Glorious thunder-bird shaped sunset over Yaquina lighthouse, Oregon coast, near winter solstice, 2021. Celeste Horner.
Sunset over Yaquina lighthouse, Oregon coast, near winter solstice. Celeste Claire Horner, 2021



Master Keys to Shared Meaning in World Languages

0 Home   *   I Discoveries   *   II Mysteries   *   III Ancient Writings   *   IV Inventions   *   V Translations *   VI References



Discover the lost meaning of the alphabet
Reinvent the dictionary
  • Employ comparative language context and insights
  • Resolve arbitrary etymology roots to elemental meaning
  • Connect meaning to symbols
  • Derive definitions from pictograms
  • Formulate computable definitions
  • Specify transparent reasoning and inference pathways
Decipher and appreciate pictographic literature
Revive of expression with pictographic writing
Create pictographic poetry
Build bridges of understanding between languages and cultures

CCH 2024-2

NEW: 2024-5: Ancient Indus Script deciphered with icons of Hindu mythology:
Lubdhaka and the tiger; Churning of the Ocean of Milk

Indus Script Decipherment: Legend of the Churning of the Oceans of Milk




Paleo Hebrew alphabet | Father's Alphabet | Aramaic
| The alphabet explained: the origin of every letter. Rob Words (video)

Ancient Writing Systems

Chinese   |   Pictographic Paleo Hebrew   |   Phoenician   |   Luwian   |   Linear B   |   Meta-linguistics   |   Sumerian, Cuneiform   |   Proto-Sinaitic   |   Indus Script   |  

Egyptian Hieroglyphs   |   Coptic   |   Resources


Phoenician unicode Phoenician unicode Phoenician unicode proposal

Etruscan alphabet

Emerald tablet replica.
Line 2 interpretation, HERMES (THOTH) TRISMEGISTOS
Line 1: ABRAHAM? HEAD, ABRM RS | BAR RESH, In the beginning?
right to left, First character R? could be aleph missing top horn, (Paleo Hebrew & Etruscan letter reference).
Hermes Trismegistos: Hermosis (X=ks|chi|T|TH|Z|SH X-X TT=Thoth? ZS=Zeus? TNT) 3+ Magist,
HRM SIS, γ+ MHJST. Gamma / Gimmel used as number 3. HR MSS 3X MAJST. 2024-8-12 11:22 CCH

Carian alphabet [] | Omniglot: Carian

Egyptian origins of ancient words

Sumerian ^

eHammurabi Old Babylonian cuneiform and translation of the Code of Hammurabi
Sumerian syllabic glyphs table
AnKi, heaven and earth
Sumerian, Akkadian, Babylonian dictionary (U Pennsylvania)
[Sumerian literature], Cuneiform evolution signs, ox * evolution from archaic script vertical wiki |
Akkadian, Aramaic * * | Assyrian []

Indus Script Decipherment

Mahadevan, I (1977). Excerpt from list of 417 Indus Script glyphs


NEW: 2024-5: Ancient Indus Script Decoded: Legend of Lubdaka, the man, the tree, and the tiger

Indus Script deciphered with Hindu mythology - Ocean of Milk
(black background story page)

Indus Script glyph #16 deciphered by Celeste Horner 2024 as Samudra Manthan, the legend of the Churning of the Ocean of Milk.

Indus Script glyph #16. Cursed by a powerful sage, The Devas, the gods, lost their powers, immortality, and wealth. Their only choice was to cooperate with their arch-rivals, the demon Asuras. Together, they turned a mountain back and forth like a butter churn in the magical Ocean of Milk. Treasures, a world-threatening poison, and Amrita, the elixir of immortality emerged. Indus Script glyph #16 shows gods and demons pulling on opposite sides of the mountain.

(Credits: Indus glyphs and inscripions from Mahadevan 1977. Inscription #2312. Shiva drinking poison: Hindu Heritage, Facebook. Shiva in ocean graphic by Celeste Horner with C. Horner 2025-5-14.)

