god like a child to father or mother, wanting to be picked up. Recognized by Christians. Muslim on knees. Gratitude palms radiate blessing open to receive. Bet closed holy of holies. Private and public.

Another perspective on SALAM, is that it represents power, wisdom, and love. First, there is a strong defense, the power of the sword. Power is tempered by the wisdom of learning. The crook is also a question mark indicating mystery and curiosity. It is a walking stick indicating travel and exploring. It is a cane implying empathy for age and frailty. Al is a word for god, so lambda can also assert that God is the heart of peace. All is tied together with mem, representing the gentleness of water, meandering through well-watered lands. It is als the nourishment of flowing mother's milk. M could also represent multitudes, the power of the people.

Since Wadi El Hol is the location of the inscription, El Hol may be a way to parse the lambda ho lambda.
RB / Rabbi = Lord.
SLM - Salem = Peace. S - sigma σ is a saying, singing mouth, or, with a longer stem, a slicing sword. L - Shepherd's crook or long pole staff. M - mar, the ocean. El = Leader, Elohim, God. HL - holos = whole, all, kul = all Hebrew. ALLAH God. Arms up figure represents Holy Ghost, man praying, Heh - Eternity, Heh an exclamation of ecstatic praise and worship before God.
G = LL legs united Assembled. PUGNIS = fist, the lifted right arm curled into fist is power and might. M = of, hieroglyph.
AA = great, Hieroglyphics. Alpha is male power and virility represented by seated man exhibiting a shoulder high phallic erection, and the bull, which represents earth-plowing and fertilizing male potency.
K - Next are female symbols, the cleft of the female pelvis (|).
M - The waving line is M - menstrual blood, water of life, birth. M = water, Hieroglyphics.
H - the coiled helix of DNA, life. A coiled rope representing unity.
KHM - a black, coal shale deposit, a dark shadow, khem means black in Hieroglyphics. Egypt was anciently called KHEM, the black land.
RB / Rabbi = Lord.
SLM - Salem = Peace. S - sigma σ is a saying, singing mouth, or, with a longer stem, a slicing sword. L - Shepherd's crook or long pole staff. M - mar, the ocean. El = Leader, Elohim, God. HL - holos = whole, all, kul = all Hebrew. ALLAH God. Arms up figure represents Holy Ghost, man praying, Heh - Eternity, Heh an exclamation of ecstatic praise and worship before God.
G = LL legs united Assembled. PUGNIS = fist, the lifted right arm curled into fist is power and might. M = of, hieroglyph.
AA = great, Hieroglyphics. Alpha is male power and virility represented by seated man exhibiting a shoulder high phallic erection, and the bull, which represents earth-plowing and fertilizing male potency.
K - Next are female symbols, the cleft of the female pelvis (|).
M - The waving line is M - menstrual blood, water of life, birth. M = water, Hieroglyphics.
H - the coiled helix of DNA, life. A coiled rope representing unity.
KHM - a black, coal shale deposit, a dark shadow, khem means black in Hieroglyphics. Egypt was anciently called KHEM, the black land.
RB / Rabbi = Lord.
SLM - Salem = Peace. S - sigma σ is a saying, singing mouth, or, with a longer stem, a slicing sword. L - Shepherd's crook or long pole staff. M - mar, the ocean. El = Leader, Elohim, God. HL - holos = whole, all, kul = all Hebrew. ALLAH God. Arms up figure represents Holy Ghost, man praying, Heh - Eternity, Heh an exclamation of ecstatic praise and worship before God.
G = LL legs united Assembled. PUGNIS = fist, the lifted right arm curled into fist is power and might. M = of, hieroglyph.
AA = great, Hieroglyphics. Alpha is male power and virility represented by seated man exhibiting a shoulder high phallic erection, and the bull, which represents earth-plowing and fertilizing male potency.
K - Next are female symbols, the cleft of the female pelvis (|).
M - The waving line is M - menstrual blood, water of life, birth. M = water, Hieroglyphics.
H - the coiled helix of DNA, life. A coiled rope representing unity.
KHM - a black, coal shale deposit, a dark shadow, khem means black in Hieroglyphics. Egypt was anciently called KHEM, the black land.

