Awan, Arshad (2023)
Pasupathi: the Shiva of the Indus Valley? T-Magazine @
Bonta, Steven (2023)
Steven Bonta's decipherment of Indus script. Yajna Devam. video. {phonetic values computed from pattern matching. b, D dhan, tra |||}
Bonta, Steven (2024)
A Partial Decipherment of the Indus Valley Script: Proposed Phonetic and Logographic Values for Selected Indus Signs and Readings of Indus Texts (2nd Ed.).
Chandra X-ray Observatory (2024)
Aquarius (the water-bearer). {Recognized by Egyptians, Babylonians, Indians, and Chinese. Bringer of the rainy season}
Cosmic Angle (2024)
Chandra, the Moon. {108 OM Mantra names and Vedic rituals. Associated with dew, milk, fertility. IAH Egyptian moon, Hebrew manna. Antelope pulls chariot. Born from Ocean of Milk. High frequency Indus Script glyph 267 may be Vedic birth chart with 12 houses arranged like diamonds, on diagonal lines. Related to Egyptian house temple hieroglyph, rotated.}
Datta, Reema and Leza Lowitz (2005)
Sacred Sanskrit words for yoga, chant, and meditation. (Berkeley, CA: Stone Bridge Press)
Desset, Francois et al (2022)
The Decipherment of Linear Elamite Writing. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie 112, pp. 11-.
Devam, Yajna (2024)
Yajnadevam's Indus script decipherment hosted by Steve Bonta. [video]
A cryptanalytic decipherment of the Indus Script. [] {Derives poetic alphabetic translations of the text}
Ditch the Map (2017)
Manual hand-spun pottery. video {Libra, hotep, angular momentum stone, hand-turned. }
Farmer, Steve, Richard Sproat, and Michael Witzel (2004)
The collapse of the Indus-Script thesis: the myth of a literate Harappan civilization. Electronic Journal of Vedic Studies (EJVS) 11 - 2 (2004), pp. 19-57. [pdf]
Farmer, Steve, Richard Sproat, and Michael Witzel (2004)
$10,000 prize announcement in conjunction with the publication of The Collapse of the Indus-Script Thesis: The Myth of a Literate Harappan Civilization {criteria}
Frenez, Denny (2022)
There and Back Again: Deconstructing Indus-related Seals Found Beyond the Harappan World. video]
Fuls, Andreas (2023)
A Catalog of Indus Signs. (Berlin: Mathematica Epigraphica, No 4, ISBN 979-8-398-42230-6). [@]
Fuls, Andreas (2020)
International Conference on the Indus Script, Mohenjodaro (2020). @ (2024)
{Comprehensive website for information on Indus Script research}
{Indus folklore: an unknown story on some Harappan objects. Includes plate numbers for Tiger seal. Possehl review.}
Gnostic Informant (2024)
Oldest Religion of Stone Age Eurasia. [video] {ProtoIndoEuropean - Vedic connection theory}
Hindu Saga (2024)
Navagraha - Story About The Nine Planets. [video]
What Are The 16 Sanskaras in Hinduism? {Rite of passage rituals and ceremonies}. [video]
Samudra Manthan - The Grandest Event. [video]
Story of Indra and Shachi - Rulers Of The Heaven. [video] {All sacred rivers brought to Sage Dadichi before he sacrificed himself to make Indra's weapon with his backbone #236}
Hindu Saga (2022)
The Story of Maha Shivratri. [video] {Parvati, the reincarnation of Shakti, loved Shiva so much she did the most extreme penance ever performed to marry him. For a thousand years, she ate only fruits and flowers, and then for 100, she ate only fallen leaves [Bhel tree reference?], and finally she was able to live with only air}
Agastya Muni {Sage who could swallow ocean to reveal underwater demon, single-handedly restore balance of Earth when all went north to see Shiva Parvati wedding, mountains bow down, developed Tamil} [video
grass becomes warrior
Pipalada wounds Shani Dev, lord of karma, in the foot with Brahmadanda, making him slow and lame
Hindu Sage (2022)