SHIVA SWALLOWS POISON TO SAVE THE WORLD. Churning of the Ocean of Milk legend written in ancient Indus Script, c 2000 B.C.
SHIVA SYMBOL. Glyph #342:
SHIVA'S TRIDENT. Glyph #162: trishul
SCORPION. Glyph #53: Poison from the Ocean of Milk
CONCH #389: Shiva drinks the Ocean poison from the sea shell
CHURN. Glyph #252: Churning vessel and churning rod.
MOUTH #402: Shiva swallowing poison.

Indus Script interpretation: The god Shiva swallowed the poison which flowed from the Churning of the Ocean of Milk. It emerged when Deva gods and Asurademons did a tug-of-war to turn a mountain to generate the elixir of immortality. In order to access treasures and the Amrita elixir, a dangerous world-destroying poison had to be neutralized. Shiva is honored for being the hero that swallowed the poison, which turned his throat blue.

Shiva swallowed the flow of poison from the Churning of the Ocean of Milk.
Inscription Blk-4 A. Mahadevan 1977. Corpus of Indus Script, Pakistan

244 402 180 97 53 / 216 254
tiger mat / lingam
/ negating
scorpion poison
tug-of-war, symbolizing
Churning of the Ocean of Milk
object modifier
"of poison"
object modifier
"from the tug-of-war
(Churning of the Ocean of Milk)"

Project Shivoham: Legend of the man, the tree, and the tiger
(Breakthrough: Legend as Rosetta Stone! Story is a major clue to undeciphered Harappan glyphs)

Shiva Pashupati

(Meta: crown = bull / (Aquarian water) buffalo horns, BOW and AXE, opened shakles / manacles, release from ignorance, crucible. Threshed grain.
Shiva and Vishnu are complementary reflections: SHV = VSH. The double sparks ", duality, seed expanded, Bramha? "VF Trinity
SPLIT Paleo Hebrew letter shin |||- spine of reality, split into
FF, fractions, fates, destinies, probabilities. Osiris Djed pillar 𓊽 (Egyptian R11). DrSwŠ
Shiva is pillar which fills universe: Brahma and Vishnu competed to unsuccessfully determine the height of it.
Lord of the Two Lands, Heaven and Earth. Quantum superposition: Both right and left hands. )

𓊖 Hieroglyph O49, niwit village.

𓊕 Hieroglyph O48, enclosed mound, threshing floor.

Danda, stick punctuation of Sanskrit, dividing lines and verses Appears above, punctuation indicates this script is text.

Project Shivoham: Legend of the man, the tree, and the tiger/a>, Lubdaka |
Ritual: drop leaves of Bael / Bhel / golden apple / stone apple tree on Shiva lingam
Gilgamesh, Inanna, Ophiuchus, Epoch symbol, Equinox
Gregory Possehl

Maha Devaya: Great ⇧ Gods () () () 🎏 of Heaven (*) - CCH 202-2-29

Decipherment prize specification
Prize: Steve Farmer challenge to decipher Indus script
Farmer, Sproat, and Witzel (2006). Myth of Literate Harappan Culture
vertical fish glyph in various cultures.
Steven Bonta, YT Academia PDF
Omniglot: Brahami alphabet, Tamil, Urdu, Hindi

Mahadevaya chant with meaning and lyrics
Yogeshwaraya Mahadevaya with lyrics
Indus Script Decipherment with legends of Shiva, by Celeste Horner 2024

Indus Script interpretation: The marriage of Rama and Sita. Rama wins the hand of Sita by being the first to wield the enchanted bow of Shiva. CCH 2024-2-3

Huntington Archive of Harappan seals
Sanskrit dictionary
Origin legends of the Sanskrit language: Shiva's drum, Sita Shakti pitha shrines, chakra
Vedabase Gita
Saptarishi Sanskrit Devanagari
Bhagavad gita as it is Srimad Prabupad. (Sanskrit and English)