Proto-Sinaitic Unicode Proposal

Wadi El Hol - Ravine of Terror, Valley of the Howling God. Inscription: Lord of Peace, Mighty and Terrible God, Ruler of the Two Lands, God of the Great Nation of Egypt. Compares with Hindu god Rudra, god of wind or storm, mightiest of the mighty, personification of terror, roarer, howling one, the red one, the brilliant one, synonymous with Shiva, the destroyer. Rukh dravayathi, itit rudraha: rukh (sorrow/misery); draavayathi (drive out/ elminate); iti (the one who); Rudra eliminates evil and ushers in peace. Compare with Greek god Pan, whose howl causes panic.

2020 update:


Proposed translation of Proto-Sinaitic inscription 2 from Wadi El Hol. Ankh of Tanit, Goddess of Heaven, Mother of Ra, Eye of Horus. by Celeste Horner, 2020

NTR (god) AA (great) NEFR (beautiful, good, perfect) PTw (heavens) of AL (god).

NUT (goddess of heavens) MWT (mother) RA (sun) Ayin (eye) Nfr.t (perfect) Ptw (heavens) AL (god)

M (by, of) iSHTAR (Ishtar, goddes of Love), Ish (lady) Taura (cow-head, taurus, bovine) PNtw mate ofPenis Union/ooo/Heaven/Haven/tether/bowstring/ball and chain bonded/walk together/mate of AL (god)

HYPOSTASIS that which settles at bottom of gluid, persons of Trinity, that which underlies reality

PTw pit feet presence substance paths pits bowels? Mouth Lips Tongue theta earth Pattern imprint pied trail. ATHENA A away from, eye. THE theos god Na born, come out. She was born from the head of Zeus. from thought born. god born. theory. mind born. mathematics mother god many god. Mithra. Ptw Mesopotamia pt is river Ptomac heaven to earth come egypt mizraim

Lamda - LOVE, LIGHT, LIFE, LAW, LEARNING, ELEMENTS, LAND, LANGUAGE, LEGS, elevation, LALA there there location, LINES, LADO sides

OHel Tabernacles. God of the Tent, dwelling with man, delivered from Egypt? Feast of Tabernacles?

Wadi El Hol Inscription 2

Dea Caelestis, Balat, Pene Baal
Story of the Alphabet 𓀆
NEITH, Beneath, Ba'al, enter, inter, beneath n in the earth thebes below earth Ta Neith Tanit The Underworld, the land beneath, goddess of love and death, irresistable
color Tanit [2]
British Museum
Sardinia Tanit = Dan serpent strikes rider? female judge = Dan. Tener Ten serpent tenacious coils. Egyptian serpent goddesses

2020-2-7: TANIT. Mw=water; TR-land; aa=great; nfr.t=perfect pn th=theos, divine. AL. Heavenly waters? Heavenly mother. Mother of the Great Land, perfect divine face of god. M'tha= phallus and testicles. Mithra.

? H ? worshipper in column of light, on knees experiencing powerful revelation and presence of deity. Like marathon runner who collapses to knees at the finish line, The boundaries of the known world, question marks lie beyond, explorer who reaches. On knees in awe, hand in the air with joy and reaching out to the divine with love, receiving and yielding blessing. In veil, beyond time, the lamed staff has hook then straight. Time stands still. H=halal, praise. halalu, praise ye. + LL = Y. Hallelujah. Double l is a celebratory tongue trill.

Two staff united egypt world of living and underworld
Ptah spoke the world into existence. Husband of Sekhmet. {S wisdom khm black}
goddess of light, form of Hathor
Tanit Sardinia with scorpion. She Snake

Eye of Horus Wadjet or Ujat, The Whole One


Tanith, Goddess of Heaven

ancient.eu Hathor

Naked Archaeologist, Philistines, temple prostitutes. Son of Beor, seer, failed to curse ISRAEL Evidence found at Deir Allah. Breasted god.

Dagon consort was Belatu = Hathor

three-breasted goddess

Hadad Ba'al Hadad, Zeus. With Shala. {Ish Ala}

Eye of Horus represents fractions. Most restored after Set gouged it out. Offered to father to restore life. Right eye of Horus is Ra, the sun. Left is moon, Thoth. Wedjet - eye of Horus. R

Ba'al with club, and curled hair like Hathor. Rival was Yamm. Ba'al Berith, Lord of the Covenant. Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies. Ba'ali, my Lord.

