CONTENTS     INDUS DECIPHERMENT   [x]   [H]   A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z     AI research

O is the Orb of the Sun. D is the Dawn. W is a Wave of Water, or a crown of glowing light. M is Mighty Majestic Mountains. T is a Tall Towering Tree. The following chapters will reveal how the letters of the alphabet are abstract pictures which are building blocks of the meaning. The symbolism of letters is a master key to deciphering languages around the world. In the Hebrew word, YOM, meaning day, Y is outstretched hands greeting and lifting up O, the sun, from the M, primordial mound and waters. The union and meeting of shadow and light.


Hidden Symbols in the Alphabet

The symbolism of the alphabet is a bridge of understanding between languages.

O is a sun symbol.

It shines from the conceptual heart of words like HOT, GOLD, GLOW, POWER, ORBIT, and YELLOW.

In addition to English, the O key unlocks the meaning of sun-related words in many other languages around the world:

"SOL" sun (Spanish)
"ORO" gold (Spanish)
"JOUR"day (French)
"OWR" light אור (Hebrew)
"OGGI" today (Italian)
"DONG" east (Chinese)
"ZAO" early (Chinese)
"AO"dawn (Maori)
"EOS"Goddess of dawn (Greek)
"TAIYO"太 陽 sun (Japanese)
Ohayogozaimasu (polite)"
お 早 う
Good morning! (Japanese) お は よ う ご ざ い ま す

The Sun Key

O   symbolizes the sun in many words, such as HOT, YELLOW, GOLD, GLOW, SOLAR, WORSHIP, ORBIT, and POWER. Several other letters in the alphabet can depict the sun as well. Each letter, with its numerous interpretations, is the central archetype of a constellation of meanings.

DEBUT of light on the horizon.

dreamy eye,
reflecting itself
as it sinks below
the horizon.


Rising sun
Rays of light
streaming down

HELLO SUN!     𓍶

HELLO SUN! The "O is the SUN key" reveals a hidden connection between many words of greeting around the world. Many feature the letter O, because they symbolized greeting the sun on the horizon!

  • HELLO in English,
  • HOLA in Spanish,
  • ALOHA in Hawaiian,
  • HAU ("HOW") in Lakota,
  • NI HAO in Chinese,

In these greetings, H represents the Horizon, where the sun is born new each morning. H can also stand for an infinite ladder reaching to the Heights of Heaven. H also indicates that the sun is the hub of the wheel of Heaven (and fuses H Hydrogen to generate Heat!).

BONJOUR in French, and JAMBO, which means "hello" in Swahili, both use "J," which symbolizes the journey and the emergence of the sun from "b," beneath, bottom, and below. The exclamation "OH!" and the word "HOPE" express wonder, relief, and joy at the appearance þ of the first light of O, the sun, on H, the horizon.


D is an image of the glowing DAWN sun. A DOME of light on the horizon contributes meaning to English words like DAY, PERIOD, and even DUSK and the onset of DARK. The symbolism emphasizes that an IDEA is like a DAWN of knowledge or inspiration. Similarly in Spanish, The rising sun is a key to understanding "DIA", which means "DAY". The horizon sun symbol also appears in DEBUT meaning "beginning" in French; and ANDW meaning "dawn" in Egyptian hieroglyphs.

NASA: Apollo 8. Earthrise

D is the rising sun, A is an arrow pointing up, a is the sun on the horizon, W is a crown or flower of light. The letter n is the canopy of heaven. In ancient Egypt, the sky was imagined to be the goddess Nut bending over the earth in the shape of an n. The letter n also represents "coming out" like your finger comes out of your hand, and your nails grow out from your fingers. N represents nativity, newness, nesting, and birth.

Chinese is thought to be unrelated to English, but this interpretation system can bridge the impossible communication barrier. DÀN meaning "DAWN" in Chinese, can also be interpreted this method! We can see the glowing dome 𓏏 of sun born in the canopy of the heaven, rising over the horizon.

  • D - dome 𓏏 of the rising sun.
  • A - arrow pointing above. The sun is rising.
  • a - The miniscule letter a turned on its side 𓍶, is also a rising sun.
  • W - glow of light, crown
  • n - The miniscule n is an arch which can mean dawn and renaissance or birth.

In addition to representing the sun, D also has a geometric interpretation. D is half of a circle, and hence anchors the meaning of words like DIVIDED, FOLDED, DIAMETER and half HIDDEN.


The sun is a powerful key reconciling various ways to refer to the self in languages around the world. In English, The pillar of the letter I represents the individual self. The dot above a small i represents the sun, with its reflection in water below, indicating a person's capacity for reflective thought.

In French, the personal pronoun is "Je" creates a poetic image of the dawn. The letter J shows the "re-emergence, J", of the "setting-sun-on-the-horizon, e". The French word for self gives hope. Even if we are in a dark place, we are heading for the light of dawn. In Chinese, the word for "I" is "WO". This word meta-linguistically also symbolizes the W glow, and O orb of the sun. Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs also use wo, wi, and i to refer to the self, or first person. In Spanish, a person refers to themselves as "YO." Y depicts a person reaching up to the sky. O is the sun. Meta-linguistically, we are invited to think of ourselves as suns and stars. It is said, "We are stardust," and in our dreams, which reach back towards heaven. As stars, we create a fusion of elements and give light as we also ingest our experiences and offer our own character and perspective to the world.

Symbols are a bridge of understanding between languages. Oregon coast Alsea bridge. C Horner ~2017


The following pages open the imagination to possible symbolisms of the letters of the alphabet. The strength of the case for each interpretation should be measured on how many words in various languages share the same resonance. It will be up to the reader to weigh the usefulness for their applications as they sift through the poetry and mystery. Meta-linguistics is envisioned to be an evolving field that listens and synthesizes a grand diversity of perspectives and languages. This is intended to be a conversation rather than a declaration of the Truth.

Your comments are welcome through e-mail and Twitter.

Celeste Claire Horner | e-mail |   TABLE OF CONTENTS   |   Words in Bloom   }   Trisection   |   AI research

  2022-10-5. UPDATED 2024-10-6 cch *