An (shining fish) heiroglyph, Aabtu fish acted as pilot to Ra, holy aabt fish, Budge 20
a: pot shaped crown, Budge 107 great one, chief. fish determiniative
An-t mythological fish, Budge 58
an: fish, rise, mount up, swim, shining. Budge cxx 2024-2-26
aa ur great door, Budge 107
Tiger Tree Shiva legend


Jeff A. Benner, Ancient Hebrew Research Center See table of occurence Legends of the Jews. Letters of the alphabet plead their virtues to God to begin creation
Lachich ostraca

Proto Paleo Hebrew



Meta: W = with
Arabic: w = and
Latin: amplecti = embrace
LUWIAN | * | unicode pdf Storm god

Linear B

𐚍 𐚍i ASDB D E G H

Unicode [𐘰 𐙵 𐘬] Linear A HTML code

LINEAR A | unicode pdf

LINEAR B 𐂀 𐂁 𐂄 𐂄

Egyptian Hieroglyphs

Faulkner, Raymond O. A concise dictionary of Middle Egyptian
Budge. An Egyptian hieroglyphic dictionary. v1
Budge. An Egyptian hieroglyphic dictionary. v2

International Association of Egyptologists. Official guidelines for the transcription of Egyptian hieroglyphs
Egyptian hieroglyphs: pronouns
Enigma of the Elamites AnShan Heaven Mountain = Chinese?
Story of the Shipwrecked sailor, in Egyptian hieroglyphs, English, and German []
Chinese characters surprising connection to Genesis stories
Ancient Egyptian chronology


Staff of Moses hieroglyphs translation 2024-11-26


W as a symbol of WATER

Spanish agua "agwa"; French eau "ohw; German wasser; Egyptian mw
Chinese shui "shwui";

W water, M marine water, N river Nile nahlu see Akkadian serpentine current river cry hair rain
Words for water with p are emphasizing the rain (French) pluie (plummeting, pellet-like, falling water)


META-LINGUISTICS: HIDDEN SYMB⨁LS IN THE ALPHABET by Celeste Claire Horner reveals how word meaning is seeded and blooms naturally from the pictographic symbolism of letters. Concepts take root in universally recognized objects such as the sun, a mountain, a tree, a house, or the human hand. For instance, the letter T can represent a tree. The TREE T appears in PLANT-RELATED terms such as TRUNK, ROOT, FOREST, and TIMBER. As GIANT monumenTs of NATURE, trees embody concepts such as TALL, TREMENDOUS, TITANIC, and TOWERING. The Mayan word for tree, TE; the Hebrew word for tree, ETZ; and Navajo TSIN also feature the T tree pictogram. This revolutionary pictographic technique builds bridges of understanding which reach across communication barriers and illuminates the meaning of many modern and ancient languages.*

THE POWER OF PICTOGRAMS to reconcile diverse world languages: Many words for TREE such as Hebrew ETZ, Mayan TE, and Navajo TSIN use the T pictogram (TALL, TRUNK, TIMBER, TOWERING, FOREST). French Arbre, and Spanish Arbol use the A-shaped conifer tree. More: hand and fingers metaphor for tree. (Celeste Claire Horner 2024, 2018)

  • compares the connotations of letters across a broad spectrum of languages
  • explores the multi-faceted and layered personalities of letters
  • seeks unrecognized patterns shared among modern and ancient world languages

Language Resources

* Meta-linguistics is derived from comparison and synthesis of many languages including: English (OED) | EtymOnline, French, Spanish, German, Welsh, Chinese [2], Hebrew Strong's Biblehub analysis***, Phoenician, Phoenician unicode, Phoenician.pdf, Akkadian / Babylonian Reese Waters Proto-Sinaitic | Egyptian Hieroglyphs:, Sanskrit, Greek, and Latin. The study also includes Sumerian [Sumerian literature], Akkadian, Aramaic * * | Assyrian [] | Luwian, Cypriot, Cretan hieroglyphs, Klamath / Modoc [] | Maori, Mayan, Latin, Greek, PIE Proto-Indo-European *, Arabic Quran analysis***, Spanish, Swahili, Shoshone, Zulu, Runes, Japanese, Apache, Haida Hopi, Siletz Dee-ni Athabascan, Chumash, Cherokee, Ojibwe, Ojibwe dictionary with language part analysis***Quechua, and more. Unicode | ReedD HTML

