Digital image by Celeste Claire Horner. Giza pyramids bathed in the pink sunset glow during 2022-2-2 YoSoy event organized by Matias de Stefano *

HIDDEN SYMB⨁LS IN THE ALPHABET   ::   Meta-linguistics   |   | [TABLE of CONTENTS]   |
  [ Eternity, Great, Meow ]

Words of Ancient Egyptian Origin


YRAMIDS, OBELISKS, AND TOMBS stand as mysterious monuments to ancient Egyptian civilization. Few people today know how to read the language of Egyptian hieroglyphs, but the influence of the distant past may linger in some unrecognized ways. A suprising discovery by Celeste Claire Horner (2023) indicates that there may be some words from the ancient Egyptian language, such as 𓉐 "per," Hieroglyph 01, which means house, that survive in modern western language.

Words with the root pr that share an origin in the ancient Egyptian word pr ("per"), meaning 'house' include:

  • parents (one is born into the house of parents)
  • partitition (little houses within a house)
  • parse (divide text into houses or sections)
  • apartment (a mountain-like building of collected houses)
  • perimeter (measure around a house)
  • property (house is a primary possession)
  • parallel (orientation of house walls)
  • perpendicular (orientation of house walls)
  • paragraph (house of writing)
  • parenthesis (house enclosing a thesis or idea)
  • percent (house of 100 )
  • prison (sealed house)
  • porch (hall circling outside a house)
  • pergola (garden house)
  • permanent (a house united)
  • perpetual (house of the 𓇯 pt heavens)
  • purge, pariah (thrown out of the PR 𓉐 house)
  • pyramid (triangular, mountain, or delta-shaped Δ house)
  • opera (house of song)
  • paradise (house of deities)



Ancient Egyptians imagined the sky to be the star-spangled body of the goddess Nut, arching over the land. The name of Nut, became Greek nyx, Latin nox and Noct, French nuit, German nacht, and English night.

Etymology of night. (PIE Proto-Indo-European *nekwt.)

Nut can transform into Nyx because:

Υ = u: Greek Υ υ upsilon is equates Y with u, v, and w. Hebrew vav is O, V, and W.
T = X: Semitic tav is written + or ×.
X = chi = T. Ch/T. cht = ght (night, light vs German nacht, licht)


Ancient words: DYNASTY

Pharaoh Den smiting an enemy

Den, a first dynasty Egyptian pharaoh, was the first to wear the crown of a united Upper and Lower Egypt. The root DN means lord, and relates to power and prestige in a number of languages, such as the Spanish Don or Hebrew adoni. *

Hand + water: = dominion over many (crowds like waters)? Power like water. Power like wind that ruffles water. Reed plus ka sign: A KA / I KA . Ichthyus fish. Ich leibe dich. Water-giver, Aquarius? Canals, Labyrinth, water channels, Lower Egypt, Lord of Water? SHU: Two hands plus feather represents Egyptian god Shu, who holds up the sky, divides earth and heaven, Nut and Geb. SHU MER? Sumer (Shu plus fish). Divide waters, primordial act of creation, Moses. Mercredi MarDi Shudi Jeudi. If Horus hawk = A ave bird, N water is M marine sea, name could be ADAM. 2024-2-10

Official hieroglyph transliteration guide (13th IAE Leiden)

𓂧 D D46 hand hieroglyph
𓈖 N N35 Water ripple hieroglyph

DON - Spanish lord
EDEN - E (Sumerian) house, Sumerian. DEN - Lord. House of the Lord
ODIN - Norse God, All father
DAN (Hebrew) judge
DEN - Early pharaoh of Egypt
MANDAN - MAN human. DN Lord. MAN hand, manual. DN Lord. Man of god / hand of God.
MANDÉ, sent, French?
LONDON - Lune, moon. Don, Lord.
DINERO (Spanish) - money. *

DAME - noble lady
Biblical name pictures: ADAM - first of man, dawn of man. JACOB - heel grabber, MOSES, drawn from water. IZZAH electrocuted by arc.
ADAM - a without, dame lady. Biblical Adam had no mate until Eve taken from rib in the account of Genesis. DN dawn dynamo initiator, pushing up, ne nativity birth. Dan hieroglyphs could also represent ADAMU, since waters (plural) is Mu.
DN = DM dominion, dominate, demolish. DM people, democracy. A DM Adam 1st person. (Sanskrit adiyogi, first yogi) Adam adi am, first man. (am, Egyptian, Asiatic man, em Hebrew mother) A = alpha = 1 = first. Edom House (Sumerian) of dominion. DMN damn. Demonstrate. Demon, DMN, shadow of DM and DN. EDEN House of the Lord.
Greek δυναμικος
DAN - Tribe of Israel.
DAN (Hebrew) = judge. Decider, Divider. Jesus: who made me a judge and divider over you (quoting Moses)? Hu (Divine Word) Enter heaven by Feather of Truth and Justice of Ma'at. (complementary to Ba'al. Ma'at and Ba'al.

DAN (Accadian) / DANNU (Assyrian) strong. Sayce, Archibald Henry (1875). Elementary grammar of the Assyrian language, Cambridge U Press, 2014. pg 21
See also Sumerian DINGIR, god 𒀭

more | pr page 2 | ancient origin words BR labyrinth, house of Minotaur | *2 NIMROD (Meta: from root marad, to rebel. Origin of marauder? MMMM sea. Attack, pirate. D hand. pr house at attack pirate). (Meta: pire (Fr) worst, Nimrod evil, ne merde, born xcrement, X eliminate, Xpr dung beetle transformation alchemy. Inauspicious connotations, root of tension) In his days, per Book of Jasher, all the world had one language (Ch? v46). Implies Chaldean, Accadian / Akkadian / Akhadian (Meta: Akh spirit, Di deity, god; An heaven. Sprit of the god of heaven). Nimrod founded Bablylon. Prophet Jonah, Arabic YUNAS. Comp Egyptian WNS. Like Cronos eating others. Swallowing. 2024-2-10

EDEN from an unused root, probably not a native Hebrew word. Is a proper word in Akkadian/Sumerian: E house. DN strong, hero, lord? Meta: EDEN = House of the LORD. 2024-2-10 b4 King of the Universe. See Sennacherib. -]-]t akh mesh spirit born.
Sumerian Shakespeare

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DRAFT UPDATED 2024-2-10, 2023-11-21, 2023-9-29, 2023-6-29 pyramid; 2023-3-22, 2023-3-18, 2022-8-30, rev 2022-10-8