The history and philosophies behind Shiva's damaru. [video] {Created by Brahma on request from Shiva. When first played, it created the elements. It maintains the rhythms of creation as Shiva dances.}
Pashupadastra, the deadliest weapon of Shiva. [video]
{This series was source of info that Shiva was teaching yoga to Pashupati on a desert island. When a fish was discovered eavesdropping on the conversation , it was made into a yogi and sage. Upright fish. Also see Matsya, fish avatar of Vishnu.}
Who brought Ganga on Earth and why? [video] {In order to have peace, the ashes of 60,000 dead warriors needed to be placed in the Ganges River. It was in heaven in the water pot (kamandala) of Brahma and had to be brought down. Shiva saved the world by absorbing the impact of the River's fall from heaven.}
Story of Chandra (the Moon) - the second Navagraha. {Why Mercury or Budh is neither male nor female}
History Channel (2024)
Theories and Decipherment Attempts of Indus Script | Indus Valley Civilization | Archaeology. [video]
ICIT (2024)
Interactive Corpus of Indus Text. homepage, pdf
Josh, Jagat Pati and Asko Parpola, eds (1987)
Corpus of Indus Seals. Memoirs of the Archaeological Survey of India 1986. Concordance of Indus Inscriptions
Kenoyer, Jonathan Mark (2021)
The Archaeology of Indus Urbanism: Comparing Mohenjo Daro, Harappa and Dholavira. [video]
Kenoyer, Jonathan Mark (2022)
The Role of Marine Shell in the Ornaments, Arts and Rituals of the Indus Tradition: 7000-1900 BCE. [video]
Kriya Yoga Masters (2021)
What is prasad? [video] {another poetic perspective from Sai Baba follower}
Lawler, Andrew (2022)
Have Scholars Finally Deciphered a Mysterious Ancient Script?
Linear Elamite, a writing system used in what is now Iran, may reveal the secrets of a little-known kingdom bordering Sumer. Smithsonian Magazine @
Mackay, E. J. H. (1938)
Further excavations at Mohenjo-daro. (Delhi)
Mahadevan, Iravatham, and Roja Muthiah Research Library (2021)
The Indus Script Web Application(IM77/IDF80). {Free, online database with Indus Script concordance. Can search for individual glyphs, and groups up to three.}
Mahadevan, Iravathan (1977)
The Indus Script. Text, Concordance And Tables. []
417 sign list book pdf] | Signs 330-379, including 342 jar/Shiva
Indus Script 417 sign list, pg 42 - 45
Mahadevan, Iravathan (1977)
How did the great god get a blue neck? A bilingual clue from the Indus Script. [pdf] {Detected the term "great god" and connected to Shiva, although used a different symbol combination than this study} (2024)
The Legend of Lubdhaka. {Relates several versions of the legend of the man, tiger, and tree}.
Malvia, Rajshree (2020)
The ultimate understanding of the Indus Script and reading with a detailed comparison of Sumerian.
Marshall, John Sir (1931)
Mohenjo-daro and the Indus civilization. (London, UK: Arthur Probsthain) []
2004 edition
Mishra, Praveen Kumar (2022)
Decipherment of the Indus Script. Sangam Talks [video] {Links Sumerian, Elamite, Devanagari. Presents scorpion symbol. Produces phonetic transliterations.}
Nanda, Alaka (2023)
Indus Valley Script Deciphered: Why Indus Cities Don't Have Temples. [video] {Outdoor yagnas performed along the Saraswati using temporary structures which were burned after the ceremony. Fire rituals and yoga were key spiritual practice, not built-up temples}
Nayakar (2024)
Ardhanariswar dance (male-female figure of the Hindu god Shiva with Parvati). [video]
Nish the Fish (2024)
The Tantrik Hanuman. @. {Hanuman: when I am a body, you are the lord. When I am the Self, we are one.}
What is Shiva? @ (2024)
Indus Script. {Shows an image of many glyphs on one page}
Nature India (2009)
Write signs for Indus Script?