Dogon word list

Sumerian symbol wiki Anunnaki cuneiform character web searchable
𒀀 A, mu Sumerigram for water
𒉣 Nun prince, compare to nan Chinese male, man

Faulkner, Raymond O. A concise dictionary of Middle Egyptian
Budge. An Egyptian hieroglyphic dictionary. v1
Budge. An Egyptian hieroglyphic dictionary. v2
Egyptian hieroglyphs: pronouns
Enigma of the Elamites AnShan Heaven Mountain = Chinese?
Story of the Shipwrecked sailor, in Egyptian hieroglyphs, English, and German []
Chinese characters surprising connection to Genesis stories
Ancient Egyptian chronology

Ancient Hebrew Research Center. Alphabet chart. Jeff Benner
Paleo Hebrew Bible interlinear pdf Father's alphabet Paleo Hebrew videos
Luwian pictographic writing
Short lexicon in Phoenician letters
Pyramid Texts online
Story of Sinuhe in Egyptian hieroglyphs

Concise Dictionary of Akkadian Intro to Akkadian & Refs
ORACC Cuneiform tablet translations
eHammurabi Old Babylonian cuneiform and translation of the Code of Hammurabi

𒀭 Cuneiform sign list transliteration codes Sign chart
𒀭 Sumerian An sign
Sumerian Shakespeare

Plateau Peoples | Wisdom of the Elders

Dictionary of Middle Egyptian in Gardiner classification order. [*]

Mayan John Montgomery
Atlantis Manly P. Hall.
Atlantis root. ATL, TL, TALL, Atlatl, Tel (mound), atol (collapsed volcano island). ATL = haute + Elevated, giants not as the "little people I see around me today" (Emerald Tablets, Thoth). Giants, heroes, nephelim destroyed in flood. Ice Age lands submerged as sea level rose. Check archaeology India, Azores, Antarctica. Glacier lake margins, Great Basin. Salt deserts. Under Sahara. Pacific Golden Gate. Taltal = EA = god of water = Hea = Heh = Egyptian god of Eternity. Meta: A water, wave, aqua. A eye looking down on A water Genesis. A alpha, first. Away. Y = U = V = W. YW, YHWH. Hand water, Den, Dyasty, Dominion. Celeste Horner 2024-1-25

Zohar, Introduction chapter 6: The letters and the Creation
Josephus - Tigris, Euphrates, Nile, and Ganges. Two pillars of Seth

Drucker, Johanna. Inventing the alphabet. Origin stories to forensic evidence

Letterform archive

Language: a signal that transmits or evokes an idea

The Biblical account of the Tower of Babel relates that the languages of today are a shattered scramble of a lost, single global language. This project explores under-recognized connections between languages of the world and attempts to put the Human Language Puzzle back together. 𓊹 Γ L

DRAFT UPDATED 2024-8-13, 2024-1-10 , 2024-1-3, 2023-12-26, 2023-12-18 Shipwrecked sailor, 2023-12-17 , 2023-12-6, 2023-11-22


ORIGIN of this project: Lost Key Found in Water

ANCIENT WORDS FOR HOUSE are key to tracing the development of language

Deciphering PICTOGRAPHIC PROTO-SINAITIC INSCRIPTIONS, the world's oldest alphabet

Young Jesus explains the alphabet


Interpreting the Egyptian alphabet

Gardiner. Egyptian Grammar ***

Surprising links between French and Egyptian Hieroglyphics

PAGE 2 with info deleted from this short document page

Surprising links between Chinese and English

DRAFT CCH 2023-7-15, 2023-3-18 ; 2023-2-28 00:47, 2023-1-10 1700 PST

DISCOVERY: Heart of the Sphinx

AI research:
Computational linguistics. Can a machine understand language?