Huh, god of eternity, Heck, god of magic. Babi, baboon god of fertility. Aker, god of the horizon. Kuk darkness. Throat, new moon, Thoth: god of magic, scribes;}

Anat Queen of Heaven

Hathor - wooden image at the Met

Hathor and Bes only Egyptian gods depicted with full face, frontal view

Naked Archaeologist - Philistines, Samson and Delilah

Hathor suckling

Hathor shows Ra her genitals. Ra becomes angry when he is insulted by the baboon god Babi, and lies down on his back. This implies that the creator sun god was sinking back into the inert state that would mean the end of the world. Hathor, Lady of the Southern Sycamore, visits her father and shows him her genitals. He immediately laughs, gets up, and goes back to administering justice. Hathor has aroused the sun god and driven away his evil mood. (138)

Breakthrough 2020-3-17. Proto-Sinaitic alphabet A represents Hathor Aleph Bet (House). She is the lady of the house. Next gimmel and Dag represent Dagon, the L-shaped, god with a fish tail. Pisces to Aquarius?

Tannin evil sea monster of chaos

female genital clevage - water - blood, life water - headwaters meet join HA - twisted weave - like horizon, braided low-land river meets black earth KhEM of the fertile delta. HEADWATERS MEET BRAID TOGETHER THE BLACK EARTH

aleph male fertility, man exhibiting giant erection aleph, and ox that pulls the plough AMR murmur
Wavy lines either M or N. If M we have mother M-TH.t. If Wavy lines are N, it is N-TH-Ta. TaNith or Neith. AA = great. Windpipe, nfr.t is perfect. Last word is AL = god. Angle symbols may be P. U-shaped tether is TH or tu. PTw = heavens. Also M can be of. Tether TH.T Thoth? R = light, sun. AA = great. Petunia Ptw=heavens n=of IA=YAH=god

Ask Aladdin about Egyptian gods
Neith is paired with Ptah-Nun. The angle foot - P, tether TH could be PTH, PtaH. Neith
Orkney islands circles viking
A aleph, the ox. Strength and virility, the father. Antecedent, plow before plant. Leads the plough. Ox is sacrificial animal, reminds us of the sacrifices of those who went before. Uranos, god of heavens. Divine paths. Ox castrated, light, leader, elevated.
AMON - A flame. M bonfire warm immolation. O glow, light, flame in zero gravity. n ignite, nothing, incinerate, element, one, none. A aquatic. M mer, sea. O water drop. n current of stream.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sais,_Egypt Saw, Sais, Atlantis, Osiris burial place

Strongs 1984 HALAL - to shine
Strongs 1986 HALAM - hammer, smite
Strongs - Hillel - He has praised
HL - god of tabernacles, tents Hebrew Olam OHol

2017 Interpretation of Wadi El Hol #2 by celeste. horner@gmail.com

un-annotated inscription
tether glyph = T, Hieroglyphics. Could be sides of nu vase. part of noose = ou, w. spiral is w, oo. like tether, noose, keeps things with, one = w. w = and, Arabic, Hebrew? noose o loop s=e wrap around, helix.
If angel figure is goddess Tanit symbol, then message may start out as MWT = mother? nefert = perfect. aa = great. If M is n ^^^^^ water hieroglyph, then message may start with Netr = god. Mother TR = terre, earth. AA = great. windpipe = nefer = Perfect. PTH - Ptah, TP = head. PT = HEAVEN AL = GOD. 𓇵
MTT= mother; R=reina=queen, head, rosh, rab.t. AA=great; nfr.t = windpipe=nefer=perfect; PT= heaven. AL=God.
Collision of cultures produces double entendre. Water is Nu in Egyptian, mem in Semitic Hebrew.
Pit foot pitth heaven theos Ponnim
TANIT: NEITH TA HEAD (t=female). TANIT = Land (Ta) of Neith / Nit. ^^^^^ = N. U = TH/T. Land Beneath? UnderWorld? Ra = Door / head. 2020-1-11
Tanit also known as Face (Pene) of God. Baal + Neith = Beneath, gods of Death and the Underworld. Phoenician Astarte = Asha = woman. Tarte = Tartarus, the Underworld?