Parpola, Asko (2023)
Signs of the Indus Script and their variants. [video]
Celeste Horner interpretation 2024-5-11: TREE GODDESS INDUS SEAL. This is a divine marriage indicated by the joined hearts, and knot-tying symbols (#228) at the top center. The queen and goddess levitates in the heart of the wish-fulfilling tree. The champion, king, and sage, is on
his knees. He possesses a decapitated demon head representing overcoming arrogance and ego. He represents wisdom and humility. Is he tied up in a knot, asking for forgiveness, reuninion? The loyal bull of his strength, his soul is behind him. The great trinity of love, wisdom, and power are meeting. Seven tree spirits represent
the great challenges that the champion has overcome to achieve union with the queen. The hieros gamos divine marriage represents the culmination and fruition of the process of raising the kundalini serpent energy to the third eye. (Shiva meets Shakti in the V shaped third eye tilaka, Egyptian uraeus, cobra of consciousness). [2] Consider also the daughter of Shiva and Parvati Shakti, a forest guardian goddess.
Parpola, Asko (1994)
Deciphering the Indus script. (New York, NY: Cambridge University Press). [amazon] [] {Definitive, illustrated work. Connects to Dravidian linguistics and mythology}
Possehl, Gregory L (2002)
The Indus civilization : a contemporary perspective. ( Walnut Creek, CA : AltaMira Press). []
Possehl, Gregory L (2008)
Indus Folklore: An Unknown Story on Some Harappan Objects. BAR International Series 1826 (2008): 140-144. []
Prabhupada, Swami (1989)
The Bhagavad-gita as it is. (Juhu, Mumbai, India: Bhaktivedanta Book Trust). {Sanskrit, transliteration, Sanskrit - English vocabulary, English translation, and commentary. Chapter 13: the body is the field, self is the knower of the field}
Project Shivoham (2024)
Shivarathri & Shiva worship in Indus Valley Civilization? [video] {This is the video that initiated this course of discovery}
Rao, Rajesh (2012)
Computing a Rosetta Stone for the Indus script. TED Talks, 2011
Robinson, Andrew (2015)
Ancient civilization: Cracking the Indus script. Nature 526, 499-501. []
Rig - History Extended (2024)
Script and Religion of Indus Valley Civilization. Rig - History Extended. video
Sadhguru (2024)
MahaShivrati livestream, March 8, 2024. Sounds of Isha. [video] {Massive gathering and spiritual observance attended by the vice-president of India, who described it as an event of sublimity, modernity, and eternity}
MahaShivrati web site {Shiva identity includes emptiness, merged identity with Mount Kailash. }
Highlights of MahaShivRatri 2023. Isha
Sadhguru (2023)
Mahashivratri 2023 With Sadhguru | Live From Isha Yoga Centre | Adiyogi. Rajshri Soul. [video {Sadhguru hosted the president of India at Isha Yoga Center. Suryakund, Chandrakund sacred pools. (Might Mohenjodaro public pool have had this sacred function?) Temples, shrines, rituals.}
Sadhguru (2020)
Scientific Reason Behind Maha Shivaratri You Should Know. [video]
Don't sleep on this night. {Importance of staying awake and erect on Shivaratri. The motive behind the tiger seal legend: stay up and pray. The solar system is working like a potter's wheel to generate this. Yogic practice for vitality.}. [video]
The Sanskrit (2021)
Birth of Sanskrit Language - Learn 3 Stories of Origin of The Sanskrit Alphabet. video {Sanskrit alphabet origin legends: 14 strokes of Shiva's damaru, Shakti Pitha shrines of Sita, and petals of chakras}
What is your Sanskrit name? video {visarga, suffixes}
Sanskrit (2024)
Puranas {Sanskrit language instruction, Vedic text, Puranas}
Sharmila, Sinha (2022)
Bael, an overlooked boon to humans since ages.
Sullivan, Bruce M. (1997)
Historical Dictionary of Hinduism. Historical dictionaries of religions, philosophies, and movements, no. 13 (Lanham, Maryland: The Scarecrow Press, Inc.)