Meta-linguistic symbols illustrate the meaning of Greek, Latin, and ProtoIndoEuropean roots. Greek: Φ Candle flame and wick, light through glass in photo, photosynthesis, from phos, light. Phono voice, sound through mouth φ. Φ is a plant leaf in phyto. phullon, a leaf. 2023-11-5

Herodotus account of ancient Egypt
Herodotus history. Euterpe. Book 2.


like the waves of the sea
innumerable drops of rain
the expanse of stars in the night sky

𓁨 Egyptian hieroglyph C11 for one million
Hands up! More than I want to count! God Heh, infinity
𓈗 Egyptian hieroglyph N35A mw waters

M hand; ill fingers, counting; YON beyond. Elyon, Babylon, lion, lune
ON outer night, outer space, the naught vacuum
i raindrop, ll streaks of falling rain
i point of light, star in the sky
l light
On overhead, night sky canopy

World population was only a million (1 - 15 million) when agriculture developed around 10,000 B.C.

One million dollars. World ransom joke. Austin Powers movie. When one million was a lot.

Standard Etymology: French, Latin, ultimately of uncertain origin.
Meta-linguistics word-bloom: M waves of sea water. Amargo bitter. sweet water is w. Egyptian mw water. Hittite wa te a. il point-like stars illuminating. iii points, and lll streaks of raindrops. O sky overhead and encircling. n canopy of heaven. CCH 2024-2-12

𓈗 M = water concept words

M (water wave- marine- or mountain):
MW 𓈗 (Egyptian hieroglyph N35A) waters
STORM: Mountain high waves.
Shalom, peace: still place in the storm.
Money: flows like water, accumulate wealth like mountains of cash.
AMARGO (Spanish) bitter. Salty like sea-water
MOTION: Waves of the sea are always in motion
EMOTION: Like the sea, stormy or calm

New additions

Moabite Stone. Louvre museum, Paris. Paterm (2019),

  • PICTOGRAPHIC representation of language
  • analysis and synthesis of world languages
  • compares the connotations of letters across a broad spectrum of languages
  • explores the multi-faceted and layered personalities of letters
  • seeks unrecognized patterns shared among modern and ancient world languages
  • strives to develop a rational pictographic alphabet, showing connection to common objects
  • a language more universal than Esperanto, including sub-Saharan African, Asian, and Native American langages
  • studies each language individually, learning its lessons and patterns


Part II:
Mysteries of the Alphabet    

Evolution of the letter A from the head of an ox to the current form. CCH 2021-12-5

Why is A the first letter of the alphabet?     ^

Why is A the first letter of the alphabet? The order of the alphabet has been established for thousands of years. The reason for the order is an enduring mystery. * *

A humble, hard-working, plow-pulling ox may have been original inspiration for A as the first letter of the alphabet. The horns on its head became the feet of the letter A as it rotated over time. It became the Proto-Sinaitic 'Alp , the Paleo Hebrew aleph , the Phoenician Aleph 𐤀 , the Greek Alpha, and finally, the Latin letter A used in modern English.

The Aleph ox is an appropriate first symbol in the alphabet because it represents the first act of the agricultural year: breaking ground, turning the soil, and planting seeds. The hard work, dedication, strength, and fertility represented by the ox, means a strong start and a solid foundation for any endeavor.

Tomb of Sennedjem, an Egyptian craftsman. Deir el-Medina, near Thebes, c. 1200 BCE.

Met Museum

Egyptian shabti doll with adze and seed bag. This illustrates a theory of Celeste Horner that agriculture influenced the shape of the alphabet. In this channel of interpretation, A is an ox head, adze or plow. B is a seed basket. C is a sickle. D is the final product, a bread loaf.

Shabty of Amunemhat, c 1400 B.C.