DIVINE MOTHER COW/TAUR (TR) TERRE EARTH Cat Cow Mother of Ra Mother of Light. Eyge of Horus, Head TP Face of Heavens, Face of God. m preposition
Tanith, Goddess of Heaven
Muth to die, Hebrew. Mother, Moot, Muth, MWT, mouth. Goddess of Love and Birth and Death intertwined. MA'AT justice. Mathematics. AMOR MURDER MARRIAGE ROMANCE MARRY MR MRS MRY MR = Egypt. SUMER. MARGIN EMERGE.

Egypt headwaters vulva stream and black lands. Water and earth.
Tanit Stele, Louvre
Unicode Hieroglyphs HTML codes

Sinai 345


SINAI 346: The sphinx of Serabit El Khadim

Proposed translation of SINAI 346 2020-4: Mother Goddess, Lady, Head of Heaven

Interesting symmetries: balances two symbols for fish, eye, tau, and bet. The letter bet, when refected forms rosh, the head. Together, these form Rabi, lord. The Rosh letter may also be an Omega Ω symbol, which symbolises Hathor, and perhaps the womb. ()X may be mouth crossing, which would be a kiss. The mouth and lamed may represent intercourse, related to Hathor, and the concubines or courtesans of the temple of the goddess of love.

insert Bible stories of Dagon and the stolen Arc of the Covenant, and Balaam and the attempt to curse Israel with seduction. Naked Archaeologist - Balaam and talking donkey episode.

Lamed is Phoenician P. Heaven Pt and Mountain tp are reflections. Continued from top surface. God of water, or God (AL) of (n) Heaven (aL). God of water and Balat. Dagon and Hathor / Balat. Also goddess of Byblos = Astarte, Asherah, Aphrodite, Hera?


Philistine God Dagon


This specimen was the first Proto-Sinaitic inscription to begin to be deciphered. [] Gardiner ( ) recognized the phrase: "l balat, to the lady." This is the root of the interpretation: "Death to the Lady."

The progress made here is to recognize the symmetry of the message on the shoulders of the sphinx. The mouth on the right shoulder, balances the divided sacrifice blood oath symbol on the left. The lamed leadership scepter, shepherd's crook, and consonant anchoring the word, "El", meaning god appears on both the right and left. The nun, meaning fish, and the Digg, meaning fish also balance each other.

The merman god Dagon is indicated by the side-by-side lines showing the upper part of his body is a humanoid god, and the lower part is a fish. The L shows the shape of his body, and the water indicates his watery domain in the Abzu.

The head of the sphinx may represent the transcendent god Anu. The right shoulder says: Word of the god of heaven: Death to the Lady. Foul toilet water and curses be poured upon her! Thus voweth, Dagon, the god of the Sea: Love and kisses to Mother Goddess.

Curses upon Sekhmet, warrior lion-goddess who almost exterminated mankind, and love to Hathor, goddess of erotic love and childbirth?

This sphinx statue and engraving may record a bitter feud and love triangle among the gods. According to Greek mythology, Uranos, god of heaven (El AN) was the original husband of Gaia, Mother Earth. Uranos imprisoned some of his offspring in the bowels of Mother Earth. She retaliated by urging her son Cronos to castrate his father with a sickle and by taking Pontus, a god of the sea as her next husband.

Sumerian mythology - Sky god Enlil killed the goddess Tiamat. He cut her in two. The upper half became heaven, and the lower part earth. The blood of her consort was mixed with clay to make the first humans.

The prone lamed and the bottle, the domestic, maternal woman, keeper of the house. The erect lamed and the vesica pisces, the erotic female. The two faces of woman.

Dagon represented by Dj = divided side by side lines. Lamed for leader, shepherd, the fish, the L-shape, and the waves of water. Hathor or Inanna represented by omega Ω a stylized womb, the kiss -- lips X crossed. and the Dagon, Lord of the Sea.