Tanakung, Mpu (400 A.D.)
Siwaratrikalpa (Shivaratri, night of Shiva ritual). Translated by A Teeuw. [info] {Relates the legend of Lubdhaka to communicate the importance of observing Shivaratri to Hindus in Java, Indonesia. This version portrays Lubdhaka as a sinful man who was redeemed by his accidental night of devotion}
Tapasyananda, Swami. Madhava - Vidyaranya, Translated by Swami Tapasyananda (ancient tradition)
The Traditional Life of Sri Sankaracharya. {Shiva's incarnation as Sankara}
Traditional Hindu wisdom (unknown ancient date)
Shiva Puranas. Wisdom Library, 2020 {Jyotirlinga, Ketaki flower helped Brahma lie about finding the top}
Skanda Puranas. Wisdom Library. {Chapter 9: Churning of the Ocean of Milk}
Markandeya Puranas. Wisdom Library, 2020. {Wise Birds were once Brahmins who were cursed for not offering their bodies to a hungry bird.}
Markandeya Puranas. Rare Book Society of India
All 18 Puranas.
Vishnu Puranas. Attributed to Veda Vayasa. {Sanskrit with English translation}
Vishnu Puranas.
University of Chicago (2024)
Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures: West Asia and North Africa
OIP 136. Medinet Habu IX. The Eighteenth Dynasty Temple, Part I: The Inner Sanctuaries With Translations of Texts, Commentary, and Glossary. The Epigraphic Survey.
Digital Dictionaries of South Asia {Tamil, Sanskrit, and more}
Vyasa, the narrator of the Mahabharata, compiler ( *,7K B.C oral tradition?, 250 C.E. - 1000 C.E.?)
18 Maha Puranas. Text in Sanskrit, Hindi, and English. {Includes wisdom and legends such as the manifestation of Vishnu as a fish that saved Manu from the flood, and the tortoise that supported a mountain for making Amrit, the elixir of immortality in the Agni Purana, chapters 2 and 3.}
Yadav, Nisha (2010)
Statistical Analysis of the Indus Script Using n-Grams. PLOS One. [pdf]
Yadav, Nisha (2022)
Script of the Harappan civilization. IIT Gandhinagar. [video]
Yajnadevam (2023)
Indus Valley Civilization Script Deciphered by Yajnadevam. [video] {X glyph #150 - #152 traditional dice board game? Shows numerous examples of continuity between current and ancient culture.}
Yajnadevam (2023)
A cryptanalytic decipherment of the Indus Script.
Yajnadevam (2023)
Deciphering the Indus Script as a Cryptogram. Sangam Talks. video {Rigorous regular expression techniques. Earliest Indus scription on pot sherd- 3500 B.C. ((Shiva symbol V per C Horner 2024))}
Wells, Dr. Bryan Kenneth and Dr. Andreas Fuls (2006 - 2024)
Interactive Corpus of Indus Text
Wikipedia (2024)
Pashupati Seal. {Images of 3 versions o the seal and interpretation theories}
Pashu, noose, lasso {Pasha is an attribute of Ganesha (son of Shiva); Yama, god of death uses it to extract souls at death; and Varuna, god of Oceans, whose mount is an elephant nosed Makara.}
Kautuka ritual thread
dancing girl sculpture {wear bangles on arms, shows fashion worn on seals, possible Apsara}
Patala {Underworld mapped onto the legs of Vishnu}
Wisdom library (2024)
Danda. {Sanskrit and English terminology. A danda is a rod that can be a weapon, a churning stick, a measuring device, or form of punctuation.}
World Hindu Festival (2024)
Maha Shivraatri. @
Riley, Lucinda
Pleiades myths and legends. @
Avia (2022)
Antelope Symbolism and Antelope Spirit Animal Meaning. Antelope spiritual symbolism. What's your {Antelopes can eat poisonous plants without getting sick, like Shiva in Ocean of Milk legend, freedom, grace, swiftness}