Brooklyn Museum

Johann Goethe Reddit quote of C. Horner

"Farming order" agricultural interpretation of the alphabet.
C Horner 2024-1-17

RedditJohannGoethe Reddit alphanumerics

Google slide with active links


Text: AGRICULTURE is one of the hidden pictographic themes of the alphabet. The form of letter A derives from Egyptian hieroglyphs for a hoe / adze (𓌸 U6) or a rotated ox head (𓃾 F1). The first letter of the alphabet, A, represents the first act of the growing season: plowing and breaking ground. Small letter b is a seed basket or hand gesture for seed planting and sprouting. Letter Ç is crescent-curved crop cutting tool like a scythe, sickle, sabre, scimitar, or kopesh ( 𓌳 U1). Derivatives of the scythe Ç include cut, collect, cull, and agriculture. D has the shape of a loaf of bread written with the Egyptian hieroglyph (𓏏 X1). Celeste Claire Horner, 2024-1-17

Alphabets are compact sets of symbols which represent essential elements of a worldview. There is more than one way to interpret these symbols. It is interesting to notice that the first four letters of the Latin alphabet represent important aspects of the agricultural process, from breaking ground, to baking bread. The precedents for these ideas were in place during ancient Egypt.

A HOE: breaking ground with an ox, adze, or hoe

B SOW: planting seeds, mounds of garden bed б

C CARE: cultivate , (Proto-Sinaitic kap)

Ç COLLECT CROP: crescent cutting tool, sickle, scythe 𓌳

D BREAD: eat, dine, food, end-product 𓏏 (bread loaf hieroglyph T or D)

Meta-linguistic representation.

F fingers.
OO open mouth.
D bread.

A break ground. B, D furrows and mounds of garden bed. e seeds, beans. F foliage. G gather. Γ, granary, guard, gate.
A HOE. B SOW. C COLLECT. D BREAD (Egyptian hieroglyph X). e eat (Meta: mouth). G gut, digest.
D: land. e seed. f leaf.

Q clock time. Oo Hour and minute gears, cycles of relative sizes. Quick. Cooking pot. Ink well. Image magnified. Cry. Copy clone Cry. Copy clone. Col eat. Aquaduct Aquarius

Hobby catalog model

Ashmolean Museum. Photo by Heidi Kontkanen 2012
Macehead of King Scorpion of Egypt
* source -->

A is a symbol for breaking ground.
Å is a symbol of beginning.

Hieroglyph of man with hoe is from Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary - E. A Wallis Budge. God with harrow is from from Babylonian constellations starmap by solariapublications

𓁃 Hieroglyph A58

𓌸 Hieroglyph U6

The Egyptian hoe. History of Egypt.

A is a symbol for breaking ground.
Å is a symbol of beginning.

Antecedent Anterior Antique Ancestor


Source: Omniglot | Interpretation

List of Egyptian hieroglyphs
Official transliterations of the Egyptian hieroglyph "alphabet"
Paleo Hebrew

Egyptian hieroglyph prototypes of the alphabet

Wikipedia: History of the Alphabet

The origin and evolution of the alphabet from ProtoSinaitic



Noble strength.
Anglo-Saxon origin

Meta-linguistic "Word Bloom" (Language of Light)

𓏏 𓇶 𓇳
A / O / Ω D ReY Re
Egyptian hieroglyph N5

Golden rays of
sunset and sunrise

Audience with the king
Au, symbol for the element GOLD 🜚
aurum (Latin) gold.
AU = O; AUM = OM
A = Ω = O = W (vav, Hebrew).
a: sun orb on the horizon 𓍶
O is the SUN
U is UP or UNDER
A (single / non). U universal
A eye. U understanding
U book cover
U crescent moon
W is glow
D is 𓏏 DAWN, or DUSK
R is rising sun
e is sun on the horizon
Y is sky
D = Dawn sun on the horizon 𓏏
Rei = king. Regal, regulate, royal
Rey = Re (Egyptian N8) rising sun, sunshine, sun rays 𓇶
Rey = Re (Egyptian N5) sun 𓇳
Ohr (Hebrew) light.
Ray = light

February 27, 2024

DRAFT 2024-2-29 , 2024-1-12, 12-2023 * DRAFT 2023

PAGE 2, original draft continued