Clever composition: balance of N serpentine nun character which means fish, as well as the dag character fish on the opposite side. Balance of lambda L characters which signify leadership of a shepherd, and El, which means god. Opposition of two beth house characters, one straddling a corner, linking the upper plane of the sphinx, with the vertical plane. There is a rotation of () which can be ayin, meaning eye, or peh mouth.

Ninhursag. Symbol is Omega. Healed Enki.

2020 update: SINAI 346: God (AL) of Heaven (AN). Man (s) God (L) Fish (Dagg) L (shape of Ea / Oannes merman body). Water (mem). Mother (MT) Goddess (L) Lady (BAL.t) of Heaven (PT).


original sphinx

Ancient Hebrew Research Center: Death to the Lady

Alternative: Could this be an expression of love? Love to the Lady MRT? MRRT?

Dagon Fish God Of Egypt

The Seven Hathors, goddesses of Fate


1 Samuel 5:4

Ashtoreth Ash woman Taur - bull THe - god. Ash - man Tor - bull eth - feminine

MNAMON: Ancient Writing Systems in the Mediterranean:
Sinai 346

Sinai 349: Queen of Heaven, Goddess Asherah

Line 1: QUEEN OF HEAVEN: Head-Rosh + Lady-ST = Queen; of-N; Heaven-An)

Line 7: GODDESS ASHERAH: El means god. The letter t is a termination which indicates female gender such as bachelor and bachelorette. El.t means God.female, thus goddess. Goddess Asherah is named: Aleph, the cow head, SH the breasts, and bow, and R the mouth.

W symbol could be ST bow, bull=A W=st ()=R ASTAR te? Baal Dagan. Consort Tanit


The Egyptian god Ptah
, spouse of Sekhmet, and father of Nefertum, who represented the sunrise.

SINAI 351: (HATHOR), LADY of the HOUSE. BIRTH (MOTHER) of KEHPRE, the rising sun, of perfect voice.

MA (lion, mother) AHAB (beloved, Hebrew) BALaT (Lady). S.T (Lady) BaST (bastion, protector) / PST (shining) N (of) MSH (birth) N (of) QP (Kheper, god of dawn) HR (face) NFR (beautiful).

MAHA (great) HABIB (beloved) AL.T (goddess)

MAHA (great) HABIB (beloved) BILAT (lady)

The symbols are like waters that float many boats of interpretation.

Metaphor for protection - a square, representing a stone, or fortified ramparts of a walled city. The archery bow, representing long-range defense, keeping danger away. Goddess Bast, the cat, who protected birth. Origin of bastion, a protective building?

Beloved Lion Goddess Sekhmet. Lady of the House, Hathor. Beloved of Ptah. Mother of the Virtuous. Protector of Birth.

Sinai 351: Left side: MA (Mother) Habib (Beloved) Al.t (Goddess) or Mai (Lion) Habib (Beloved) Blt (lady). Right: Lady (St) of the House (Pr). (A title of Hathor). Name (Shen) or SHAD breast nurse-mother of the Dawn, BIRTH (MES) OF (N) Khepri/Keb (QPr/QB). Voice (Hrw), Perfect and Virtuous (Nfr)

Hr Nefer - Face and beauty both use a mirror shaped symbol, but the beauty and perfaction has a T for perfection to a T, embedded. T is right, straight, perfect, True image. NeferTiti. Hr for face is windpipe upside down. Q Pr - copy in stone, temple image, also Khepr the appearance, dawn of the sun.

Lion goddess Sekhmet. (Hathor), Lady of the House named. Mother of Khepri

PTAH - The Dead God, Beautiful of Face. Adonis, Tammuz, and Osiris. Jesus, the Lamb that was slain.


2020 update: SINAI 357: GODDESS HATHOR, LOVER OF DAGON. Goddess Hathor (AN=heaven, AN.t=goddess. SH=Bovine horns of Hathor, and breasts ST=breast) SeSH? (scribe?, wise one. SA=wisdom, knowledge, thinking. SH=gathering up, and sharing. researcher. ) PN (face, lover? hiding place, sanctuary, vessel, compare to HR Hieroglph. Shakti of Shiva) of Dagon (half-man, half-fish, god) of Egypt (KM, Khem, the black land). Lord (L=lord, leader, shepherd, god) HABIBi (beloved, dearest, darling, cherished, heart throb) KING (melik).

HOUSE OF THE GODDESS? AN.t = Anath = Goddess. An (Sumerian) = Heaven. t = female, hieroglyph. Beth ANATH. Bible: Judges 1:33 Beth Shamash, House of the Sun.

Heaven bless this dig of the beloved king, great name of Hammurabi

Heaven - AN; God - AL; TS- insignificant, Tree seedling; Ts-seedling + SH-shad-breast = BLESS; PN - this; Dalet - Door; DQ - dig; Q - hill; D - Dagon - sacred; Q - cave; M - of; L - god, the; HABIB - beloved; MLK - king; SHM - name; AA- great; Ha - the; MRI - the beloved; RABI - Lord. The Amor Rabi, Hammurabi. Serabit El-Khadim - Heights of the Servant. Servant is another term for priest in Egyptian. HM. HM - Servant; UR - great; RABI - Lord. SAR - prince. RABI - Lord. T feminine. HAM was cursed by Noah to be the SERVANT of his brothers, shem and Japheth. Genesis 9:18-10:32; Deuteronomy 20:16-18

The L - shaped form of the message honors the L-shaped fish-man hybrid god Dagon. It has precedent as a format for signs. The vertical gives the advisory or message, and the horizontal bears the name of the undersigned sponsor.

Proto-Sinaitic may be the missing language of the Amorites, linked to the legendary giants and the king Hammurabi. Anu and Bel called me, Hammurabi, the exalted prince, the worshipper of the gods, to cause justice to prevail

Sea Peoples, Philistines, Minoans. Samson destroys temple of Dagon.

older version

In Egypt, sometime around 2000 B.C., a band of semi-illiterate, turquoise and copper miners may have reinvented the process of writing. Perhaps inspired by an educated labor leader, spiritual visionary, or social reformer, they borrowed a few glyphs from the unweildly corpus of 2000+ Egyptian hieroglyphs, and added a few more graffiti-grade stick figures depicting common objects. They used these signs to represent ideas and the sounds of words in their Semitic languages. This intuitive and efficient new technique enabled many without extensive education required for literacy in hieroglyphs to record and share their ideas.

The first alphabetic writing is called Proto-Sinaitic, is the likely source from which Hebrew, Phoenician, Greek and Latin evolved. The British archaeologist William Flinders Petrie discovered the first inscriptions in the Egyptian desert at Serabit el-Khadem in 1905. In 1995, Yale Egyptologist John Coleman Darnell and the Theban Desert Road Survey team discovered two more significant inscriptions in Wadi el-Hol.

This post proposes interpretations for the inscriptions, which have yet to be definitively deciphered. Proclamations, prayers, love letters and curses are recorded for the ages in stone.


Ancient Visual Metaphors


MRYY Egyptian - love. MR, the plough, a lusty metaphor for sexual intercourse. In the 60s parlance, " I really dig you! " The feathers represent that love makes one feel elated, as light as a feather, like flying! BLESS

TS, the tender plant seedling plus SHIN, the breasts of the nursing mother who cares for the young


Protection - PR - the walled city, fortified wall, enclosed and protected by SH -= the bow and arrow equipped sharp-shooting archers who kill enemies at a distance.

SALEM: PEACE and UNITY (Wadi El Hol Lord of Peace)
Wadi El Hol 1 is an ingenious composition exhibiting many metaphors for unity and peace
Peace forged by trading SWORDS for SCROLLs of wisdom. Effective leadership unites sword force and scroll knowledge force
Lamed - the Shepherd's crook represents the peaceful, pastoral life of the Shepherd.
Osiris was the Good Shepherd
Flat water. Still, calm the the stormy sea.
Eternity - joins past, present, and future. Erect serpent, a moment in time, slithering is flowing time
L length and leg and foot. Trail. T terrain. r rio. L plains, platter, flat, layer, laminar, flow, rolled, low, elevated. Elevated, leader, lord, angel
figure 8.
Lewd male figure with erection, and seductive cow love goddess of fertility
NATIONAL UNITY - strength, the upraised fist, the flexed bicep, and the water glyph symbolizing multitudes, many, the voice of a crowd like the roar of the ocean
UNITED EGYPT, The Two Lands.
The Nile: Upper mother waters, braided mixture with the black lands of lower Egypt. Heaven and Underworld, Life and Shadow of Death.


Strength of the multitude, team


Proto-Sinaitic Script Wikipedia.

Bast Daughter of Ra, the He-She god. Known as Bastet, Ubasti, and Pasch. Albright (1969) The Proto-Sinaitic Inscriptions and Their Decipherment. Sinai 115, Sinai 376, Sinai 349, Sinai 357, Sinai 360, Sinai 353, Sinai 361, Sinai 345, Sinai 375.
"sleeping shelters were burial cairns (bamot) {B burial, below. mt mortal, mortuary} Albright p14.

Darnell, John Coleman et al. (2005). Two Early Alphabetic Inscriptions from the Wadi el-Hol New Evidence for the Origin of the Alphabet from the Western Desert of Egypt. In Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research, volume 59. Online at www.academica.edu ANNUAL OF THE AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF ORIENTAL RESEARCHVOLUME 59

Grimmer () Althebraische Inschriften vom Sinai : Alphabet, Textliches, Sprachliches mit Folgerungen. Photographs of numerous Sinai inscriptions.

Petrie, William Flinders (1906). Researches in Sinai. Mistress of Turquoise and the Dream Cave. (accessed online via archive.org, 2-6-18)

Budge, E. A. Wallis. Legends of the Gods

Deva Priyo Gypsy Moon - No Volvere, Gypsy Kings

Cross, Frank Moore (1973). Canaanite Myth and Hebrew Epic.
El Elohe Yisrael. Ashkelon.

(Hathor Totem Pole? Nepthys, Hathor, Isi?) Senenmut Sn n MT, son of goddess MuT Amin, O. S. M. (2015, January 04). Senenmut and Hathor. Ancient History Encyclopedia. Retrieved from https://www.ancient.eu/image/3443/

Petrie, William Matthew Flinders, Sir (1906). Researches in Sinai. (Accessed online. Google scan at archive.org, 1-11-2018). pg 130.

Shepherd Kings - Sumeria

Ishtar's journey to the underworld

El. New World Encyclopedia.org. acc 2020-4-26.

Massilia-Carthago sacrifice tablets of the worship of Baal MacDonald

Is Lower Egypt Crown a Map to Baalbek Temple? 2020-4-4

Petrovich, Douglas (2016) The World's Oldest Alphabet

Perankhgroup Famous Egyptians

Jacobovici, Simcha. Delilah's People. The Naked Archaeologist. Episode 101. acc 2020-4-30.

Paul D. Leblank Sinai 346: Mother of the mountain M (em, mother), (tel, mountain)

The Sea Peoples and Their World: A Reassessment Oren, Eliezer D., ed.

Rollston, Christopher [2016] The Proto-Sinaitic Inscriptions 2.0: Canaanite Language and Canaanite Script, Not Hebrew.

Himelfarb, Elizabeth J (2000) First Alphabet Found in Egypt. Archaeology (Volume 53, No 1, January / February 2000). Online archive accessed Dec 26, 2017.

Mnamon.sns.it Proto-Sinaitic - 11th - 14th cent. B.C. Examples of writing: Serabit el-Khadim Statue (Sinai 346), Sinai 345, Sinai 357.

How the alphabet was born from hieroglyphs

Sinai inscription 351

Controversy over the theory that Hebrew was the first alphabet

God against Ptah and Hathor

Mahib means God, lion, terrible, awesome

Geb saved by lock of Ra's hair side-lock?

Hieroglyph reading exercise

Wilson-Wright Sinai 351.

Wilson-Wright, Aren MaxSinai 357: A Northwest Semitic Votive Inscriptionto Tessob. Journal of the American Oriental Society. Vol. 136, No. 2 (April–June 2016), pp. 247-263

Proto-Sinaitic Inscriptions and their Decipherment


Hathor flashes her father Ra after insult by Babi baboon, Thoth? Isis kite

Was Proto-Sinaitic the origin of the alphabet? Blog.

The Serabit El-Khadim Sphinx

How the Alphabet Was Born from Hieroglyphs - Orly Goldwasser

Ba'al God of fertility, lightning, war, sailors

Ancient America